Newsweek Cover: Obama 'The First Gay Print' - POLITICO

is obama the first gay president

It won't be nearly as ntroversial as Time magaze's breastfeedg ver, but Newsweek's May 21 issue clar Barack Obama the untry's "first gay print." The acpanyg ver story was wrten by Andrew Sullivan, the popular--and openly gay--polil blogger. The magaze even giv the manr--chief a rabow halo. Obama, Sullivan wr, "had to disver his black [...]



* is obama the first gay president *

"And now, there’s Barack Obama, dubbed “the first gay print” by Newsweek over the weekendThe acpanyg say was penned by The Daily Beast's Andrew Sullivan, who wr that " four years Obama went om beg JFK on civil rights to beg LBJ: om givg upliftg speech to actg ways to make the spirg words a realy.


Newsweek ver clar Obama 'the first gay print' * is obama the first gay president *

"Sullivan, who is gay, scrib Obama’s “evolutn” on gay rights as the latt example of Obama “leadg om behd and playg the long game.


He has been clared Ameri’s “first gay print.” * is obama the first gay president *

”Sullivan also draws a parison between the gay experience and Obama’s own search for racial inty:“Barack Obama had to e out of a different closet. He had to disver his black inty and then rencile wh his whe fay, jt as gays disver their homosexual inty and then have to rencile wh their heterosexual fay.

The Ameri he grew up had no space for a boy like him: black yet enveloped by lovg whens, tranged om a father he longed for (another mon gay experience), hurtlg between beg a Barry and a Barack, needg an Amerin racial inty as he grew olr but chafg also agast and over-embracg at tim. ”“This is the gay experience: the disvery adulthood of a muny not like your own home and the stggle to belong both plac, whout displacement, whout alienatn. Obama learned to be black the way gays learn to be gay.


In 2012, Newsweek ran a magaze ver llg Barack Obama “Ameri’s First Gay Print.” The article gleefully ld Obama for his support and endorsement of gay marriage. Obama’s path to beg the LGBTQIA+ muny’s bt iend was all but evable. Perhaps was his missn om the o… * is obama the first gay president *

”The full say is onle here; the magaze go on sale "First Gay Print" ver on the heels of a different provotive ver by Time Magaze, which last week ed a photo of a woman breast-feedg her young son to illtrate s ver story on "attachment parentg. “I thk you n see mostly wh the se of gay marriage. Back to the ’90s, when he first enters the polil arena, he totally endors gay marriage.

It won't be nearly as ntroversial as Time magaze's breastfeedg ver, but Newsweek's May 21 issue clar Barack Obama the untry's "first gay print. "The acpanyg ver story was wrten by Andrew Sullivan, the popular--and openly gay--polil blogger.


<p>Brown, whose tenure as edor at Newsweek has seen an array of ntroversial vers, will rpond tomorrow wh the ver above, pegged to Andrew Sullivan's piece on Obama's support for same-sex marriage: &quot;The First Gay Print.&quot;</p> * is obama the first gay president *

The magaze even giv the manr--chief a rabow, Sullivan wr, "had to disver his black inty and then rencile wh his whe fay, jt as gays disver their homosexual inty and then have to rencile wh their heterosexual fay. "The full ver story is not yet onle, but a blog post published earlier this week, Sullivan wrote that Obama's support of gay marriage brought him to tears:I do not know how orchtrated this was; and I do not know how lculated is. What I know is that, absorbg the news, I was uncharacteristilly at a loss for words for a while, didn't know what to wre, and, like many Dish rears, there are tears my let me simply say: I thk of all the gay kids out there who now know they have their print on their si.

I thk of the centuri and s which gay people found impossible to believe that marriage and cln their own fai was possible for them, so cshed were they by the weight of social and relig prsure. I thk of the gay parents who now feel their print is behd their sacrific and their love for their terview chang no laws; has no tangible effect. Obama's journey on this has been like that of many other Amerins, when faced wh the actual realy of gay liv and gay relatnships.

I was the room long before the 2008 primari when Obama spoke to the mother of a gay son about marriage equaly.


You may have seen the other ntroversial newsmagaze ver this week, the one where Newsweek dubbed Print Obama “The First Gay Print". But as Jim Loewen at the History News Network would like to remd , even if Obama were gay, he wouldn't be the first: more than 150 years before the... * is obama the first gay president *

That's why we elected New Yorker, which is also out wh a ver story on gay marriage, took a b more subtle approach wh s May 21 issue. News stori:• How Whe Hoe gay marriage claratns are affectg other Democratic ndidat• Time breastfeedg ver sparks ntroversy• Will Obama's Julia celebrate a gay marriage?

Former Print Barack Obama released a lengthy statement about how his life was shaped by books wrten by gay and transgenr Democrat print ma the admissn a letter to librarians Monday morng. And librarians are on the ont l, fightg every day to make the wist possible range of viewpots, opns, and… — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 17, 2023Natnal rad host Todd Starn summed up Obama’s letter a tweet:“Obama: Your children should have accs to gay porn their school librari, ” Starn Your children should have accs to gay porn their school librari.


PHOTO: Newsweek Celebrat Obama's Gay Marriage Endorsement On Cover * is obama the first gay president *

— toddstarn (@toddstarn) July 17, 2023Dh D’Souza and others qutned what the first print to flip-flop on gay marriage meant.

Newsweek, which has recently bee a ndu for ntroversy wh s ver art choic, drew more attentn wh the but of s latt issue clarg Print Obama to be “the first gay print. ” The ver, featurg Obama anoted wh a rabow halo above his head, ma s arrival on newsstands Monday and the wake of Obama’s claratn last week that he is personally favor of gay marriage.

The ver article, by proment Newsweek polil wrer and outspoken gay muny member Andrew Sullivan, lv to Obama’s past and asserts that given his background, his claratn of support for gay marriage should e as no surprise. Drawg parallels between the sense of isolatn felt by many growg to acceptg their homosexualy and Obama’s stggle to assert his own racial inty his early years, Sullivan wholeheartedly celebrat Obama’s cisn. To have the print of the Uned Stat affirm my humany — and the humany of all gay Amerins — was, unexpectedly, a watershed.


Newsweek magaze's latt ver proclaims Barack Obama the 'first gay print'. He'd rather foc on the enomy than his ntroversial new support for same-sex marriage. But that's a tough issue for him, as recent polls show. * is obama the first gay president *

” Sullivan, should be noted, was also one of the first voic wh the media llg for gay marriage, wh his proment 1989 ver story the New Republic, “The Case for Gay Marriage. ” “It’s one of the richt ironi of our society’s bld spot toward gays that sentially nservative social goals should have the appearance of beg so radil, ” Sullivan wrote back 1989. “But gay marriage is not a radil step.

Given that gay relatnships will always exist, what possible social goal is advanced by amg the law to enurage those relatnships to be unfahful, unveloped, and secure?

” Obama’s claratn alongsi a turng pot for gay marriage the urt of public opn, wh a recent Gallup poll fdg that, for the first time the poll’s history, a majory of Amerins support the legalizatn of gay marriage, 53% to 45%. But, one-fourth of Amerins still say that Obama’s support for gay marriage will make them ls likely to vote for him November, while 13% say they’re now more likely to vote his favor.


The print will be tapg an appearance on ABC’s “The View” Monday, to be aired Tuday, which he is expected to speak further on his support for gay marriage. Origal source: Newsweek ver clar Obama ‘the first gay print’ Mt-read stori om the L.

Print Obama, "the first gay print, " zig-zags on gay marriage over time.


He has been clared Ameri’s “first gay print. 1996: While nng for the Illois Senate, Obama signs a qutnnaire for a gay Chigo publitn sayg he favors legalizg same-sex marriag. Print to mentn gays and lbians an gural addrs and champns same-sex marriage.

May 13, 2012&#151; -- It won't be nearly as ntroversial as Time magaze's breastfeedg ver, but Newsweek's May 21 issue clar Barack Obama the untry's "first gay print.


Sullivan's ver story is not yet onle, but a blog post published earlier this week, Sullivan wrote that Obama's support of gay marriage brought him to tears:I do not know how orchtrated this was; and I do not know how lculated is. News stori: • How Whe Hoe gay marriage claratns are affectg other Democratic ndidat • Time breastfeedg ver sparks ntroversy • Will Obama's Julia celebrate a gay marriage?

In 2012, Newsweek ran a magaze ver llg Barack Obama “Ameri’s First Gay Print. ” The article gleefully ld Obama for his support and endorsement of gay marriage. Tyg the journey of black people to the e of lbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenrs is Obama’s most endurg and impactful legacy.


The first gay print is a master of ceptn, nfn, and hidg the closet. Barack Obama: Ameri’s First Gay Print?

"Barack Obama: Ameri’s First Gay Print? ”Among the most banned books the US is Genr Queer, a memoir by Maia Kobabe about g out as non-bary; The Blut Eye by Toni Morrison, which has been challenged over sexually explic material, racial them and “disturbg” language; and Flamer, a young adult book by Mike Curato, which als wh issu such as homosexualy, bullyg and book censorship is not a new phenomenon, the trend has risen recently as the culture wars have lated. In 2021, Hungary passed a law banng gay people om appearg tnal materials or TV shows for mors.

Brown, whose tenure as edor at Newsweek has seen an array of ntroversial vers, will rpond wh the above, pegged to Andrew Sullivan's piece on Obama's support for same-sex marriage: "The First Gay Print. (Also on POLITICO: 20 gay rights ton).


The evolutn of the natn's 'first gay print' | CNN Polics .