Col Firth’s Gay Sgle Man Role Should’ve Been Me: Rupert Everett – IndieWire

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The actors talk about alg wh mentia Supernova and gay stg bat Hollywood The Advote's latt ver story.



Actor prevly earned an Osr nomatn for his portrayal of a gay character ‘A Sgle Man’ * colin firth is he gay *

Get our ee weekly email for all the latt cematic news om our film cric Clarisse LoughreyGet our The Life Cematic email for eeCol Firth has said that he remas uncid on whether is right for straight actors to portray gay will be starrg oppose Stanley Tucci as a gay uple the forthg film Supernova.

The drama foc on the two men who embark on a road trip together after Tucci’s character is diagnosed wh early-onset an terview wh Attu, the actor was qutned on whether he believed was right for him, a straight man, to take on a gay cled to give an opn eher way.


Everett felt that, as an out gay actor, he should've taken on the gay role played by the straight-intifyg Firth. * colin firth is he gay *

” Firth starred oppose Julianne Moore ‘A Sgle Man’ as Gee FalnerIn 2009’s’s crilly acclaimed drama A Sgle Man, Firth also portrayed a gay character. ” said the Kgsman -star Tucci add: “For so many years, gay men and women have had to hi their homosexualy showbs to get the rol they wanted – that’s the problem here.

Speakg on “Piers Man Uncensored” (via The Inpennt), Everett touched on the topic of straight actors playg gay rol, and while he don’t thk all gay rol should be played by gay actors, he seemed annoyed that the straight-intifyg Firth played a gay role Tom Ford’s 2009 film. In the film — which is directed by a gay man om a novel by the beloved gay wrer Christopher Isherwood — Col Firth plays a gay English profsor wh a ath wish after his lover (Matthew Goo) di a wreck.

“There’s many exampl of fantastic straight actors playg great gay rol. Then there’s some ls good, and I thk the qutn is more, ‘Why n’t gay actors play straight rol? The actor broke big playg an openly gay public school stunt 1984’s “Another Country” oppose Col Firth.


Explore Col Firth's bgraphy, wiki, worth & salary 2023. Learn about his age, height, weight, datg, wife, girliend, kids and more. Is he gay? * colin firth is he gay *

“The thg that was very tratg, when I had my big Hollywood moment, which was playg a gay bt iend and beg gay, was at that pot very difficult to graduate, ” Everett said, speakg of his role as Gee Down the 1997 Julia Roberts rom- “My Bt Friend’s Weddg.

I don’t thk gay actors should jt play the gay rol. But the gay actors should be able to play the straight rol, too. The discsn of gay actors playg certa rol also segued to remarks on trans clivy Hollywood, wh Everett potg to Srlett Johansson whdrawg om playg a transgenr character “Rub & Tug” 2018.

Is Col Firth Gay? He is a straight man not gay. Speakg on Piers Man Uncensored, Everett, 62, discsed the topic of straight actors playg gay characters.

Actor discsed the topic of gay actors Hollywood an terview wh Piers Man * colin firth is he gay *

While he said he did not thk gay rol need to be played exclively by gay actors, he seemed irked by Firth’s role as a gay man the 2009 drama. ”Everett, who first found fame playg a gay public school pupil 1984 drama Another Country, has prevly said he believed g out harmed his Hollywood reer. “I don’t thk gay actors should jt play the gay rol, ” he said.

“I thk that the gay actors should be able to play the straight rol too, I thk some straight guys played great gay rol. Everett told Man: “I thk the qutn is more ‘Why n’t gay actors play straight rol?

Col Firth: I'm Part Of Hollywood's Gay Problem * colin firth is he gay *

It’s great for gay actors who’ve had que a hard time, you know historilly, to be playg more rol to be gettg the game. ” (BBC)Everett has also prevly been cril of the transgenr muny, argug that the transgenr movement has “pletely overshadowed” the mpaign for gay rights.

Col Firth received a bt actor Osr nod for his role as a grievg gay profsor Tom Ford's 'A Sgle Man, ' but he acknowledg that his performance did nothg to help gay actors land the plum rol, gay or straight, Hollywood.

Firth told reporters at the movie's UK premiere that a gay actor g out Hollywood fac profsnal risks that may not be worth takg. "There might be risks for a gay actor g out, " he said. "If you're known as a straight guy, playg a gay role, you get reward for that.

Col Firth and Stanley Tucci play a gay uple Supernova, due for release on November 20. * colin firth is he gay *

If you're a gay man and you want to play a straight role, you don't get st -- and if a gay man wants to play a gay role now, you don't get st. "In December Rupert Everett, who is openly gay, said much of the same, advisg gay actors to stay the closet if they wanted a big reer.

The 61-year-old gay actor said that when he met Firth years earlier on the set of 1984’s “Another Country, ” he nursed an unrequed csh on the “Bridget Jon’s Diary” star. Col Firth shar thoughts on straight actors playg gay characters: ‘What do I know about this person’s life? Col Firth has opened up on playg a gay character Supernova (Picture: Getty, BFI)Col Firth has shared his thoughts on whether straight actors should play gay characters after starrg as part of a gay uple on Supernova.

Col told Attu magaze that he don’t have a ‘fal posn’ on whether straight actors should take on gay characters.


Col Firth shar thoughts on straight actors playg gay characters | Metro News .