The issue on same-sex marriage or gay marriage has been a ntroversial topic for so many years now, wh several untri worldwi have ma legal while others still are firm on their stand to ban . Gay marriage is a unn or marriage between two people of the same sex through a civil ceremony or church. Although was not acknowledged legally for s and some even nsired a taboo, some untri have broaned their perspective and take on this ntent issue. Some of the untri that have legalized same-sex marriage are the Netherlands, Argenta, France, Spa, the Uned Kgdom, Brazil and jt years ago, the Uned Stat. Sce June 2, 2015, same-sex marriage has bee legal natnwi. The LGBT muny nsirs this a feat but for them, the battle isn't over yet. Dpe this achievement, not everybody disagre and have their views on the issue. List of Advantag of Gay Marriage 1. Legal Rights Protectn One of the most eful advantag of legalizg marriage is the protectn giv the uple when to health re, fanc and tax. Before, two people who are habatg and a homosexual relatnship livg as upl are not given the secury of protectg what both have them earned and saved together. If a partner di, the survivg lover do not have the right to the property unr the name of the ceased even if both of them have paid for the property. Wh the legalizatn of gay marriage, they are now nsired by the state they live as legally married so they now n enjoy tax breaks given to heterosexual married upl and are entled to bee heirs to their spo. This also clus signg documents together as a uple and open jot acunts and purchase properti together. 2. Lsens Stigma Legalizg gay marriage also migated the discrimatn and stigma on homosexuals bee makg the unn or marriage legal giv gay upl the affirmatn that they are accepted not only by society but also the state. For so many years, there have been stori about discrimatn of homosexuals as well as crime mted agast them. Today, no one n be ostracized and discrimated the workplace or be nied om marryg his or her partner bee of sexual orientatn. 3. Giv Right to Start a Fay There have been lbian and gay upl who want to start a fay and have their own children. Before, this was not allowed and looked at negatively by society. If ever one partner already has children, the other partner do not have the right to be an adoptive parent or if ever, they procs do not work on their favor and tak years to be pleted. Wh the legalizatn, gay upl n now adopt children jt as straight upl n. They n even have children of their own through vro fertilizatn or by gettg surrogate mothers or sperm donors. 4. Giv Equal Laws Homosexual relatnships are also the same wh heterosexual relatnships when to the mistak or ab that n happen between two people. However, unlike straight married upl who n file for adultery, divorce and fily, gay upl were not given the same purview of the law before. Wh gay marriage, married homosexuals n now file for divorce and sue their partners wh adultery or fily. Also, se of divorce, the other one n receive alimony and their children will be given child support. List of Disadvantag of Gay Marriage 1. Affects Child Development Even if gay parents are allowed to adopt or have children, havg two parents of the same sex might not be healthy or what's bt for the children volved. The kids need both a father and a mother image to have a balance and normal childhood. Genr rol n be hard to play pecially if blogil and physil aspects are the issue. If a boy grows up wh two women, wh the other one playg the role of the father or both plays the role of mothers, father image will be lackg and the uple nnot answer qutns typilly asked by boys to fathers, say, the physil chang the body. Same go for girls livg wh two-male parents. 2. Burns the Divorce System Another disadvantage of allowg gay people to marry is the fact that when thgs don't work out and they file for divorce, they will add to the number of s pendg urt and the burn put on the legal system terms of urt proceedgs for divorce, alimony and child support will be doubled while the problems would have been lsened if gay marriage were not legalized. 3. Prone to Bullyg Even if gay marriage is already legalized, not all accept and embrace this practice, particularly kids. Opponents of gay marriage claim that makg this marriage between homosexuals legal n brg problems the future pecially when children are volved. Children of homosexuals and lbians may be prone to bullyg at schools and some even end up beg physilly hurt by other kids. 4. Possibily of Tax Increase Wh the tax benefs to be given to survivg legal partners, this n be add expense for the ernment. Some people are thkg that wh the legalizatn of same-sex marriage and the crease tax benefs, the ernment will be prompted to raise tax orr to afford the add expens. 5. Affects Adoptn Procs By allowg married gay upl to legally adopt children and given that they might fd difficult and expensive to have children of their own, there will be an crease the number of child adoptn applitns. This might lead to more straight upl who are also terted to adopt not beg given prry sce they have bigger chanc to have their own children. Dpe the legalizatn of gay marriage, this topic will rema to be a ntent issue pecially that not all n accept and will accept the ia of two people wh the same genr to be married a relig ceremony.
The bate over same-sex marriage – or “gay marriage” – has been ntent natnal and state polics for nearly twenty years. After voters many stat shed to ban same-sex unns, the ti turned. In recent years, sixteen stat and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriage and another three stat have approved civil unns or domtic partnerships that clu full spoal rights for lbian, gay and bisexual upl. * gay marriage health benefits *
The bate over same-sex marriage – or “gay marriage” – has been ntent natnal and state polics for nearly twenty years. In recent years, sixteen stat and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriage and another three stat have approved civil unns or domtic partnerships that clu full spoal rights for lbian, gay and bisexual upl.
Dpe this progrs, as of the end of 2013, only 37% of Amerins live a state wh marriage equaly; and many lbian, gay, and bisexual people still do not enjoy the full rights and benefs associated wh marriage. Limg marriage to heterosexual upl ni lbian, gay, and bisexual adults accs to an important social stutn and an important sense turns them to send-class cizens.
Some gay and lbian people may fd their employers will only offer health surance verage for their partners if they get married. Here are 3 tips. * gay marriage health benefits *
Denyg legal regnn to gay partnerships also rc accs to affordable health surance. But most stat still discrimate, and several rearch studi have reported related dispari health and accs to re for lbians, gays, and bisexual people livg stat that ban same-sex marriage through nstutnal amendments. Lbian, gay, and bisexual adults livg such stat are more likely than their unterparts stat wh same-sex marriage to report symptoms of prsn, anxiety, and alhol e disorr.
Consequently, expandg and supportg marriage for same-sex upl should enable lbian, gay, and bisexual adults to live happier, healthier and longer liv. A study Massachetts followed a group of gay and bisexual men before and after the legalizatn of same-sex marriage and disvered that the men beme ls likely to need mental health or medil re viss.
Two studi found that lbian, gay, and bisexual adults who married followg the California Supreme Court lg favor of same-sex marriage reported ls psychologil distrs and were more likely to ga health surance verage. Th, children are left wh dimished protectns stat that do not allow legal marriag or adoptns for lbian and gay upl.
The study also found that dispari private surance verage dimished for children of same-sex parents livg stat wh marriage equaly or laws supportg gay and lbian All Stat Can Improve Fay ProtectnsGiven polil gridlock Congrs, stat are more likely than the feral ernment to advance protectns for members of gay, lbian, and bisexual fai. Such steps beneficial to the lbian, gay, and bisexual populatn clu anti-discrimatn laws hog and employment; rights of legal adoptn by gay and lbian upl; anti-bullyg laws to better protect gay youth om harassment; and cln of crim agast gays, lbians, and bisexual people anti-crime legislatn.
Inially, stat may adopt civil unns or prehensive domtic partnerships that clu full spoal rights and protectns for members of gay and lbian partnerships – to be followed later by full marriage equaly by legislatn or urt lgs. Certaly, the kd of love volved is will tell, but om what I know of the ever-creasg evince to date, there are many potential psychologil benefs not only to the gay married uple, but to their children, their fai of orig, and possibly even heterosexual marriage. ”In our morn sense of happs, though is not my ll to make, perhaps the term “gay” marriage is preferable over “same-sex” marriage.
May we all be as gay as possible our marriag, as well as other timate relatnships. Can Gay Coupl File Jot Tax? Do the IRS Regnize Gay Marriage?
Here are 10 reasons to support gay marriage, and for other lears and cizens to follow Obama's lead:.