Chigo Gay Pri 2023: Para & Pri Ft Gui

gay pride 2019 chicago

A look back at Chigo's place the gay rights movement and tips, schl and transportatn rmatn for the cy's Pri Para.



Celebrate Chigo's betiful queer muny wh the Chigo Gay Pri Para, ftivals, LGBTQ+ parti and more. * gay pride 2019 chicago *

It all culmat at the massive Chigo Pri Para, which draws an timated one ln people to one of the untry’s olst gay neighborhoods. Our cy recently elected s first openly gay mayor and pronoun buttons are gag populary, but the 2019 Pri para is still jt as much a gatherg of people fightg for a e as is a celebratn of what's been won. This year is particularly special as marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprisg, when Stonewall Inn patrons protted New York Cy police raids and started the gay liberatn movement.

From annual LGTBQ+ Pri events like Pri Ft and Pri the Park to meet-ups at the bt Chigo gay bars and drag bnch, you'll fd plenty of avenu for honorg queer life throughout the cy, both June and throughout the rt of the year.

Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr and Queer (LGBTQ) Pri Month is currently celebrated each year the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprisg  New York Cy's Greenwich Village, which was a tippg pot for the Gay Liberatn Movement the Uned Stat. Pri Month has e to symbolize several thgs: the long history of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr digny, the eedom of all people to meangfully and proudly exprs their sexual and genr inti, and the mment of LGBTQ people to bat opprsn.


Your plete gui to Chigo's 50th annual Pri Para, PriFt, Pri the Park. Gay/LGBT Chigo entertament news and liftyle gui featurg dg and nightlife directori, lol voic, travel, bs, ee personals, vip event accs and photos * gay pride 2019 chicago *

Richard William Pfeiffer, ordator of the annual Chigo Pri Para sce 1974 and a member of Chigo's Gay and Lbian Hall of Fame, died Sunday, October 6, 2019.

"Unr Rich's year-round nsistent learship Chigo's Gay Pri Para grew om a few hundred participants and observers to thoands of marchers and over a ln viewers, reflectg the amazg growth of our muni.


twter</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M24,4.3086 C23.117,4.7006 22.168,4.9646 21.172,5.0836 C22.188,4.4746 22.969,3.5096 23.337,2.3596 C22.386,2.9246 21.332,3.3336 20.21,3.5556 C19.312,2.5976 18.032,1.9996 16.616,1.9996 C13.897,1.9996 11.692,4.2046 11.692,6.9236 C11.692,7.3096 11.736,7.6856 11.82,8.0456 C7.728,7.8406 4.099,5.8806 1.671,2.9006 C1.247,3.6286 1.004,4.4736 1.004,5.3766 C1.004,7.0846 1.873,8.5926 3.195,9.4756 C2.388,9.4486 1.628,9.2276 0.964,8.8596 L0.964,8.9206 C0.964,11.3066 2.661,13.2966 4.914,13.7486 C4.501,13.8626 4.065,13.9216 3.617,13.9216 C3.299,13.9216 2.991,13.8906 2.69,13.8336 C3.317,15.7896 5.135,17.2136 7.29,17.2536 C5.604,18.5736 3.481,19.3606 1.175,19.3606 C0.777,19.3606 0.385,19.3376 0,19.2926 C2.179,20.6886 4.767,21.5046 7.548,21.5046 C16.605,21.5046 21.557,14.0016 21.557,7.4946 C21.557,7.2816 21.552,7.0696 21.543,6.8586 C22.505,6.1636 23.34,5.2966 24,4.3086"></path></svg></span></a></li><li class="popoutAlt__SocialLksItem-sc-10p9c1t-2 kdOnUz"><a 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20.21,3.5556 C19.312,2.5976 18.032,1.9996 16.616,1.9996 C13.897,1.9996 11.692,4.2046 11.692,6.9236 C11.692,7.3096 11.736,7.6856 11.82,8.0456 C7.728,7.8406 4.099,5.8806 1.671,2.9006 C1.247,3.6286 1.004,4.4736 1.004,5.3766 C1.004,7.0846 1.873,8.5926 3.195,9.4756 C2.388,9.4486 1.628,9.2276 0.964,8.8596 L0.964,8.9206 C0.964,11.3066 2.661,13.2966 4.914,13.7486 C4.501,13.8626 4.065,13.9216 3.617,13.9216 C3.299,13.9216 2.991,13.8906 2.69,13.8336 C3.317,15.7896 5.135,17.2136 7.29,17.2536 C5.604,18.5736 3.481,19.3606 1.175,19.3606 C0.777,19.3606 0.385,19.3376 0,19.2926 C2.179,20.6886 4.767,21.5046 7.548,21.5046 C16.605,21.5046 21.557,14.0016 21.557,7.4946 C21.557,7.2816 21.552,7.0696 21.543,6.8586 C22.505,6.1636 23.34,5.2966 24,4.3086"></path></svg></span></a></li><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ email"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href="mailto:?;subject=Ultimate%20List%20Of%202022%20Pri%20Month%20Events%20In%20Chigo" rel="" target="_self"><span 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class="post-date">8:00 AM CDT on Jun 1, 2022</div> </div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-featured-image irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt" id="sgle_media"><figure class="article__FigureWrapper-sc-7s8aer-0 enkhzk irvg__post-featured-image irvg__post-featured-image--article"><span style="paddg-bottom:56.25%" class="article__ImageWrapper-sc-7s8aer-1 cLpHBB"><img alt="" height="675" loadg="lazy" src=" srcSet=" 1588w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 1080w, 70w, 564w, 615w, 111w, 247w, 494w, 987w, 600w, 1200w, 292w, 585w, 1170w, 1366w" siz="(max-width: 350px) 350px, (max-width: 1058px) 768px, (max-width: 1700px) 1080px, 2400px" width="987" class="article__ImageTag-sc-7s8aer-2 ehmVhs"/></span><div class="article__ImageMeta-sc-7s8aer-3 eBXNjs"><figptn class="article__ImageCaptn-sc-7s8aer-4 hrwttr">The 2017 Pri Para.</figptn><span class="article__ImageCred-sc-7s8aer-5 ieDIYX">Ariel Chng/DNA</span></div></figure></div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 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This clus directly terviewg sourc and rearch / analysis of primary source documents.<button class="popover__close" type="button" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-expand="false" aria-label="Close" role="button" tabx="0">×<span class="screenrearOnly">close</span></button></div><button type="button" class="popover__trigger" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-expand="false" role="button" tabx="0"><svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 18 12" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns=" class=""><g clip-path="url(#ditor-origal-reportg_svg__clip0)"><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M8.524 1.632c3.228 0 6.068 3.26 6.968 4.409-.9 1.152-3.74 4.411-6.968 4.411-3.228 0-6.07-3.26-6.97-4.41.9-1.15 3.74-4.409 6.97-4.409v-.001zm0 10.368c4.082 0 7.383-4.022 8.295-5.256a1.203 1.203 0 000-1.406C15.907 4.108 12.607.085 8.524.085 4.44.084 1.14 4.108.227 5.34a1.204 1.204 0 000 1.408C1.14 7.978 4.44 12 8.524 12zm.043-8.194c1.153 0 2.088.983 2.088 2.194 0 1.212-.935 2.194-2.088 2.194-1.152 0-2.088-.983-2.088-2.194 0-1.212.936-2.192 2.088-2.194zm0 5.944c1.971 0 3.57-1.68 3.57-3.75 0-2.071-1.599-3.75-3.57-3.75-1.972 0-3.57 1.679-3.57 3.75.002 2.07 1.6 3.748 3.57 3.75z" fill="currentColor"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="ditor-origal-reportg_svg__clip0"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h18v12H0z"></path></clipPath></fs></svg><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Origal Reportg</span></button></div></li><li class="credibily-ditors__list-em"><div class="flt__PopoverWrapper-sc-19b13eh-0 aA-dxY le-mon__popover le-mon__popover--flt"><div class="popover" aria-modal="false" aria-hidn="te" role="dialog" style="posn:fixed;visibily:hidn;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0">As a news piece, this article c verifiable, third-party sourc which have all been thoroughly fact-checked and emed credible by the Newsroom.<button class="popover__close" type="button" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-expand="false" aria-label="Close" role="button" tabx="0">×<span class="screenrearOnly">close</span></button></div><button type="button" class="popover__trigger" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-expand="false" role="button" tabx="0"><svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 13 14" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns=" class=""><path clip-le="evenodd" d="M1 12.429V2.714v9.715zM10.247 12v1H2.304s-.759-.017-1.087-.426C1.096 12.42 1 12.055 1 11.857l9.247.143zM9.818 1H1.982C1.442 1 1 1.43 1 1.957v.25c0 .526.442.957.982.957h8.265v2.979L9.818 1zm-.752 0s-1.357 1.214.637 2.286L9.066 1zm.637 5.143c1.502 0 2.72 1.279 2.72 2.857 0 1.578-1.218 2.857-2.72 2.857-1.502 0-2.72-1.279-2.72-2.857 0-1.578 1.218-2.857 2.72-2.857z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round"></path><path d="M9.16 8.802l.525.77 1.106-1.143" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round"></path></svg><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Sourc Ced</span></button></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-ntent irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt"><div><div class="articleContent__Wrapper-sc-1rqfqf-0 bDtujo le-mon__article-ntent pi-ntent le-mon__gutenberg-ntent le-mon__gutenberg-ntent--articleContent" id="pi"><p>CHICAGO — From partyg wh the pengus at the Shedd to makg bagels wh drag queens before the Pri Para, the are dozens of events to celebrate Pri Month Chigo.</p><p>Block Club round up everythg om drag bnch to storytime for kids, affirmg name-change clics and street fts.</p><p>We know this list is not exhstive. Have an event you want to add? Email <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a>.</p><p><strong>Out of the Office</strong><br/>Twentieth annual LGBTQ workg event<br/>4:30 p.m. June 1<br/>The Godey Hotel, 127 W. Huron St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Shedd Pri Night</strong><br/>A pri party wh DJs, an animal spotlight and an ocean-themed drag performance<br/>6 p.m. June 1<br/>Shedd Aquarium, 1200 S. DuSable Lake Shore Drive<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Drag Story Time</strong><br/>Story time for children wh books read by drag performers.<br/>6 p.m. June 1 at Chigo Public Library’s Wt Lawn branch, 4020 W. 63rd St.<br/>11 a.m. June 3 at the Sulzer library branch, 4455 N. Lln Ave.<br/>1 p.m. June 8 at the Bezazian library branch, 1226 W. Aslie St.<br/>10:30 a.m June 13 at the library’s Commercial Club Park, 1845 W. Rice St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Or Chadash LGBTQ+ Shabbat</strong><br/>Pri month Shabbat celebratn.<br/>7:45 p.m. June 3<br/>Temple Sholom, 3480 N. Lake Shore Drive<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Dim Sum & Drag Bnch</strong><br/>Bnch and performance om Asian drag performers<br/>11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. June 4<br/>Furama, 4936 N. Broadway<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Jerker</strong><br/>A semi-staged readg of Robert Chley’s 1986 play “Jerker” by artists Maxe Crandall and Emmett Ramstad.<br/>7 p.m. June 4<br/>Leather Archiv & Mm, 6418 N. Greenview Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pull for Pri</strong><br/>Weightliftg event to raise funds for Brave Space Alliance<br/>June 4<br/>Han Trag, 743 W. Irvg Park Road<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a><br/><strong><em>RELATED: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">At Trans- And Asian-Owned Han Trag Gym, Members Fd Inclive Space ‘Where It’s Safe To Be Your Whole, Radil Self’</a></em></strong></p><p><strong>Equaly Illois Pri Kickoff Bnch</strong><br/>Bnch to celebrate the start of Pri Month wh the LGBTQ-foced anizatn<br/>11:30 a.m. June 4<br/>Venue Wt, 221 N. Pla Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 4889w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 2025w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-534075" alt="" src=" height="683" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Provid</span><figptn>Tipsy Tea</figptn></figure><p><strong>Tipsy Tea</strong><br/>Tea time wh drag performers. Seatgs at noon and 2:30 p.m.<br/>June 4-5<sup> </sup>wh Claire Voyant<br/>June 11-12<sup> </sup>wh Angeli Grace<br/>June 18-19 wh Platum Carrgton<br/>June 25-26 wh Olaysia<br/>The Gwen Hotel, 521 N. Rh St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Lbian/Queer Women Pri Piic</strong><br/>A lakeont piic for lbian and queer women to celebrate Pri<br/>11 a.m. June 5<br/>Anrsonville<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Name Change Clic at Broadway Youth Center</strong><br/>The Transformative Jtice Law Project of Illois will provi ee legal servic to help people change their nam and update their genr markers<br/>Noon-5 p.m. June 6<br/>Broadway Youth Center, 1012 W. Irvg Park Road<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Celebrate Pri Your Pews</strong><br/>The Lighthoe Foundatn is partnerg wh 13 church as part of s Coaln of Acplic for Racial Equy for lunch and a panel discsn about upliftg LGBTQ Pri a church settg.<br/>11 a.m.-1 p.m. June 11<br/>St. Pls UCC, 2335 N. Orchard St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Bi/Pan Social</strong><br/>The Lighthoe Foundatn is hostg s send Bi/Pan social.<br/>1-3 p.m. June 11<br/>Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri Bar Crawl</strong><br/>An eight-lotn bar crawl wh an afterparty<br/>4 p.m. June 11<br/>The North End, 3733 N. Halsted St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Open And Affirmg Celebratn Piic And Networkg</strong><br/>The Uned Church of Hy Park will celebrate beg a member of the Open and Affirmg Coaln. LGBTQ people and alli are ved<br/>12 p.m. June 12<br/>Uned Church of Hy Park, 1448 E. 53rd St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Reclaim Pri prott</strong><br/>Drag March for Change and the Pri Whout Prejudice protts are mergg for this year’s Reclaim Pri prott<br/>1 p.m. June 12<br/><strong>Kick off at the Belmont CTA statn, 945 W. Belmont Ave.</strong><br/><strong><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></strong></p><p><strong>Archiv Come Alive</strong><br/>Learn more about the history of LGBTQ muneis Chigo by explorg the Chigo Public Library’s historil archiv.<br/>5-6 p.m. June 16<br/>Rogers Park Library Branch, 6907 N. Clark St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Author Readg of “Gaybash” and “Summerdale”</strong><br/>Author David Colls reads excerpts om his LGBTQ novels<br/>7 p.m. June 16<br/>Elevate Coffee, 3344 N. Halsted St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Buildg LGBTQ-Inclive Spac In Chigo<br/></strong>A virtual nversatn wh queer activists Abhijeet, Jo MaMa and Milani Varela morated by Block Club Chigo’s Jake Wtich.<br/>7 p.m. June 16<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Block Club’s YouTube channel</a><br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Fay Rnn BBQ Piic</strong><br/>Affy 95 will host an afternoon wh food, mic and live performanc to celebrate Pri and Jueenth.<br/>1-4 p.m. June 18<br/>Dan Ryan Woods, 83rd Street and Wtern Avenue<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Queer Radil Fair</strong><br/>A celebratn of fashn, self-exprsn and muny by and for queer youth, created njunctn wh the Chigo Park Disstrict’s Queerg the Parks, Chigo Freedom School, Social Works and Rebirth Garments.<br/>2-7 p.m. June 18<br/>Palmer Park Cultural Center, 201 E. 111th St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Drag Me to the Fairmont</strong><br/>Drag show wh headlg performanc by <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lady Bunny</a> and <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Miz Cracker</a><br/>7 p.m. June 18<br/>Fairmont Chigo, 200 N. Columb Drive<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Category is Prom!</strong><br/>Pri dance party wh an early 2000s prom theme.<br/>7:45 p.m.-midnight June 18<br/>Dank Hs Ballroom, 4740 N. Wtern Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Eye Eaters Society’s LGBTQ Prom</strong><br/>Eye Eaters Society is hostg a 21-and-ver event aimed at beg prom for LGBTQ people and their supporters.<br/>8 p.m.-midnight June 18<br/>DANK Hs German Amerin Cultural Center, 4740 N. Wtern Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>The Chigo Drag Show Prents: PRIDE</strong><br/>Drag show wh specialty cktails and a speakeasy feel<br/>9:30 p.m. June 18<br/>The Newport Theater, 956 W. Newport Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 2048w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 2025w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-461848" alt="" src=" height="683" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Facebook/Chigo Pri Ft</span><figptn>People dance at the 2019 Chigo Pri Ft.</figptn></figure><p><strong>Chigo Pri Ft</strong><br/>Mic, food, and arts ftival, cludg popular pet para<br/>11 a.m. June 18-19<br/>Halsted Street om Addison to Grace streets<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>TPAN closg ceremony of the <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Ri For Life Chigo</a></strong><br/>Cyclists will nverge at the beach for fundraiser and anniversary of anizatn servg dividuals livg wh and vulnerable to HIV<br/>12-5 p.m. June 19<br/>Foster Beach</p><p><strong>Trans-Affirmg Name Change Clic</strong><br/>The Transformative Jtice Law Project of Illois and Brave Space Alliance will provi ee legal servic to help people change their nam and update their genr markers<br/>Noon-5 p.m. June 21<br/>1515 E. 52nd Place, 32nd floor<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>AAC Folli</strong><br/>Drag performance benefg the Athletic Alliance of Chigo<br/>7:30 p.m. June 22<br/>The Baton Show Lounge, 4713 N. Broadway<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Adults Night Out: Pri Party!</strong><br/>After-hours party at Lln Park Zoo wh drag bgo and a live DJ<br/>6:30 p.m. June 23<br/>Lln Park Zoo, 2001 N. Clark St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri Bowl</strong><br/>Annual flag football tournament for the Natnal Gay Flag Football League<br/>June 23-25<br/>Montrose and Margate Fields along the Lakeont<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Chigo is a Drag Ft</strong><br/>Performanc om lol drag kgs, queens and queer performers.<br/>4 p.m. June 24<br/>Cheetah Gym Parkg Lot, 5248 N. Clark St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri North</strong><br/>Large neighborhood Pri ftival on the North Si<br/>June 24-26<br/>Off the Morse CTA Red Le stop, 1358 W. Morse Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Proud to Run</strong><br/>Annual 5K n, 10K n or 5K walk.<br/>8 a.m. June 25<br/>601 W. Montrose Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>’90s Pri Drag Bnch</strong><br/>’90s-themed drag bnch.<br/>10 a.m. June 25<br/>The Walnut Room, 111 N. State St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri Drag Bnch</strong><br/>Drag bnch at a Wicker Park beer bar<br/>12 p.m. June 25<br/>Fatpour Tap Works, 2005 W. Divisn St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" srcSet=" 768w, 300w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 600w" class="wp-image-426253" alt="" src=" height="512" width="768" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Ariel Chng/DNA</span></figure><p><strong>Navy Pier Pri</strong><br/>Annual ee Pri ftival at Navy Pier<br/>12 p.m. June 25<br/>Navy Pier, 600 E. Grand Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Together We Rise</strong><br/>Annual Pri ncert of the Wdy Cy Gay Chos and Wdy Cy Treble Quire<br/>2 p.m. June 25<br/>Holtschneir Performance Center, 2330 N. Halsted St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Sounds of Pri</strong><br/>A Pri party and performance by the Chigo Frge Opera<br/>6 p.m. June 25<br/>1312 N. Leavt St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Chigo Hoe Pri Party</strong><br/>A Pri celebratn benefg Chigo Hoe, a nonprof empowerg people livg wh HIV or AIDS. The event will have hors d’ovr, raffl and a live DJ.<br/>3 p.m. June 25<br/>ForeverYoung MedSpa, 7350 N. Cicero Ave., Llnwood<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Back Lot Bash</strong><br/>Womxn-foced mic ftival<br/>3 p.m. June 25-26<br/>5238 N. Clark St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Sober & Proud</strong><br/>Ascensn Alexian Brothers Hog and Health Alliance will host an event wh mic, food and performanc.<br/>3-9 p.m. June 25<br/>Bonaventure Hoe parkg lot, 825 W. Wellgton Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri the Park</strong><br/>Outdoor LGBTQ mic, performance and art ftival<br/>June 25-26<br/>Grant Park, 337 E. Randolph St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>How Much Is That Drag In The Wdow?</strong><br/>This drag bnch wh PriArts will clu raffl and a performance om baret performer Stt Gryr. Drag queen Ramona Mirage and Joan Rivers impersonator Tim Murphy will give a play-by-play of the Pri Para<br/>10 a.m. June 26<br/>PriArts Center, 4139 N. Broadway<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri Para Drag Queen Make Your Own Bagel Bnch</strong><br/>A pre-para drag show and okg class one<br/>10:30 a.m. June 26<br/>Get the Kchen!, 3617 N. Broadway<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Chigo Pri Para</strong><br/>The 51st annual Chigo Pri Para<br/>12 p.m. June 26<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Kicks off at Broadway and Montrose</a><br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>TRQPITECA Queer Pri</strong><br/>Pri ftival celebratg Chigo’s queer unrground hoe and techno mic scene<br/>3 p.m. June 26<br/>Pg Tom Memorial Park, 300 W. 19th St. near the pagoda and playgroun<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri ENERGY</strong><br/>Pri party centerg Black queer women and transgenr and genr nonnformg people.<br/>4 p.m. June 26<br/>The Promontory, 5311 S. Lake Park Ave. Wt<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 5184w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1536w, 2048w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 2025w, 600w, 1200w, 1366w" class="wp-image-430410" alt="" src=" height="683" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Jake Wtich/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn>Jae Rice, a trans-mascule DJ and munitns director for the Brave Space Alliance, leads protters durg the 2021 Drag March.</figptn></figure><p><strong>Voic for Jtice: Author H. Melt</strong><br/>Lol trans thor H. Melt will speak about their poetry llectn “There Are Trans People Here.”<br/>6-7 p.m. June 28<br/>Virtual Event, Chigo Public Library’s <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">YouTube Channel</a> and <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Facebook Page</a>.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Law at the Library: LGBTQIA+ Law Issu</strong><br/>Attorneys will give a prentatn on issu related to the LGBTQ muny, cludg legal name chang and forms of discrimatn, followed by a brief Q&A ssn. This event is prented partnership wh the Chigo Bar Associatn and the Evanston Public Library.<br/>6-7 p.m. June 28<br/>Virtual Event, registratn required for Zoom lk.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Make Masc: Inty Affirmatn Panel</strong><br/>Reprentativ om T-Mac, Brave Space Alliance and Center on Halsted will answer qutns about feelg fortable your own sk, focg on mcule inti.<br/>6-7 p.m. June 29<br/>Virtual event, registratn required for Zoom lk.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>“Human Rights: A Communy Rponsibily” panel</strong><br/>Roosevelt Universy is sponserg a Pri Month panel explorg the tersectn, importance and history of LGBTQ rights and women’s rights Ameri, followed by a Pri Month receptn.<br/>6-8 p.m. June 29<br/>Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Story Jam Celebrate Pri</strong><br/>A Queer storytellg event wh origal mic for each story.<br/>7:30 p.m. June 29<br/>Artifact Events, 4325 N. Ravenswood Ave.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Chigo Black Pri Kick-Off Party</strong><br/>9 p.m.-2 a.m. July 1-2<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Pri South Si at the Du</strong><br/>Noon-5 p.m. July 2<br/>DuSable Mm of Ain Amerin History, 740 E. 56th Pl.<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Exhale by Pri South Si</strong><br/>9 p.m.-2 a.m. July 2-3<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>Chigo Black Pri, Ubuntu the Park<br/></strong>Noon-7 p.m. July 3<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p><strong>The Chi Black Pri: Mi Ball<br/></strong>7 p.m.-midnight July 3<br/><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Lk</a></p><p class="pi__hi-for-payg"><em><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">Subscribe to Block Club Chigo</a>, an pennt, 501(c)(3), journalist-n newsroom. Every dime we make funds reportg om Chigo’s neighborhoods.</em></p><p class="pi__hi-for-payg"><em>Click <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">here</a> to support Block Club wh a <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">tax-ductible donatn.</a></em> </p><p class="pi__show-for-payg"><em>Thanks for subscribg to Block Club Chigo, an pennt, 501(c)(3), journalist-n newsroom. Every dime we make funds reportg om Chigo’s neighborhoods</em>.<em> Click <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">here</a> to support Block Club wh a <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">tax-ductible donatn.</a></em></p><p><a href="><strong>Watch our “On The Block” TV show on The U, CW26 and MeTV.</strong></a></p><p><strong>Listen to “It’s All Good: A Block Club Chigo Podst”:</strong></p><iame class="" style="width:100%" width="640px" height="377px" src=" allowfullscreen=""></iame><div style="height:1px;left:0;marg:0 to;posn:absolute;poter-events:none;right:0;top:50%;width:1px" id="wp-irvg-gtm-article-midpot"></div></div></div></div><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv article-meta article-meta--bottom irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__SocialShargWrapper-sc-1ap9xvz-0 fInWHe irvg__post-social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg--pill"><ul class="pill__SocialShargList-sc-19unuas-0 hpxHWY post-social-sharg__list"><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ redd"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href=" rel="" target="_blank"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq redd"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="><tle>Share on redd.