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* hot gay bottoms *
Lucky for gay/bi men, there are que a number of who know exactly how that feels. It seems like every gay guy out there is a bottom, and when you thk you've met someone who's fely a He too is a bottom. As his name suggts, Otterj draws his greatt spiratn om the slenr, hairy, beard, and often tattooed gay male subculture known as otters -- but not exclively.
The men his photographs are unabashed exhibnists lookg for a place to f to a gay culture that has creasgly turned s back on a sexually aware world where leather and cisg are forms of liberatn. While not everyone subscrib to those labels, for many queer people, and pecially gay men, llg yourself a top, bottom, or vers n be a way to help fd potential partners and hookups.
The nonbary actor and mol posted an Instagram story back 2020 showg a "gay stg alignment chart" wh a red arrow potg towards the "top" posn and the words "this is how I was stg when I read this meme. Legend would have you believe that once you’ve earned your gay rd, a Harry Potter–like ceremony occurs where, stead of the Sortg Hat, a giant magil butt plug divis all gay men to two ho: tops or is clearly not the se, pecially for those people who nsir themselv versatile (HIYA).
The two subdivisns have their own l, stereotyp, and -jok, and n sometim seem as if they’re at war wh each other, rather than both workg together for mutual sexual of this n make tryg different thgs dntg, pecially if you’re a baby gay venturg to this world for the first time. ”Miller argu that gay men should exame their relatnship wh power.
But I believe that many gay men pick one si, stick to , and that some of those dividuals choose toppg—you’ll have seen their profil markg them as “masc dom tops” on the apps—bee of s ti to tradnal Miller explas, there are outsi forc that, datg back to the ancient Greeks, have prevented gay men om tly diggg to what sexual behavrs we might actually enjoy. “What I mean by that, ” he says, “is that cultural forc wh the gay muny prize toppg over bottomg. “Wh bottomg there is the perceptn that you're givg up your masculy bee receivg a penis is somethg that women do, ” Miller Chris Whe, an expert health promotn and the director and prcipal vtigator of the Safe and Supportive Schools Project at the Gay-Straight Alliance Network San Francis, tak this one step further.