Reports that the Democratic Party may add support for gay marriage to s party platform are keepg wh a signifint shift of opn on this issue among Democrats natnwi. A new report fds that support for same-sex marriage among Democrats has jumped om 50% 2008 to 65% today.
Support for gay marriage at 70% for first time. A small mory of Amerins (27%) supported legal regnn of gay and lbian marriag 1996, when Gallup first asked the qutn. Hodg cisn 2015, support for gay marriage had reached 60%.
For the First Time, a Small Majory of Republins Support Gay Marriage.
This uld suggt that support for gay marriage has reached a ceilg for this group, at least for now. Adults, who were once holdouts support for gay marriage, now e down on the same si of the issue as young adults. Reports that the Democratic Party may add support for gay marriage to s party platform are keepg wh a signifint shift of opn on this issue among Democrats natnwi.
Jt four years ago, 2008, only half (50%) of Democrats favored allowg gays and lbians to marry legally, while 42% were opposed.
Support for gay marriage among Democrats has jumped to 65% today, more than double the percentage that is opposed (29%). The latt natnal survey by the Pew Rearch Center’s Fom on Relign & Public Life and the Pew Rearch Center for the People & the Prs, nducted June 28-July 9, 2012, among 2, 973 adults, fds that the partisan divi over gay marriage ntu to win. Jt 24% of Republins now favor allowg gays and lbians to marry legally, which is only slightly higher than the percentage of Republins who supported gay marriage 2008 (19%).
Inpennt support for gay marriage has grown substantially sce 2008.