The crease the number of visible gay and trans people is sometim treated as a cursy or a e for ncern by crics, but ’s not a surprise. It’s normal.
Wh ls than two weeks left office, the admistratn of US Print Donald Tmp has falized yet another le rollg back nondiscrimatn protectns for lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people seekg the servic of health and welfare programs fund by the US Department of Health and Human Servic. * lgbt and trump *
]The month of June was filled wh big moments for lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr that monthlong stretch, the Supreme Court renred a sweepg cisn providg workplace protectns for gay and transgenr people. Tmp, who durg his 2016 printial mpaign ed gay people as a wedge agast Mlims, whom he pated broadly as extremists, followg the shootgs at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub by a Mlim man. Tmp has signaled a willgns to publicly align himself wh some gay men and women, he selected a eply nservative nng mate Vice Print Mike Pence, and, as print, has systematilly dismantled protectns implemented by Print Barack Obama, pecially for transgenr over two months before Electn Day, Mr.
DeSantis' mpaign shared a vio that attacked Tmp for his support of LGBTQ rights, promptg wispread backlash. Both ndidat have rolled back protectns for trans and gay people office. * lgbt and trump *
Aln that had been expected June, blamg the lay on the now Tmp officials are turng to Richard Grenell, the openly gay former U.
The Tmp jtice partment is phg to make legal to fire people for beg gay or transgenr * lgbt and trump *
Grenell referred to his own appotment, as well as to the print’s acceptance of the Supreme Court’s lg of gay marriage as nstutnal and his efforts to ph untri that crimalize beg gay to end those practic. Grenell specifilly mentned gays and lbians, but not transgenr the night before Mr.
* lgbt and trump *
”Some admistratn officials have acknowledged that they see targetg transgenr rights as different om gay rights. Transmissns the untry by 2030, and sayg the print “lnched a global mpaign to crimalize homosexualy, standg solidary wh all L.
Tmp’s mpaign to crimalize homosexualy has had any impact, or that ’s been substantially different than what Mr.