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1.53-1.53.85-1.59 1.7-2.39 3.15-2.03l.02.01c1.66.4 2.28 1.89 1.84 3.69a5.467 5.467 0 01-2.2 3.2zM17.82 62.93l.65-1.77 8.06 2.94-.64 1.77-8.07-2.94zM23.69 59.41l-.03-.01c-2.16-1.12-3.05-3.75-1.83-6.1 1.22-2.35 3.85-3.13 6.01-2l.02.01c2.16 1.12 3.05 3.75 1.83 6.1-1.21 2.35-3.84 3.13-6 2zm3.29-6.34l-.02-.01c-1.31-.68-2.89-.29-3.59 1.07-.7 1.34-.12 2.83 1.18 3.51l.02.01c1.3.68 2.89.28 3.59-1.06.7-1.35.12-2.84-1.18-3.52zM26.41 45.75l1.05-1.39h6.63l-4.2-3.2 1.13-1.48 6.83 5.2-.98 1.28h-6.85l4.34 3.3-1.13 1.48-6.82-5.19zM36.19 34.22l1.27-1.19 8.6 3.77-1.44 1.35-1.89-.86-2.64 2.49.75 1.93-1.4 1.32-3.25-8.81zm4.91 2.32l-2.74-1.25 1.08 2.81 1.66-1.56zM43.14 28.32l1.56-1.08 3.91 5.64 3.52-2.44.97 1.41-5.07 3.52-4.89-7.05zM57.58 24.53l-.01-.03c-.91-2.26.1-4.82 2.52-5.79 1.43-.58 2.45-.54 3.57-.17l-.57 1.77c-.82-.26-1.48-.34-2.41.03-1.27.51-1.84 2.04-1.29 3.4l.01.02c.58 1.46 2.01 2.12 3.42 1.55.64-.25 1.14-.64 1.46-1.14l-.46-1.13-1.76.71-.61-1.51 3.46-1.39 1.4 3.46c-.54 1.02-1.43 2.04-2.89 2.63-2.49 1-4.9-.06-5.84-2.41zM68.3 20.46v-.03c-.51-2.38.96-4.74 3.54-5.29 2.59-.55 4.86.98 5.37 3.37l.01.03c.51 2.38-.95 4.74-3.55 5.29-2.59.55-4.86-.98-5.37-3.37zm6.99-1.49l-.01-.02c-.31-1.44-1.62-2.41-3.1-2.1-1.49.32-2.26 1.71-1.96 3.15l.01.03c.31 1.43 1.62 2.41 3.11 2.09 1.48-.31 2.26-1.71 1.95-3.15zM80.43 13.93l1.88-.1.38 6.85 4.27-.23.09 1.71-6.16.34-.46-8.57zM90.27 13.67l6.51.52-.14 1.71-4.63-.38-.15 1.83 4.08.33-.14 1.71-4.08-.33-.27 3.31-1.88-.15.7-8.55zM100.57 14.8l6.31 1.43-.37 1.63-4.48-1.01-.39 1.7 3.95.89-.37 1.64-3.95-.89-.4 1.75 4.55 1.03-.38 1.64-6.38-1.44 1.91-8.37zM110.85 17.44l3.65 1.42c1.02.4 1.69.99 2.02 1.34-.04 2.1l-.01.02c-.5 1.29-1.51 1.83-2.68 1.81l.84 3.61-2.06-.8-.72-3.22-.02-.01-1.36-.53-1 2.56-1.76-.69 3.14-7.99zm2.03 5.26c.85.33 1.52.07 1.78-.6l.01-.03c.29-.75-.08-1.34-.93-1.68l-1.75-.69-.89 2.3 1.78.7zM117.01 27.92l1.63-.61c.36.94.86 1.69 1.71 1.23.35 1.48-.09l.01-.02c.24-.42.1-.78-.96-1.8-1.28-1.24-2.01-2.2-1.17-3.69l.01-.02c.77-1.35 2.37-1.63 3.89-.76 1.09.62 1.82 1.49 2.23 2.53l-1.56.75c-.39-.83-.88-1.48-1.52-1.84-.63-.36-1.12-.26-1.33.1l-.01.02c-.28.49-.05.83 1.05 1.9 1.29 1.26 1.83 2.29 1.09 3.58l-.01.02c-.84 1.48-2.45 1.67-4.06.75a5.466 5.466 0 01-2.48-2.99zM127.16 29.19c.74.42 1.33.32 1.68-.29l-.62-.44 1.14-1.6 1.61 1.16-.97 1.34c-.94 1.31-1.98 1.37-3.18.54l.34-.71zM140.2 36.01l1.2 1.26-3.75 8.61-1.36-1.44.86-1.89-2.5-2.63-1.93.75-1.32-1.4 8.8-3.26zm-2.3 4.91l1.24-2.74-2.81 1.08 1.57 1.66zM139.69 46.55l1.73.15c-.08 1 .05 1.89.62 1.37.55l.02-.02c.39-.27.43-.65-.1-2.04-.62-1.67-.87-2.86.53-3.83l.02-.01c1.28-.89 2.84-.46 1.03 1 2.12.93 3.24l-1.72.01c0-.93-.17-1.72-.58-2.31-.42-.59-.9-.72-1.25-.48l-.02.02c-.46.32-.4.73.13 2.16.62 1.69.67 2.85-.55 3.71l-.02.01c-1.4.97-2.93.46-3.99-1.06a5.535 5.535 0 01-.96-3.78zM144.73 54.01l1.7.39c-.22.98-.21 1.88.24 1.29.74l.02-.01c.43-.22.51-.59.19-2.04-.39-1.74-.48-2.95 1.04-3.72l.02-.01c1.39-.71 2.87-.07 3.66 1.5.57 1.11.71 2.24.49 3.33l-1.71-.22c.12-.92.06-1.73-.26-2.37-.33-.65-.8-.83-1.17-.64l-.03.01c-.5.26-.5.67-.16 2.16.38 1.76.28 2.91-1.05 3.6l-.03.01c-1.51.78-2.96.06-3.8-1.59-.6-1.17-.79-2.55-.44-3.89zM151.77 61.47l.02-.01c2.32-.75 4.82.46 5.63 2.98.82 2.51-.47 4.93-2.79 5.69h-.02c-2.32.76-4.82-.45-5.64-2.97-.81-2.51.49-4.93 2.8-5.69zm2.21 6.8h.03c1.4-.46 2.23-1.86 1.76-3.3-.47-1.45-1.94-2.08-3.34-1.62l-.02.01c-1.39.46-2.23 1.86-1.76 3.31.47 1.42 1.93 2.06 3.33 1.6zM155.26 73.2l.02-.01c2.41-.35 4.66 1.17 5.04 3.78.24 1.6-.15 2.64-.81 3.54l-1.55-.99c.5-.74.76-1.46.64-2.31-.21-1.43-1.56-2.29-3.01-2.07h-.03c-1.45.22-2.52 1.41-2.3 1.51 1.32 2.08l-1.02 1.37c-1.06-.74-1.79-1.62-2.03-3.26-.37-2.48 1.29-4.62 3.73-4.99zM160.82 84.12l.05 1.88-8.57.25-.06-1.88 8.58-.25zM160.71 93.24l-.16 1.73-8.94 2.87.18-1.97 1.99-.61.33-3.61-1.84-.96.18-1.92 8.26 4.47zm-5.21 1.52l2.87-.88-2.67-1.39-.2 2.27zM157.5 102.64l.59-2.54 1.69.39-1.6 6.92-1.7-.39.59-2.55-6.67-1.54.43-1.84 6.67 1.55zM157.04 110.82l-.63 1.78-8.09-2.85.62-1.78 8.1 2.85zM151.21 114.4l.02.01c2.18 1.1 3.09 3.72 1.9 6.08s-3.81 3.17-5.99 2.07l-.02-.01c-2.18-1.1-3.09-3.72-1.9-6.09 1.2-2.36 3.82-3.16 5.99-2.06zm-3.22 6.38l.02.01c1.31.66 2.89.26 3.58-1.1s.09-2.84-1.22-3.51l-.02-.01c-1.32-.67-2.9-.26-3.58 1.1-.69 1.36-.09 2.84 1.22 3.51zM148.64 128.09l-1.04 1.4-6.63.07 4.24 3.15-1.12 1.49-6.89-5.12.96-1.29 6.86-.08-4.37-3.26 1.11-1.49 6.88 5.13z"></path></g><g><path fill="#00234B" d="M7.73 87.57c0 44.02 35.82 79.84 79.84 79.84s79.84-35.82 79.84-79.84c0-44.03-35.82-79.84-79.84-79.84-44.03 0-79.84 35.81-79.84 79.84zM87.57 8.96c43.34 0 78.61 35.26 78.61 78.61 0 43.34-35.26 78.6-78.61 78.6-43.34 0-78.6-35.26-78.6-78.6-.01-43.34 35.25-78.61 78.6-78.61z"></path><path fill="#00234B" d="M0 87.57c0 48.28 39.28 87.57 87.57 87.57 48.29 0 87.57-39.29 87.57-87.57C175.13 39.28 135.86 0 87.57 0 39.28 0 0 39.28 0 87.57zm4.62 0c0-45.73 37.21-82.94 82.94-82.94 45.74 0 82.95 37.21 82.95 82.94s-37.21 82.95-82.95 82.95c-45.72 0-82.94-37.22-82.94-82.95z"></path><path 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jss207" data-gtm-tegory="Game Changers">Game Changers</h6><h1 class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-h3 MuiTypography-gutterBottom" data-gtm-story="A Q&A wh Tadd Fujikawa: ‘Be Exactly Who You Are’" data-cy="article-headle">A Q&A wh Tadd Fujikawa: ‘Be Exactly Who You Are’</h1><div class="MuiBox-root jss208"><div class="MuiBox-root jss209" data-gtm-thor="Athlete Ally">By <!-- -->Athlete Ally</div><div class="MuiBox-root jss210">Published on <time dateTime="2020-08-01T22:46:33.399Z">Saturday, Augt 1, 2020</time></div></div></div></div><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg"><div class="jss211 jss212"><div class="MuiBox-root jss213"><figure class="jss214 jss215" style="max-width:640px"><img src="></figure></div><p class="MuiBox-root jss216"><span class="MuiBox-root jss217"></span></p></div></div><div class="MuiBox-root jss218"><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg" data-cy="article-body"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-ntaer MuiGrid-spacg-xs-6 MuiGrid-jtify-ntent-xs-center"><div class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-12 MuiGrid-grid-md-8"><div class="MuiBox-root jss219"><div class="jss220 jss221"><div class="rich-paragraph"><i>Edor's note: This story was origally published on on June 28, 2019</i></div><div class="rich-paragraph">Tadd Fujikawa is a profsnal golfer on the PGA Tour who — at the age of 15 — beme the youngt player to ever qualify for the U.S. Open, 2006. He also ma another piece of history 11 years later, when he beme the first male profsnal golfer to publicly announce that he was gay. We spoke to Tadd to learn more about his cisn and how has posively impacted his life. <br/> <br/><b>What did you love about golf when you first started playg? What was like beg the youngt player to qualify for the U.S. Open?</b></div><div class="rich-paragraph">I enjoyed the challenge of golf. Beg the youngt to qualify for the U.S. Open was a crazy experience. Havg the opportuny to pete on that big of a stage at such a young age was really special.<br/> <br/><b>How signifint was to announce yourself as gay on a day that cid wh World Suici Preventn Day?</b></div><div class="rich-paragraph">Hontly, was jt a cince that my post and World Suici Preventn Day were on the same day. But I thk was so ftg. To be able to brg awarens to mental health, as well as the LGBTQ+ muny really meant a lot to me.<br/> <br/><b>What do mean to you to be the first openly gay male profsnal golfer?</b></div><div class="rich-paragraph">I didn't e out bee I knew I'd be the first openly gay male pro golfer. But by dog so, I really hope that n open some doors for other golfers and athlet to have the urage to be who they are. I’m grateful that I n be an advote for somethg that’s so important to me.<br/> <br/><b>What msage would you like to send to LGBTQ+ golfers and fans who want to know if they n be their full selv and a part of the sport they love?</b></div><div class="rich-paragraph">You n and should be exactly who you are.<br/> <br/><b>What do “Pri” mean to you?</b></div><div class="rich-paragraph">Pri means love. Pri is the abily to be who we are and e together as a muny to love and support each other.<br/> <br/><b>What is your hope for the future of LGBTQ+ athlet golf?</b></div><div class="rich-paragraph">I jt hope that all LGBTQ+ athlet n feel like we are a part of a safe place; where we n play the sport we love; and n still be thentilly ourselv. <br/> <br/><i>You n follow Tadd Fujikawa on Twter @Tadd_Fujikawa & on Instagram @taddy808</i></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></ma><div class="MuiBox-root jss245 jss222" data-cy="footer"><div class="MuiContaer-root MuiContaer-maxWidthLg"><div class="MuiGrid-root jss244 MuiGrid-ntaer"><div class="MuiGrid-root jss223 MuiGrid-em MuiGrid-grid-xs-12 MuiGrid-grid-sm-8 MuiGrid-grid-md-4"><a href="/" class=" jss225"><img src="/imag/" alt="PGA Home Page" width="88"/> </a><h5 class="MuiTypography-root jss236 MuiTypography-h5 MuiTypography-lorPrimary">PGA of Ameri</h5><p class="MuiTypography-root jss232 MuiTypography-body1">The PGA of Ameri is one of the world's largt sports anizatns, posed of PGA Profsnals who work daily to grow tert and participatn the game of golf.</p><div class="MuiBox-root jss246"><h5 class="MuiTypography-root jss235 MuiTypography-h5">Follow Us</h5><div class="jss234"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="jss237" href="><svg class="MuiSvgIn-root jss238" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24" role="img"><path d="M5 3h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2m13 2h-2.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12 8.5V11h-2v3h2v7h3v-7h3v-3h-3V9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2V5z"></path><tle>Facebook

tadd fujikawa gay

Tadd Fujikawa, the first openly gay male pro golfer, talks about his battle wh prsn and why he hop his story will spire others.



* tadd fujikawa gay *

Tadd Fujikawa, the first openly gay male pro golfer, talks about his battle wh prsn and why he hop his story will spire others.

10 of this year, Fujikawa, 27 and livg Sea Island, Ga., announced he is gay an Instagram post, beg the first openly gay male profsnal golfer.

None of them spected I was gay. I thk a lot of people who are gay have that ltle voice the back of their head that wonrs, What if? In some ways there's still a culture of shame surroundg beg gay.


Tadd Fujikawa, who 2007 beme the send-youngt player to make the cut at a PGA Tour event, has e out as gay, and he is believed to be the first male profsnal golfer to do so. * tadd fujikawa gay *

I'M NOT SURE why we haven't had a male golfer e out as gay before me. There's no gay muny where I live.

We still feel there's somethg wrong wh beg gay. In our first story, Tadd Fujikawa opens up about his cisn to e out as the first openly gay profsnal male golfer.


Tadd Fujikawa, the first openly gay male profsnal golfer, is featured a new vio where he talks about his cisn to e out, and the aftermath of dog so. * tadd fujikawa gay *

Tadd Fujikawa, who 2007 beme the send-youngt player to make the cut at a PGA Tour event, has e out as gay, and he is believed to be the first male profsnal golfer to do so. "Acrdg to Outsports, a webse that exam the tersectn of sports and LGBTQ issu, openly gay active female pro golfers have clud Mianne Bagger, Alena Sharp and Rosie Jon. In a 2010 book (via), LPGA player Christa Kim timated that there were "no more than two dozen gay women playg the tour" at that time, out of a total of approximately 230 women.


Amerin golfer Tadd Fujikawa has announced he is gay a heartfelt Instagram post. * tadd fujikawa gay *

He’s the first, and only, openly gay golfer on the men’s profsnal circu. “I lled him and told him I was gay and right away was like this wall between jt disappeared, and was very, very ol.

The neart gay muny, he says, is a uple of hours away Savannah.

“On the PGA Tour there’s got to be at least a uple of gay guys, there’s jt no way around , ” he says, “but g out is one of those thgs everyone has to do their own time and, hontly, people don’t even have to e out. But golf’s not the easit game for a gay man. I mean, ’s not a good thg but if I got offend by every gay joke that I heard, life would not be good.


Japane-Amerin golfer Tadd Fujikawa out as gay a social media post, sayg he wants to spire people to be more lovg to one another. * tadd fujikawa gay *

It was on the social media platform where Fujikawa ma his sexualy public and beme the first openly gay male profsnal golfer. In the vio, Fujikawa says that when he publicly announced his sexualy, he had no ia that he was the first openly gay male profsnal golfer.


Tadd Fujikawa ma history 2017, when he beme the first male profsnal golfer to publicly announce that he was gay. * tadd fujikawa gay *

Amerin golfer Tadd Fujikawa has announced he is gay. The 27-year-old is believed to be the first openly gay male profsnal golfer. “So … I’m gay, ” he wrote.


The first openly gay male pro golfer talks about why he chose to e out on Instagram, how 's affected his game, and how relign me to play. * tadd fujikawa gay *

I'm gay.

"Fujikawa said that the fluence of openly gay people the public eye helped him fd personal acceptance, and he hop his announcement n do the same for others. In 2017, Tadd Fujikawa said: "I've gone through ''" and that "anxiety and prsn are too real"Japane-Amerin golfer Tadd Fujikawa has e out as gay a post on his Instagram Fujikawa, 27, ma the announcement on World Suici Preventn Day. "So, I'm gay.


Tadd Fujikawa, the 27-year-old pro golfer who qualified for the 2006 U.S. Open at age 15, me out as gay on Tuday. * tadd fujikawa gay *

He also ma another piece of history 11 years later, when he beme the first male profsnal golfer to publicly announce that he was gay. How signifint was to announce yourself as gay on a day that cid wh World Suici Preventn Day?


Golfer Tadd Fujikawa beme the first male profsnal his sport to e out as gay to help others wh his visibily. * tadd fujikawa gay *

What do mean to you to be the first openly gay male profsnal golfer? I didn't e out bee I knew I'd be the first openly gay male pro golfer. When Tadd Fujikawa me out on Instagram, he didn’t tend to be the first openly gay male profsnal golfer.

I'm gay, ” he said. While profsnal female golfers like Jane Geds and Rosie Jon have been out for s, Fujikawa beme golf’s first gay du—not the first time the five-foot-one-ch former teenage golf prodigy ma history. He spoke to GQ about gaydar, guys, and How was your day?


Tadd Fujikawa, the youngt player ever to qualify for the U.S. Open at the age of 15, is now the first profsnal male golfer to e out as gay. * tadd fujikawa gay *

It's actually an there a gay scene there? A lotta gays, 's not lackg that a part of you wish you me out sooner? There's a lot of people who’ve asked me for advice about g out and stuff, and for me, I never felt ready even as I did did you realize you were gay?

She said even when you're drivg you’re takg your time, you're no sh, your md is, you don't even really realize how much you're holdg on to somethg until you let , you ever been to a gay bar? And I like meangful n have those gay bars. So if not gay bars, how do you meet guys?

Tadd Fujikawa, who as a 16-year-old amatr ma the cut at the 2007 Sony Open Hawaii, announced on his Instagram acunt this week that he is gay. He is bel * tadd fujikawa gay *

You have to be kd of secure yourself that you thk you're the only gay male golfer playg profsnally right now? Obvly, there's gaydar, and me works perfectly fe.

Fujikawa was the youngt player U.S. Open history. Now he’s the rare male golfer to e out publicly as gay the sport of golf. * tadd fujikawa gay *

I'm always cur how gay people navigate relig spac, bee they've tradnally been not so great for the LGBTQ muny. You feel like 's never gonna get better and you have nothg to hope for, and for me beg gay was jt addg on to that.


Tadd Fujikawa announc he's gay, be first male profsnal golfer to e out .