mchmen, the se for the drawgs, stori and art of Mchell the gay artist
* cartoon gay blog *
Wele to, home of Mchell's Gay Art. If you have problems wh the lk please read this n fd my more adventuro work via my regular blog (where I show my own pictur mixed wh articl on other gay artists and imag that exce me)'s a 'Gallery Hub' tab at that blog which has onward lks to:-- All the official mchmen galleri, - The mchmen mailg list (for the latt pictur and stori)- The permanent mchmen archive at Adonis Male. It shows the mols Brian Lamprill (top) and Tibor Urgay grapplg var pos ntrived to avoid ontal exposure and suggtive ntact.
Royale Stud and 's later rnatn, Hsar Stud, had a brief existence om 1957-63 but reputedly bore the bnt of the arbrary actns by the Brish thori to supprs any form of homosexual exprsn. I'm not sure he ever went to a fight drsed like this But the gay imagatn 's entirely appropriate, cute k for a some reason I like the green outf that's his tramark too.
In the gay art universe they all mix eely, hookg up and sharg quts.