QUEER CRIME: How Homophobia Helped 4 Gay Serial Killers Contue To Kill   | IN Magaze

famous gay murders

The ath of a gay stunt, tortured and tied to a prairie fence two s ago, shocked the world.



Gary Ray Bowl, a serial killer who murred six olr gay men an eight-month spree, was executed Florida on Thursday. * famous gay murders *

Photograph: Evan Agosti/Getty Imag Photograph: Evan Agosti/Getty ImagOn 16 September the Casper Star Tribune, the lol paper Matthew’s home town, published an edorial claimg that an award Jimenez had recently received for his book “serv rejectn”, sayg: “From the begng there have been those who want to ignore the sadistic homophobic motiv of Shepard’s attackers and stead sist the matter was a dg al gone bad. Last March, when gay 24-year-old Daniel Zamud was beaten so severely, after havg swastikas rved to his sk, that he died the hospal three weeks later, the btal murr shocked Chileans and spurred the ernment there to fast-track LGBT antidiscrimatn legislatn. S., over the last 50 more than 70 untri prepare to observe the Internatnal Day Agast Homophobia and Transphobia May 17, crimologists, activists, and survivors many ci have been discsg ways to al wh crim agast -- and ocsnally by -- LGBT folks.


A Look At Some Of Hollywood's Most Notor Gay Murrs * famous gay murders *

HOUSTON'S STONEWALLOn July 4, 1991, a 27-year-old Hoton banker was murred and his two iends jured by a group of 10 young men who attacked them wh nail-studd woon planks, a knife, and steel-toed boots outsi Heaven, a gay bar the cy's heavily LGBT Montrose district. " Wh days of Brosard's murr, all l5 members of Hoton's Cy Council (cludg on who had opposed gay rights ordanc prevly) voted for a rolutn askg then-ernor Ann Richards to put a hate-crim bill on the legislature's 10 men were nvicted of the killg.

Acrdg to the Dallas Voice, there have been 35 people killed the neighborhood sce a pastor's gay teenage son was killed 1979, cludg Aaron Scheerhoorn, who was stabbed December 2010, ped his attacker and sought refuge a lol gay club, and was turned away only to be found aga by his attacker, who killed HAMPTON ROADS KILLERFrom 1987 to 1996, 12 gay or bisexual men were strangled to ath and dumped an area of Virgia lled Hampton Roads.

In June of 2004, the same month the jury Gwen's murr trial adlocked, the petn was granted and Gwen's name was HANDCUFF MANFor s, bartenrs, htlers, and gay clubgoers Atlanta's Ponce Leon rridor -- an area where gay sex tra was mon -- circulated mors about a myster man who mutilated and murred young gay and bisexual men. Jordan's attack galvanized lol lbian and gay lears, who then urged police to take the stori of the Handcuff Man serly, at one pot gettg police pta Ken Bol to adm that they activists had a pot, that the partment's sex crim un had been slow to rpond (a day later, flacks said Bol was misquoted).


* famous gay murders *

McKney received two life terms whout possibily of Fred Phelps, lear of the Wtboro Baptist Church Kansas, picketed Shepard's funeral wh signs that read "Fag Matt Hell" and "No Tears for Queers, " the murr led to a sea change how the public -- om Hollywood to Peoria -- viewed gay people as well as the need for sexual orientatn and genr inty hate-crim protectns.


This month, we’re takg a look at some of the most famo gay serial killers—and how their victims were treated, by the police, the media, and the public. Due to eply graed bias, ignored and mishandled evince, and assumptns about the victims, some of the s took s to solve while victim unts ntued to grow. Here are four gay serial killers that evad tectn part bee of homophobia. * famous gay murders *

"Some lol activists also dicted the black muny of Newark, argug that homophobia kept the mayor and black polil lears om dog more to help LGBT youth and om payg attentn to a bias murr where both the victim and the perpetrator were black.

"As wh Shepard, and Brandon Teena, Gunn's life was memorialized on film Dreams Deferred: The Sakia Gunn Film Project, a powerful doc that dissects both the homophobia that ed this murr and qutns the lack of media verage of her, that police booth on the rner near where Gunn was killed is staffed 24 hours a day, a promise former Newark mayor Sharpe Jam ma 2002. After that Cunanan head to Miami, where he managed to eva police whout seemgly tryg, while gog to gay clubs, hangg out at the beach and lol tennis urts, and pickg up men for ocsnal, on July 15, 1997, Cunanan shot Gianni Versace outsi the wealthy fashn sign star's home South Beach and ran away as a wns tried but failed to tail him. After all, the polil climate Oregon had been volatile for years, and the women -- whom iends scribed as the ial lbian uple -- had been active the state's bter fights over two Oregon state ballot iativ: Measure 9, a nstutnal amendment that would have clared homosexualy "abnormal, wrong, unnatural and perverse, " and Measure 19, which would have banned librari om rryg material about homosexualy.

The atmosphere the Medford area was rife wh tensn as gay groups battled wh relig groups fiercely through much of the ' the women, both their 50s and together 12 years, were many rpects, ordary: rpected lol bswomen who ran a property management pany and spent their spare time rtorg their Craftsman-style hoe, stayg by wh their lol church, and spoilg Ellis's young granddghter. The news shocked the town, and as police searched for the killer, numero anizatns issued ut prs releas about the slaygs, cludg the Gay and Lbian Alliance Agast Defamatn, which said that "the women's outspoken stance on gay rights has spired speculatn that they might have fallen victim to a hate crime.


Even if he was more the victim of a robbery than a hate crime, his ath still helped ph forward the fight for gay rights. * famous gay murders *

" The Natnal Gay and Lbian Task Force asked then-attorney general Ja Reno to have the Department of Jtice work wh Medford police bee the killgs should be nsired hate yet many the gay muny and on the police force said activists were too quick to ll the murrs hate crim.

His attorney blamed his explible rage on the uple's lbianism as well as two rap he had suffered, as a child and later a Florida judge, though, refed to allow the women's sexual relatnship to be brought up urt -- a rare and surprisg move at the time when gay panic was still a valid fense -- and Carr ma a plea al for life prison almost exactly a year after Wright was killed. Brenner went on to bee a csar agast anti-LGBT vlence, and wrote a movg memoir of the events that killed her partner, Eight Bullets: One Woman's Story of Survivg Anti-Gay JENNY JONES MURDERThe petn among televisn talk shows the 1990s was tense, each tryg to goose ratgs. Schmz had assumed his secret admirer was a woman, and though he handled the tapg of the show wh what appeared to producers a natural aplomb, three days later he drove to Amre's home and shot him to ath, then lled 911 to was plenty of speculatn the media, some suggtg Amre's sexual advanc ed Schmz to fly to a gay panic rage; others thought Schmz acted out of ternalized poted the blame at Jon and her producers, and 1999, Amre's fay won a $25 ln judgment agast The Jenny Jon Show as well as Warner Bros.


Sadly, a far longer list, of more than 34, 400 terrorist killgs sce 9/11 mted by adherents to the relign of peace the name of Allah, is available over at and a shockg number of the high-profile crim that helped to tear Ameri apart were mted by potheads as documented at But here we prent KGOV's list of homosexual mass murrers.

Gay Jefey Dahmer: raped, murred, and ate 17 young men and Adam Lanza: murred 28 cludg 20 Sandy Hook Elementary School Luis Garavo: rapist, torturer, and murrer of more than 147 of Columbia's young Omar Mateen: murred 49 Orlando wh terrible llateral John Wayne Gacy: Chigo, killed 33 boys and buried them his hoe and yard. He was charged wh six aths but is believed to have murred 60 Charl Manson: a prostute's illegimate son, spent most of his early life stutns for offenc cludg theft, pimpg, multiple homosexual offens while rcerated, and homosexual rape.


Serial Killers, who molted and murred 27 young men and boys Nathaniel Bar-Jonah: homosexual nnibal Bar-Jonah sexually molted boys Massachetts and Montana and butchered at least one, a ten year old Great Falls named Zachary Corll, Henley & Brooks: Dean Arnold Corll's sex rg wh Elmer Wayne Henley and David Owen Brooks murred and tortured 29 men and boys Juan Corona: murred 25 migrant workers and even molted their Richard Speck: murred 8 nursg stunts, bragged about on viotape showg him havg sex wh an mate and braggg about the many mat he had sodomized.

Acrdg to transvte Ottis Toole, they were homosexual partners, as reported by Amerin Jtice, "Myth of a Serial killer: The Henry Lee Lus Story", episo Ottis Toole: a transvte acrdg to Amerin Jtice (episo 150) and he was a partner of Henry Lee Lus, and bragged about murrs terviews. " Of urse, homosexual men reproduce by moltg Stephen Port killed at least four young men rapg them as they were dyg and sexually asslted at least seven other Jürgen Bartsch: this German homosexual murred four boys between ag 8 and 13 and tried to kill Gary Ray Bowl: preyed on olr men and murred six, homosexuals like himself, and was executed Florida Robert Berlla: kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murred at least six men Kansas Cy, Randy Kraft: raped, tortured, mutilated and murred at least 16 young men, mostly Dennis Nilsen: Sttish serial killer and necrophiliac who murred at least 12 young men London, Stephen Port: Grdr homosexual app serial killer dgged and murred four young men Ronald Domique: raped and murred at least 23 men, many of whom he found Louisiana's "gay" Larry Eyler: murred 22 young men and boys cludg a 15-year-old whom he then Arthur Bishop: this child molter and nsumer of child pornography (the distributn of which the ACLU has supported) murred five young Daniel Conahan: this serial killer was nvicted of one and lked to more than a dozen murrs of homosexual Herb Bmeister: murred at least 20 men wh 11 of their rps found buried on his Indiana Joseph Dunn: nvicted of murrg five, nfsed to two others and to rapg many young Vghn Greenwood: this homosexual serial killer, known as the Skid Row Slasher, murred 11 William MacDonald: As Atralia's first serial killer and yet only one of the lns of homosexual Stockholm Syndrome sufferers who were kidnapped and raped to the liftyle, MacDonald murred five Michael Lupo: the sadistic Italian homosexual murred four men London and mutilated their David Villarreal: btally murred five men Texas om ag 18 to Carl Panzram: serial rapist executed at Leavenworth nfsed to sodomizg and murrg many boys and Aileen Wuornos: the prostute who murred seven Black Doodler: murred five and possibly 11 more, homosexuals he picked up San Francis John Joubert: former Boy Sut lear said he enjoyed the "power and domatn" of killg.


- Gay Aaron McKney was beg pimped alongsi Matthew Shephard, wh whom he ocsnally had unnatural physil relatns, before he and Rsell Henrson murred Shepherd over dgs, a crime that was not the homophobic attack that McKney played as and was then recklsly promoted worldwi by the media.


Some Of Hollywood’s Most Notor Gay Murrs Rema Unsolved / Queerty | HuffPost Voic .