Gay Sex Ed: Toppg and Bottomg 101

what does top or bottom gay mean

Gay men across a variety of untri label themselv by their preferenc for sertive anal terurse or receptive anal terurse. A "top" is fed as someone who prefers the sertive role, a "bottom" as someone who prefers the receptive role, and "versatile" as someone who has no preferen …



It adds a whole new level to "gaydar." * what does top or bottom gay mean *

Legend would have you believe that once you’ve earned your gay rd, a Harry Potter–like ceremony occurs where, stead of the Sortg Hat, a giant magil butt plug divis all gay men to two ho: tops or is clearly not the se, pecially for those people who nsir themselv versatile (HIYA). The two subdivisns have their own l, stereotyp, and -jok, and n sometim seem as if they’re at war wh each other, rather than both workg together for mutual sexual of this n make tryg different thgs dntg, pecially if you’re a baby gay venturg to this world for the first time. ”Miller argu that gay men should exame their relatnship wh power.

But I believe that many gay men pick one si, stick to , and that some of those dividuals choose toppg—you’ll have seen their profil markg them as “masc dom tops” on the apps—bee of s ti to tradnal Miller explas, there are outsi forc that, datg back to the ancient Greeks, have prevented gay men om tly diggg to what sexual behavrs we might actually enjoy. “What I mean by that, ” he says, “is that cultural forc wh the gay muny prize toppg over bottomg. “Wh bottomg there is the perceptn that you're givg up your masculy bee receivg a penis is somethg that women do, ” Miller Chris Whe, an expert health promotn and the director and prcipal vtigator of the Safe and Supportive Schools Project at the Gay-Straight Alliance Network San Francis, tak this one step further.


Across much of the gay and bisexual male rearch on sexual posn self-label (i.e., llg onelf a top, bottom, or versatile), there exist two mon * what does top or bottom gay mean *

”To be (fucked) or not to be (fucked) shouldn’t always be the qutnAcrdg to a 2011 study by The Journal of Sexual Medice that surveyed 25, 000 gay men Ameri about their last sexual enunters, only 36 percent said they had bottomed and 34 percent said they had, realy, we’re not actually fuckg all that much. In any sexual enunter, gay, straight, or otherwise, one person typilly assum the domant role while the other tak on a submissive role the bedroom.

But while tops and bottoms are equal, their differg rol do e wh different health issu and rponsibili that every gay and bisexual man should be well rmed about, regardls of sexual posn. In terms of foc and clary, this discsn will sgularly foc on TopDefn: The sertive partner anal sex between cisgenr gay men (blogil men who intify as men), or transgenr gay men, or ontal, vagal sex wh transgenr gay men.

For a top who is HIV-posive, matag an untectable viral load through nsistent e of meditn and re is the bt method of protectg himself om transmtg the BottomDefn: The receptive partner same-sex anal sex for cisgenr gay men or transgenr gay men, or ontal, vagal sex wh transgenr gay men. Popular myth: If an HIV-posive guy is always the bottom, he will never transm the Simply put, a gay man who bottoms is more at risk for HIV. Once aga, a bottom who is HIV-posive n protect himself om transmtg by nsistently takg their HIV meditn and stayg Perfect Top-Bottom DynamicIf you are a gay man, you may have a posn preference, but chanc are you will change up every now and then.


For the study, 23 participants were shown the datg profile pics of 200 gay men, 100 tops and 100 bottoms, then asked to intify which was which.

Subscribe to Queerty for a daily dose of #entertament #gaysex #risque stori and more. It’s been known for a while that tak ls than a send for people to e their ternal “gaydar” to ci if they thk a man is homosexual or heterosexual, and such snap judgements tend to be right.

But n facial differenc be ed to distguish between different typ of gay men — specifilly, those who fe themselv as “tops” vers “bottoms”?


The participants were asked to look at 200 photographs of gay men found on an onle datg se (100 tops, 100 bottoms) and tegorize them as tops or bottoms. ”Accurate Intifitn of a Preference for Insertive Vers Receptive Interurse om Static Facial Cu of Gay Men“In terurse between men, one of the partners typilly assum the role of an sertive partner (top) while the other assum a receptive role (bottom).

Although some rearch suggts that the perceptns of potential partners’ sexual rol gay men’s relatnships n affect whether a man will adopt the role of top or bottom durg sexual terurse, remas unclear whether sexual rol uld be perceived accurately by naïve observers. Lucky for gay/bi men, there are que a number of who know exactly how that feels. It seems like every gay guy out there is a bottom, and when you thk you've met someone who's fely a He too is a bottom.

There is a qutn appropriately asked of nearly every gay or bi man I've ever met. I'm talkg about the straight uple who ask private after meetg my boyiend and me; the female acquatance who giggl while brazenly askg over cktails; a gaggle of gossipg gays who speculate behd closed doors.


Geics May Determe if Gay Men Are Tops or Bottoms .