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Pakistan is not the kd of place that most people would associate wh gay liberatn. But some say the untry is a great place to be gay - even scribg the port cy of Karachi as "a gay man's paradise".

Unrground parti, group sex at shr and "marriag of nvenience" to members of the oppose sex are jt some of the surpris that gay Pakistan has to offer.


Pakistan is not the kd of place that most people would associate wh gay liberatn - but some say Pakistan is a great place to be a gay man. * gay in karachi *

Danyaal, as he's asked to be known, is a 50-somethg bsman who liv an affluent part of Karachi, and his smartphone to anise Karachi's gay party scene. "The days there are smartphone apps that e GPS to tell you how close you are to another gay person wh an onle profile.

There are thoands of gay men onle Pakistan at any one time. "If you want sex too, 's a gay man's paradise.


Pakistan is one of the most homophobic untri the world. Yet, a BBC vtigatn reveals that Karachi is actually home to a lot of gay sex.  * gay in karachi *

"The vatn-only parti are a rare opportuny for gay men to be open about their sexualy.

"Gay men will make every effort to stop any vtment a same-sex relatnship bee they know that one day they will have to get married to a woman, " he says.

For participants, 's anonymo group kd of behavur is, of urse, not ndoned by Pakistan's relig Pakistanis view homosexualy as sful.


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The vast majory of clerics terpret the Qoranic story of Lot as a clear ditn that God nmns homosexual men. The shre is far om the only place Karachi where gay sex is eely is, for example, easy to buy om a malchi walah - a massr who offers massage and "extras" for the equivalent of £5, or $7.

" Technilly, homosexual acts are illegal Pakistan. "In almost all s charg will be dropped, Iqbal says, but the boys will be forced to get married by their ocsnally, though, Pakistani parents do rencile themselv to children enterg a long-term gay and Ali are one such uple who have ma thgs work, agast the odds. For many gay men Pakistan, a heterosexual marriage and a life of anonymo gropg is the long-term life n be even more difficult for gay women.

So how do gay women make their liv work? I know some gay guys and maybe we'll do a al so we put money together and they have one portn of the hoe and we'll have another portn. "Fatima, who ntribut to an vatn-only onle gay support group, believ 's only "a matter of time" before Pakistan begs to bate gay rights openly, and people clare their homosexualy wh pri.


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"Gay rights Ameri me after women had basic rights. "I thk 's selfish for me to e out and mpaign for gay rights now. But there will still be private spac where gay Pakistanis n exprs their sexualy of the nam of the ntributors have been changed to protect their n hear more on this story on BBC Rad 4's Crossg Contents, on Thursday 29 Augt at 11:00am or on Assignment on the World Service on the same day.


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Pakistan is one of the most homophobic untri the world.

Yet, a BBC vtigatn reveals that Karachi is actually home to a lot of gay sex. Yet gay sex is apparently prevalent the untry, which is home to 183 ln people, some 97% of whom are the BBC's Mobeen Azhar reports  a fascatg vtigatn, the batn of the prevalence of gay mobile apps like Grdr and Scff, pl the on of arranged marriage, has ma the Pakistani cy of Karachi — the natn's biggt cy, at nearly 24 ln people — a hotbed of gay sex, even if actually matag a gay liftyle is still credibly difficult. "[S]ome say the untry is a great place to be gay — even scribg the port cy of Karachi as 'a gay man's paradise, " Azhar wr.

Pakistan as a gay paradise? We're not entirely nvced, pecially sce homosexual activy there is illegal and punishable by a prison sentence.


Let Menkarta allow you to appear for probably the most appropriate Gay Village Karachi even though you keep Karachi. Our wi gay spots talog is gettg bigger jt about each day due to many people like you. * gay in karachi *

Gay rights don't exist there, beg openly gay is still looked down upon, gay relatnships are hard to e by, and Karachi pretty much fails on every metric of gay life except for one: man-on-man sex.


Walkg briskly through the Sadar market downtown Karachi, 46 year-old Wajid Ali looks no different to any other man the market. But Wajid is gay and if the people around him knew, (...) * gay in karachi *

Karachi is home to a lot of any other untry the world (spe Iran's claims to the ntrary), Pakistan has a homosexual populatn. Earlier this summer, for example, the Pew Rearch Center found that Pakistan was simultaneoly one of the most tolerant untri the world for gay people while at the same time beg one of the world lears searchg for gay porn.

Smartphone technology has also helped gay men Pakistan fd relief om society's strictur. There are thoands of gay men onle Pakistan at any one time, " Danyaal, a 50-year-old bsman, told the BBC. He's right: a simple search on Scff, a gay datg mobile app turned up plenty of men (whose fac we've obscured) Karachi lookg to nnect:But isn't all technologil cisg, eher.


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For participants, 's anonymo group spe all this gay sex, life for gay people is still pretty awful Karachi. That's bee gay people, like straight people, crave relatnships. Many of the men engagg gay sex acts, Azhar explas, are married.


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At the end of all, everyone gets married to a member of the oppose sex and nothg is spoken about, " a lol told gay relatnships bee an anomaly. " And s led to plots like what's currently gog Cha—gay men and lbians "marryg" each other out of nvenience.

"For many gay men Pakistan, a heterosexual marriage and a life of anonymo gropg is the long-term realy, " Azhar wr.

That don't entirely sound like paradise to 's Note: We changed the wordg the lead paragraph to make the tentn of the article more clear: that there is plenty of (technilly) illegal gay sex gog on article is om the archive of our partner The Wire.


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