Alexanr von Humboldt | Gay Wt

alexander von humboldt gay

Frz Rossmann, E bisher unbekannter, fschlußreicher Brief Alexanr von Humboldts an Joseph Gay-Lsac, Sudhoffs Archiv für Gchichte r Mediz und r Naturwissenschaften, Bd. 44, H. 4 (1960), pp. 321-328



100 Hero: Alexanr von Humboldt. The gay man who shaped the field of botanil geography. * alexander von humboldt gay *

There is a tenncy amongst amics to ‘pray the gay away’ by makg exc for notable figur’ same sex relatnships, and Alexanr von Humboldt is no exceptn.


Joseph-Louis Gay-Lsac, French chemist and physicist who pneered vtigatns to the behavur of gas, tablished new techniqu for analysis, and ma notable advanc applied chemistry. Gay-Lsac was the elst son of a provcial lawyer and royal official who lost his posn wh * alexander von humboldt gay *

Many of his personal ‘love’ letters have been stroyed, which is unsurprisg given the laws on homosexualy at the time.

There is no specific reference to the exact nature of the pair’s relatnship, though this trip was entirely self-fund and appears to ht at least the homosexual nature of the pair, if not toward each other. What Humboldt’s ‘morn’ inty would have been (gay, bi, ace, pan etc. StonewallGenrIntelligence Gay’s The Word.

Though he stroyed his personal papers and letters prr to his ath, his patrts acknowledged his homosexualy posthumoly. A fictnalized bt-seller of his life and his gay behavur was published as Measurg The World (2008) by Daniel Kehlmann. Certa thors attempt to bunk any notn of his homosexualy, and attribute his behavur toward men as emblematic of the Romanticists of his time.


Why is there a popular need to attribute and dismiss homosexual behavur among proment historil figur of this time as part of a Romantic leang?

As well, what is that drove many historil figur of this time to attempt to ver up their homosexualy by stroyg personal documents?

Se trata, más bien, unas notas bgráfis relativas a lo que se sospechaba, pero que da vez más una evincia: su homosexualidad y pasión por los hombr. Francis Barrs transcribe algunos agmentos la rrponncia entre José Celto Mutis y Francis José Caldas que revelan las pasn tos hombr por otros hombr y la gran dificultad vivir su homosexualidad en un ntexto más que adverso.


Y en ta Ardia, dida solo a lo gay, también hay textos terant sobre el cror Andrés Caicedo, n una lectura queer su obra y algunas notas sobre su tormentosa orientación sexual. Hay apunt muy divertidos sobre el mundo la bohemia los 70 en el artículo que retrata a los artistas la Cola la Dhonra (Gr, Díaz y Moure, entre otros), textos sobre la imagen los gays en la televisión lombiana y norteamerina, artículos sobre cror y artistas queer (Pedro Lemebel, Pierre y Gill) y muchas notas sobre el universo masculo homosexual.

En su épo, un periódi súo que quizá era homosexual al referirse a “la persona n la que duerme”.

Now he was the worker and supporter of ntemporary issu, om environmental protectn to gay rights. In the wtern world today, homosexualy is so wily accepted that there is no longer a need for such historil role mols.


Now people tend to say: oh, he was gay, was he? You explicly addrs Humboldt’s prumed homosexualy, but the only words you put to his mouth are: “I never had a wife bee I was always too by for a fay.

9 percent sure that Humboldt was gay. But what nobody knows for sure, as there is no supportg documentary evince, is whether Humboldt was a practisg homosexual.

Die Homosexualät Alexanrs wird dabei zum ersten Mal unverblümt, jedoch ei von allem Enthüllungseifer bchrieben, die sexuelle Konstutn r Brür so zent wie lehrreich n Zammenhang r jeweiligen Lebens-, Schreib- und Forschungsweise gtellt. Und dass Humboldt womöglich schwul war, ist rosa Kreisen ja schon lange mehr als e Gerücht; zumal ja ke Zufall se kann, dass stolze homosexuelle Pgue nach m Forscher benannt wurn. Wird sie r Homo-Lobby ernt n Krieg erklären?


Alexanr von Humboldt | Gay Wt .