Is Beg Gay Haram? Assuredly What You Should Know Is Here

is being gay haram

Is beg gay haram? Here's what Islamic scholars and others the regn have to say about LGBT people. Sce the momento US Supreme



Is beg gay haram Islam? Are gay or homosexual people punished Islamic law? Click here and read this gui to get plete rmatn. * is being gay haram *

Although no verse the Quran says that homosexualy should be punishable by ath, there are stori about the negative impact of such sexual orientatn. Both the Quran and the Hadhs are strongly agast homosexual relatnships bee they nsir that such relatnships stem om the weakns of men.

Allah had sent Lot or Lut, a Prophet of God, to warn the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and teach them about the sfulns of homosexualy. In untri like Sdi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkey, homosexualy is nsired an offense, and their law punish such people wh imprisonment, rporal punishment, and even the ath penalty.


* is being gay haram *

Here are some of the vers om the Quran that talk about homosexualy- “If two men among you are guilty of lewdns, punish them both. Therefore, ’s safe to say that beg gay is haram Islam, and even the prent day, there is a strong tolerance Islamic society about same sex relatnships. AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTJuly 28, 2015ISTANBUL — On June 29, Turkey’s 12th Gay Pri Para was held on Istanbul’s crowd Istiklal Avenue.

” The “People of Lot” was a relig reference to gays, and the stctn to kill them on sight was attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. ”All of this suggts that both Turkey and the Mlim world need to engage some soul-searchg when to tolerance for their gay patrts. Acrdg to the Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn, Turkey sr slightly better on measur of gay rights when pared wh some nearby Christian-majory natns such as Rsia, Armenia and Ukrae.


Fd out is haram (forbidn) to be gay? Islamic view on same sex relatnship/marriage om Quran & Sunnah! * is being gay haram *

Among them are two of the most popular Turkish entertaers of the past half-century: The late Zeki Muren was flamboyantly gay and the sger Bulent Ersoy is famoly transsexual. Their eccentricy has apparently add to their beyond the entertament dtry, the tradnal mastream Islamic view on homosexualy produc tolerance Turkey toward gays and creat starker problems Mlim natns that apply Shariah. In Sdi Arabia, Iran, Sudan or Afghanistan, homosexualy is a ser offense that n brg imprisonment, rporal punishment or even the ath penalty.


The average nservative Mlim tak this story as a jtifitn to stigmatize gays, but there is an important qutn that serv nsiratn: Did the people of Lot receive dive punishment for beg homosexual, or for attackg Lot and his heavenly guts? The even more signifint nuance is that while the Quran narrat this dive punishment for Sodom and Gomorrah, cre no earthly punishment for homosexualy — unlike the Old Ttament, which clearly cre that homosexuals “are to be put to ath.

But signifint nam among them, such as the eighth-century scholar Abu Hanifa, the founr of the popular Hanafi school of jurispnce, argued that sce a homosexual relatnship did not produce offsprg wh an unknown father, uldn’t be nsired real Islamic basis for punishg homosexualy is the hadhs, or saygs, attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. Such jurispntial facts might help Mlims today to velop a more tolerant attu toward gays, as some progrsive Islamic thkers Turkey, such as Ihsan Eliacik, are enuragg. People’s private liv are their own bs, he argu, whereas the public Mlim stance should be to fend gays when they are persecuted or discrimated agast — bee Islam stands wh the downtrodn.

Dpe such arguments, the majory of Mlims are likely to keep seeg homosexualy as somethg sful, if public opn polls are any ditn.


Yet those Mlims who sist on nmng gays should rell that acrdg to Islam, there are many ss, cludg arrogance, which the Quran treats as among the gravt moral transgrsns. While I am not entirely sure but if two gays fondle each other, that may clu kissg and other body parts, the punishment might be ls severe. Ever sce the landmark US Supreme Court cisn on June 26 makg same-sex marriage legal the US, bate has emerged among Mlims worldwi about the mer of the lg, wh the obv implitn if they as Mlims approve or disapprove of a person beg a gay while profsg to be a Mlim.


Is Beg Gay Haram? - Halal or Haram .