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10.9201 14.5574 11.103L1.55738 19.8303C1.2507 20.0361 0.85551 20.0562 0.529562 19.8824C0.203615 19.7087 0 19.3694 0 19V1C0 0.625535 0.209216 0.282447 0.542124 0.110987Z" fill="whe"/></svg></i></button></div><vio-js data-acunt="2635130839001" data-player="wReX5gGy" data-embed="flt" ntrols="" data-vio-id="5193770054001" data-playlist-id="" data-applitn-id="" class="_4h-ua"></vio-js></div><p class="BVYCX">SAMANTHA FOX ON BEING A GAY WOMAN </p><p class="BVYCX">Samantha Fox talked ndidly about g out on the show - havg never said 'I'm gay' before. </p><p class="BVYCX">When asked if she fds hard to say 'I'm gay?' Sam admted, 'A ltle b. Bee 's a label and I believe love, you n't help who you fall love wh. I n't ever see myself marryg a guy.'</p><p class="BVYCX">'The fact I was wh Myra for 16 years and now I'm love wh a woman aga - I gus I would say that I prefer I n be wh women.' </p><p class="BVYCX">Havg kept her sexualy a secret for so much of her reer, Sam spoke hontly about how difficult n be. </p><p class="BVYCX">'It was much harr for women then, was hard for me,' she revealed. 'I spoke to my mum about at a young age. She was really pleased I'd found myself to be hont.'</p><p class="BVYCX">And Sam had some advice for other women who are gay and bisexual: 'I would say to any woman at home now watchg - Don't be sred about g out like I was and worryg about what people thk. Love is a great thg and you've got to live life today.'</p><ul class="cQTzz" data-ttid="article-body-tags"><li><a class="" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/loosewomen/tags/samantha-fox"><div class="DRRZI">Samantha Fox</div></a></li></ul></article><asi data-ttid="sibar" class="BkAIC cp_grid cp_grid__em cp_width--ctard--one-third"><h2 class="cp_headg cp_headg--subtle eVU28">Latt Articl</h2><div class="qk6wr cp_grid"><a class="cp_grid__em" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/loosewomen/articl/vote-loose-women-at-this-years-natnal-televisn-awards"><article class="_9ngZG y6L7V" data-ttid="tile"><div class="_0qIxo" data-ttid="tile-image-wrapper"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="tile-picture"></div></div><div class="O7IOg" data-ttid="tile-text-wrapper"><hear><h3 class="r5Yoc"><span>Vote Loose Women at this year's Natnal Televisn Awards! ?</span></h3><time class="iCsJz iJXFo" dateTime="2023-08-21T10:43:34.989Z" data-ttid="date-time">Mon 21 Aug 11:43am</time><p class="_-6cOu">We're lighted to announce we've ma onto the shortlist for this year's Natnal Televisn Awards...</p></hear></div></article></a><a class="cp_grid__em" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/loosewomen/articl/loose-women-announce-first-ever-live-tour"><article class="_9ngZG y6L7V" data-ttid="tile"><div class="_0qIxo" data-ttid="tile-image-wrapper"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="tile-picture"></div></div><div class="O7IOg" data-ttid="tile-text-wrapper"><hear><h3 class="r5Yoc"><span>The Loose Women are gog on tour!</span></h3><time class="iCsJz iJXFo" dateTime="2023-08-11T10:46:54.939Z" data-ttid="date-time">Fri 11 Aug 11:46am</time><p class="_-6cOu">The Loose Women are gog on their first ever live tour! They'll be swappg the stud for the stage across 16 spectacular nights this September...</p></hear></div></article></a><a class="cp_grid__em" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/loosewomen/articl/leens-tasty-vegan-tas"><article class="_9ngZG y6L7V" data-ttid="tile"><div class="_0qIxo" data-ttid="tile-image-wrapper"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="tile-picture"></div></div><div class="O7IOg" data-ttid="tile-text-wrapper"><hear><h3 class="r5Yoc"><span>Coleen's tasty vegan tas</span></h3><time class="iCsJz iJXFo" dateTime="2023-08-08T09:03:53.614Z" data-ttid="date-time">Tue 8 Aug 10:03am</time><p class="_-6cOu">Wele back to Coleen's vegan kchen...</p></hear></div></article></a></div></asi></ma><div data-ttid="ad-hear-footer"></div></div><div class="rmSd4 _6AExG" data-ttid="bero"><div class="t6G8p" data-ttid="bero-background"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="bero-background-img"></div><div class="pFzZl" data-ttid="bero-background-vigte"></div></div><div class="m-L3T" data-ttid="bero-ntent"><a class="" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/loosewomen"><img data-ttid="bero-logo" src=" class="_6DZGv" alt="Logo of Loose Women" loadg="lazy"/></a><div class="IO3Su CYXst"><i class="cp_in cp_in__logo-v-mono-neg cp_in--ctom-size _2ly3N cp_in--xsmall cp_in--cherry--small" aria-hidn="false"><svg xmlns=" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 200" aria-label="v" role="img"><tle>v

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Former glamour mol Sam Fox has opened up about her marriage to Lda Olsen and rells how she knew she was gay, claimg that she has been 'lucky love'. * sam fox gay *

HOME News Royal Showbiz & TV Sport Comment Fance Travel Entertament Life & Style TV & Rad Celebry News Former glamour mol Sam Fox has opened up about her marriage to Lda Olsen and rells how she knew she was gay, claimg that she has been "lucky love'.

08:12, Mon, Jul 10, 2023 | UPDATED: 08:12, Mon, Jul 10, 2023 Sam Fox opens up about her sexualySam Fox has spoken out about how she knew she was gay before admtg that she’s been “lucky love” former glamour mol is celebratg her first weddg anniversary wh Lda Olsen after gettg hched a romantic celeb-filled ceremony back 2022. ”She also relled havg experienc wh both men and women whilst termg her sexualy but she knew she was gay the more time she spent wh women. "But then you’d have a few of those and thk, ‘Oh, I might be gay.


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Samantha Fox has revealed that she still stggl to intify herself as gay. "CLICK TO VIEW GALLERYSamantha Fox has admted she still stggl to label herself as gayAsked if she still fds hard to say, 'I'm gay', the former p-up girl replied: "A ltle b, bee is a label, isn't .

People say I'm gay.

The ex Page Three mol ma her nfsns on ITV show Loose Women - and viewers flocked to support herPublished: 13:37, 2 Nov 2016Updated: 13:57, 2 Nov 2016FORMER glamour girl Sam Fox nfsed she was "sred" to e out as gay for fear of losg her fans yet secured the support of legns of Loose Women viewers today when she ndidly talked about beg labelled as lbian. 5 Sam Fox admted she was sred to e out as gay for fear of losg fansCred: ITV. 5 Ja asked if beg gay would be 'bad for bs'Cred: ITV.


Sam Fox says she still fds hard to say she's gay, as she opens up about late partner Myra Stratton * sam fox gay *

One wrote: "Great to see a gay loose woman today! A fan of the show was clearly spired by Sam's prentg stt and wrote: "Women like @SamFoxCom make me feel good as I know I'm not alone about g out as gay, I'm proud of Sam & i'm proud of myself.

Women like @SamFoxCom make me feel good as I know I'm not alone about g out as gay, I'm proud of Sam & i'm proud of myself @loosewomen— ey-may ♡ (@galetomykirby) November 2, 2016.

Great to see a gay loose woman today! A viewer took issue wh labellg and wrote: "Your 100% right, I'm gay but I hate labellg ... I love my partner and hate people sayg "you're GAY", " while another echoed their ments and upload: "I wh @loosewomen today!


FORMER glamour girl Sam Fox nfsed she was "sred" to e out as gay for fear of losg her fans yet secured the support of legns of Loose Women viewers today when she ndidly talked about beg labelled as lbian. * sam fox gay *

One round off wh: "Beg getto or gay is a label as Sam says.

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Hottt gay porn stars and amatr guys wh monster cks require your attentn. 'I've been sred': Sam Fox reveals she's still stgglg to say she is gay publicSam Fox regularly spoke about her sexualy the Celebry Big Brother hoe - but still don't like labelsVio LoadgVio UnavailableSam Fox enurag people not to be sred to e outSam Fox has revealed she's still stgglg to say she is gay public.


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Ja Street-Porter add that back the '80s Sam uldn't have said that she was gay as would have been "bad for bs".

I ed Sam Fox to e out as later me out as gay! I was not an outgog type, so dog this was a watershed moment for me as a person and as a (then-closeted) gay kid. Wednday 2 November at 4:51pmSAMANTHA FOX ON BEING A GAY WOMAN Samantha Fox talked ndidly about g out on the show - havg never said 'I'm gay' before.


I ed Sam Fox to e out as later me out as gay! After 23 years and more than a few disappotments, I now posss a rather good vio rerd of my first time on stage—lip-synchg and performg BROADLY... * sam fox gay *

When asked if she fds hard to say 'I'm gay? 'And Sam had some advice for other women who are gay and bisexual: 'I would say to any woman at home now watchg - Don't be sred about g out like I was and worryg about what people thk. Asked if she fds hard to say ‘I am gay’, she add:.

But the 33-year-old has always nied mours she is gay, which.

Earlier this month she said: "I'm not gay.



loads of female iends and some of them are gay. Not ntent wh gay allegatns, her iends also kdly saved her. Comg out has policised her a ltle, and she has joed forc wh Ian McKellen, among others, to promote the Albert Kennedy Tst, which supports gay people who bee homels after beg thrown out by their her Page 3 days, she wr: “It was probably the femists who least appreciated what I was dog.

”On the Fox & Friends morng program, hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmea and a ntributor stggled to unrstand that a gay man is a settg up a segment on what the right-wg work amed as a highly-anticipated hearg by the Hoe Oversight Commtee to discs ttimony om an unknown whistleblower om the Internal Revenue Service who would, acrdg to Republins, lay bare partmental rptn as pertaed to the handlg of rmatn surroundg Print Joe Bin’s only survivg son, Hunter. Also, the myster wns “Works wh the IRS’ crimal vtigatns divisn” and “intifi as gay Democrat married to a man, ” the graphic stated.


Free Onle Library: The secret gay life of Bra's favoure p-up; SAM FOX CLAIMS: MEN DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE SHE HAD LESBIAN AFFAIRS.(News) by "Daily Rerd (Glasgow, Stland)"; News, opn and mentary General tert * sam fox gay *



'I've been sred': Sam Fox reveals she's still stgglg to say she is gay public - Mirror Onle .