Browse through and read gay ships bnha fanfictn stori and books
Browse through and read gay ships bnha stori and books * bnha gay ships *
Nearly every uple the fandom supports is gay—chill out.
Browse through and read or take gay ships bnha stori, quizz, and other creatns * bnha gay ships *
It might be a ltle appropriate and gay.
*Don't Take if you eher, Rant about ships you don't like to people who ship , Are Homophobic, or don't watch Bnha... December 16, 2020 ミュージックジャンキー Anime & Manga Jt For Fun Gay Enjoy Jtforfun Ships Whoranymore *Don't Take if you eher, Rant about ships you don't like to people who ship , Are Homophobic, or don't watch Bnha... Why are there homophobic fans of the bnha fandom exactly?
Browse through and take gay ships bnha quizz * bnha gay ships *
I mean i was jt scrollg through stagram and i saw this post on where s the heart rate meme(idk) and there were ments sayg "no todoku" or "no bakuku" and even one that said "homosexuals?" and when i say that pissed me off PISSED ME OFF.
I may not be homosexual but atleast i dont fuckg make fun of people that are. I fully support and s annoyg how ther fans who are homophobic. So say what you want but im not changg my damn md bee ther people who are homophobic this fandom and mak my blood boil.
* bnha gay ships *
To not know everythg, but know what you know <3 sorry if ur otp isnt here my bra isnt big enough to do any more than the ma gay ships... WARNING, I AM HARSH ON GAY SHIPS#235ships. If you hate poly or gay pls dont hate me for this ?.
Please note that there is a difference between someone who lik gay ships but aren't super obssed wh and people who are both obssed wh and lov anythg gay.
Browse through and read gay ships bnha fanfictn stori and books * bnha gay ships *