Copy lk to rtoon</tle><g clip-path="url(#clip0_3732_178637)"><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M16.3488 10.5017C16.2107 10.7357 16.2926 11.035 16.5318 11.17C16.7709 11.3052 17.0767 11.225 17.2148 10.991L18.4648 8.87225C19.5694 7.00002 18.9139 4.60601 17.0007 3.52508C15.0875 2.44415 12.6412 3.08562 11.5366 4.95785L9.53657 8.34782C8.432 10.22 9.08751 12.6141 11.0007 13.6949C11.1888 13.8012 11.382 13.8908 11.5785 13.9642C11.7819 14.0403 12.0058 13.9485 12.1147 13.764C12.2794 13.4849 12.1103 13.1276 11.8083 12.9992C11.7041 12.9549 11.6014 12.9044 11.5007 12.8475C10.0658 12.0368 9.57417 10.2413 10.4026 8.83712L12.4026 5.44715C13.2311 4.04298 15.0658 3.56187 16.5007 4.37257C17.9356 5.18327 18.4272 6.97878 17.5988 8.38295L16.3488 10.5017ZM7.6526 13.4983C7.79067 13.2643 7.70873 12.965 7.46959 12.8299C7.23044 12.6948 6.92464 12.775 6.78657 13.009L5.53657 15.1278C4.432 17 5.0875 19.394 7.00068 20.475C8.91385 21.5558 11.3602 20.9144 12.4648 19.0422L14.4648 15.6521C15.5694 13.78 14.9139 11.3859 13.0007 10.305C12.8127 10.1988 12.6195 10.1091 12.4229 10.0357C12.2195 9.95975 11.9956 10.0515 11.8867 10.236C11.7221 10.5151 11.8911 10.8724 12.1932 11.0008C12.2973 11.0451 12.4 11.0956 12.5007 11.1525C13.9356 11.9632 14.4272 13.7587 13.5988 15.1628L11.5988 18.5529C10.7704 19.957 8.93555 20.4382 7.50068 19.6274C6.0658 18.8167 5.57417 17.0212 6.4026 15.6171L7.6526 13.4983Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button><div class="AlertWrapper-gvFATk MdjE RponsiveCartoonLkAlertPopup-BPAXn kdMXRM shoppg-alert" role="dialog"><div aria-hidn="te" role="prentatn" class="AlertArrow-daOgye AlLda alert-arrow"></div><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ AlertMsage-jgAjgo bVCFRm ifgabc cxFROy alert-msage"><p aria-hidn="te">Lk pied</p></div></div></div><button aria-label="Shop" class="BaseButton-bLlsy ButtonWrapper-xCepQ bqVKKv YsOBB button button--primary-pair RponsiveCartoonInButton-hBCBMq lpsjql" data-event-click="{"element":"Button"}" data-ttid="Button" type="button"><span class="ButtonLabel-cjAuJN bBWXSg button__label">Shop</span><div class="ButtonInWrapper-gFdzAL bPDyTT button__in-ntaer"><svg class="in in-rt" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>Shop</tle><g clip-path="url(#clip0_3732_178638)"><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M4 3H2V4H4.23828L6.99617 15.2631C7.11483 15.6982 7.50998 16 7.96094 16H18.0365C18.4875 16 18.8826 15.6982 19.0013 15.2631L20.9648 7.26312C21.1383 6.62698 20.6594 6 20 6H10V7H20L18.0365 15H7.96094L5.03652 3H4.58055H4ZM10.0365 19C10.0365 19.5523 9.58881 20 9.03652 20C8.48424 20 8.03652 19.5523 8.03652 19C8.03652 18.4477 8.48424 18 9.03652 18C9.58881 18 10.0365 18.4477 10.0365 19ZM11.0365 19C11.0365 20.1046 10.1411 21 9.03652 21C7.93195 21 7.03652 20.1046 7.03652 19C7.03652 17.8954 7.93195 17 9.03652 17C10.1411 17 11.0365 17.8954 11.0365 19ZM18.0365 19C18.0365 19.5523 17.5888 20 17.0365 20C16.4842 20 16.0365 19.5523 16.0365 19C16.0365 18.4477 16.4842 18 17.0365 18C17.5888 18 18.0365 18.4477 18.0365 19ZM19.0365 19C19.0365 20.1046 18.1411 21 17.0365 21C15.932 21 15.0365 20.1046 15.0365 19C15.0365 17.8954 15.932 17 17.0365 17C18.1411 17 19.0365 17.8954 19.0365 19Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button></div></div></div></span></div></figure><p class="paywall">Correa, an amiable man of sixty-three, was bald and rpulent, and drsed a gray su, a pk shirt, and a burgundy tie. He took me for a walk, and, two blocks om the funeral home, we me to an open-air fé, pated bright yellow and orange, where men sat drkg beer and watchg soccer on televisn. “Here is where all began,” Correa said. In the early seventi, the fé was lled Las Dos Tortugas—the Two Turtl—and was a favored meetg place for robbers and smugglers. A dropout om Mellín’s Universidad Autónoma, Esbar had gone to bs sellg stolen tombston and ntraband Amerin cigarett. He began hangg out wh the crowd at Las Dos Tortugas, g and gog on a Lambretta motorbike. Colombia’s dg tra was flourishg, although those days was mostly marijuana, which the lols lled marimba. Esbar found his niche as the U.S. e market began to take off.</p><p class="paywall">Correa ran his own htle out of the funeral home, which was owned by a iend: he bought ntraband French perfume om a ntact Panama, then sold Mellín. One day, one of Esbar’s pistoleros—low-level shooters—summoned him to Las Dos Tortugas and asked if he uld get Cartier and Chanel. When Correa assured him he uld, the pistolero gave him an orr. After that, the gangsters started buyg perfume for their girliends, and Correa beme known as El Perfumero.</p><div class="Contaer-bkChBi byNLHx"></div><p class="paywall">Correa took pleasure associatg wh men who had monikers like Filth and Spir. The rtel’s sirs, or h men, operated out of an oil-change shop not far om the funeral home; a group of more than a hundred gathered there to plot killgs, kidnappgs, and bombgs. Some were policemen, who me to change out of their uniforms and then attack their lleagu. Correa was fascated, and gradually he beme a wele visor. “Why did I do ?” he said. “Out of prient tert, I thk, pure and simple. As a boy, I read a book about the Untouchabl of Elt Ns, and I was magized by the Chigo gangsters of the time—Al Capone, Pretty Boy Floyd, John Dillger, Mache Gun Kelly. Wh the crimals I was gettg to know here, I thought, One day I’ll wre a book. My iends warned me that I would be ad wh six months.”</p></div></div></div><div class="GridItem-buujkM fVLMby grid--em grid-layout__asi"><asi class="PersistentAsiWrapper-VGrR daRVRt persistent-asi" style="posn:absolute;top:to;height:to" data-ttid="PersistentAsiWrapper"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jxBcTH sticky-box"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--rail"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--rail" data-no-id="rf8gcv"></div></div><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--display-rail" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--display-rail"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></asi></div></div><div data-ttid="RowWrapper" class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="0nmniq"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bjczjj grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa bDyAMU body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p class="paywall">One day, he relled, some Esbar men began discsg a murr they were planng. “I got up, as if to leave the room, but one of them said, ‘Stay. We tst you.’ I stayed.” Correa realized that he had crossed a le. “I’m a big rear of World War Two histori,” he said. “And somethg I’ve always noticed is that, for those who were the ncentratn mps, a moment when they beme acctomed to everythg gog on around them.” Correa waved to the streets around . “I mean, I suffered over what was happeng, the vlence. But the morbid cursy—you know, was like Alka-Seltzer. I felt somethg here, si me.” Correa ma an chg motn wh his fgers around his stomach, and sed.</p><p class="paywall">When Esbar began to tablish himself as a public figure, the early eighti, he found other people willg to tell his story whout judgment. In April, 1983, the weekly magaze Semana published an article tled “Un Rob Hood Paisa.” (<em>Paisa</em> is the lol term for the people of Antquia provce, which ntas Mellín.) Semana scribed Esbar as a polilly amb and civic-md thirty-three-year-old bsman who owned an immense private ranch and a fleet of helipters and airplan. The magaze evad qutns about the orig of Esbar’s fortune, sayg only that was “the subject of wispread speculatn.”</p><p class="paywall">Esbar had recently mounted a mpaign for Congrs, which he spent eely Mellín’s poorer neighborhoods. He had ially tried to jo a branch of Colombia’s mastream Liberal Party, led by a popular young polician named Luis Carlos Galán, but he was thwarted when Galán nounced him as a mafso. Esbar, undnted, joed a different branch of the Party, wh the help of a powerful, rpt senator named Alberto Santofim.</p><p class="paywall">Esbar ma to Congrs, and began workg to build a polil nstuency and around Mellín. “His civic votn seems to know no lims,” Semana ghed. “His civic works clu entire neighborhoods, football fields, lightg systems, refortatn programs, donatns of tractors, bulldozers, etc. At the moment he is movg forward wh a program to build a thoand hom on a giant lot he owns. He bought wh the ia of buildg a neighborhood to relote hundreds of poor fai om the slums of Mellín, and he’s already given jobs to some his nstctn firm.”</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-2 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p class="paywall">For anyone lookg, though, the real reasons for Esbar’s tert polics were clear. “His ma polil preoccupatn right now is the extradn of Colombians,” Semana said. “For him, this treaty, whereby Colombians who ri their own untry but who have issu the Uned Stat n be hand over to the thori of that untry, nstut ‘a vlatn of natnal sovereignty.’ ”</p><p class="paywall">His electoral ambns did not go very far. He was soon nounced as a gangster by Colombia’s jtice mister, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla. Esbar fought back, falsely accg the mister of beg the pocket of nars. But then an fluential newspaper edor named Guillermo Cano dug up an old news story showg that Esbar had been arrted, seven years before, for the posssn of thirty-ne pounds of e. Esbar was ejected om Congrs, and the F.B.I. began vtigatg him. He went unrground, and a long hunt began.</p><p class="paywall">In March, 1984, Colombian and Amerin agents raid the rtel’s headquarters. Known as Tranquilandia, was a huge plex that ntaed at least seven laboratori, var airstrips, and more than a billn dollars’ worth of e. A month later, Esbar had his revenge, when two of his men, ridg a motorbike, ambhed Lara Bonilla’s r Bogotá, killg him stantly.</p><p class="paywall">Esbar spent seven years as a fugive, but his ncern was ls the Colombian jtice system than the Uned Stat Dg Enforcement Admistratn. To force the state to whdraw om s extradn treaty wh the U.S., he and his partners offered bounti on judg and prosecutors, warngs that were signed “The Extradabl.” The rtel’s sirs killed thoands of people, cludg more than two hundred and fifty policemen Mellín. In 1986, his men murred Cano, and they mache-gunned his old polil enemy Luis Carlos Galán at a Printial-mpaign appearance 1989. Many civilians were also killed, cludg the hundred and seven passengers and crew of an Avian plane that Esbar had orred blown up, 1989, bee he believed—wrongly, turned out—that another unöperative polician was on board. To force the ernment to negotiate, he abducted proment Colombians, many of them journalists, cludg the dghter of a former Print. Esbar’s guidg prciple was <em>plata o plomo</em>, meang silver or lead—eher you took his money or you got a bullet.</p><p class="has-dropp has-dropp__lead-standard-headg paywall">Another Netflix seri, the sixty-part “Survivg Esbar,” is based on a memoir by Jhon Jairo (Popeye) Velásquez, one of Esbar’s top sirs. Sce pletg a twenty-three-year prison sentence, 2014, Popeye has taken advantage of Esbar’s rurgent glamour. In addn to the Netflix seri, he has a YouTube show, “Repentant Popeye,” which he films himself tellg stori om the old days, mentg on the news, sultg his enemi (“spible rats!”), and harangug soccer managers who don’t meet his expectatns. Dpe the show’s name, Popeye don’t seem very repentant. He equently exprs admiratn for Esbar, whom he lls El Patrón, and cheerfully acknowledg his crim; he adms to havg murred more than two hundred and fifty people, cludg several leadg policians, and to havg helped orchtrate the killgs of some three thoand more. For the many Colombians who are ashamed to be associated wh Esbar’s memory, Popeye’s brazenns is furiatg. His fans love . The YouTube show has some six hundred thoand subscribers, mostly young, right-wg men.</p><p class="paywall">I met Popeye at his apartment, on the top floor of a newly built red brick tower, a gentrifyg neighborhood of Mellín. A slim, youthful man his mid-fifti, wh short-cropped silver hair and a mera-ready se, he wore jeans and a black T-shirt, and his neck and arms were tattooed. Both of his forearms bore the phrase “El General la Mafia,” surround by skeletons and ath’s heads.</p><p class="paywall">The apartment had the feelg of a stud set. In the livg room, a large wdow looked out on an adjacent apartment tower, and a mera on a tripod was placed near . On the walls, an oil patg showed two cks fightg agast a black backdrop; another picted an army of sperm breakg to eggs. Between them hung a number of masks, of the kd ed sadomasochistic ruals, cludg a repli of the one that Hannibal Lecter wore “<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">The Silence of the Lambs</a>.” Popeye explaed that he liked them bee they remd him of ath, and “ath is part of life.”</p><p class="paywall">The narturistas are g to Colombia part bee the untry is experiencg unual stabily, after s of vic fightg. In 2016, the ernment, led by Print Juan Manuel Santos, signed a peace treaty wh the Marxist guerrilla army known as the <em class="small">FARC</em>, endg a half-century surgency. Popeye wanted no part of . “There’ll never be peace here Colombia,” he said. In his view, Santos was “a profsnal traor,” and the treaty threatened Colombia’s tegry by allowg Communists to n for office.</p><p class="paywall">Popeye was not opposed to vlence. He was happy to acknowledge that Esbar, tryg to cultivate alli to fight agast rival crimal groups, had helped form a strg of btal right-wg paraari; he spoke warmly of the former Print Álvaro Uribe Vélez, who has equently been acced of aidg the paraari’ work. (In a classified 1991 Defense Intelligence document, Uribe also was named as a llaborator of Esbar’s. Uribe ni the accatns. However, his brother is on trial for leadg a terror group, and numero associat of his have been imprisoned for siar crim.) “We need an ultra-right-wg ernment here to stop Colombia om succumbg to Communism,” Popeye clared. He gtured toward the mountas rgg Mellín—a stronghold of paraari—and said, “There are already fifteen thoand armed men the mountas. The day the <em class="small">FARC</em> tak power, we’ll bee two hundred thoand, and, if we clu the ci, altogether we’ll be five hundred thoand. It’ll be fanced by dtrialists, and the btible gredient to all of this will be e.” He saw himself as a key player this future war, llg himself “the most experienced Colombian” matters of vlence.</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-3 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p class="paywall">He had killed nocent people, he said, and cut victims to piec, but had done so bee his enemi had done that to his people, too. Anyway, those days had been his job. He had been fightg what he thought was a war agast a rpt state and s extradn treaty wh the Uned Stat. How did he sleep at night? By gettg bed, pullg up the vers, and closg his ey. He didn’t have time, he said, to <em>andar n maridas</em>—to ms around wh fairy sh.</p><figure class="AssetEmbedWrapper-eVDQiB byBkf asset-embed"><div class="AssetEmbedAssetContaer-eJxoAx dBHGoQ asset-embed__asset-ntaer"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kKwZhx rponsive-asset AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset"><div data-attr-viewport-monor="" class="RponsiveCartoonWrapper-iTMMjI eXTYsS rponsive-rtoon AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset viewport-monor-anchor"><a class="external-lk rponsive-rtoon__image-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa RponsiveCartoonImage-hzNqyc ikeCcH rponsive-rtoon__image rponsive-image"><noscript><img alt="The Afterlife of Pablo Esbar" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src=" srcSet=" 120w, 240w, 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1600w" siz="100vw"/></noscript></picture></a><div class="RponsiveCartoonCTA-eiqqMB iDCQRs"><div class="RponsiveCartoonCTAWrapper-CYIqa iTbFtf"><div class="RponsiveCartoonLkButtonWrapper-hqDAJK eSEhbj"><button aria-label="Copy lk to rtoon" class="BaseButton-bLlsy ButtonWrapper-xCepQ bqVKKv YsOBB button button--primary-pair RponsiveCartoonInButton-hBCBMq lpsjql" data-event-click="{"element":"Button"}" data-ttid="Button" type="button"><span class="ButtonLabel-cjAuJN bBWXSg button__label">Copy lk to rtoon</span><div class="ButtonInWrapper-gFdzAL bPDyTT button__in-ntaer"><svg class="in in-pylk" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>Copy lk to rtoon</tle><g clip-path="url(#clip0_3732_178637)"><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M16.3488 10.5017C16.2107 10.7357 16.2926 11.035 16.5318 11.17C16.7709 11.3052 17.0767 11.225 17.2148 10.991L18.4648 8.87225C19.5694 7.00002 18.9139 4.60601 17.0007 3.52508C15.0875 2.44415 12.6412 3.08562 11.5366 4.95785L9.53657 8.34782C8.432 10.22 9.08751 12.6141 11.0007 13.6949C11.1888 13.8012 11.382 13.8908 11.5785 13.9642C11.7819 14.0403 12.0058 13.9485 12.1147 13.764C12.2794 13.4849 12.1103 13.1276 11.8083 12.9992C11.7041 12.9549 11.6014 12.9044 11.5007 12.8475C10.0658 12.0368 9.57417 10.2413 10.4026 8.83712L12.4026 5.44715C13.2311 4.04298 15.0658 3.56187 16.5007 4.37257C17.9356 5.18327 18.4272 6.97878 17.5988 8.38295L16.3488 10.5017ZM7.6526 13.4983C7.79067 13.2643 7.70873 12.965 7.46959 12.8299C7.23044 12.6948 6.92464 12.775 6.78657 13.009L5.53657 15.1278C4.432 17 5.0875 19.394 7.00068 20.475C8.91385 21.5558 11.3602 20.9144 12.4648 19.0422L14.4648 15.6521C15.5694 13.78 14.9139 11.3859 13.0007 10.305C12.8127 10.1988 12.6195 10.1091 12.4229 10.0357C12.2195 9.95975 11.9956 10.0515 11.8867 10.236C11.7221 10.5151 11.8911 10.8724 12.1932 11.0008C12.2973 11.0451 12.4 11.0956 12.5007 11.1525C13.9356 11.9632 14.4272 13.7587 13.5988 15.1628L11.5988 18.5529C10.7704 19.957 8.93555 20.4382 7.50068 19.6274C6.0658 18.8167 5.57417 17.0212 6.4026 15.6171L7.6526 13.4983Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button><div class="AlertWrapper-gvFATk MdjE RponsiveCartoonLkAlertPopup-BPAXn kdMXRM shoppg-alert" role="dialog"><div aria-hidn="te" role="prentatn" class="AlertArrow-daOgye AlLda alert-arrow"></div><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ AlertMsage-jgAjgo bVCFRm ifgabc cxFROy alert-msage"><p aria-hidn="te">Lk pied</p></div></div></div><button aria-label="Shop" class="BaseButton-bLlsy ButtonWrapper-xCepQ bqVKKv YsOBB button button--primary-pair RponsiveCartoonInButton-hBCBMq lpsjql" data-event-click="{"element":"Button"}" data-ttid="Button" type="button"><span class="ButtonLabel-cjAuJN bBWXSg button__label">Shop</span><div class="ButtonInWrapper-gFdzAL bPDyTT button__in-ntaer"><svg class="in in-rt" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>Shop</tle><g clip-path="url(#clip0_3732_178638)"><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M4 3H2V4H4.23828L6.99617 15.2631C7.11483 15.6982 7.50998 16 7.96094 16H18.0365C18.4875 16 18.8826 15.6982 19.0013 15.2631L20.9648 7.26312C21.1383 6.62698 20.6594 6 20 6H10V7H20L18.0365 15H7.96094L5.03652 3H4.58055H4ZM10.0365 19C10.0365 19.5523 9.58881 20 9.03652 20C8.48424 20 8.03652 19.5523 8.03652 19C8.03652 18.4477 8.48424 18 9.03652 18C9.58881 18 10.0365 18.4477 10.0365 19ZM11.0365 19C11.0365 20.1046 10.1411 21 9.03652 21C7.93195 21 7.03652 20.1046 7.03652 19C7.03652 17.8954 7.93195 17 9.03652 17C10.1411 17 11.0365 17.8954 11.0365 19ZM18.0365 19C18.0365 19.5523 17.5888 20 17.0365 20C16.4842 20 16.0365 19.5523 16.0365 19C16.0365 18.4477 16.4842 18 17.0365 18C17.5888 18 18.0365 18.4477 18.0365 19ZM19.0365 19C19.0365 20.1046 18.1411 21 17.0365 21C15.932 21 15.0365 20.1046 15.0365 19C15.0365 17.8954 15.932 17 17.0365 17C18.1411 17 19.0365 17.8954 19.0365 19Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button></div></div></div></span></div></figure><p class="paywall">Popeye plaed that he had done his time and had helped prosecutors wh vtigatns, but still the thori terfered wh his efforts to make a livg, through his books and films. On his YouTube show, he claims that the police equently stop him to ask qutns about beg volved the e tra. “Look around,” he said. “I live simply. My apartment is nothg fancy, and my r is ordary.”</p></div></div></div><div class="GridItem-buujkM fVLMby grid--em grid-layout__asi"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jxBcTH sticky-box"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></div></div><div data-ttid="RowWrapper" class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="irpf3k"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bjczjj grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa bDyAMU body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p class="paywall">In December, 2016, he appeared a vio wieldg a semi-tomatic pistol and tellg his followers, “Hello, warrrs. I’m here the streets of my beloved Mellín. I found my betiful 9-limetre Pietro Beretta. We’re ttg —we’re firg . It’s a doll, a bety.” Popeye plaed that Mellín’s mayor had ma a fs, spe the fact that was a stunt gun. Popeye stood and retrieved the gun, and, holdg by the barrel, he hand to me. It was heavy, and looked real. “See?” he said. Unrstandg that he meant to monstrate that the gun was fake, I poted the pistol at his ckfight patg and pulled the trigger. The apartment explod wh the bang. Popeye looked startled, and went to the door and opened . The hallway was empty. “Where are the neighbors?” he said. “Not a soul. I uld be murred here and nobody would e.” I told him that I didn’t entirely blame his neighbors. Popeye lghed.</p><p class="paywall">Before I left, Popeye took a moment to endorse his latt productn: an Inter-only film lled “X Sir Profsnal,” about a man who is released om prison and has to return to his cy and take out the mafia don. He tographed a DVD py for me. Knowg that I planned to see the mayor, he dited another to him, and asked me to give to him on his behalf.</p><p class="has-dropp has-dropp__lead-standard-headg paywall">Sce beg mayor, 2016, Feri Gutiérrez has waged a mpaign to reject what he lls “the past”—the legacy of nartraffickg and vlence. At the peak of Esbar’s rampage, Mellín was the murr pal of the world, wh more than six thoand homicis 1991. In the past two s, has transformed self, wh signifint vtments public transport, cludg a ble r that lks the hillsi slums to the cy center, and a revamped downtown, wh a botanil garn, a ncert area, and an teractive science mm for children. Many of the cy’s slums, lled unas, are still ntrolled by gangs, but secury has improved; last year, there were five hundred and seventy-seven murrs. For the Mayor, unrstandably, Popeye reprents a public-relatns problem.</p><p class="paywall">Gutiérrez met me at his office downtown. A slenr man of forty-three, he wears his hair long, the manner of a soccer player, and favors jeans and drs shirts wh the top button loose. Polilly, he is right of center. Gutiérrez grimaced when I told him I had met Popeye, and said, “Everythg we are dog today to fight agast nartraffickg is bee of what they did the eighti.” He had grown up durg the vlence, and still marvelled at the turnaround. “This is no longer the cy of Pablo Esbar,” Gutiérrez clared. “This is the cy Pablo Esbar tried, but failed, to stroy.” When I gave Gutiérrez his dited py of “X Sir,” he looked disgted and hand back to me, holdg wh two fgers as if were ntag. “I n’t accept this,” he said. “Seeg Popeye back on the street is an offense to society and to his victims. But the are the laws.”</p><p class="paywall">Last March, the Amerin rapper Wiz Khalifa, Mellín for a ncert, vised Esbar’s grave; later, he posted on Instagram imag of himself smokg a jot at the tomb, along wh the msage “Smok w Pablo.” Gutiérrez had gone on televisn to ll the rapper a <em>sverguenza</em>—a shamels ffian—and to say that he should have brought flowers to Esbar’s victims stead. Later, Wiz Khalifa posted an apology on Instagram, sayg, “Didn’t mean to offend anyone wh my personal activi. . . . Peace and love.” Still, Gutiérrez uld barely nta himself at the memory. “We have to stop the narculture,” he said. “Wiz Khalifa thought he uld e here and make an apologia for crime but found out that he uldn’t.”</p><p class="paywall">Gutiérrez told me that he and his team were fightg to reclaim Mellín’s story. “If you don’t tell your history yourself, others will tell for you,” he said. Soon he would be guratg a new exhib at the cy’s Mm of Memory, “to show the victims’ si of the story,” Gutiérrez said. “We’re not gog to nceal the te history, but we don’t want those who did so much harm to be able to show themselv off as hero. The real hero are their victims. We want to be a symbol of what happened—a cy that llapsed but got to s feet aga.” When I mentned that I had been on Roberto Esbar’s tour, Gutiérrez blanched, and said, “We’ll also do a tour—an official tour.”</p><p class="paywall">The unofficial tours equently stop at the Mona Buildg, an eight-story btalist apartment tower of rerced ncrete, the affluent Poblado district, that Esbar built for his fay. In 1988, his rivals the Cali dg rtel placed a powerful r bomb outsi the Mona; Esbar’s mother, wife, and children were si the tower, and though they staed no ser juri, they fled and did not return. Gutiérrez said that he planned to molish the buildg and create a park s place. He’d need to w over the Mellín police, who had wanted to refurbish as an telligence headquarters. Gutiérrez told me that he was wag for one last signature. When he got , he said, he would ve me to watch the moln.</p><p class="has-dropp has-dropp__lead-standard-headg paywall">In a gome scene om the first season of “Nars,” Esbar murrs two traffickg partners, whom he spects of whholdg money. He kills the first one by beatg him to ath wh a pool cue; when he is fished, his face and clothg spattered wh blood, his men beat the other one to ath. The story on which the scene is based is hardly ls gome. Acrdg to Popeye’s ttimony, the two victims, Fernando Galeano and Gerardo Monda, were shot, cut to piec, and cerated a fire p.</p><p class="paywall">Both the imaged scene and the real killgs took place La Catedral, the prison where Esbar was held after strikg a al to turn himself , 1991. An uned dg-rehabilatn center that was renovated to hoe Esbar, La Catedral occupied a seclud spot on the forted edg of the Envigado plate, wh spectacular views of Mellín. In the al, Esbar agreed to spend a few years there, exchange for the ernment’s mment not to extrade him to the Uned Stat. The prison did ltle to rtra him; his sirs served as guards, and he remaed volved the e tra. The key termediary for his surrenr was Rafael García Herreros, an octogenarian prit who had prevly accepted Esbar’s gift of a “very betiful hacienda” on behalf of his church, and had gone on televisn to sist that he had done nothg wrong. “When one fulfills the will of God, there is no rptn,” he said.</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-4 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p class="paywall">The road to La Catedral is wdg and steep, full of swchbacks and narrow bridg that hang over mounta streams. On the morng of my vis, clouds obscured the valley, and everythg was damp. La Catedral, at the top, is now a charable home for elrly people, n by a Benedicte abbot, Elk Ramiro Vélez García. On the exterr wall, a billboard-size photograph shows the place as was Esbar’s day; a picture of him, wearg a Rsian fur hat, bears the ptn “He who do not know his history is nmned to repeat .”</p><p class="paywall">In the ma plaza—a parklike area wh naïve mosaic murals—several dozen rints warmed themselv the morng sun. Others drank ffee a cheerful ms hall, adorned wh mounted bull’s heads and old Co-Cola advertisements. The visible remnants of the prison were set back, at the edg of the fort. There was what remaed of Esbar’s bedroom—a ncrete pad, overgrown wh jungle—and two guard towers. A large brick stcture, once a vio ar for Esbar’s men, had been repurposed as an admistratn buildg. The plaza had once been a soccer field, where Esbar played wh his men.</p><p class="paywall">Father Elk, a clean-shaven man his early fifti, wearg a black soutane and a large ccifix, waved me to his office next to the ms hall. He said that Esbar—Pablo, as he lled him—had chosen the se for his prison bee he knew well: was an area where he ed to have people killed and their bodi disposed of. “He did many, many, many bad thgs here,” Father Elk said. “But he also did wonrful thgs.” This was a tennt view but not an unmon one, pecially Esbar’s early years. The Semana story had spoken of his “sire to be the untry’s number one benefactor.” Old ras told me that they were attracted by his profsed mment to buildg a “Mellín whout slums.” Popeye sisted that Esbar “was really a socialist—he jt had a different kd of socialism md, where everyone would have his own ltle r, his own ltle hoe.” He had paid for the nstctn of a neighborhood that beme known as Barr Pablo Esbar: five hundred ho and several soccer fields.</p><p class="paywall">After he was phed out of Congrs, though, his largse beme a more direct exchange of money for fluence. His brib went to police officers and judg, but also to rints of the unas. Father Elk relled that once, on a soccer field a nearby muny lled El Dorado, he’d watched Esbar hand out money to the poor. “He did many thgs for those who were helped by no one else, and he did so always the pany of the Church. The prit would go to see Pablo and always leave wh his briefse full. Was this evil? We would have to fe evil to ci that.” He raised his voice, as if speakg om the pulp: “The Church has also done bad, bad thgs the name of God! It will be God who judg .”</p></div></div></div><div class="GridItem-buujkM fVLMby grid--em grid-layout__asi"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jxBcTH sticky-box"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--rail"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--rail" data-no-id="1qcpbe"></div></div><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--display-rail" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--display-rail"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></div></div><div data-ttid="RowWrapper" class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="n381ro"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bjczjj grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa bDyAMU body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p class="paywall">Father Elk said that Popeye—“a very good iend of me”—me equently to La Catedral, brgg tourists and a crew of bodyguards. Most of the nartours were “pure sills,” he said. “The guis tell the tourists anythg that to their heads. For stance, I ma an outdoor oven to cerate the diapers of the old folks. Then I found out the guis were tellg their tourists that was where Pablo burned people!” He shook his head. “Popeye, on the other hand, tells his tourists the tth. For example, he talks about the asado los Monda”—the Monda barbecue. When Esbar’s men burned the bodi of Monda and Galeano, they arranged to have a barbecue the same eveng, to disguise the smoke and the smell.</p><p class="paywall">The killgs, turned out, helped dislodge Esbar om his fortable imprisonment. When the visors did not return om La Catedral, mors spread that Esbar had killed them. A few weeks later, July, 1992, the ernment attempted to move Esbar to a more secure facily, and he ped the procs. For more than a year, he was pursued by a aln of his enemi: the D.E.A. and the U.S. Jot Special Operatns Command; a Colombian police team lled the Search Bloc; and a ath squad of crimal rivals that lled self Los Pep—short for People Persecuted by Pablo Esbar.</p><p class="paywall">On December 2, 1993, police traced a phone ll between Esbar and his son, Juan Pablo, to a safe hoe the Los Pos neighborhood of Mellín. Colombian special forc swooped . Esbar was killed at the hoe, felled by three bullets as he stood on s red tiled roof. He was beard and barefoot, jeans; a photograph circulated of him lyg face down, his belly spillg out of a blue polo shirt. The Colombian artist Fernando Botero, noted for his flhy, whimsil portrayals of people and animals, reimaged the scene a heroic oil patg. “The Death of Pablo Esbar” shows him standg on the rooftop wh gun hand, while bullets whiz around him, like sects pterg a giant. It hangs the Meo Antquia, downtown Mellín.</p><figure class="AssetEmbedWrapper-eVDQiB byBkf asset-embed"><div class="AssetEmbedAssetContaer-eJxoAx dBHGoQ asset-embed__asset-ntaer"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kKwZhx rponsive-asset AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset"><div data-attr-viewport-monor="" class="RponsiveCartoonWrapper-iTMMjI eXTYsS rponsive-rtoon AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset viewport-monor-anchor"><a class="external-lk rponsive-rtoon__image-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa RponsiveCartoonImage-hzNqyc ikeCcH rponsive-rtoon__image rponsive-image"><noscript><img alt="“Ill go and look at stuff but I wont read any signage.”" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src=" srcSet=" 120w, 240w, 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1600w" siz="100vw"/></noscript></picture></a><div class="CaptnWrapper-jSZdqE gdZTpI ptn RponsiveCartoonCaptn-dokfdF hJgaLQ rponsive-rtoon__ptn"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ CaptnText-bHjzlu iUEiRd hWyo bsWloa ptn__text">“I’ll go and look at stuff, but I won’t read any signage.”</span></div><div class="RponsiveCartoonCTA-eiqqMB iDCQRs"><div class="RponsiveCartoonCTAWrapper-CYIqa iTbFtf"><div class="RponsiveCartoonLkButtonWrapper-hqDAJK eSEhbj"><button aria-label="Copy lk to rtoon" class="BaseButton-bLlsy ButtonWrapper-xCepQ bqVKKv YsOBB button button--primary-pair RponsiveCartoonInButton-hBCBMq lpsjql" data-event-click="{"element":"Button"}" data-ttid="Button" type="button"><span class="ButtonLabel-cjAuJN bBWXSg button__label">Copy lk to rtoon</span><div class="ButtonInWrapper-gFdzAL bPDyTT button__in-ntaer"><svg class="in in-pylk" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>Copy lk to rtoon</tle><g clip-path="url(#clip0_3732_178637)"><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M16.3488 10.5017C16.2107 10.7357 16.2926 11.035 16.5318 11.17C16.7709 11.3052 17.0767 11.225 17.2148 10.991L18.4648 8.87225C19.5694 7.00002 18.9139 4.60601 17.0007 3.52508C15.0875 2.44415 12.6412 3.08562 11.5366 4.95785L9.53657 8.34782C8.432 10.22 9.08751 12.6141 11.0007 13.6949C11.1888 13.8012 11.382 13.8908 11.5785 13.9642C11.7819 14.0403 12.0058 13.9485 12.1147 13.764C12.2794 13.4849 12.1103 13.1276 11.8083 12.9992C11.7041 12.9549 11.6014 12.9044 11.5007 12.8475C10.0658 12.0368 9.57417 10.2413 10.4026 8.83712L12.4026 5.44715C13.2311 4.04298 15.0658 3.56187 16.5007 4.37257C17.9356 5.18327 18.4272 6.97878 17.5988 8.38295L16.3488 10.5017ZM7.6526 13.4983C7.79067 13.2643 7.70873 12.965 7.46959 12.8299C7.23044 12.6948 6.92464 12.775 6.78657 13.009L5.53657 15.1278C4.432 17 5.0875 19.394 7.00068 20.475C8.91385 21.5558 11.3602 20.9144 12.4648 19.0422L14.4648 15.6521C15.5694 13.78 14.9139 11.3859 13.0007 10.305C12.8127 10.1988 12.6195 10.1091 12.4229 10.0357C12.2195 9.95975 11.9956 10.0515 11.8867 10.236C11.7221 10.5151 11.8911 10.8724 12.1932 11.0008C12.2973 11.0451 12.4 11.0956 12.5007 11.1525C13.9356 11.9632 14.4272 13.7587 13.5988 15.1628L11.5988 18.5529C10.7704 19.957 8.93555 20.4382 7.50068 19.6274C6.0658 18.8167 5.57417 17.0212 6.4026 15.6171L7.6526 13.4983Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button><div class="AlertWrapper-gvFATk MdjE RponsiveCartoonLkAlertPopup-BPAXn kdMXRM shoppg-alert" role="dialog"><div aria-hidn="te" role="prentatn" class="AlertArrow-daOgye AlLda alert-arrow"></div><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ AlertMsage-jgAjgo bVCFRm ifgabc cxFROy alert-msage"><p aria-hidn="te">Lk pied</p></div></div></div><button aria-label="Shop" class="BaseButton-bLlsy ButtonWrapper-xCepQ bqVKKv YsOBB button button--primary-pair RponsiveCartoonInButton-hBCBMq lpsjql" data-event-click="{"element":"Button"}" data-ttid="Button" type="button"><span class="ButtonLabel-cjAuJN bBWXSg button__label">Shop</span><div class="ButtonInWrapper-gFdzAL bPDyTT button__in-ntaer"><svg class="in in-rt" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>Shop</tle><g clip-path="url(#clip0_3732_178638)"><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M4 3H2V4H4.23828L6.99617 15.2631C7.11483 15.6982 7.50998 16 7.96094 16H18.0365C18.4875 16 18.8826 15.6982 19.0013 15.2631L20.9648 7.26312C21.1383 6.62698 20.6594 6 20 6H10V7H20L18.0365 15H7.96094L5.03652 3H4.58055H4ZM10.0365 19C10.0365 19.5523 9.58881 20 9.03652 20C8.48424 20 8.03652 19.5523 8.03652 19C8.03652 18.4477 8.48424 18 9.03652 18C9.58881 18 10.0365 18.4477 10.0365 19ZM11.0365 19C11.0365 20.1046 10.1411 21 9.03652 21C7.93195 21 7.03652 20.1046 7.03652 19C7.03652 17.8954 7.93195 17 9.03652 17C10.1411 17 11.0365 17.8954 11.0365 19ZM18.0365 19C18.0365 19.5523 17.5888 20 17.0365 20C16.4842 20 16.0365 19.5523 16.0365 19C16.0365 18.4477 16.4842 18 17.0365 18C17.5888 18 18.0365 18.4477 18.0365 19ZM19.0365 19C19.0365 20.1046 18.1411 21 17.0365 21C15.932 21 15.0365 20.1046 15.0365 19C15.0365 17.8954 15.932 17 17.0365 17C18.1411 17 19.0365 17.8954 19.0365 19Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button></div></div></div></span></div></figure><p class="paywall">It is an em of fah among Esbar’s fay members that he killed himself before the thori uld get to him. Father Elk wasn’t even nvced that Esbar had really died. “If you ask me whether Pablo is ad, I would say I don’t believe he is,” he said. “He was a sagac, astute man.” He waved his arms around, as if to suggt that Esbar uld be anywhere, still hidg. He said that Popeye had told him that there were still bodi buried around La Catedral, grav dug on his orrs. (Popeye ni this.) Some of the elrly rints believed that La Catedral was hnted, Father Elk said. They had seen and heard thgs. “Ghosts?” I asked. “Not ghosts—spirs,” he clarified. They had appeared to him, too. Sometim they tapped him on the shoulr.</p><p class="has-dropp has-dropp__lead-standard-headg paywall">In Mellín’s Montacro cemetery, I found a h bouquet of pastel-lored flowers a vase next to Esbar’s tomb. The fay plot is suated a proment spot next to the chapel, and flanked by graceful cyprs. On a slab of black marble, gold script spelled out “Pablo E Esbar Gaviria, December 1, 1949–December 2, 1993.” El Patrón had turned forty-four the day before his ath. His parents were buried alongsi him, as was his bodyguard Limón, who was wh him when he died.</p><p class="paywall">Two young men stood quietly ont of Esbar’s tomb, ocsnally murmurg French. At last, one of them walked to a marble bench oppose the tomb and sat a pose of reverent ntemplatn. I was remd of a YouTube vio of Popeye payg homage to Esbar after he got out of prison. He knelt ont of the tomb, his ey closed, like a choirboy about to receive the Sacrament.</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-5 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p class="paywall">Colombians have spent s tryg to rencile the ecstatic remembranc of Esbar wh the mayhem he produced. In 1993, the novelist Gabriel García Márquez began grapplg wh his legacy “News of a Kidnappg.” The book told the stori of the Colombians Esbar had abducted, as he tried to force the ernment to disallow his extradn. García Márquez scribed Esbar as a monstro Pied Piper: “At the height of his splendor, people put up altars wh his picture and l ndl to him the slums of Mellín. It was believed he uld perform miracl. No Colombian history ever posssed or exercised a talent like his for shapg public opn. And none had a greater power to rpt. The most unsettlg and dangero aspect of his personaly was his total abily to distguish between good and evil.”</p><p class="paywall">After Esbar’s ath, the journalist Alonso Salazar set out to wre a bgraphy that would flate the legend. In 2001, after several years of terviews wh Esbar’s relativ, iends, and enemi, he published “The Pablo Parable.” Where García Márquez had suggted that Esbar had subjected Colombia to a kd of natnal hypnosis, Salazar suggted that he had merely been a ndu for the untry’s bigotry and vlent impuls. “The Esbar story lls to qutn Colombia’s entire society—s polil and enomic el, and the armed forc—as to the herence of our state and our pacy to build a natn where is possible for everyone to live dignified liv,” he wrote. “It’s also a qutng of the ternatnal muny, pecially the Uned Stat, for s ce matag a war, the so-lled war agast dgs, which has . . . created crimaly and stctn of life and nature that is beyond any precent.”</p><p class="paywall">Salazar later entered polics, servg as mayor of Mellín om 2008 to 2011, and was volved many of the cy’s recent reforms. One eveng, I met him at his home to discs Esbar’s legacy. “There is a rurrectn of Esbar,” he lamented, and he wonred if he had been partly to blame. His book about Esbar had been adapted for a televisn seri, “El Patrón l Mal,” which began airg 2012 and attracted obssive fans across Lat Ameri. “The seri is balanced,” he said. “It shows the victims, too, and the generals who fought Esbar. But I don’t thk that’s what the public watched for. They watched to see Esbar.”</p><p class="paywall">When Salazar signed over the rights, he felt nfint that the producers would not glamorize Esbar. One of them, Cao Cano, was the son of the murred newspaper edor; the other, Juana Uribe, was the dghter of a former Esbar hostage and a niece of a murred polician. Still, the portra of Esbar was ambivalent, and some viewers were offend. At a panel discsn 2013, Uribe relled, “A woman once asked me, ‘Why did you portray Pablo Esbar as lovg wh his children?’ And I told her, ‘Bee that’s how psychopaths are: lovg wh their kids—and murrers.’ And we need to unrstand that, if we’re gog to stop fallg love wh psychopaths.” She sisted that she had not wanted to make Esbar a hero. “Esbar kidnapped my mother, killed my uncle.” But, she said, “a person that was able to do what Esbar did has also a normal face. And people have to learn that that’s the way people are, they have two sis.”</p></div></div></div><div class="GridItem-buujkM fVLMby grid--em grid-layout__asi"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jxBcTH sticky-box"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></div></div><div data-ttid="RowWrapper" class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="mx5ij"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bjczjj grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa bDyAMU body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p class="paywall">Uribe bemoaned the appeal of antihero: “People love bands, no matter what we do.” (As if to nfirm her pot, Popeye told me about his youthful fascatn wh “Srface,” which Al Paco plays a Cuban immigrant who be a e kgp. “That was the life we wanted to live!” he exclaimed.) But “El Patrón l Mal” ma clear that, a profoundly unequal untry, Esbar reprented a form of enomic mobily. “When there are no regular paths to get out of where you are, the band is the one who mak —the one who n jump ahead,” Uribe said. He also appealed to a perverse sense of patrtism. The oath of Los Extradabl—“Better a tomb Colombia than a cell the Uned Stat”—ronated wh Lat Amerins sensive about Yankee terventn.</p><p class="paywall">“El Patrón l Mal” joed a wave of narnovelas—soap operas featurg dg traffickers—that are notably ls ncerned wh ethil implitns. One of the first, “Whout Ts, You Don’t Get to Heaven,” revolv around a young woman, Catala, who tri to make her way out of poverty by beg a prostute for nars, gettg breast implants to make herself more sirable. Dpe the hand-wrgg of policians and journalists, the shows have ronated wh people who have ltle fah the state. As the Fordham anthropologist O. Hugo Benavis has wrten, “Narnovelas set up an alternative moral polil stcture which the state, ernment, policians, law enforcement, burecrats, and soldiers are seldom portrayed as the good guys. The hero are always eher Lone Ranger typ or misunrstood (and sometim nflicted) dg alers.”</p><p class="paywall">“Nars” avoids qutns of culpabily by narratg everythg om the Amerin perspective: the protagonist is not Esbar but the D.E.A. agents pursug him. Durg the first season, Omar Rcón, a profsor of media studi at Bogotá’s Universy of the Ans, wrote a srnful review. The show, he said, prented a disfgly Amerin visn of Colombians, “somethg like what Tmp thks we are: the good on are the grgos the D.E.A. And the nars are ic misfs and tastels throwbacks.” Even the accents weren’t right, he plaed. For Colombians, he said, was impossible to intify wh the narrative. “The story mak hero of those that Lat Amerins nsir villas: the D.E.A. agents. Which, addn to beg silly, go agast realy. Gentlemen of Netflix: know that the villas are the on the D.E.A.”</p><p class="paywall">Esbar’s ath end the send season of “Nars,” but the show has ntued; the third season followed the Cali rtel, and the fourth has moved to Mexi, which is now even more afflicted by dg vlence than Colombia is. In September, a lotn sut named Carlos Muñoz Portal was found shot ad his r outsi Mexi Cy. It was unclear whether Muñoz’s murr was a cince or a dg rtel’s warng not to film s terrory; any se, Netflix announced s tentn to proceed wh the productn. Roberto Esbar suggted a solutn to the producers: hire h men to provi secury.</p><p class="has-dropp has-dropp__lead-standard-headg paywall">On the twentieth anniversary of Esbar’s ath, a group of mourners wearg whe shirts gathered at his tomb. They were there to attend a “fivens Mass” arranged by his sister Luz María. After Esbar’s ath, his wife and children immigrated to Argenta, but Luz María stayed, and, the g years, she anized several Mass to rencile the Esbars wh victims and their fai. This one was a succs. She hand each of the mourners a symbolic seed—to help them “let fivens enter and grow their hearts,” she said. A teen-age girl left a note at Esbar’s gravi: “I was told you did good thgs and bad thgs, but don’t matter now. Rt peace.”</p><p class="paywall">One eveng, I spoke to Luz María, the food urt of a luxury mall (near, as happens, a rtrant where Popeye once arranged to have his own girliend murred, on Pablo’s orrs). She told me, “I have a slogan I always try and tell the media: ‘No to dgs, no to nartraffickg, no to vlence, and y to fivens.” In Colombia, which is nearly eighty per cent Catholic, the rhetoric of ntrn n be potent. Father Elk scribed Esbar as a profoundly vout man who was led astray by his ambns. But when I asked Roberto Esbar whether he felt repentant for his crim he said no. “It’s not important to be repentant,” he said. “I’m a believer.” (After the letter bomb, he said, he’d experienced a particularly nvcg visn of Christ.) Luz María told me that she still hoped Popeye would fd his way. She had bumped to him after his release, offered him a blsg, and told him that God had given him a send chance. Father Elk was more rigned about Popeye’s prospects: “He to nfs, and I take his nfsn. If he don’t ply wh his nfsn, that’s his bs.”</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-6 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p class="paywall">In 2009, Esbar’s son, Juan Pablo, appeared a documentary lled “<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Ss of My Father</a>,” which he ntacted victims of his father and apologized on behalf of his fay. He has also reckoned wh his father’s memory two memoirs, “<a data-offer-url=" class="external-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Pablo Esbar: My Father</a>,” om 2014, and the untranslated “Pablo Esbar Flagrante: The Thgs My Father Never Told Me,” which was released 2016. Jt before Christmas, I had lunch wh him Guadalajara, Mexi, where he was promotg his latt book. Juan Pablo, who was sixteen years old when Esbar was killed, is now forty-one, a broodg, heavyset man wh an unmistakable remblance to his father; the image on the jacket of “In Flagrante” seamlsly melds their fac. He told me that he learned the tth about his fay when he was seven, and Pablo Esbar told him bluntly, “I’m an outlaw.” From then on, they had a morng rual which his father read the newspaper and poted out murrs that had been attributed to him. Juan Pablo relled, “He’d say, ‘I didn’t do that one,’ and then, ‘I did that one.’ ”</p><p class="paywall">In Argenta, Juan Pablo worked as an archect, but recent years he has ma a send reer of rehabilatg the fay’s reputatn. His new book offers a twenty-eight-pot list of what he lls falsehoods propagated by “Nars.” (“My father did not personally kill the person who is lled Colonel ‘Carrillo’ the seri.”) Over lunch, Juan Pablo told me about his work as a speaker, which Mexin officials hire him to warn youngsters about the dangers of a crimal life style. He also owns a clothg le, Esbar Henao, whose missn statement clar, “Our garments are banners of peace.” (One T-shirt clus the fay name and the phrase “Enough will never be enough.”) Alonso Salazar, the journalist and polician, told me, “He’s very clever, and clearly he’s been ponrg the opportuni offered by this rurrectn. He’s livg off the image of the father but realiz that he needs to be cril.” At the rtrant, Juan Pablo exced himself to speak briefly wh a producer about a movie project.</p><p class="paywall">Before the fay fled Colombia, Juan Pablo opened a phone book and selected a new name, Sebastián Marroquín, which he mataed until 1999, when an Argente police vtigatn to allegatns of money-lnrg revealed his inty. (He was held for six weeks, then released for lack of evince.) When I asked which name he preferred, he shgged and said didn’t matter. He would always be Pablo Esbar’s son. “I live wh permanent spicn—I was born guilty,” he plaed. He noted bterly that the Uned Stat ernment had refed him a visa for twenty-four years. “I want to be regnized as an dividual,” he said. “I know about everythg my father did, and I will go to each and every one of the fai of his victims to ask fivens. But I’m not legally culpable. My personal slogan is ‘I hered a mounta of sh. So what am I supposed to do wh ?’ ”</p><p class="has-dropp has-dropp__lead-standard-headg paywall">Alonso Salazar told me that Pablo Esbar’s legacy had profoundly altered polil and social life. “Nartraffickg me along and jt overwhelmed everythg,” he said. “Esbar débuted the stments of terror, and afterward everyone ed them.”</p><figure class="AssetEmbedWrapper-eVDQiB byBkf asset-embed"><div class="AssetEmbedAssetContaer-eJxoAx dBHGoQ asset-embed__asset-ntaer"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW kKwZhx rponsive-asset AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset"><div data-attr-viewport-monor="" class="RponsiveCartoonWrapper-iTMMjI eXTYsS rponsive-rtoon AssetEmbedRponsiveAsset-cXBNxi eCxVQK asset-embed__rponsive-asset viewport-monor-anchor"><a class="external-lk rponsive-rtoon__image-lk" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa RponsiveCartoonImage-hzNqyc 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5.0875 19.394 7.00068 20.475C8.91385 21.5558 11.3602 20.9144 12.4648 19.0422L14.4648 15.6521C15.5694 13.78 14.9139 11.3859 13.0007 10.305C12.8127 10.1988 12.6195 10.1091 12.4229 10.0357C12.2195 9.95975 11.9956 10.0515 11.8867 10.236C11.7221 10.5151 11.8911 10.8724 12.1932 11.0008C12.2973 11.0451 12.4 11.0956 12.5007 11.1525C13.9356 11.9632 14.4272 13.7587 13.5988 15.1628L11.5988 18.5529C10.7704 19.957 8.93555 20.4382 7.50068 19.6274C6.0658 18.8167 5.57417 17.0212 6.4026 15.6171L7.6526 13.4983Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178637"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button><div class="AlertWrapper-gvFATk MdjE RponsiveCartoonLkAlertPopup-BPAXn kdMXRM shoppg-alert" role="dialog"><div aria-hidn="te" role="prentatn" class="AlertArrow-daOgye AlLda alert-arrow"></div><div class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ AlertMsage-jgAjgo bVCFRm 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19C11.0365 20.1046 10.1411 21 9.03652 21C7.93195 21 7.03652 20.1046 7.03652 19C7.03652 17.8954 7.93195 17 9.03652 17C10.1411 17 11.0365 17.8954 11.0365 19ZM18.0365 19C18.0365 19.5523 17.5888 20 17.0365 20C16.4842 20 16.0365 19.5523 16.0365 19C16.0365 18.4477 16.4842 18 17.0365 18C17.5888 18 18.0365 18.4477 18.0365 19ZM19.0365 19C19.0365 20.1046 18.1411 21 17.0365 21C15.932 21 15.0365 20.1046 15.0365 19C15.0365 17.8954 15.932 17 17.0365 17C18.1411 17 19.0365 17.8954 19.0365 19Z" fill="black"></path></g><fs><clipPath id="clip0_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath><clipPath id="clip1_3732_178638"><rect width="24" height="24" fill="whe"></rect></clipPath></fs></svg></div></button></div></div></div></span></div></figure><p class="paywall">The Mellín rtel’s ascent cid wh the llapse of Communism Europe, which turn helped end most of the socialist revolutn the hemisphere. After Esbar, the ia of rebelln based on iology was largely supplanted by the remorsels pursu of prof and power. In plac along his supply cha—cludg Mexi and Central Ameri—the remnants of his operatn have grown to surgent gangs, and stat have succumbed to rptn and ternal nflict.</p></div></div></div><div class="GridItem-buujkM fVLMby grid--em grid-layout__asi"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jxBcTH sticky-box"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--rail"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--rail" data-no-id="0pxdum"></div></div><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--display-rail" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--display-rail"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></div></div><div data-ttid="RowWrapper" class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan full-bleed-ad row-mid-ntent-ad"><div class="StickyMidContentAdWrapper-fSBzwl drzyIa ad-stickymidntent"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--mid-ntent should-hold-space"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--mid-ntent" data-no-id="kl897r"></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 ArticlePageChunksGrid-hfxa bjczjj grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="BodyWrapper-kufPGa bDyAMU body body__ntaer article__body" data-journey-hook="client-ntent" data-ttid="BodyWrapper"><div class="body__ner-ntaer"><p class="paywall">Esbar’s rtel died wh him, but, spe a U.S.-assisted war on nartraffickg that has st thoands of liv and more than ne billn dollars, ternatnal nsumptn has spread enormoly, and the dg enomy remas strong; last year, the Uned Natns reported that Colombia was the world’s largt producer of e. Five of the world’s most dangero ci are Lat Ameri, wh much of the vlence lked to the dg tra.</p><p class="paywall">Father Elk suggted that Esbar’s greatt legacy was his story. “The untry lik to say that has fotten Pablo Esbar, but ’s not te,” he told me. “Today’s youth still see nartraffickg as a way to make quick money. Society don’t change, really. And those wh the greatt rponsibily for this—exce me—are those the media, wh their televisn seri and their books.”</p><p class="paywall">Omar Rcón, the media-studi profsor, once wrote, “We live the culture of dg traffickg, athetics, valu, and referenc. We are a natn that took on the nar ia that anythg go if will get you out of poverty: some ts, a weapon, rptn, traffickg , beg a guerrilla or a paraary fighter, or beg ernment.” He was reful to note that the nar athetic was not merely bad taste. It was a way of life “among the disposssed muni that look to morny and have found money the only way to exist the world.”</p><p class="paywall">For a generatn of traffickers, Esbar left behd a mol of succs: build support among the disenanchised by providg them wh money and power they would not otherwise have; return, they will be your loyalists, your spi, and your gunmen. For the middle class, e your wealth to rpt policemen, generals, judg, and policians.</p><div data-attr-viewport-monor="le-recirc" class="le-recirc-wrapper le-recirc-observer-target-7 viewport-monor-anchor"></div><p class="paywall">The crimals who emulate him are no ls thls, but they have learned not to seek polil power, or much regnn. The Ofica Envigado—the clost succsor to the Mellín rtel—was n, until recently, by Juan Carlos Ma, alias Tom, a shadowy figure who almost never appeared public. Colombian special forc pursued him for years, whout succs. Then, early December, police raid Tom’s fiftieth-birthday celebratn. (They were tipped off to the party by rmants, who noticed unually genero purchas of twenty-one-year-old Chivas.) There were some fifteen guts at the party, and, to the thori’ surprise, Popeye was among them. Dpe an unnvcg alibi—he jt happened to be the area, handg out pi of his memoir, and had stumbled upon the party—Popeye was released, for lack of evince. Even so, the cint triggered lls for him to be returned to prison, cludg one om Colombia’s Print, Juan Manuel Santos.</p><p class="paywall">Popeye’s rponse was characteristilly fiant. He fired off a flurry of tweets, sayg, “It isn’t a crime to go to a party,” and llg his opponents “miserable rats.” In a subsequent tweet, he sent a warng: “If I have to go to prison, I’ll go. Very soon I will aga be attackg this damned ernment.”</p><p class="has-dropp has-dropp__lead-standard-headg paywall">At the height of Esbar’s power, he built himself a paradise: La Hacienda Nápol, a seven-thoand-acre tate three hours om Mellín. Esbar spent years nvertg the property om an isolated wilrns to a refuge, wh paved roads, artificial lak, and a private zoo stocked wh zebras, hippopotam, and giraff, as well as a seri of life-size dosr sculptur. Guts had the e of swimmg pools, a party hoe, stabl, a bullrg, a vtage-r llectn, and a fleet of speedboats. In a characteristic flourish, Esbar adorned the arch over the entrance wh a sgle-enge Piper Cub, a repli of the airplane that had rried his first load of ke to the Uned Stat.</p><p class="paywall">After Esbar’s ath, the pound was abandoned, s stctur ransacked by memento seekers and by treasure hunters pursug mors that Esbar had hidn lns of dollars sh on the property. After beg reposssed by the state, Hacienda Nápol was reopened 2007, as a theme park wh a zoo, a water park, and several fay-iendly hotels. Esbar’s hippopotam are a ma attractn. The herd, which began wh three femal and a male bought om a California zoo, is now believed to nta as many as fifty, makg the largt herd livg eely outsi Ai. As the tate fell to disrepair, several of them wanred off and found new habat. One of the hippos was disvered the nearby town of Doradal. As lumbered down the street, children dodged around , shriekg; the lols joked about makg the hippo a mast. Several fay groups have migrated to the nearby Magdalena River system. Colombian thori suggted a hunt to cull the hippos before they upset the lol esystem or bee a danger to humans, but after a public outcry the matter was dropped.</p><p class="paywall">I vised the Hacienda Nápol one day wh Edgar Jiménez, who had been Esbar’s personal photographer and a iend of his sce gra school. “Pablo said I was the only photographer who uld take his photo,” Jiménez told me. “I did all their fay events, like birthdays, weddgs, and first Communns.” Like everyone else, he cherished the stori. Once, he said, he was summoned to the hacienda to fd Esbar hostg one of his rtel partners, the German-Colombian Carlos Lehr Rivas. An avid neo-Nazi and equent e er, Lehr had bee unstable. After a soccer match that eveng, he fatally shot one of Esbar’s men; Lehr was jealo bee his girliend was “makg ey” at the man. Esbar lmly asked Lehr to leave the next morng and, acrdg to Jiménez, ma sure that thori knew his whereabouts. Soon after, Lehr beme the first Colombian nartrafficker to be extraded to the Uned Stat.</p><p class="paywall">I asked Jiménez if he felt any qualms about his relatnship wh Esbar. “I wasn’t agreement wh the vlence,” he said. “But I was jt the photographer, remember? And has to be unrstood that this vlent relatnship Pablo had wh the state was the product of the rejectn he felt by Colombian society. Everyone had profed om him, and later they had betrayed him.”</p><p class="paywall">At the entrance to Hacienda Nápol, Jiménez was thrilled to see Esbar’s plane still hangg over the gate, wh a new pat job of black-and-whe zebra strip. Insi the pound, though, we found that Esbar’s ma hoe had been torn down, and his vtage-r llectn had been torched, leavg a rport full of stg hulks. But the outl of the old swimmg pool were still there, on the lawn. (In a vio game that spun out of “Nars,” the pool provis a backdrop for a gun battle between Esbar and the D.E.A.) Where the clic for Esbar’s employe had been was a food urt, overlookg a huge swimmg pool wh slis and fountas and bridg; one sectn of the pool, a gigantic sculpture of an octop spread s tentacl, and kids swam back and forth unrneath. Jiménez was lighted, and said that he’d like to return wh his grandson. Before we left, he asked for a brochure that listed package als for fay weekends. ♦</p><p class="paywall">Juan Pablo Esbar appeared the documentary “Ss of My Father.” He did not create .</p></div></div></div><div class="GridItem-buujkM fVLMby grid--em grid-layout__asi"><div class="StickyBoxWrapper-jfYB jxBcTH sticky-box"><div class="StickyBoxPrimary-dzWDWL cdhYoN sticky-box__primary"><div class="AdWrapper-dQtivb fZrssQ ad ad--rail"><div class="ad__slot ad__slot--rail" data-no-id="5rc5fi"></div></div><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--display-rail" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--display-rail"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></div><div class="StickyBoxPlaceholr-grPmrg dxAvXx"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 PaywallInleBarrierWhWrapperGrid-fyrGfS kLQIUk grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="body body__le-barrier article__body"><div class="ntaer ntaer--body"><div class="ntaer--body-ner"><asi class="PaywallInleBarrierWrapper-iBnuqk lfXXa-D" data-ttid="PaywallInleBarrierWrapper"><div class="ConsumerMarketgUnThemedWrapper-iUTMTf jssHut nsumer-marketg-un nsumer-marketg-un--paywall-le-barrier" role="prentatn" aria-live="pole" aria-hidn="te"><div class="nsumer-marketg-un__slot nsumer-marketg-un__slot--paywall-le-barrier"></div><div class="journey-un"></div></div></asi></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 ContentWrapperGrid-fvkmBv brYtrA grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="body body__ntaer"><div class="ntaer ntaer--body"><div class="ntaer--body-ner"></div></div></div></div></div></div></article><div class="ContentFooterWrapper-jVNdRG dTJkpP ArticlePageContentFooterGrid-ccsXYy eMZRHU article-body__footer"><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><footer class="ContentFooterMagazeDisclaimer-gzKAqo iZIuUU" data-ttid="MagazeDisclaimerWrapper">Published the prt edn of the <a href="/magaze/2018/03/05" data-reactroot="">March 5, 2018</a>, issue.</footer></div></div><div data-ttid="RowWrapper" class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan"><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"></div></div></div><div data-ttid="RowWrapper" class="RowWrapper-UmqTg HEhan"><div class="GridWrapper-cAzTTK kHBDeH grid grid-margs grid-ems-2 grid-layout--adrail narrow wi-adrail"><div class="GridItem-buujkM stRKV grid--em grid-layout__ntent"><div class="ContributorsWrapper-eNpWFu GWFsc ntributors" data-ttid="Contributors"><div class="ContributorBWrapper-bnVHbt gMon"><div class="ContributorBAvatar-bIGTqf eMWbvj"><a href="/ntributors/jon-lee-anrson"><span class="SpanWrapper-umhxW jvZaPI rponsive-asset"><picture class="RponsiveImagePicture-cWuUZO dUOtEa rponsive-image"><source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcSet=" 120w, 240w" siz="100vw"/><source media="(m-width: 768px)" srcSet=" 120w, 240w" siz="100vw"/><img alt="" class="RponsiveImageContaer-eybHBd fptoWY rponsive-image__image" src="></picture></span></a></div><div class="ContributorBContent-ubQdr jZTSSi"><div class="ContributorBHear-ledood XOIEx"></div><div class="ContributorBB-fBolsO giFhKz"><a href="/ntributors/jon-lee-anrson">Jon Lee Anrson</a>, a staff wrer, began ntributg to <em>The New Yorker</em> 1998. 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