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It don't matter if you are a tck driver or a sucker for a tcker, or jt an ordary guy that happens to be gay or bi, you are wele here our muny. TckerSucker is a discreet muny where our members are a b ls out and a b more gged and manly than typil gay datg apps.

Sign up and log and disver a world where gay men are mascule and discreet and iendly, a muny where gay men fy stereotyp. TckerSucker is the onle muny where is okay to be the closet or simply livg a life that is not wholly foced on the gay scene.


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The TckerSucker muny serv as the world’s documentary of the mascule non-scene gay tcker “over the road” culture. Send and receive private msag, e our real time chat feature, form iendships and meet tckers, blue llar men and ordary mascule gay and bi guys! She told of her iend, a gay man who had been gang-raped at a tck stop after beg lured there for what he thought was a iendly meetg.

Gay male drivers seem to bear the bnt of prejudice while on the road.

We n be stg the ont seat, lerally jt stg up there and they [other male drivers] simply assume that we're gay – and not all male teams are gay – and they’ll get on the CB rad and start csg out. Come say to my face ‘e this gay boy will whip your ass.

New Tck Drivers: Get Help Here - Gay activy at rt areas - Origally Posted by Fredog Origally Posted by jedfxg and yet we wonr why tckers get a bad n't even say hi or good morng to worst do not rpond when someone else says hi or good morng to you...bee you are aaid they * gay truckers videos *

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