The Uned Methodist Church, wh an timated 10.4 ln members, has current polici that are strongly agast the LGBTQ muny. However, many church lears, cludg lol pastors, wele gays and lbians as church members and support their basic human rights.
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A state anizatn said the spl wh the Uned Methodist Church centers on gay marriage and the ordatn of gay pastors. * gay friendly methodist churches near me *
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However, many church lears, cludg lol pastors, wele gays and lbians as church members and support their basic human rights. The church’s 2016 Book of Disciple regniz the “sacred worth” of all persons but also stat that "the practice of homosexualy is patible wh Christian teachg" and bans fancial support of LGBTQ-based groups. At a special nference Febary 2019, nvened specifilly to addrs divisns over LGBTQ issue, legat approved the "Tradnalist Plan" which affirmed the nomatn's teachg on homosexualy.