Havg forsaken the tective bs for the safer nf of personal surance, Gay Lrence is pelled to return to his slthg ways. Along wh...
- THE GAY FALN (1941)
The Gay Faln (1941) st and crew creds, cludg actors, actrs, directors, wrers and more. * the gay falcon film *
Based on the short story "The Gay Faln" by Michael Arlen Town and Country (May 1940).
Gay Lawrence, the bonair slth known as "The Faln, " forak his crime-solvg and skirt-chasg efforts for the sake of his fiancée, Elor Benford. To please Elor, Gay and his assistant, Jonathan "Goldy" Locke, open a brokerage office on Wall Street, but after one day on the job, Gay is ready for retirement. On behalf of her boss, Helen asks Gay to attend a chary ball that night to protect a diamond owned by Mrs.
The Gay Faln (1941) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more..." data-id="ma * the gay falcon film *
Unable to rist, Gay acpani Elor to the ball, where he danc wh Mrs.
Garder's act puzzl Gay, but before he n qutn her, a shot rgs out and she falls to the floor, ad.
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Gay follows Goldy to the police statn, where he nvc Inspector Mike Walck to ee Goldy as ba to trap the killer.
Helen meets them at the police statn, and Gay leav Goldy a pball parlor while he and Helen go to qutn Maxe.
While Gay tells Maxe that he spects that Mrs. Garder was volved wh a gang of jewel thiev led by Manuel Retana, a gut at the ball, Goldy is abducted by Noel Weber, who orrs him to phone Gay and mand that he turn over the diamond. Meanwhile, Gay sh home, where Bat tells him that Goldy is beg held for murr and Mike wants to see him at headquarters.
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Gay giv Bat the slip, however, and the next day, while disguised as a tramp, he tri to apologize to Elor, who is fur bee he left wh Helen. Elor icily rms Gay that she has a date wh Retana later that night and never wants to see him aga.
Still spic of Retana, Gay and Helen break to his apartment, and when he returns durg the middle of their search, they hi on the pat and watch as he checks behd a wall panel.
After Retana leav, Gay reach behd the panel and fds the gun that killed Weber.
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Gay then go to the mue, where he exam Weber's body and regniz him as the man pictured wh Retana a photograph he found Retana's apartment.
The Gay Faln AZ Movi. Havg forsaken the tective bs for the safer nf of personal surance, Gay Lrence is pelled to return to his slthg ways. Along wh sik * the gay falcon film *
Gay phon Elor at the club to tell her to leave before the police arrive, but she thks that Gay is tryg to ame Retana out of jealoy and warns him stead.
Havg forsaken the tective bs for the safer nf of personal surance, Gay Lrence is pelled to return to his slthg ways. Along wh sikick Jonathan "Goldie" Locke, he agre to look to a seri of home party robberi that have victimized sociale Maxe Wood. The duo gets more than they bargaed for when a murr is mted at Wood's home, but Lawrence still fds time to romance the damsel. * the gay falcon film *
When Gay returns home, he fds an armed Retana mandg the diamond, but he is ightened off when Helen unexpectedly appears at the door.
Meanwhile, Bat has arrted Elor at the club, and when she lls Gay om the police statn, he stcts Mike to meet him at Maxe Wood's apartment. There, Maxe tells Gay that her life has been threatened, promptg Gay and Mike to promise to stay the night to protect her. Maxe then retir for the eveng, and Gay and Mike listen at her bedroom door as Retana sneaks through the wdow and threatens her.
Mike and Gay charge to the room, but before they n pture Retana, he falls ad, a hypormic needle at his si. Mike assum that Retana mted suici, but Gay disagre and clar that Maxe killed Retana. Gay ntu that Weber's knowledge that Goldy was at the pball parlor tipped him that Maxe was volved the rg.
* the gay falcon film *
They all then return to the police statn, and Elor is about to five Gay when an attractive woman arriv and asks him for his help solvg a crime. "Call me Gay, " purrs Gee Sanrs The Gay Faln (1941) as he flirts wh a pretty young woman. Tim - and language - have surely changed, for the le which now creat an untentnal lgh was certaly nocent enough 1941: the character's name is "Gay Lrence" and he's actually que the ladi' man.
The Gay Faln is the first of sixteen films based on the bonair slth created by Michael Arlen his 1940 short story Gay Faln, which is also the full name Arlen gave to his character.
For the movie, RKO renamed him "Gay Lrence" but kept "The Faln" as his crime-solvg moniker, even though the nickname is never explaed on screen any of the films. To rid themselv of Charteris, RKO simply bought the rights to Arlen's Gay Faln and started a new seri wh Sanrs.
Havg forsaken the tective bs for the safer nf of personal surance, Gay Lawrence (Gee Sanrs) is pelled to return to his slthg ways. Along wh sikick Jonathan "Goldie" Locke (Allen Jenks), he agre to look to a seri of home party robberi that have victimized sociale Maxe Wood (Gladys Cooper). The duo gets more than they bargaed for when a murr is mted at Wood's home, but Lawrence still fds time to romance the damsel (Wendy Barrie). * the gay falcon film *
(Even Wendy Barrie, Sanrs' -star The Gay Faln, had prevly appeared three Sat films. RKO filmed The Gay Faln unr the workg tle Meet the Vikg, probably to keep the project's existence secret om Charteris. Character actor Allen Jenks steals the show whenever he's on screen The Gay Faln as a wisecrackg sikick, a role he played movie after movie.
Cast: Gee Sanrs (Gay Lrence), Wendy Barrie (Helen Reed), Allen Jenks (Jonathan G. The Gay Faln.