In 2021, there were 617 victims of anti-gay hate crim the Uned Stat, makg gay men the group wh the most victims attacked for their genr or sexual orientatn that year.
LGBT Foundatn is a natnal chary liverg advice, support and rmatn servic to lbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) muni. * lgbt hatecrime data *
Part of Pri Month is acknowledgg that while Amerin society has e a long way towards acceptg lbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenr, and queer folks, there’s still a long way to go and a lot of work for all of to do.
* lgbt hatecrime data *
Gay men are the most affected type and have been sce UCR data began trackg the crim 1990. This particular statistic is pecially impactful bee while approximately 4% of the adult populatn intifi as lbian, gay, or bisexual, only 0.
Acrdg to the FBI data, of the nearly 1, 200 cints targetg people due to their sexual orientatn, the majory targeted gay men (roughly 60 percent), while approximately 12 percent targeted lbians, 1. 4 percent of all reported hate crime cints last pared to 2017, the number of reported cints targetg the LGBTQ muny creased om 1, 217 to 1, 347, jumpg om roughly 17 percent to 19 percent of each year's total number of reported hate crime particular, reports of anti-trans vlence is growg: Between 2017 and 2018, the number of the reported cints creased 34 lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer muny is timated by Gallup to prise 4.
Friday marked 50 years sce protters fought back agast a police raid of New York's Stonewall Inn and talyzed the morn gay rights movement. Of those crim, a majory targeted gay motivated by a bias toward genr inty – agast transgenr and non-bary dividuals – have generally risen sce 2013, when the FBI first began rerdg them. At an annual Natnal Prayer Breakfast this past Febary, Tmp fend a state-fund Michigan adoptn agency’s efforts to ban gay and lbian upl om adoptg children.