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xmlns="><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M12.95 3.05a1 1 0 010 1.414L9.415 8l3.606 3.608a1 1 0 01.083 1.32l-.083.094a1 1 0 01-1.32.083l-.094-.083L8 9.414 4.465 12.95a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414l3.535-3.537-3.464-3.463a1 1 0 01-.083-1.32l.083-.095a1 1 0 011.32-.083l.094.083L8 6.585l3.536-3.535a1 1 0 011.414 0z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span>Watch</span></button></div></div></div><div class="_1mcmq"><span class="_12Yqs _1lf7Q">Published: <time aria-label="March 14, 2022 at 11:58 AM UTC" dateTime="2022-03-14T11:58:41.000Z" class="">Mar 14, 2022</time></span></div></div> </div><div class="_1p-42 _6G8rT _2YhZV"><div class="_1p-42 _2JHop"><span class="_24PDP _14JYt"><span class="nYhnL" data-hook="fav_unter"><div><button class="_3uGXj _1otI6" style="cursor:poter"><span class="nB1UF _3sJC2 _2jEaI"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M11.054 3a1 1 0 00-.87.506L8.123 7.134l-4.57.641a1 1 0 00-.812.68l-.545 1.672a1 1 0 00.266 1.038l3.264 3.07-.765 4.33a1 1 0 00.416.997l1.567 1.081a1 1 0 001.021.069L12 18.66l4.116 2.07a1 1 0 001.025-.074l1.524-1.072a1 1 0 00.408-.999l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063a1 1 0 00.261-1.052l-.564-1.65a1 1 0 00-.807-.666l-4.58-.643-2.066-3.653a1 1 0 00-.87-.508h-1.85z"></path></svg></span><span class="_3AClx"><span>7</span> <span class="_1gsNt">Favour</span></span></button></div></span></span><span class="_24PDP _14JYt"><span class="nYhnL" data-hook="ments_unter"><div><button class="_3uGXj _1otI6" style="cursor:poter"><span class="nB1UF _3sJC2 _2jEaI"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3H6.414a1 1 0 00-.707.293L3.293 5.707A1 1 0 003 6.414V16a1 1 0 001 1h3v3a1 1 0 001 1h1.5a1 1 0 00.8-.4L13 17h4.586a1 1 0 00.707-.293l2.414-2.414a1 1 0 00.293-.707V4a1 1 0 00-1-1z"></path></svg></span><span class="_3AClx"><span>2</span> <span class="_1gsNt">Comments</span></span></button></div></span></span><span class="_24PDP"><span tabx="-1" role="button" class="_3uGXj _3bGQn 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iend</span></p><div id="viewer-452bm" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-fcq1n" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">I'm not sure where to start my story about makg some big chang my life. Perhaps a good place to beg would be by tellg you a ltle b about myself. I'm Jam, but most people kknow me as Jamie, which I prefer as Jam sounds too old. I'm 23 years old and now work at a major Universy as a rearcher and project veloper. I would say I am average most rpects, apart om two thgs. Appearance wise I'm not pecially good lookg, average height but fairly slim, some may even say rather skny although I eat well. I'm not ually a very social person beg mostly happy wh my own pany and due to a few thgs that have happened the past tak a lot for me to feel able to tst other people. There are two thgs which are not average about me, I'm Gay and I fd any form of disabily attractive, pecially guys wheelchairs. For as long as I n rell I have also had a strong sire, or even need, to e a wheelchair myself along wh full length leg brac on both legs. Usg a wheelchair or needg to e leg brac is how I feel I should be.</span></p><div id="viewer-39bi3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-bgm86" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Until I moved to Universy I had not e out as Gay, I was fairly sure my parents were homophobic and at school I was regularly bullied jt for beg me, the quiet shy kid, so I did not want to add anythg else to the mix. Once I got to Universy however I cid that I no longer wanted to be the closet about my sexualy and I hoped that I wouldn't need to be. I really wanted to start livg my life as the real me, well apart om my sire to have to e a wheelchair that is. I didn't tend to go public on that any time soon, if ever.</span></p><div id="viewer-ent20" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-29qm2" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Universy was a really good time, I enjoyed the urse I was dog and durg the summer holidays I was able to get work as a rearcher and tutorg stunts on summer school. This meant I was earng some money to eek out my stunt loan and I also had a really good exce not to go and vis my parents. My summer work also led to me beg offered a permanent job at the Universy when I graduated.</span></p><div id="viewer-c2hrq" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-9tsqi" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Although I was enjoyg my studi and the eedom to almost be my te self I really stggled to accept my attractn to disabled people and my own sire to be a wheelchair er. One of the bt cisns I ma was to jo the Universy's LGBT group. Whilst I wasn't as openly Gay as some members was really good to spend time wh other people who didn't judge me for my sexualy. It was also at one of the first meetgs I went to that I saw Tom for the first time. I was almost immediately attracted to his good looks, pecially his se when he was talkg to other people, but perhaps bt of all he was a wheelchair er. After several weeks of admirg him om a distance and dulgg a few fantasi about what uld happen, we fally got to talk. I am shy anyway but beg close ntact wh a very attractive guy a wheelchair ma me very nervo, pecially given my particular sir. It was the first time I had ever really met or spoken to someone wh a disabily. It rned out Tom was really easy to talk to and that first eveng I got to know him the time jt flew past. We very quickly beme good iends, we seemed to have siar terts and the same sense of humour, we got on together really well and I was aware I was velopg que a csh on my wheelchair g iend. As my nfince around Tom grew I probably started to flirt wh him, not that I was any sort of expert on how to start relatnships but I was really hopg we might bee more than jt iends. Tom mt have noticed my flirtg and although he didn't seem too unfortable wh my attentns he did eventually brg to the nversatn that he had a long term boyiend and that they were planng to get married as soon as he graduated. That was not somethg I really wanted to hear but I quickly cid that havg Tom as a iend was better than nothg.</span></p><div id="viewer-5v9n5" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-f5cks" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Although really disappoted that Tom and I would probably only ever be jt iends we ntued to spend a lot of our spare time together and I unted Tom as a real ed, as thgs turned out more so that I uld ever have imaged when we first met. I even got to meet his boyiend, Nick, when he me to stay. He was actually a really nice guy and apart fom a ltle b of jealoy on my part we got on really well. Over the next months we had some really great tim, gog to clubs town at weekends or hangg out the stunt unn bar or each others rooms. If nothg else I enjoyed beg the pany of my wheelchair g iend and when were out together I gus a part of me tried to pretend we were more than jt iends.</span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></sectn></div></div><div class="_1VvVp _10lmT x8Jwc" role="plementary"><div class="_3L-AU"><div class="_2rl2o"><span class="_3Ua2p"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="wheelchairpara-dream" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="43746902" data-euid="ba5782a5-3c4d-4f46-8cea-7a6b0b06eccf" href=" class="er-lk _277bf _3VrNw">More by <span class="_2vKEO">wheelchairpara-dream</span><span class="_1qFwb _13Gzz"></span></a></span><button class="_3uGXj lhRPS vvI-A _1mjov _2N7EG _22XXy" data-hook="er_watch_button"><span class="_2Q8pG"><span class="nB1UF _2hd9j HFiAh"><svg xmlns=" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M14.035 7.985a1 1 0 01-1 1h-4v4.1a1 1 0 01-.874.993l-.126.008a1 1 0 01-.993-.884l-.007-.116V8.985h-4a1 1 0 110-2l4-.001V3.086a1 1 0 01.875-.993l.125-.007a1 1 0 01.993.883l.007.117v3.898l4 .001a1 1 0 011 1z" clip-le="evenodd"></path></svg></span><span class="nB1UF _2hd9j _16DpB"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M12.95 3.05a1 1 0 010 1.414L9.415 8l3.606 3.608a1 1 0 01.083 1.32l-.083.094a1 1 0 01-1.32.083l-.094-.083L8 9.414 4.465 12.95a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414l3.535-3.537-3.464-3.463a1 1 0 01-.083-1.32l.083-.095a1 1 0 011.32-.083l.094.083L8 6.585l3.536-3.535a1 1 0 011.414 0z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span>Watch</span></button></div><div><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_36_Cg" tle="A Pretenr's Journey Part 20 by wheelchairpara-dream"><div class="_3ufQB"><sectn class="Q91qI aG7Yi" style="width:308px;height:343px"><div class="_16ECM _1xMkk" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-3"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="_2uqbc" fill="url(#app-root-3)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">A</text></svg></div><div class="_1xz9u">Lerature</div><h2 class="_2WvKD">A Pretenr's Journey Part 20</h2><div class="_2CPLm">Epilogue The year 2020 had certaly been a challengg one due to the effects of the Covid panmic. For me however, spe of numero tratns, had been a good year. I had fally achieved my dream of beg a legimate (well sort of) full time wheelchair er. Once I returned to workg at the universy, as opposed to workg om home, I would be dog so as a wheelchair er. I was actually really lookg forward to gog back to work the partment as I did miss the face to face teractn wh lleagu. I gus my only ncern was about how people would react to me as a wheelchair er. Although the year had seen my relatnship wh Kieran slowly velop was the end of the year at Christmas that proved to be a real turng pot after we had spent a whole night the same bed. Unfortunately further progrs was rather limed as 2021 started wh another natnal lockdown which meant we uld only meet up public plac. It did give an</div></sectn></div></a></div></div><div class="_3L-AU"><div class="_2rl2o IL8uY"><span class="_3Ua2p">Suggted Collectns</span></div><div><div class="_1kKLr"><a class="_2RmVO" href=">splay</a></div><div class="_12G69"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="xxZzZ" tle="Apta Sororas - Warhammer 40k by Kpatsu-Cosplay"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px"><img alt="Apta Sororas - Warhammer 40k" style="width:92px;height:92px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 50%" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></div></a><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="xxZzZ" tle="Sister of Battle - Warhammer 40k by Kpatsu-Cosplay"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px"><img alt="Sister of Battle - Warhammer 40k" style="width:92px;height:92px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 50%" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></div></a><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="xxZzZ" tle="Apta Sororas - Warhammer 40k by Kpatsu-Cosplay"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px"><img alt="Apta Sororas - Warhammer 40k" style="width:92px;height:92px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 50%" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></div></a></div><div class="_1kKLr"><a class="_2RmVO" href=">Wh40k Cosplay</a></div><div class="_12G69"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="xxZzZ" tle="Shoulr based fire by ElysianTrooper"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px"><img alt="Shoulr based fire" style="width:92px;height:92px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 50%" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></div></a><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="xxZzZ" tle="Sister Lucretia Annunziata - Sister Repentia by xXAnemonaXx"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px"><img alt="Sister Lucretia Annunziata - Sister Repentia" style="width:92px;height:92px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 50%" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></div></a><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="xxZzZ" tle="Warhammer soldier by EgonEagle"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px"><img alt="Warhammer soldier" style="width:92px;height:92px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 50%" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></div></a></div><div class="_1kKLr"><a class="_2RmVO" href=">Cosplay</a></div><div class="_12G69"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="xxZzZ" tle="Warrr Prc Xena - 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gay wheelchair

An alleged vio of Kg Lil Jay kissg another prison mate after which the said mate ss on his lap has given rise to 'gay' mors.



Once upon a time, Kris Snrs-Stowe was your typil gym-lovg gay guy. “I found this bizarre bee I was a regular gym person and I’d go to the gym seven to eight tim a week, ” he tells Gay Star News  a new terview. Related: Five Tips For What Not To Say To Someone Who Is Gay And Disabled.

“I was lled a poof through school bee of and I didn’t even know I was gay then. H/t: Gay Star News.


Media ptn, "I am a gay!


Stephen, who has cerebral palsy, is a disabily and gay rights mpaigner and Tik Tok as a way to raise awarens on the he adms sometim he don't feel like he's part of the LGBT muny bee he often up agast "ableism" - discrimatn agast people wh disabili.


Kg Lil Jay slams gay mors after vio of mat kissg prompts trolls’ rponse .