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on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=78)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button><button type="button" on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=79)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button><button type="button" on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=80)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button><button type="button" on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=81)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button><button type="button" on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=82)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button><button type="button" on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=83)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button><button type="button" on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=84)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button><button type="button" on="tap:roel-wh-roel-preview.goToSli(x=85)"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src="//;o=" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"><amp-img class="thumbnail" src=" fallback="fallback" layout="fill" alt="Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele"></amp-img></amp-img></button></amp-roel></div></div><div class="sc-15alea8-0 sc-15alea8-1 beRSzX"><h2 font-size="4" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb dMbfqF">Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele</h2><div emProp="amenyFeature" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat dLZiAS"><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat dmrRQC"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" tle="wifi" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 cTtih Wifi__SvgWifi-sc-17kbkjd-0 gvnrJW In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>wifi</tle><path d="M2 9.1l1.8 1.8c4.5-4.5 11.8-4.5 16.4 0L22 9.1c-5.5-5.5-14.5-5.5-20 0zm7.3 7.2L12 19l2.7-2.7c-1.4-1.5-3.9-1.5-5.4 0zm-3.7-3.6l1.8 1.8c2.5-2.5 6.5-2.5 9.1 0l1.8-1.8c-3.5-3.5-9.1-3.5-12.7 0z"></path></svg> <div font-size="2" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kyljWG">Free Inter Accs</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat dmrRQC"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" tle="pets" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 cTtih Pets__SvgPets-sc-1nj35sa-0 cfACTH In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>pets</tle><path d="M4.5 11.5C3.1 11.5 2 10.4 2 9s1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5S7 7.6 7 9s-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5zm4.5-4C7.6 7.5 6.5 6.4 6.5 5S7.6 2.5 9 2.5s2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5S10.4 7.5 9 7.5zm6 0c-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5s1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5zm4.5 4c-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5s1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5S22 7.6 22 9s-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5zm-2.2 2.9c1.3 1.3 2.9 2.8 2.6 4.8-.3 1-1 2-2.3 2.3-.7.1-3.1-.4-5.5-.4h-.2c-2.5 0-4.8.6-5.5.4-1.3-.3-2-1.3-2.3-2.3-.3-2 1.3-3.5 2.6-4.8.9-1 1.6-1.9 2.5-2.9.5-.5 1.1-1.1 1.8-1.3.1 0 .2-.1.3-.1.2-.1.4-.1.7-.1h.8c.1 0 . 1.3.8 1.8 1.3.8 1.1 1.6 1.9 2.4 3z"></path></svg> <div font-size="2" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kyljWG">Pets Allowed</div></div></div><div lor="gray" class="sc-bxivhb GcdAG"><div class="display-le">Loted the Lln Road shoppg district, this Miami Beach boutique hotel featur a plimentary men-only self-service spa cludg a steam room, dry sna, and hot tub. Over 10 rtrants are wh 5 mut' walk. Guts n watch flat-screen ble TVs wh craft cktails and beers the bar on the 1st level. Eveng entertament is provid. Free WiFi and an ambient sound mache are featured each room at Hotel Gaytherg. The private bathroom offers ee toiletri and a shower. A library wh munal events, gam room, and ee bicycl are also available at Hotel Gaytherg Miami Beach. Regal Cemas South Beach Stadium 18 cema is 5 mut' walk away. The hotel is 18 mut' drive om the Miami Internatnal Airport. The Lln Road Mall is only 886 feet om the hotel.</div></div><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-1 gKaXrU"><sectn class="sc-1qjlxsk-2 bbiBEF"><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-0 gUqQTP"><nav emspe="" emType=" class="sc-ffyosg-0 fROdiz"><div emProp="emListElement" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bbv9bw-0 fCOKAj"> <a href="/" emProp="em" lor="primary" class="sc-VigVT dccPvR"><span emProp="name">Home</span></a><meta emProp="posn" ntent="1"/> </div><div emProp="emListElement" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bbv9bw-0 fCOKAj"> <a href="/hotels/" emProp="em" lor="primary" class="sc-VigVT dccPvR"><span emProp="name">Hotels</span></a><meta emProp="posn" ntent="2"/> </div><div emProp="emListElement" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bbv9bw-0 fCOKAj"> <a href="/hotel-als/k1/" emProp="em" lor="primary" class="sc-VigVT dccPvR"><span emProp="name">Uned Stat<!-- --> Hotels</span></a><meta emProp="posn" ntent="3"/> </div><div emProp="emListElement" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bbv9bw-0 fCOKAj"> <a href="/hotel-als/r12/US/" emProp="em" lor="primary" class="sc-VigVT dccPvR"><span emProp="name">Florida<!-- --> Hotels</span></a><meta emProp="posn" ntent="4"/> </div><div emProp="emListElement" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bbv9bw-0 fCOKAj"> <a href="/hotel-als/c3000090052/US/Florida/" emProp="em" lor="primary" class="sc-VigVT dccPvR"><span emProp="name">Miami Beach<!-- --> Hotels</span></a><meta emProp="posn" ntent="5"/> </div><div emProp="emListElement" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bbv9bw-0 fCOKAj"> <span><a href="/hotel-als/h53274505/US/Florida/Miami-Beach/" hidn="" emProp="em" lor="primary" class="sc-VigVT dccPvR"></a><span emProp="name">Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele</span></span><meta emProp="posn" ntent="6"/> </div></nav></div></sectn></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-5kyeth-3 cETfji sc-13zqk07-19 dXffwh"><div emProp="aggregateRatg" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-5kyeth-0 hhjQgi"><meta emProp="btRatg" ntent="10"/><meta emProp="worstRatg" ntent="0"/><h3 class="sc-bxivhb fLooJw">Gut Sre and Reviews for <!-- -->Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele</h3><div class="sc-5kyeth-1 limbLE"></div><div class="sc-1ucu8ea-0 jiPJjk"><div class="sc-1bbfy-0 fhQUBL"><div class="sc-1bbfy-1 fJHdWw"><div emProp="ratgValue" font-weight="bold" lor="alert" class="sc-bdVaJa sc-SCKo kyRnyY">8.8</div></div><div emProp="scriptn" class="sc-bxivhb sc-1bbfy-2 ckKAEZ">Excellent</div></div><div class="sc-15n8ow9-0 fcRpYF"><div class="sc-15evnzt-0 iOUBox"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-1 iKvHjs">Staff</div><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-2 gHACfG">8.8</div></div><div class="sc-15evnzt-0 iOUBox"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-1 iKvHjs">Cleanls</div><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-2 gHACfG">9.2</div></div><div class="sc-15evnzt-0 iOUBox"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-1 iKvHjs">Lotn</div><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-2 gHACfG">8.9</div></div></div></div><div class="sc-1faglm5-0 ivjdJH">Based on <span emProp="ratgCount">298</span> review<!-- -->s<!-- --> | All reviews are om verified hotel guts</div></div></div><ul class="sc-13zqk07-14 gYFOaP"></ul><a href="/hotel-als/w53274505/US/Florida/Miami-Beach/Hotel-Gaytherg-Gay-Hotel-All-Adults-Wele/" lor="primary" class="sc-VigVT dccPvR">Load more ctomer reviews</a></div></div></sectn></div><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-1 fjYIyM"><sectn class="sc-1qjlxsk-2 bbiBEF sc-3944q-0 iYEynv sc-13zqk07-1 gkvehq"><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-0 gUqQTP"><form actn="/hotel-als/search" method="get" target="_top" id="avalabilyBox-2" class="sc-3944q-1 dKSbvw"><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-3944q-2 XSxWk"><h1 font-size="4" class="sc-3944q-3 cirLwJ">Check Availabily</h1><div class="sc-3944q-4 GgQiA"><div class="pcln-date-picker" data-props="{"className":"sc-1lmyot9-0-Xn sc-3944q-5 eQAprZ"}"><div class="sc-1lmyot9-0-Xn sc-3944q-5 eQAprZ"><div class="pclnButtonAndInputsContaer"><button type="button"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" tle="arrowLeft" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" lor="whe" 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1.8z"></path></svg></div><button type="subm" lor="sendary" class="sc-iwsKbI sc-3944q-7 ianYQY">Show Pric</button></div><put type="hidn" name="id" value="53274505"/><put type="hidn" name="type" value="hotel"/><put type="hidn" name="preferredhotelids" value="53274505"/><put type="hidn" name="query" value="Miami Beach, FL"/></form></div></sectn></div><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-1 fjYIyM"><sectn class="sc-1qjlxsk-2 cNwKIU"><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-0 gUqQTP"><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-1 fjYIyM"><sectn class="sc-1qjlxsk-2 hvvAvS"><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-0 gUqQTP"><div id="div-gpt-ad-39f761e1-b3-4584-e4ea-5f30715a3376-0" class="sc-1qt0y6l-0 bAWbee"><script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoad', functn() { (functn() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-39f761e1-b3-4584-e4ea-5f30715a3376-0"); }); });</script></div></div></sectn></div><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-1 fjYIyM"><sectn class="sc-1qjlxsk-2 cNwKIU"><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-0 gUqQTP"><div class="sc-13zqk07-21 dgOmWu"><div id="map" class="sc-13zqk07-20 jVEbIs"></div><amp-state id="mapProps"><script type="applitn/json">{"on":false}</script></amp-state><div data-amp-bd-class=" ? 'mapOn mapTrigger' : 'mapTrigger'" class="mapTrigger" role="button" tabx="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({"mapProps":{"on":te}})"><div class="mapTrigger__left"><hear>Map</hear><addrs>1409 Lln Road, Miami Beach, Florida, Uned Stat, 33139</addrs></div><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" tle="chevronRight" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" lor="blue" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 VQjn ChevronRight__SvgChevronRight-sc-189tolx-0 iiLOnm In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 bsJvEv" role="img"><tle>chevronRight</tle><path d="M8 16.6l4.6-4.6L8 7.4 9.4 6l6 6-6 6L8 16.6z"></path></svg></div><div class="mapHear"><div class="mapHear__wiView"><hear>Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele</hear><addrs>1409 Lln Road, Miami Beach, Florida, Uned Stat, 33139</addrs></div><span>Map</span><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="32" width="32" tle="close" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" role="button" on="tap:AMP.setState({"mapProps":{"on":false}})" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 lhRZhl Close__SvgClose-sc-14nkhxm-0 kOpJdf In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 fzPlqm"><tle>close</tle><path d="M19 6.4L17.6 5 12 10.6 6.4 5 5 6.4l5.6 5.6L5 17.6 6.4 19l5.6-5.6 5.6 5.6 1.4-1.4-5.6-5.6L19 6.4z"></path></svg></div><div data-amp-bd-class=" ? 'mapOn mapContaer' : 'mapContaer'" class="mapContaer"><amp-iame layout="fill" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-top-navigatn-by-er-activatn" src="/hotel-als/"></amp-iame></div></div><div id="more-" class="sc-13zqk07-11 zksKc"><div class="sc-13zqk07-12 dnuWmV"><h3 class="sc-bxivhb kLjZlI">Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele</h3><div font-size="1" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn"><div class="display-le">Loted the Lln Road shoppg district, this Miami Beach boutique hotel featur a plimentary men-only self-service spa cludg a steam room, dry sna, and hot tub. Over 10 rtrants are wh 5 mut' walk. Guts n watch flat-screen ble TVs wh craft cktails and beers the bar on the 1st level. Eveng entertament is provid. Free WiFi and an ambient sound mache are featured each room at Hotel Gaytherg. The private bathroom offers ee toiletri and a shower. A library wh munal events, gam room, and ee bicycl are also available at Hotel Gaytherg Miami Beach. Regal Cemas South Beach Stadium 18 cema is 5 mut' walk away. The hotel is 18 mut' drive om the Miami Internatnal Airport. The Lln Road Mall is only 886 feet om the hotel.</div></div><div font-size="1" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Get the bt als whout needg a promo ! Save on your rervatn by bookg wh our disunt rat at <div class="display-le">Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele FL</div>.</div><h3 class="sc-bxivhb bjgdYk">Hotel Lotn</h3><div><div font-size="1" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">1409 Lln Road</div><div font-size="1" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn"><span>Miami Beach</span><span font-size="1">, <!-- -->Florida</span></div><div font-size="1" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn"><span>33139<!-- -->, </span><span>Uned Stat</span></div></div><div id="div-gpt-ad-342c0fc8-5324-4334-dc14-421d761da391-0" class="sc-1qt0y6l-0 bAWbee sc-13zqk07-16 hKNvkg"><script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoad', functn() { (functn() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-342c0fc8-5324-4334-dc14-421d761da391-0"); }); });</script></div></div><div class="sc-13zqk07-13 jtsByW"><div emProp="amenyFeature" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-bdVaJa cJVuIF"><h3 class="sc-bxivhb kLjZlI">Hotel Ameni</h3><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-13zqk07-3 gpqbEl"><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Allergy-ee rooms available</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Free face masks</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Public bath</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Procs place to check health of guts</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">All plat, cutlery, glass and other tableware have been sanized</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">CCTV secury mon areas</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Golf urse</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Pets allowed (charg may apply)</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Hand sanizer gut acmodatn and key areas</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Fire extguishers</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Cashls payment available</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Game room</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Dignated smokg area</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Bar</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Nightclub/DJ</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Movie nights</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Karaoke</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Concierge servic</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Safety pos box</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">First aid k available</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Cyclg</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Pet bowls</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">We/champagne</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Protective screen or physil barriers appropriate areas</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Board gam/puzzl</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Meetg/banquet facili</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Key accs</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Electronic room key</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Bgo</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Happy hour</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Garn</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Lens, towels and lndry washed acrdance wh lol thory guil</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Temporary art galleri</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Physil/social distancg guil</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Daily hoekeepg</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Contactls check-/out</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Sun loungers or beach chairs</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Smoke alarms</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Shared statnery such as prted men, magaz, pens, and paper removed</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Staff follow all safety protols as directed by lol thori</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Piic area</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Entertament servic</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Luggage storage & lockers</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Invoic</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Elevator</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Coffee shop</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Air ndng</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">24-hour secury</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Parkg available (charg may apply)</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Indoor parkg (charg may apply)</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Room service</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Fs</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">ATM or sh whdraw on se</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Bicycle rental (charg may apply)</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Eveng entertament</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Balny/terrace</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Exprs check-/check-out</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Outdoor furnure</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Heatg</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Shared lounge/TV area</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Adult Only</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Free Inter Accs</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Health Servic</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Spa</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Spa</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Pets Allowed</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Handipped Rooms/Facili</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">No Smokg Rooms/Facili</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Staabily</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-4 fqsbgu"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" tle="check" aria-hidn="te" fill="currentlor" tabx="-1" focable="false" class="Svg-sc-12lgb6u-0 iZhAVL Check__SvgCheck-sc-178a9-0 kzexix In-sc-gxuy-0 iWfock sc-iwftj0-0 yMXMP" role="img"><tle>check</tle><path d="M8.6 15.6l-4.2-4.2L3 12.8l5.6 5.6 12-12L19.2 5 8.6 15.6z"></path></svg> <div font-size="1" emProp="name" class="sc-bxivhb kjwppn">Hot tub/Whirlpool</div></div></div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa cJVuIF"><h3 class="sc-bxivhb kLjZlI">Hotel Polici</h3><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-13zqk07-5 iOfIVM"></div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa cJVuIF"><h3 class="sc-bxivhb lmJKOA sc-13zqk07-10 czQX">Important Informatn</h3><div font-size="1" class="sc-bxivhb sc-13zqk07-22 eGoLCi">Guts are required to show a photo ID and cred rd upon check-. Please note that all Special Requts are subject to availabily and addnal charg may apply. This property might host on-se functns, so noise may be dible some rooms. Please rm Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele of your expected arrival time advance. You n e the Special Requts box when bookg, or ntact the property directly g the ntact tails your nfirmatn. In rponse to the ronavis (COVID-19), addnal safety and sanatn measur are effect at this property. Food and beverage servic at this property may be limed or unavailable due to the ronavis (COVID-19). Due to the ronavis (COVID-19), this property is takg steps to protect the safety of guts and staff. Certa servic and ameni may be rced or unavailable as a rult. Due to ronavis (COVID-19), this property adher to strict physil distancg measur. Due to the ronavis (COVID-19), wearg a face mask is mandatory all door mon areas. Guts mt be 18 years of age or olr to check-. Please note that children nnot be acmodated. Note: The bar is open nightly 7 days a week until the early morng. Noise is expected. Guts may requt a room away om the bar after bookg based on availabily. Contact the hotel for tails. The rort fee vers: • Breakfast buffet • Soda and ffee at the receptn sk • Bicycle e • Beach towels • Inter accs • En sue safe • En sue ffee Cash is not accepted as a form of payment.</div></div></div></div><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-1 fjYIyM"><sectn class="sc-1qjlxsk-2 cNwKIU"><div class="sc-1qjlxsk-0 gUqQTP"><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-5kyeth-3 cETfji"><div class="sc-5kyeth-0 hhjQgi"><h3 class="sc-bxivhb fLooJw">Gut Sre and Reviews for <!-- -->Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele</h3><div class="sc-5kyeth-1 limbLE"><div class="sc-1faglm5-0 kNmWVz">Read reviews by verified guts for <!-- -->Hotel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele<!-- --> <!-- -->Miami Beach<!-- -->.</div></div><div class="sc-1ucu8ea-0 jiPJjk"><div class="sc-1bbfy-0 fhQUBL"><div class="sc-1bbfy-1 fJHdWw"><div font-weight="bold" lor="alert" class="sc-bdVaJa sc-SCKo kyRnyY">8.8</div></div><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-1bbfy-2 ckKAEZ">Excellent</div></div><div class="sc-15n8ow9-0 fcRpYF"><div class="sc-15evnzt-0 iOUBox"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-1 iKvHjs">Staff</div><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-2 gHACfG">8.8</div></div><div class="sc-15evnzt-0 iOUBox"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-1 iKvHjs">Cleanls</div><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-2 gHACfG">9.2</div></div><div class="sc-15evnzt-0 iOUBox"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-1 iKvHjs">Lotn</div><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-15evnzt-2 gHACfG">8.9</div></div></div></div><div class="sc-1faglm5-0 ivjdJH">Based on <span>298</span> review<!-- -->s<!-- --> | All reviews are om verified hotel guts</div></div><div id="div-gpt-ad-abfd3b6c-1020-4fbe-a4b2-98191d0e6216-0" class="sc-1qt0y6l-0 bAWbee sc-5kyeth-2 hZpqvR"><script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoad', functn() { (functn() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-abfd3b6c-1020-4fbe-a4b2-98191d0e6216-0"); }); });</script></div></div><div class="sc-13zqk07-2 MeKKM"><div class="sc-13zqk07-17 kXqbNY"><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat sc-1xc4lnu-0 dYnwv"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-1xc4lnu-1 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Young Children</optn><optn value="/hotel-als/w53274505/US/Florida/Miami-Beach/Hotel-Gaytherg-Gay-Hotel-All-Adults-Wele/">Fay wh Teens</optn><optn value="/hotel-als/w53274505/US/Florida/Miami-Beach/Hotel-Gaytherg-Gay-Hotel-All-Adults-Wele/">Senr Traveler</optn><optn value="/hotel-als/w53274505/US/Florida/Miami-Beach/Hotel-Gaytherg-Gay-Hotel-All-Adults-Wele/">Group Traveler</optn></select></div></div></div><div class="sc-909ywg-0 XZrQo"><div><div emProp="review" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-12q3ejh-0 hEcvyK sc-909ywg-1 fQdGqq"><div class="sc-12q3ejh-6 ddTOvk"><div emProp="reviewRatg" emspe="" emType=" font-weight="bold" lor="alert" class="sc-bdVaJa sc-SCKo sc-12q3ejh-1 jgCRbk"><meta emProp="worstRatg" ntent="0"/><meta emProp="btRatg" ntent="10"/><span emProp="ratgValue">9</span></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa xhMm"><h3 emProp="thor" class="sc-bxivhb cgKhQl sc-12q3ejh-5 iUeqHn">Cancho</h3><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-12q3ejh-4 AZIYv">Travelg as a <!-- -->Solo Traveler</div><div emProp="datePublished" class="sc-bxivhb sc-12q3ejh-4 AZIYv">7/29/2023</div></div></div><div><div emProp="reviewBody"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-12q3ejh-2 sc-12q3ejh-3 bCETIR">Exceptnal</div></div><div class="sc-bdVaJa sc-htpNat eJeNxs"><div class="sc-bxivhb sc-12q3ejh-4 AZIYv">Verified review om a<svg viewBox="0 0 87 22" width="52" height="24" fill="currentColor" mx="8" mb="-8" lor="blue" class="sc-iwftj0-0 bgweOC"><path d="M78.707 10.06c-.064-.484-.154-1.123-.633-1.63-.414-.418-1.046-.639-1.634-.639-.807 0-1.373.397-1.702.75-.455.507-.565 1.036-.673 1.52h4.642zm3.333 4.253c-.39.596-.784 1.168-1.372 1.72-.98.926-2.462 1.631-4.294 1.631-3.378 0-5.754-2.182-5.754-5.952 0-2.776 1.35-6.343 5.842-6.343.675 0 2.637.065 4.099 1.65 1.48 1.61 1.567 3.856 1.61 5.155h-8.128c-.025 1.434.783 2.867 2.592 2.867 1.831 0 2.464-1.213 2.877-2.028l2.53 1.3h-.002zM62.623 6.775c.326-.353.543-.616 1.132-.903a5.502 5.502 0 0 1 2.07-.416c.678 0 1.438.131 2.028.461 1.199.64 1.502 1.676 1.502 3.462v7.867h-3.332v-6.479c0-1.037-.024-1.41-.153-1.72-.264-.616-.851-.88-1.505-.88-1.766 0-1.766 1.432-1.766 2.866v6.215h-3.354V5.765h3.378v1.012-.002zm-5.49-3.928a1.812 1.812 0 0 1-1.801 1.822 1.813 1.813 0 0 1-1.803-1.822c0-1.007.807-1.823 1.803-1.823.994 0 1.802.816 1.802 1.823zm-3.47 2.872h3.314v11.527h-3.314V5.72zM51.394.765v16.481H48.04V.766h3.355zm-8.275 9.296c-.065-.485-.152-1.124-.634-1.63-.414-.419-1.049-.64-1.639-.64a2.29 2.29 0 0 0-1.698.75c-.458.507-.568 1.036-.676 1.52h4.648zm3.337 4.252c-.392.596-.783 1.168-1.372 1.72-.981.926-2.47 1.631-4.304 1.631-3.378 0-5.755-2.182-5.755-5.952 0-2.776 1.352-6.343 5.841-6.343.679 0 2.646.065 4.108 1.65 1.48 1.61 1.568 3.856 1.614 5.155h-8.14c-.022 1.434.785 2.867 2.593 2.867 1.837 0 2.47-1.213 2.886-2.028l2.528 1.3zm-13.12-.566c-.01-.031-.063-.02-.086.016-.067.12-.151.242-.264.374-.698.793-1.528.793-1.7.793-1.788 0-2.53-1.917-2.53-3.439 0-1.387.611-3.48 2.42-3.48.522 0 .936.175 1.264.395.458.334.685.668.861 1.461-2.561-1.308-1.231-2.836-1.45-3.82-1.45-3.793 0-5.711 2.819-5.711 6.168 0 4.696 3.466 6.019 5.645 6.019a5.62 5.62 0 0 0 3.269-1.037 5.29 5.29 0 0 0 .518-.425c-.647-.626-1.13-1.436-1.408-2.412zm-9.323-10.9a1.813 1.813 0 0 1-1.804 1.822c-.994 0-1.8-.817-1.8-1.822 0-1.007.806-1.823 1.8-1.823.997 0 1.804.816 1.804 1.823zm-3.478 2.872h3.315v11.527h-3.315V5.72zM15.79 6.93c.742-.639 1.55-1.146 3.294-1.32v2.996l-1.114.176c-1.612.288-2.093.531-2.093 1.985v6.48h-3.356V5.718h3.27V6.93zm-10.146.948c-.611 0-1.243.265-1.722.927-.481.638-.697 1.631-.697 2.71 0 1.454.371 2.359.805 2.843.393.419.96.66 1.505.66 1.633 0 2.353-1.785 2.353-3.593 0-1.518-.413-3.127-1.787-3.481a1.712 1.712 0 0 0-.457-.066zM2.986 6.865c.108-.132.218-.263.326-.374.567-.553 1.591-1.011 2.856-1.011 2.789 0 4.948 2.135 4.948 5.97 0 2.356-1.026 6.018-4.928 6.018-1.262 0-1.917-.419-2.812-.97v4.738H0V5.786h2.986v1.079z M84.504 2c.458 0 .877.112 1.259.335.382.223.683.525.905.908.221.382.332.799.332 1.25 0 .446-.11.861-.332 1.246a2.507 2.507 0 0 1-.909.92A2.443 2.443 0 0 1 84.49 7a2.468 2.468 0 0 1-2.16-1.25A2.457 2.457 0 0 1 82 4.507c0-.446.11-.861.332-1.246.222-.385.523-.691.905-.92A2.423 2.423 0 0 1 84.504 2zm-.015 4.39c.354 0 .677-.086.967-.258.29-.171.521-.402.691-.69.17-.29.255-.606.255-.95a1.871 1.871 0 0 0-.938-1.629c-.29-.168-.61-.253-.96-.253-.355 0-.676.086-.964.258a1.9 1.9 0 0 0-.934 1.64 1.862 1.862 0 0 0 .926 1.628c.289.17.607.254.957.254zm1.063-2.324a.94.94 0 0 1-.107.46.668.668 0 0 1-.314.29l.495.765h-.687l-.347-.647h-.443v.647h-.598V3.25h1.02c.314 0 .557.071.727. 0 0 0 .3-.099.357.357 0 0 0 .106-.276c0-.122-.035-.214-.107-.276a.445.445 0 0 0-.299-.091h-.42v.742z"></path></svg>ctomer</div></div></div></div></div><div><div emProp="review" emspe="" emType=" class="sc-12q3ejh-0 hEcvyK sc-909ywg-1 fQdGqq"><div class="sc-12q3ejh-6 ddTOvk"><div emProp="reviewRatg" emspe="" emType=" font-weight="bold" lor="alert" class="sc-bdVaJa sc-SCKo sc-12q3ejh-1 jgCRbk"><meta emProp="worstRatg" 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Miami's South Beach is one of the most gay-iendly statns the USA, so any hotel there is a good bet. But lotn is everythg, and the hotels near the gay beach at 12th St. or near gay clubs have an edge. * gay hotels miami beach fl *

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Competive pric - Gay-owned bs - Support for LGBTQ+ NGOsgay districtmost bookedcheaptmisterb&b munySee how the search rults are rankedFreehand Miami★ 5(1)Hotel room *** • Miami Beach Gay District • Wi-Fi • PoolPosh South Beach★ 5(1)Hotel room *** • Miami Beach Gay District • Wi-Fi • Adult OnlyBeds n' Drks★ 5(1)Hotel room *** • Miami Beach Gay District • Wi-Fi • BarGrand Beach Hotel★ 5(1)Hotel room **** • Miami Beach Gay District • Breakfast clud • Wi-FiParisian Hotel★ 4(1)Hotel room ** • Miami Beach Gay District • Wi-Fi • Parkg. Miami’s South Beach is one of the most gay-iendly statns the untry, so any hotel this neighborhood is a pretty good bet.


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But lotn, as they say, is everythg, and hotels near the gay beach at 12th St. Or near hot gay clubs have a slight edge over the petn. The Doubletree Surfber plays host to some of the area's biggt gay events, and as such is arguably Miami's gay-iendlit hotel.

It was the official host hotel for the 2009 Wter Party -- a week-long gay ftival -- as well as lbian Aqua girl party. The David Barton Gym Chelsea has long had a gay followg, and s Miami unterpart Gansevoort South is of the same mold. A popular place to see and be seen for both gay and straight exercisers, the gym is characterized by Morocn r, club mic, and mood lightg.

Guts are likely to get h on the steam and sna rooms, and the peak gay hours are 5 p. Our reporter noted many gay upl stayg at the hotel. And Ocean Drive -- directly across the street om the gay portn of the beach, which is easily intifiable by the rabow flags near the chairs.


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The hotel's sexy, clothg-optnal Turkish hammam draws both gay and straight exhibnists.


Wh a seemgly endls astle, gay-iendly beach ci, and the world’s ultimate theme parks, Florida has been a top tourist statn for LGBTQ travelers for s. * gay hotels miami beach fl *

Across the street to the north of the hotel is the gay fe and bar The Palace (motto: Every queen needs a palace"), which hosts a weekly drag baret show. The Albn is steps om the gay scene on Lln Road Mall, home to the gay dance club Sre -- a South Beach mastay that is still popular. Gay-iendly Lln Road bs Van Dyke Cafe, Kiehl's Sce 1851, and Diel, all hosted events for the 2009 Wter Party, a week-long gay ftival that tak place each year.

Bee flexibily that ter to gay men1409 Lln Road, Miami Beach, FLFully refundableRerve now, pay when you stayStay at this 3. "Reviewed on Jul 25, 2023Hôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele1500 Colls Avenue, Miami Beach, FLFully refundableRerve now, pay when you stayStay at this 4-star hotel Miami Beach. Featured Gay Friendly Hotels Florida.

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Gay Florida. And who n fet the state’s legendary activi and attractns, om the Florida Reef to Walt Disney World Rort and all the gay fanfare top astal ci like Miami, Fort Lrdale, and Palm Beach? Gay travelers n opt for romantic p the far-flung Florida Keys or art-foced trips to bohemian Sarasota brimmg wh galleri and mms.

Gay Scene Florida. Many of Florida’s major tourist statns have long weled gay travelers.

Wh so many gay-iendly statns, ’s no surprise that Florida hosts a number of LGBT ftivals and events, each wh s own flavor. Among them are Gay Days Orlando, Fantasy Ft Key Wt, Miami Gay and Lbian Film Ftival Miami, Prift Key Wt, and Whe Party Week South Beach, to name jt a few.


View als for Hôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele, cludg fully refundable rat wh ee ncellatn. Guts enjoy the helpful staff. Colls Avenue Shoppg Area is mut away. Breakfast is ee, and this hotel also featur a spa and a bar.  * gay hotels miami beach fl *

Gay-Friendly Activi and Attractns. For first-timers not sure which regn to choose for their very first gay Florida pe, we have a few suggtns:.

South Florida: Head to Miami, Fort Lrdale, Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Vero Beach, Sger Island, or Bo Raton for red-hot nightlife, sophistited dg, upsle shoppg, and high-energy beach — not to mentn some of the swankit gay rorts Florida. Florida Keys: Make your gay Florida pe to Key Wt or Key Largo for fishg, boatg, snorkelg, water sports, old-school vib, Cuban cuise, parable sunsets, and memorable road trips. Florida Panhandle: Choose Gulf Coast statns like Panama Cy Beach, Dt, Cape Coral, and Pensala Beach for laid-back gay beach vatns that put you close to nature prerv and untouched astal habats.


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Gay-Friendly Dg Florida.


Stay at this 3.5-star spa hotel Miami Beach. Enjoy ee breakfast, a full-service spa, and WiFi. Our guts praise the property ndn our reviews. Popular attractns Colls Avenue Shoppg Area and Ocean Drive are loted nearby. Disver genue gut reviews for Hôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele, South Beach neighborhood, along wh the latt pric and availabily – book now. * gay hotels miami beach fl *

Samplg new flavors and culary creatns is a major part of visg gay ci Florida.

Gay Nightlife.

Head to South Beach Miami for high-octane fun at s llectn of gay bars.

Check out our list of the bt gay-iendly rorts and hotels Miami, FL that offer a safe and welg environment for LGBTQ+ travelers. * gay hotels miami beach fl *

In Fort Lrdale and the suburb of Wilton Manors, a handful of gay bars she the spotlight on the growg LGBT muny there. In Tampa, a aln of gay and gay-iendly bs along the ma stretch the historic neighborhood of Ybor Cy provis a place for gay travelers to be themselv and support members of the muny.

And who uld fet the legendary gay clubs Orlando, boastg a range of experienc, om dimly l timate div to megaclubs wh dancg and entertament? You n expect the hight level of tolerance ci South Florida wh boomg gay nightlife scen and bs that wele gay travelers wholeheartedly. Sce the Pulse Nightclub shootg Orlando 2016, many gay bars and clubs offer extra secury.

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Compact yet fortable, Crate Shared Rooms at Hotel Gaytherg are perfect if you jt need a place to lay your head after a day of Miami Beach fun. * gay hotels miami beach fl *

0/10 SuperbProperty highlightsFree breakfastParkg availablePet-iendlySpaAir ndngChild-iendly activi1409 Lln Road, Miami Beach, FL, 33139Ma ameni Daily hoekeepgNear the beachFull-service spaSnaSteam roomFree e of bicyclSelf parkgSpa tubBar/loungeTerraceCoffee/tea a mon areaAir ndngFeel at home Televisn Garn Terrace Daily hoekeepg Lift Premium beddg Room optnsSiar properti nearbyAbout this areaWhat's nearbyIn South BeachLln Road Mall - 5 m walkColls Avenue Shoppg Area - 19 m walkMiami Beach Conventn Center - 22 m walkOcean Drive - 22 m walkMiami Beach Boardwalk - 30 m walkArt De Historic District - 3 m driveFontaeble - 5 m driveWynwood Walls - 9 m driveAmerin Airl Arena - 9 m driveDowntown Miami Shoppg District - 9 m driveGettg aroundMiami, FL (MPB-Public Seaplane Base) - 8 m driveMiami Internatnal Airport (MIA) - 18 m driveMiami, FL (OPF-Opa Locka Executive) - 26 m driveHollywood Internatnal Airport (FLL) - 35 m driveMiami Airport Statn - 14 m driveHialeah Market Statn - 15 m driveMiami Goln Glas Statn - 20 m driveRtrantsMcDonald's - 5 m walkBoga Taqueria y Tequila South Beach - 5 m 105 - 3 m walkStiltsville Fish Bar - 5 m walkHuahua's Taqueria - 3 m walkAbout this propertyHôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults WeleOnly 4. 8 km) om the airport, Hôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele puts you a short five-mute drive om Colls Avenue Shoppg Area and Ocean Drive. Please note that this property's spa allows men known asHôtel Gaytherg Gay Hotel All Adults Wele Miami BeachHôtel Gaytherg Gay Hotel All Adults WeleGaytherg Gay All Adults Wele Miami BeachGaytherg Gay All Adults WeleGaytherg Gay Adults WeleHôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele HotelHôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele Miami BeachFrequently asked qutnsDo Hôtel Gaytherg - Gay Hotel - All Adults Wele offer ee ncellatn for a full refund?

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Crate Shared Room – Hotel Gaytherg - The Gaytherg .