This First Cut documentary om director Marc Plowright allows sight to the clanste gay Asian or 'Gaysian' muny the UK
(salam) There's a tv show on tonight about Gay Brish Mlims, on channel 4 8pm. Am batg whether or not to watch but should be tertg bee apparently they are neher accepted by the Mlim nor the GAY muni... * gay muslims channel 4 *
As other untri troduce legislatn banng homosexualy, Bra has seen a softeng of attus, the boardroom, classroom and now parliament. In the build-up to the first gay weddgs next weekend, Channel 4 News cid to try and look at some of the issu affectg LGBT people Bra, om those fightg to rencile their relign and sexualy, to the search for love onle and the gay asylum seekers gog to sperate lengths to try and stay Bra.
There was more tolerance to homosexuals Islamic history than there is now bee they were not st out of the folds of lbians are diverse their drs and religsy. Until mdsets change wh Mlim muni, gay Mlims will ntue to live turmoil, leadg double liv jt to please their fai. I don't really re about gays but 's when they tat our relign wh their misterpretatns that i jt thk p off!
The way they translated the Quran to su them - if i wasn't mlim i'd be thkg yea proabably is ok to be gay and mlim - 's so stupid! Z if they were, we uld rrelate that islam enurag remarkable fashn not really - really didn't do much for the end the abdallah guy (i thk was him) was on a gay para wh his boyiend Gary. Brish Mlims are more likely to feel a stronger nnectn to Bra than the populatn at large, acrdg to pollg, which also found that more than half thk that homosexualy should be illegal.
* gay muslims channel 4 *
Extensive pollg nducted by ICM suggts that most s attus held by the Brish Mlim populatn do not broadly differ om those held by the populatn at large, but there are signifint differenc when to some issu such as homosexualy and women’s Phillips, the former head of the Equaly and Human Rights Commissn, said the fdgs were “extremely worryg” as they suggted on many issu Mlims were “natn wh a natn” lled for a more “mcular approach” to rearch suggts that 86% of Brish Mlims feel a strong sense of belongg Bra, which is higher than the natnal average of 83%.
However, when asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed that homosexualy should be legal Bra, 18% said they agreed and 52% said they disagreed, pared wh 5% among the public at large who disagreed. Almost half (47%) said they did not agree that was acceptable for a gay person to bee a teacher, pared wh 14% of the general a seri of qutns on the terror threat Bra, 4% said they sympathised wh people who took part suici bombgs (1% said they pletely sympathised and 3% said they sympathised to some extent), and 4% said they sympathised wh people who mted terrorist actns as a form of polil prott a quarter (23%) supported the troductn of sharia law some areas of Bra, and 39% agreed that “wiv should always obey their hbands”, pared wh 5% of the untry as a whole. She said that although any prejudice agast gay people was unacceptable, the fact that nearly 50% of Mlims did not thk homosexualy should be illegal was a sign that attus were shiftg.
This First Cut documentary om director Marc Plowright allows unprecented sight to the clanste gay Asian or ‘Gaysian’ muny the UK which provis a haven for young men who are unable to publilly rencile their sexualy wh their cultural inty and tradns. Homosexualy is wily emed to be forbidn wh Islam and the exhibnist nature of drag remas one of the ultimate taboos for many Brish Asians – forcg the entire scene unrground. Performg as his glamouro alter ego Asifa Lahore he has tablished himself as a leadg figure wh the Gaysian muny, and as an activist for gay rights.
Narrator Sir Ian McKellen hails Asif Quaraishi and other stars of documentary on the UK’s gay Asian muny as ‘pneers’ battlg prejudice * gay muslims channel 4 *
As well as tacklg the public nflict between Islam and homosexualy, Asif ntu to try to slowly change md-sets closer to home as he reach out and v his mother to attend the Attu Magaze Pri Awards Ceremony the hope she will wns him llectg this prtig LGBT award.
A Jihad for Love: Directed by Parvez Sharma. Wh Muhs Hendricks, A.K. Hoosen, Mazen, Abllah Taïa. A documentary on gay, lbian, and transgenr Mlims across the Mlim and Wtern worlds." data-id="ma * gay muslims channel 4 *
I have read que a b about this issue and have also wrten a lot about this issue on many foms this is my gatherg of evince and personal opn om my unrstandg is no way the tth is jt a fair attempt at a sikh perspective, and have also spoken to many people who are homosexual, the sadst thg about this issue is that we n all CHOOSE to reject homosexualy, however a homosexual nnot CHOOSE to reject their sexualy therefore we n possibly nmn an nocent group of people for eterny for no reason whatsoever. The biggt feat that dogma has faced is the evolutn of society and homosexualy has fied all fahs bar sikhi as sikhi never took a posn on sexualy only s over-dulgence. There are many siari between a gurdwara and a lockeroom they both are separated by genr, the lockeroom s for mosty reasons the gurdwara ’s for allowg the sangat to foc, maybe we should now make a third divisn for homosexuals, NO!!!.
Homosexualy has existed om the begng of time anyone who says ’s a wtern thg or kaljug are bld, orthodoxy is somethg that has crept to our fah bee people choose to follow a nduct bldly whout unrstandg s msage, the people are an embarrassment, sikhi is a liberal fah, we n update our praxis as we see f, ifitn of our glor history has lead to an imbalance of thought and no spontaney when to makg polil cisns. A homosexual male n only love a women as a sister or mother figure or iend NEVER as a lover, so the fn of man and women beg the perfect fay un is flawed and as we strive for sarbat da bhalla this do not look after the welfare of homosexuals. A heterosexual person will always fd hard to digt homosexualy therefore we should let homosexuals themselv be the measure of their love and mment towards one another this is not a discsn for relign is outsi the realms of lovg god bee god lov all regardls of their sexualy god even created homosexualy, amr is viable for gays and lbians alike i wonr if a hermaphrode has ever taken amr?.