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gay mf

Kawo Nagisa (渚 カヲル Nagisa Kawo) is a gay character om Neon Genis Evangeln. In Neon Genis Evangeln, Kawo is said to be the Fifth Child, sent by SEELE to NERV as a replacement pilot for Evangeln Un-02 after Asa’s synchronizatn rat wh the Eva drop below abily. He...



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He says he’s bisexual, but I’m worried he’s actually gay. * gay mf *

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Has DOOM ever spoken on his actual opns regrdg homosexualy? How you intify your sexualy and who you have sex wh, or adjacent to, don't have to le up to any cultural orr to really dig to this issue I reached out to men who intify as straight or mostly straight and asked about their experienc havg threom that clud other tackled the "do make you gay" elephant the room head-on by sayg, "I nsir myself very straight but also have those experienc my past.


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