The crease the number of visible gay and trans people is sometim treated as a cursy or a e for ncern by crics, but ’s not a surprise. It’s normal.
* current issues in the lgbt community *
The Ugandan Parliament passed the Sexual Offens Bill, further crimalizg same-sex sexual has remaed stnchly homophobic both terms of legislatn and the general sentiment of ernment officials.
Acrdg to the Frankl & Marshall Global Barometer of Gay Rights, which measur how well untri protect the rights of LGBTQ+ people, Uganda sr 11%, meang the natn persecut people based on their sexual orientatn or genr inty.
Consensual, same-sex relatns are illegal Uganda as a rult of lonial-age laws that still exist the untry, but that has not stopped polins om attemptg to further crimalize homosexualy. In 2009, a member of parliament troduced a bill seekg to punish homosexualy as a pal offense, leadg to be known as the “Kill the Gays Bill. ” While the Anti-Homosexualy Act was eventually stck down 2014, vlence agast LGBTQ+ people Uganda surged due to the outspoken, homophobic remarks promoted by ernment, the Ugandan Parliament has once aga passed a bill that seeks to further crimalize homosexualy.
The most clicked on queer stori of 2021 clu a transgenr Miss USA nttant, gay emperors, a nonbary Olympian, lbian bars and more. * current issues in the lgbt community *
— Sexual Mori Uganda | SMUG (@SMUG2004) May 5, 2021LGBTQ+ rights anizatns like Sexual Mori Uganda have highlighted the homophobic language and lled on the ternatnal muny to speak out agast the bill. While many human rights advot believe that Print Yoweri Meveni will not assent to the bill, they are also worried that the nature of homophobia prented by ernment officials will lead to an crease vlence and discrimatn agast LGBTQ+ people, as the se of the 2014 Anti-Homosexualy Act. In addn to the public health crisis, vlence agast LGBTQ+ people has surged rponse to a culture of homophobia, part enuraged by Print Jair Bolsonaro.
In addn to statg he would be “pable of lovg a homosexual son, ” Bolsonaro has ed rogatory terms meant to cricize LGBTQ+ people and cricized the Brazilian Supreme Court for crimalizg homophobia. A vlent crime agast an openly gay man the cy of Florianópolis earlier this month has prompted wir discsn of the paradox between the promotn of LGBTQ+ rights and discrimatn agast queer people.
People around the world face vlence and equaly—and sometim torture, even executn—bee of who they love, how they look, or who they are. Sexual orientatn and genr inty are tegral aspects of our selv and should never lead to discrimatn or abe. Human Rights Watch works for lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr peopl' rights, and wh activists reprentg a multiplicy of inti and issu. We document and expose ab based on sexual orientatn and genr inty worldwi, cludg torture, killg and executns, arrts unr unjt laws, unequal treatment, censorship, medil ab, discrimatn health and jobs and hog, domtic vlence, ab agast children, and nial of fay rights and regnn. We advote for laws and polici that will protect everyone’s digny. We work for a world where all people n enjoy their rights fully. * current issues in the lgbt community *
Thoands of LGBTQ+ people across the world are unable to celebrate Pri bee of vlence, discrimatn, and harrassment, particularly one of the 69 untri that ntue to crimalize homosexualy.
GENEVA (16 May 2022) – On the ocsn of the Internatnal Day agast Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, a group of UN and regnal human rights experts urged ernments to ensure that lbian, gay, bisexual, trans and genr-diverse (LGBT) persons fleeg persecutn are protected agast vlence and treated wh digny. The experts issued the followg jot statement: * current issues in the lgbt community *
The fight for gay rights the Uned Stat has e a long way sce the Stonewall Uprisg of 1969, when gay and trans patrons of the Stonewall Inn New York Cy fought back agast police tryg to arrt night marked the begng of the gay rights movement the US, a s-long fight that jt a few years ago rulted the momento 2015 Supreme Court cisn legalizg gay marriage the lg on June 26, 2015, didn’t end the stggle for equaly and protectn.
The ACLU works to ensure that lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer people n live openly whout discrimatn and enjoy equal rights, personal tonomy, and eedom of exprsn and associatn. * current issues in the lgbt community *
Across the untry, LGBTQ Amerins still face legalized discrimatn unr the law when to hog, jobs, parentg, and even June, ’s important to celebrate how far the US has e regnizg gay rights — and to be proud of that fact — but only if we also remember how far we still have to go to ensure that the equal rights and digny of LGBTQ Amerins are regnized unr the are some of the battl for equaly that are still beg fought across the untry. Gay Conversn TherapyIn a vast majory of stat, kids n still be sent to so-lled “gay nversn therapy, ” a harmful practice that the Amerin Psychologil Associatn has nmned. Employment DiscrimatnIn most stat, gay and trans dividuals n be fired om their job on the basis of their sexual orientatn or genr inty.
Dpe great stris ma the past the fight for equaly, many important LGBT legal issu are facg the gay muny. * current issues in the lgbt community *
At the heart of the issue is the right of all Amerins to public acmodatns—that is, safe accs to goods, servic, facili, and privileg the public ’s a b wonky, but the battle beg fought over bathrooms is about whether trans and gay dividuals have a right to e all of the facili the rt of Amerins e a way that acmodat their needs. There, young gay, lbian, bi, and trans kids are more likely to face vlence, end up danger or participate crime, and enunter trma that n affect their entire liv.
” The edian Bill Maher said on his show that by 2054, if we follow what he se as the current trajectory, “we will all be gay, ” addg that the rise the number of younger people intifyg as transgenr seemed spic. Bee of the fluence of Schorr put siarly Natnal Review: “To suggt that social suggtibily uld be playg a role the skyrocketg numbers of young girls’ exprsg their sire to bee mal, for example, is not of urse to say that gay and transgenr people would not exist whout the topics’ beg discsed the public square. ”This fear is based on an unrstandg of genr and sexualy as alarmgly agile, easily undone by a gay teacher or a trans TikTok fluencer.
This is the first time Amerin history that gay and trans people have been able to live as themselv any real way, wh jobs and marriag and dogs and ts and visibily. ” (April 19)Click for full storyCherry Grove: How a beach town beme a gay ‘safe haven’Maggie McCorkle and Audrey Hartmann Cherry Grove, Calif., Grove Archiv CollectnAn exhib at the New-York Historil Society featur rarely seen photos of the LGBTQ muny enjoyg the eedom offered by Fire Island’s Cherry Grove, one of Ameri’s first gay beach towns.