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On the other hand, there have been many Korean LGBT movi and dramas that have gaed populary the last few years. </p><p>We piled a list of Korean LGBT romance movi. Anyone that's terted should take a look and watch!</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>NIGHT FLIGHT </strong></span><br><span style="font-size: 24px;"><em>야간비행</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="night flight movie poster, night flight starrg actors lee je-hoon and kwak si-yang, two male high school stunts who al wh bullyg and the nfn of their sexualy"></p><p>Year: 2014</p><p>Actors: Lee Jae-Joon, Kwak Si-Yang</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="two male leads lee je-hoon and kwak si-yang who are high school stunts korea that lookg out at the view, two korean high school stunts g to terms wh their sexualy"></p><p>The film is a g of age story that als wh bullyg, g to terms wh beg gay, and iendship. It ntas many narrativ of two high school stunts wh very different liv and stggl.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>BLACK SUMMER<br></strong><em>검은 여름</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="black summer korean movie poster, korean pennt movie, korean lgbt movie"></p><p>Year: 2019</p><p>Actors: Woo Ji-Hyeon, Lee Gun-Woo, Jo Sun-gi</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="two men who are love wh each other livg a nservative untry south korea, old-fashn styled movie, vtage film athetic"></p><p>It's a story of love between two male protagonists. <em>Black Summer</em> feels like an old fashned movie terms of the lor tone and rough posn.</p><p>The film shows how cel society has been towards the gay muny Korea for the past s. </p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>WHERE YOUR EYES LINGER<br></strong><em>너의 시선이 머무는 곳에</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="where your ey lger movie poster, a korean lgbt drama wh actors han gi-chan and jang i-soo, a pure love about two high school boys south korea"></p><p>Year: 2020</p><p>Actors: Han Gi-Chan, Jang Eui-Soo</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="a scene of the two ma boys beg playful om korean drama where your ey lger"></p><p><em>Where Your Ey Lger</em> was the most popular LGBT seri last year. This web seri is the first LGBT drama Korea that actually received a lot of attentn.</p><p>It's a sweet high-school love story. It is remiscent of a pure love story, which is rare for a Korean seri to portray.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>HYUNG YOUNG-DANG'S DIARY<br></strong><em>형영당일기</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="MBC movie poster of korean drama hyung young-dang's diary, a drama about two male siblgs that fall love wh each other but historil korea"></p><p>Year: 2014</p><p>Actors: Lim Ju-Hwan, Lee Won-Gn</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="set joseon era Korea, two male siblgs who are not related by blood are at a grave drsed tradnal korean clothg"></p><p>This short drama aired on MBC 2014 and is nsired to be the pneer of LGBT dramas. Set the Joseon era, we follow two brothers who are not related by blood. They fall love but uld never dare to adm one of the brothers got married.</p><p>By chance, the wife learns of her hband's love for his younger brother. So, she sc the younger brother, and two siblgs get hurt. Bee of the brother's shame, he be suicidal and nsum poison.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>NO REGRET<br></strong><em>후회하지 않아</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="no regret move poster, no regret movie poser wh actors kim nam-gil and lee yeong-hoon, the story of a poor male and a rich male who fall love nservative korea, drama"></p><p>Year: 2006</p><p>Actors: Kim Nam-Gil, Lee Yeong-Hoon</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="the male leads kim nam-gil and lee yeong-hoon are seatg next to each other on the beach the movie no regret"></p><p><em>No Regret</em> follows an orphan, Su-M, who mov to Seoul for work, hopg to earn enough money for tun. However, he meets the heir to a large pany, Jae-M. And, the two fall love. Cght by Jae-M's mother, she orrs him to n off and get married to a woman. </p><p>Enraged Su-M, kidnaps his lover wh his -worker. The plot is full of twists.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>THE KING AND THE CLOWN<br></strong><em>왕의 남자</em></span></h2><p style="text-align: center;"><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="the kg and the clown movie poster, two male theater troupe actors stand next to the seated kg set korea durg the joseon era"></p><p>Year: 2005</p><p>Actors: Lee Joon-Gi, Jung J-Young, Kang Sng-Yeon, Kam Woo-Seong</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="two men fall to the ground durg a theater or circ like troupe performance, the two male leads that are love wh each other, korean lgbt drama"></p><p>This film is nsired one of the most classic LGBT films Korean history.</p><p>It's a story between two men a theater troupe. They end up gettg arrted for treason and abed severely. After pleadg to one of the kg's nsultants, they receive a chance to live. Make the kg lgh or to be executed.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>A FROZEN FLOWER</strong></span><br><span style="font-size: 24px;"><em>쌍화점</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="a ozen flower movie poster, Song Ji-Hyo, Jo In-Sung, Joo J-Mo, Korean historil drama, romance drama, kdrama"></p><p>Year: 2008</p><p>Actors: Song Ji-Hyo, Jo In-Sung, Joo J-Mo</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="two men ridg hors historil korean tradnal clothg, screen p or screenshot of the ma mal leads of korean movie A ozen flower"></p><p><em>A Frozen Flower</em> was nsired a ntroversial film Korea. It follows a kg who was love wh one of his men, his clost manr.</p><p>However, the kg was married to the Yuan Dynasty prcs and need an heir. The origs of the story and the song that shar the same name is betiful yet credibly tragic.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>COLOR RUSH<br></strong><em>컬러 러쉬</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="poster of lor sh, a korean lgbt movie" lor=""></p><p>Year: 2020/21</p><p>Actors: Yoo Jun, Hur Hyun-Jun</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="screenp or screenshot of Korean web drama Color Rh, Yeon Woo and Yoo Han leang agast each other at a b stop"></p><p>Korea's latt LGBT web drama, <em>Color Rh</em>, was recently aired and gaed a lot of tractn.</p><p>The protagonist, Yeon Woo, suffers om lor bldns. He is only able to see varianc of the lor gray. However, one day he meets Yoo Han, who brought lors to his ey. It is an credibly pellg romance.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>TWO WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL</strong></span><br><span style="font-size: 24px;"><em>두 번의 결혼식과 한 번의 장례식</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="movie poster of Korean LGBT drama Two Weddgs and a Funeral, LGBT upl that pretend to be a fake marriage for their own happs"></p><p>Year: 2012</p><p>Actors: Kim Dong-Yoon, Ryu Hyun-Kyung, Jeong Ae-Yeon</p><p><em>Two Weddgs and a Funeral</em> follows two LGBT upl and their chaotic life that wh the stggl of beg LGBT a nservative untry.</p><p>This drama helped open up the discsn to the dience about same-sex marriag and beg the closet. It's a story about how the two upl nct a fake marriage for their happs.</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>IN BETWEEN SEASONS<br></strong><em>환절기</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="film poster of In Between Seasons, In Between Seasons ma characters are played by Bae Jong-Ok, Lee Won-Kn, and Ji-Yoon-Ho"></p><p>Year: 2018</p><p>Actors: Bae Jong-Ok, Lee Won-Kn, Ji Yoon-Ho</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="Soo-Hyun and Yoon-Joon embracg each other, screenp or screenshot of the two male leads Korean LGBT drama In Between Seasons"></p><p>The 2018 film, <em>In Between Seasons</em>, begs wh Soo-Hyun's r accint and his mother disverg his tth. His mother learns that her son's bt iend Yoon-Joon was actually his boyiend. After learng the tth, his mother blam Yoon-Joon for the accint.</p><p>Will the relatnship between the three be rtored over time?</p><hr><h2 style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>LONG TIME NO SEE<br></strong> <em>롱타임노씨</em></span></h2><p><br><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="movie poster of Long Time No See, Movie poster wh ma male leads Tak Wook-S and Yeon Sng-Ho, LGBT Korean drama about two hmen that fall love wh each other"></p><p>Year: 2017</p><p>Actors: Tak Wook-S, Yeon Sng-Ho</p><p><img data-src=" style="width: 1175px;" class="-fic -dib" alt="Long Time No See Korean drama male leads, the two ma leads Tak Woo-S and Yeon Sng-Ho are hmen who fall love wh each other"></p><p>We follow the story of two renowned hmen who disappear and hi their real inti. They eventually fall love whout actually knowg each other's inti.</p><p>The executn of the story was so betiful that I almost fot about the stggl between the two protagonists. Watch to see if they achieve their happy endg!</p><hr><p>How are you enjoyg today's Korean LGBT dramas? If there are any other dramas that I've missed, leave a ment! If you're new to this genre, you mt try watchg a few, and you'll know how great is.</p></div></article><hr class="sc-1y7n87m-0 iqdqlo-7 cdSbNA cxntVd"/></article><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div class="a23fx3-0 bAOmbp sc-1f3pnn0-0 cDVTEh"><div class="sc-1f3pnn0-1 hLCHtw"><div class="sc-1gj6q7l-3 eMQCHR"><button class="sc-161wrz2-0 dpzBKR sc-17jxyjk-0 cHxlEC"><span size="24" tle="LikeButton" class="sc-1nr0wds-0 hYpVoC"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><tle>HeartIn

movie gay korea

45 tl for Gay Film Korea: The Lover, Where Your Ey Lger (Movie), The Poet and The Boy, Seoul Mat, Bungee Jumpg of Their Own, Hello My Love, Goodbye Day, Like a Virg, Night Flight and Black Stone" name="scriptn



* movie gay korea *

No Regret holds a unique posn as South Korea's first major film helmed by an openly gay director and for s public receptn. The film sparked dialogue about homosexualy wh a tradnally nservative society, strikg a chord wh a wi array of viewers. Emotnally charged, Night Flight weav a pellg narrative about a gay relatnship.

Two Weddgs and a Funeral was done by one of South Korea’s few openly gay directors: Kim Jho Kwang-soo. Released 2012, this most film did not reach mastream succs when me out theaters but was succsful for a queer film Korea due to the number of tickets sold — an imprsive amount for a film about gay characters at the time. This romantic edy follows two doctors at a hospal, one of whom is gay and the other a lbian.

Gay Out Soon 5: Free Datg Korean Movie - 2017 22. Gay Out Soon 4: Rumor Korean Movie - 2015 23.


BL/Gay them movi, dramas and short movi om South Korea. For a prehensive list of Asian BL ntag the tl om this list + Cha (cludg Maland Cha, Taiwan and Hong Kong), Japan and Thailand; see my huge list for Asian BL/Gay movi and dramas. (793 tl and untg.)…" name="scriptn * movie gay korea *

Gay Out Soon 3: Some Korean Movie - 2014 24.

Gay Out Soon 2: Send Life Korean Movie - 2013 25.


Korean movi, dramas, and drama specials wh Gay (M/M) them and characters. If you know of a tle that's missg om this list (even if 's not found on MyDramaList) please let me know, and I'll add ! Tl not listed at MDL: Adonis Fortueller / 아도니스 꽃도령 점술방…" name="scriptn * movie gay korea *

Gay Out Soon Korean Movie - 2012 33. Gay Movie S.

Gay Short Film 115 tl. Dom Korean Movie - 2017 Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of short films.

FMSM Korean Movie - 2015 Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of short films. Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of short films.


Currently airg, upg and fished BL/Gay themed dramas and movi of 2020 and 2021.(Cha--Maland Cha + Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand.) UPDATE: List was created early 2020, so  I was ponrg on whether to spl this list two, but cid not to, sce que…" name="scriptn * movie gay korea *

Supposedly has gay character(s?

Part of the "Gay Out Soon" pilatns of shorts. Tags: Gay, Domtic Abe 4.


Tags: Transgenr, Gay, 18+ (for vlence/profany) 6. Tags: Gay 7. By takg the role and makg efforts to unrstand the gay muny, Song Joon believ he has overe his prejudic.

Tags: Transgenr, Gay, Homophobia 8. Two Weddgs and a Funeral | HanCema A gay man, M Soo (Kim Dong Yoon), and a lbian, Hyo J (Ryu Hyun Kyung), agree to marry so Hyo J n legally adopt a child wh her lover Seo Yeong (Jung Ae Yun) and M Soo n rema closeted to his parents.


Tags: Gay, Lbian, Fake Marriage, Homophobia, Cross-Drsg 9. Tags: Gay 10. Tags: Gay, Age Gap, Bisexual, Unhealthy 11.


But, when Ki Taek learns that Yong Joo is gay, he betrays his iend and jos Sung J’s gang, tellg them that Yong Joo has loved Ki Woong for years. Tags: Gay, Homophobia, 18+ (for vlence and profany) 12. Korean movi, dramas, and drama specials wh Gay (M/M) them and characters.

Here are twenty of Korea’s top gay themed films, pictg all aspects of life and homosexualy and how is affected by genr equaly issu Korea. All of them touch the subject of homosexualy: some do lightly, and some do ndidly. Here are the twenty bt rated Korean Gay films.


Top 20 Korean Gay Drama All The Time – SHOWHOLIC .