Everythg you need to know about beg gay Mlim untri | LGBTQ+ rights | The Guardian

lgbt rights in iraq

In Iraq, lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr (LGBT) dividuals are subject to wispread discrimatn. Openly gay men are not permted to serve the ary and same-sex marriage or civil unns are illegal. LGBT people do not have any legal protectns agast discrimatn and are equent



LGBT Rights Iraq: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * lgbt rights in iraq *

Gay Marriage⚭✖ UnregnizedCensorship✖ Imprisonment as punishmentChangg Genr✔ Legal, surgery not requiredNon-bary genr regnnUnknownDiscrimatn✖ No protectnsEmployment Discrimatn✖ No protectnsHog Discrimatn✖ No protectnsDonatg Blood✖ Banned (1-year ferral)Conversn TherapyAmbiguo. Current statSce Jul 19, 1969N/A Even though Iraq's Crimal Co don't mentn homosexualy s penal , Articl such as 401 the penal n be ed agast LGBT marriage Iraq? Hyr’s genals were fondled by officers as he was ma to undrs for an anal examatn – which one policeman referred to as an “honour examatn” – to “terme if I was gay or not”.

Current statSce Jul 19, 1969N/A Even though Iraq's Crimal Co don't mentn homosexualy s penal , Articl such as 401 the penal n be ed agast LGBT marriage Baghdad? [3] Genr inty No Milary Same-sex ary service banned sce 2007 Discrimatn protectns NoneFay rights Regnn of relatnships No regnn of same-sex unns Adoptn NoIn Iraq, lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr (LGBT) dividuals are subject to wispread discrimatn.

Regardls of the rced laws, discrimatn, harassment, and murrs of LGBT muny members still Iraq ernment has mataed an anti-LGBT stance sce gag pennce 1932 where homosexualy was officially banned.

LGBT Rights Baghdad, Iraq: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * lgbt rights in iraq *

[6] LGBT history Iraq and the legaly of same-sex sexual activyAncient MopotamiaIn the Epic of Gilgamh, which was posed the Mopotamian kgdom of Sumer, the relatnship between the ma protagonist Gilgamh and the character Enkidu has been seen by some to be homosexual nature.

[7] [8] [9] [10] The Šumma ālu, an Akkadian tablet, clus this , where regards male homosexualy a posive light: [11] If a man pulat wh his equal om the rear, he be the lear among his peers and the ancient Assyrian society, the Almanac of Inntatns featured prayers praisg the equaly of love between heterosexual and gay male upl. However, spe the prohibory nature of Islamic doctre agast homosexualy, the prence of homosexuals the regn ntued up to the the early Safavid era (1501–1723), when the Safavid empire led Mopotamia om 1508 to 1533, male ho of prostutn (amrad khane) were legally regnized and paid tax. The assumptn of ntrol over the three vilayets of the provce by the Brish (as a League of Natns mandate known as the Brish Mandate of Mopotamia) imposed a ban on homosexualy, fed the penal as sodomy on the provce which would rema well after pennce RepublicThe Crimal Co of 1969, enacted by the Ba'athist party, only crimalized sexual behavr s of adultery, ct, rape, prostutn, public acts, or s volvg d or someone unable to give nsent due to age or mental fect.

Homosexualy per se was not a crime, but uld be jtifitn for ernment discrimatn and harassment unr laws signed to protect natnal secury and public the enactment of this 1969 to 2001, Iraqi secury forc had nsirably leeway to harass, jail or even execute anyone emed to be a threat to natnal secury or public moraly. 8 of 1988] Iraqi Law of Personal Stat was amend the 1980s to specifilly perm a wife to divorce her hband s where the hband was guilty of a homosexual relatnship. [21] In 1999, an urban legend began to circulate that the Iraqi ernment banned the South Park televisn seri, and feature film, bee picted Saddam Hse beg volved a homosexual relatnship wh Satan.

* lgbt rights in iraq *

[25] Anti-LGBT laws rtrictg eedom of exprsn and associatnOn Febary 5, 2005, the IRIN issued a report tled "Iraq: Male homosexualy still a taboo". The article also stated that the 2001 amendment to the crimal stipulatg the ath penalty for homosexualy "has not been changed", even though Pl Bremer clearly orred the crimal to go back to s 1980s edn. [28] The reports seem to stem om a fatwa issued by Iraqi cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani statg that homosexualy and lbianism are both "forbidn" and that they should be "Punished, fact, killed.

Several cls throughout the revised document assert that Islam will be the foundatn of the law and that var civil liberti shall be limed by "public moraly" Iraqi civil war's end 2008, saw a crease vlence for people's daily liv, and this allowed a surge nightlife, cludg gay nightlife, Baghdad, Basra, Najaf, and other ci for people the LGBT muny. The gree bans police officers om associatg wh people of ill repute, and punish police officers who engage homosexual sodomy wh up to fifteen years imprisonment.


Everythg you need to know about beg gay Mlim untri | LGBTQ+ rights | The Guardian.