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gay football supporters network

As the new season kicks off, the UK's biggt LGBT football mpaigng group tells Newsbeat some Premier League clubs aren't dog enough to support gay fans



GAY FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS' NETWORK Home Page * gay football supporters network *

Leicter Wilts' squad for the first GFSN game 2002At the turn of the century, homophobia English football was suici of Bra's first openly gay profsnal footballer, Jt Fashanu, 1998 was h still there seemed to be an attu that abe was acceptable. Liverpool striker Robbie Fowler admted as much when, years later, he apologised for homophobic ments towards Chelsea's Graeme le Sx was agast this troublg backdrop that the Gay Football Supporters' Network (GFSN) was first formed. Its ial purpose was to give gay football fans a space to meet and discs the game they loved whout fear of abe or those meetgs me the ocsnal game of five-a-si.

Landmark moments like Blackpool striker Jake Daniel's cisn to e out as gay while an active Football League player, or the tense scty of Qatar's treatment of gay people before hosts this wter's World Cup may suggt that beg LGBTQ+ football is not such a taboo Kalogerou says he is often asked what role the GFSN League realistilly serv the morn day.


The Gay Football Supporters' Network (GFSN) League celebrat s 20th anniversary - and has the eventual aim of not needg to exist. * gay football supporters network *

On the terrac, people will shout the worst kd of homophobic abe at players. Colls has donated his match shirt om the first game to the Natnal Football Mm Manchter, and has "the honour of beg named on Wikipedia" has also seen how the league n change and challenge perceptns of men's football first remembers vg a group of heterosexual iends to watch a match Ilkley and them askg which of the players were gay bee they were "hard as nails".

He led up central midfield for the Yorkshire si that first game agast a Wilts team featurg Michael and Hall met properly a few years later at an appropriately named GFSN Get Together, and have now been a relatnship for 16 tells BBC Sport: "It never occurred to tell people [ football] I was gay.

Kalogerou wants to see expansn to all parts of the UK - there are no GFSN teams East Anglia, for example, and only one Birmgham, meang he sometim has to liver bad news to hopeful players tryg to fd a league also wants to take the league ternatnal, wh a GFSN All-Stars team at next year's Gay Gam Hong Kong. The GFSN (Gay Football Supporters Network) aims to provi the means and facili to put LGBTQ+ supporters touch wh each other and to meet for social and other purpos, and to oppose anythg and anyone which prevents or lims this aim, whether directly or directly. The Gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN) is an anisatn origally set up to allow gay football supporters to get together, but now also supportg a natnal league of gay-iendly football teams.


GAY FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS' NETWORK Who we are Page * gay football supporters network *

As well as providg a fom for gay football supporters to meet, the GFSN also mpaigns agast anti-homosexual discrimatn support of the FA's "Football For All" programme.


The Gay Football Supporters Network is a U.K. non-prof anisatn found early 1989 by a small group of gay football fans. This group went on to mpaign for the view that homosexualy did not preclu an active tert and support for the game and the GFSN now enpass Supportg, Campaigng and Playg elements. * gay football supporters network *

The FA enurag all clubs to endorse a gay-tolerant posn, parallellg siar lls the 1980s for clubs to support racial tolerance. Cocidg wh the GFSN Annual General Meetg, a 5-a-si tournament is held wh almost all the UK's gay teams takg part over a weekend early June.

From Wikipedia, the ee encyclopedia The Gay Football Supporters Network ("GFSN") is a U. Non-prof anisatn found early 1989 by a small group of gay football fans.

This group went on to mpaign for the view that homosexualy did not preclu an active tert and support for the game and the GFSN now enpass Supportg, Campaigng and Playg elements. The subject was the impact of Carl Nassib g out as gay the NFL for the Las Vegas Rairs. Matea offensive leman Jake Strer, who is gay, is one of five current or former LGBTQ athlet profiled.


‘NFL 360’ profil five LGBTQ people wh a sports background, cludg three openly gay football players, on the impact of Nassib g out. * gay football supporters network *

“When I returned to football my sophomore year after g out was bee I knew that if I qu football was jt the begng of thgs I would qu or hold myself back om bee I was gay, ” Strer told Outsports. “To fast forward to my last football game my senr year and have end wh ‘NFL 360’ there to clu me a story celebratg the first openly gay football player NFL history is still really unbelievable to me. EST, we see scen of Strer’s last game as a Matea Mtang, terspersed wh him speakg about beg gay football and what Nassib’s g out meant to him.

Their experienc are universal, ways good and bad, for many LGBTQ people — Pick talkg about the pa om the ial rejectn by her mom; O’Callaghan discsg suicidal thoughts before beg rcued by a therapist; Rapoport’s touchg rellectn of g out to NFL Commissner Roger Gooll by approachg him at a Super Bowl event holdg her girliend’s hand and Gooll’s se upon seeg ; Saffold discsg growg up Black and gay on the South Si of Chigo “where there are rampant levels of homophobia” and Strer on how he ed to worry “about how bad my life might be after I me out.


The Gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN) was found London 1989 by William Lehli. The work was tablished as a social work for LGBT football fans, but has sce creased natnally to support LGBT fans, mpaigners, and players. Regnal GFSNs hold regular events for fans to meet and discs the game a safe and welg environment. As well as providg a social work for football fans GFSN also mpaigns agast homophobia football. They supported Stonewall’s Rabow Lac iative and support the Football Associatns Football For All mpaign to prsure clubs to enforce an LGBT-tolerant posn. Regnisg that many fans also enjoy playg football, the GFSN set up a tournament 1999, and a natnal league 2002. Liverpool’s LGBT football team, the Mersey Marrs, have won the GFSN cup twice, most recently November 2016. * gay football supporters network *

“I thk 11- or 12-year-old kids playg football prr to Carl Nassib g out didn’t thk there uld be a gay football player, ” Rapoport said. Good Practice Handbook on Fightg Homophobia & Empowerg LGBT+ Stakeholrs Football. The history of LGBT+ self-anisatn among football fans n be traced back to the late-1980s, when the Gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN) was found the Uned Kgdom.

Sce then, lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr fans across Europe have formed their own groups to advance an agenda of equaly, diversy, and cln.

Pri Football was formed 2014 by four longstandg LGBT+ fans’ groups: Canal Street Blu (Manchter Cy); Gay Gooners (Arsenal); Proud Canari (Norwich Cy); and Proud Lilywh (Tottenham Hotspur). As PiF recently acknowledged, the proliferatn of LGBT+ fans’ groups “is a reflectn not only of the wish of [LGBT+] fans to work wh their clubs to promote cln, but also of the lack of aquate actn om relevant erng bodi to bat homophobic abe and around stadia.


The Gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN) is a U.K. nonprof anisatn found early 1989 by a small group of gay football fans. This group went on to mpaign for the view that homosexualy did not preclu an active tert and support for the game and the GFSN now enpass Supp * gay football supporters network *

The Gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN) was found London 1989 by William Lehli.

As well as providg a social work for football fans GFSN also mpaigns agast homophobia football. The Gay Football Supporters Network ("GFSN") is a U. History and set upSupportgCampaigngPlaygGFSN LeagueTournamentsGFSN Summer Get togetherReferencHistory and set-upThe Gay Football Supporters Network, found by William Lehli, began meetg at the Salmon & Compass public hoe Chapel Market, North London early 1989; later expand to a tly natnal anisatn across the UK and now also clus Republic of Ireland cizens as GFSN divis the untry up to "regns", wh each regn havg a -ordator.


* gay football supporters network *

Each -ordator subms a monthly report on activi & social events, and the reports are then clud the work's monthly newsletter, which is emailed to well as providg a fom for gay football supporters to meet, the GFSN also mpaigns agast anti-homosexual discrimatn support of the FA's "Football For All" programme.

Arsenal stars cludg Waltt and Giroud film advert for TV and cema. Stonewall, the LGB equaly chary has joed forc wh the Gay Football * gay football supporters network *

The GFSN has worked llaboratn wh Paddy Power and Stonewall to support the anti-homophobia rabow lac iative. Cocidg wh the GFSN Annual General Meetg of members, a 5-a-si tournament is held wh almost all the UK's gay teams takg part over a weekend late May or early June.


Gay Football Supporters Network - LGBT Archive .