Do gay people go to heaven? |

do u go to hell for being gay

"Beg gay" won't send you to hell. The qutn is, “Can you believe J and be homosexual at the same time?” Learn why the answer is both y and no.



Do gay people go to heaven? Do beg gay have anythg to do wh termg one’s eternal sty? * do u go to hell for being gay *

A homosexual man asked my wife, “Do you thk I’m gog to Hell?

I thk, however, the answer is easy: Y, homosexuals are gog to Hell.

The problem is that this qutn often rri wh an rrect assumptn: Homosexualy is so offensive that ’s unfivable. God don’t have special l that ern how to levy punishment on homosexuals. Even if they’ve engaged homosexual behavr, ’s still possible to be pardoned for their actns.


I'm a gay female who is havg a *really* hard time alg wh beg Christian and gay. * do u go to hell for being gay *

Even though that’s good news, believers are still berated for their moral views on homosexualy. Bis, ’s not like God is potg the fger jt at homosexuals. A churchgoer has no advantage over a homosexual.

That means a man or woman n live a life of homosexual behavr and still be cleared of their guilt. So I suggt you rephrase the qutn wh the followg: Can homosexuals go to Heaven? Tryg to share this news wh homosexuals isn’t always easy.

The qutn of whether gay people go to heaven or hell is much discsed today, and there is nfn surroundg the issue. On one si are church that teach that homosexualy is blsed by God. On the other si are church that nmn all homosexual thoughts and actns as servg of eternal judgment.


only way that ANYONE will be gog to hell is if they do not accept Christ as their Savr. No s is greater than another Gods ey, except that we ny him. That is a s that nnot be fiven. Everythg else is fiven through J Christ . Answer:Acrdg to the Bible, any s, of which a person do not repent (be sorry and turn away) and for which a person do not tst Christ as the one, who paid for our ss on the Cross, is sufficient to send a person to Hell. This clus, among other ss, fornitn (a general term, ually referrg to sex outsi of marriage), adultery (married & havg affairs wh others), homosexual acts (male wh male, female wh female), btialy, or even ltg after the oppose sex (pornography plays on this). J said, warng of the penalty of Hell: "Ye have heard that was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not m adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lt after her hath mted adultery wh her already his heart." Matthew 5:27, also see, 1 Corthians 6:9,10, the clear statement: "Know ye not that the unrighteo shall not her the kgdom of God? Be not ceived: neher fornitors, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effemate, nor abers of themselv wh mankd, Nor thiev, nor veto, nor dnkards, nor revilers, nor extortners, shall her the kgdom of God." In this verse we see the femme role and the butch role of homosexual mal ( Greek, malakos: soft, effemate homosexual, and arsenokoeis: male homosexual, sodome), as well as fornitn and adultery. All the are sful (unrighteo). So, bisexual acts, bg homosexual immoral sex wh heterosexual immoral sex, is another s for which, acrdg to the Bible, one needs to be sorrowful and turn away (repent), and to ask fivens om Christ who paid for all ss on the Cross. To repent, as Christ said, is to "go, and s no more." John the Scripture says: "For all have sned, and e short of the glory of God," we all need to repent of any ss we have mted and tst Christ, else we will spend eterny Hell, separated om God and His kgdom. But the blsg of God is ready for those who repent and ask God for fivens through Christ. "For He (God) hath ma Him (Christ) to be s for , who knew no s; that we might be ma the righteons of God Him." 2 Corthians 5:21. Nobody has to go to are too many people who regard scripture as their 'god' and ignore the teachgs of love given by Our Lord. There are too many psdo-Christians today who worship their own versn of scripture rather than a lovg God. The person askg this qutn possibly out of ncern, experience or even guilt at his/her own sexualy, serv a passnate and tthful answer, and not an answer that nmns bisexuals as 'wicked' or 'sful' and 'scripture' to back up that bigoted, judgemental and false stance. The only ma (and rather weak) reference the Old Ttament regardg homosexualy is the Levil Law, which n be ignored, as J' supreme sacrifice has now superced this law. If were not so, all Christian men would still have to be circumcised, and none of would eat only ma reference to homosexualy the New Ttament is that one of Pl's letters to the Corthians, and a small reference passg a siar ve Romans, g the same Greek words for only ma reference is when Pl wr to the Corthians to answer specific qutns for them at a specific time. Nowhere his letter do Pl even ht that his ments are meant for all time as a Christian doctre. Rather, he mak clear throughout his letter that he first wants to answer their specific pots and sendly he is more ncerned wh pagan practic wh Corth (a real n of vice and multiple gods) than any sexual practic. The 'homosexuals' he refers to are actually - homosexual pagan prostut wh whom some of the Corthian Christians were guilty of nsortg wh. To suggt that the are the 'same' as a normal homosexual or bisexual uple a lovg relatnship, is not only absurd but is a total misreprentatn of scripture by people who e their own warped versn of 'scripture' to somehow back up their own , no, bisexuals who love and tst the Lord will not enter hell, but a lot of bigoted, prejudiced and judgemental self centred, p psdo-Christians will certaly end up there, not bee of God's judgement, but bee of their own choosg. After all, how would they feel havg to spend eterny wh those whom they seem to hate? Heaven is gog to be full of surpris when we get there! you uld. The Bible says that if you are homosexual you will go to Hell, so if you are bisexual and you have sexual relatn wh man to man or women to women, you are homosexual and you will go to Hell unls you were to repent the name of the Lord J Christ. Answer:That is up to God. However, anythg that do not glorify God n be nsired s. Sexual nfn is a s even if you thk about and are aware is evil. The sort of issu will ultimately lead you to hell through hardns of heart, unbelief, and personally thk that bee God gave bisexual and gay people different chromosom than"straight" people God's plan is that. I also thk there are different typ of actg a bi or gay relatnship. I thk that we should be love wh the person, if you sleep wh everybody and make a "show" of , that go agast the sixth mandment "you shall not m adultery". God will listen, he lov and r, he will gui, help and protect you. Read 1 Peter 5:7 ('s my nfirmatn verse: "Cast all your anxiety on him bee he r for you") dit God's disgt wh this s: "Thou shalt not lie wh mankd, as wh womankd: is abomatn." Levic 18:22. Other portns of the Old Ttament dite this further."Knowg this, that the law is not ma for a righteo man, but for the lawls and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sners, for unholy and profane, for murrers of fathers and murrers of mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for them that file themselv wh mankd (Greek: arsenoko, male homosexual), for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thg that is ntrary to sound doctre; acrdg to the glor gospel of the blsed God, which was mted to my tst." 1 Timothy 1:9-11. This is New Ttament teachg as well."Know ye not that the unrighteo shall not her the kgdom of God? Be not ceived: neher fornitors, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effemate (Greek: malakos, effemate homosexual), nor abers of themselv wh mankd (arsenoko, as above), nor thiev, nor veto, nor dnkards, nor revilers, nor extortners, shall her the kgdom of God." 1 Corthians 6:9,10.Unrepented s will send a person to Hell, but J died for all our ss. A person who tsts Christ will be fiven. Yet, as Christ said to the woman ught adultery (the man was guilty too): "Neher do I nmn thee: go, and s no more." John lov everyone arly, and he tells not to judge anybody,"for he who judg gets judged". We leave everythg up to God.Observatn:It's funny really, when you thk about , but no one actually knows. Everyone has an opn about what will or won't get them to heaven, or what will send them to hell. Radil Mlim extremist believe that if you die durg a holy attack durg Jihad, that you tomatilly get hered to the prence of Allah (heaven), and exist paradise for eterny; ncurrently eatg or touchg pork will send you south. Evangelil Christians subscribe to a variety of doctr that are siar, but foc on belief Christ the Msiah and Savur to get to heaven; the nial of Christ or unrepentant s (for some nomatns) will get you an exprs ticket to Has. I'm not certa Jews even have a ncept of heaven, although the ncepts of hell rise out of Jewish wrgs. For Buddhists heaven is Nirvana, and n take several to several hundred lifetim to get there; hell is a sli down the other directn a spiral of -evolutn. The bt and most tertg answer I've ever heard to this qutn was the followg statement:"Never ask qutns that you nnot know the answer to on this si of eterny."Who said that? One most would nsir an expert on the subject; the Evangelil Fundamental Christian Pastor of Saddleback Church Lake Fort, Callifornia, Pastor Rick Warren. * do u go to hell for being gay *

When we ask if gay people go to heaven or hell, we may be g the label gay rather than nsirg the dividual who may be stgglg wh temptatn or nfed about his or her sexual inty. For the purpos of this article, we will fe gay as “practicg a homosexual liftyle.

In answerg the specific qutn about whether gay people go to heaven or hell, we n substute the words gay people wh other s groups. Those who practice sexual s, cludg homosexualy, are on that list.


* do u go to hell for being gay *

Gay people go to eher heaven or hell on the same basis that dnkards, liars, haters, and self-righteo church people go to eher heaven or hell.

And there is no qutn that homosexual acts are displeasg to Him, jt as heterosexual s is displeasg to Him. If we sist on livg a gay liftyle, as if beg gay was our inty, we are turng our backs on Christ’s sacrifice. Many lost ci lay waste atttg to that ’s Take On Homosexual In The Old TtamentThe Bible speaks very strongly agast homosexual sex activy both the Old and New Ttaments.

In Genis 19:1-38 we know that the homosexual men of Sodom tried to get Lot’s angelic guts as they thought they were men that they uld have anal sex wh. There is more about what the Bible says about beg ‘Gay’, ‘Lbian’, or ‘Bisexual’ SThe Bible is agast s.


If you go wh what people say you would believe, “Go wh how you feel”, “You were born wh those homosexual sir”, “You were born that way”, “God lov you how you are” and many other worldly exc.


In the Old Ttament, is well tablished that the Word of God pronounc the ath penalty for homosexual activy. What do the New Ttament say about homosexualy? How The Bible Plac The HomosexualRomans 1:26-28 talks about homosexual sex among men as well as women.

It says homosexualy om a praved md, is unnatural, and rri a penalty.

Ju 1:5-7 tells that the ci of Sodom and Gomorrah were stroyed by God due to their homosexual s.


Relign and Acceptance of Gays | Psychology Today .