The Jonathan Mart bullyg se tells ltle about what would happen to an openly gay NFL player - Outsports

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"The anchise's support is particularly signifint as the Rairs have a player on their roster who was spend for misnduct after repeatedly addrsg teammat wh homophobic and racially rogatory 2013, the NFL Players Associatn (NFLPA) vtigated Richie Ingno's role the alleged harassment of teammate Jonathan of the Miami Dolphs, Ingno signed wh the Rairs as a ee agent May the end of October 2013, Pro Football Talk and the Associated Prs reported Mart, a send-round draft pick the 2012 NFL Draft, had left the Dolphs facili due to "emotnal" reasons.


"That the other offensive leman was subjected to homophobic name-llg and improper physil touchg and that Mart was tnted on a persistent basis wh sexually explic remarks about his sister and his mother and at tim ridiculed wh racial sults and other offensive ments. Over the urse of the early 20th century, was a safe haven for New York's LGBTQ muny and home to events—cludg the Stonewall Inn protts—that would bee flash pots for the mastreamg of the gay rights movement all across the remas to this day an important symbol of LGBTQ life New York (photographs of the sign at s tersectn wh Gay Street are tourist souvenir shop stapl), even though 's now more populated wh luxury shops and extravagant gyms than the nightlife hotspots that was once famo for. At this time gay bars were still not openly operatg, but the way the thory wrote s l meant they would later bee the unexpected llateral damage of the legislatn.

While the thory did not directly ce gay bars any of s extensive regulatns, police will go on to terpret a le agast nng a "disorrly" tablishment to mean venu equented by gay people.

Durg this time, the FBI matas a list of gay Amerins, who will subsequently be targeted by police for an array of illegal activi, cludg habatn and kissg the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, many queer people of lor had been leadg a (relatively) open life the north Manhattan neighborhood—as celebrated gay artist Bce Nugent put : "Nobody was the closet. In the face of laws barrg gay men om beg seen public together, gay men and drag queens beg to cise the wateront and steal away wh anonymo lovers to the squalid flopho dotted along the P.


The Jonathan Mart bullyg se tells ltle about what would happen to an openly gay NFL player - Outsports.