Nigel Owens: Rugby referee on retirement and beg gay sport

nigel owens gay

Rugby's Only Openly Gay Referee Reveals Players' Support Over Comg Out



In 2007, the Mynyddcerrig-native shocked the sports world by g out as gay. 6 In 2007 Owens shocked the sports world by g out as gayCred: SWNS:South Wt News Service. It's such a big taboo to be gay my le of work, I had to thk very hard about bee I didn't want to jeopardise my reer.



"It's such a big taboo to be gay my le of work, I had to thk very hard about bee I didn't want to jeopardise my reer, " he nfsed. "When I beme a referee, beme clear that there was nobody the sport who was gay. "Although that’s not to say that the sport is openly homophobic.


Owens knew he was gay his late teens. He hadn't met a gay man before and his feelgs were totally alien to him, so much so that he sperately tried to supprs them. ''I didn't want to be a gay person.

''Alongsi his battle wh prsn and anxiety, Owens veloped bulimia and beme hooked on steroids as he stggled to accept that he was gay.

I didn't want to be a gay person Aged 24, Owens attempted to take his own life due to his self loathg over his sexual orientatn - a regret he says will plague him for the rt of his life. Gay gby referee Nigel Owens has spoken out about ncealg his sexualy, explag that he once hid a date a Pizza Hut Swansea when a former Wal ternatnal player walked . The Welsh ternatnal referee, who publicly me out as gay 2007, explaed that he nstantly lived fear of others disverg his sexualy earlier on his reer.


When gby referee Nigel Owens me out as gay 2007, he said was “a big taboo” to be LGBT+ his le of work. Welsh gby player Gareth Thomas later me out as gay, and other players have opened up about their inti too.

Did you enunter much homophobia after g out as gay? But on the odd ocsn – on the very, very odd ocsn that there were homophobic ments shouted at me om the spectators – was heard by other people and was reported to the relevant bodi and they managed to al wh the suatn. Rugby has allowed to be who we are, so nobody uld say that gby is a homophobic sport.


Welsh former gby ternatnal referee Nigel Owens has shared the homophobic abe he received a "hate" filled letter on social 51-year-old posted a picture of the letter sayg "unls we start llg out the kd of people nothg will change. "Nigel Owens now ns a farm the Gwendraeth 'me out' as gay 2007 and went on to bee the first referee to reach a landmark 100 ternatnal tts 's now livg a lifelong dream of beg a farmer and workg as a TV letter sparked an outpourg of support for Owens om people on social mediaOne social media er lled the letter "pathetic and absurd" while dozens exprsed their "love" for the gby legend. Owens, 47, is known as gby’s trailblazer, the first man the sport to e out as gay and to she a light on his battle wh prsn and attempted suici.


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19.8303C1.2507 20.0361 0.85551 20.0562 0.529562 19.8824C0.203615 19.7087 0 19.3694 0 19V1C0 0.625535 0.209216 0.282447 0.542124 0.110987Z" fill="whe"/></svg></i></button></div><vio-js data-acunt="2635130839001" data-player="wReX5gGy" data-embed="flt" ntrols="" data-vio-id="5316798641001" data-playlist-id="" data-applitn-id="" class="_4h-ua"></vio-js></div><blockquote class="lLs7Z vr8OE" data-ttid="quote"><p class="ka64y">The biggt challenge I've ever e across my life was acceptg who I was </p><footer class="_2pxnR"><ce class="WTLsF">Nigel Owens says acceptg he was gay was the biggt challenge he has ever faced </ce></footer></blockquote><p class="BVYCX">After revealg his stggl wh his sexualy, ternatnal gby referee Nigel Owens joed Lorrae to tell his story a bid to spire others to be te to themselv. </p><p class="BVYCX">The Welshman and revered gby referee, who grew up a small and close-kn village Carmarthenshire, was 19 when he started to realise he was different and attracted to men. He hadn't met a gay man before and his feelgs were totally alien to him, so much so that he sperately tried to supprs them. </p><p class="BVYCX">''I was fightg agast beg someone I didn't want to bee,'' Nigel told Lorrae. ''I didn't want to be a gay person.''</p><p class="BVYCX">Alongsi his battle wh prsn and anxiety, Owens veloped bulimia and beme hooked on steroids as he stggled to accept that he was gay. In a shockg bid to put an end to his sexual sir towards men and subsequently all his problems, Owens asked a doctor to chemilly strate him.</p><blockquote class="lLs7Z vr8OE" data-ttid="quote"><p class="ka64y">I didn't want to be a gay person </p><footer class="_2pxnR"><ce class="WTLsF">Nigel Owens stggled to e to terms wh his sexualy </ce></footer></blockquote><div class="_8xmX9 vr8OE" data-ttid="embed-twter"><blockquote class="twter-tweet"><a href="></a></blockquote></div><p class="BVYCX">Aged 24, Owens attempted to take his own life due to his self loathg over his sexual orientatn - a regret he says will plague him for the rt of his life. </p><p class="BVYCX">His parents' vastated reactn ma him realise that he need to 'grow up', e to terms wh his sexualy and accept who he was. </p><p class="BVYCX">''That was the biggt challenge of my life - acceptg who I was,'' Nigel said. </p><div class="_8xmX9 vr8OE" data-ttid="embed-sta"></div><blockquote class="lLs7Z vr8OE" data-ttid="quote"><p class="ka64y">I will owe more to gby than gby will ever owe to me </p><footer class="_2pxnR"><ce class="WTLsF">Nigel Owens has received huge support om the gby muny after g out publicly</ce></footer></blockquote><p class="BVYCX">Owens eventually me out to his parents, aged 34, before g out publicly 2007 shortly before the Rugby World Cup. </p><p class="BVYCX">Fally at peace wh who he is, Nigel has bee an spiratnal voice for the LGBT muny sport. He says the love, warmth and acceptance he has received om the gby muny sce g out has been overwhelmg.</p><p class="BVYCX">''I had huge support om the gby world. I wouldn't be who I am today if I wasn't very fortunate to be the great sport that is gby,'' Nigel said. ''I will owe more to gby than gby will ever owe to me.''</p><p class="BVYCX">Watch the full terview above. </p><p class="BVYCX"><a class="qNUzV" href=">Click here for helpl</a></p></article><asi data-ttid="sibar" class="BkAIC cp_grid cp_grid__em cp_width--ctard--one-third"><h2 class="cp_headg cp_headg--subtle eVU28">Latt Articl</h2><div class="qk6wr cp_grid"><a class="cp_grid__em" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/lorrae/articl/moni-galettis-prawn-spaghetti-pasta"><article class="_9ngZG y6L7V" data-ttid="tile"><div class="_0qIxo" data-ttid="tile-image-wrapper"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="tile-picture"></div></div><div class="O7IOg" data-ttid="tile-text-wrapper"><hear><h3 class="r5Yoc"><span>Moni Galetti's Prawn Spaghetti Pasta</span></h3><time class="iCsJz iJXFo" dateTime="2023-08-09T07:18:14.862Z" data-ttid="date-time">Wed 9 Aug 8:18am</time><p class="_-6cOu">Spaghetti wh prawns and sumac serv 4-6 people</p></hear></div></article></a><a class="cp_grid__em" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/lorrae/articl/do-you-need-help-wh-your-hair"><article class="_9ngZG y6L7V" data-ttid="tile"><div class="_0qIxo" data-ttid="tile-image-wrapper"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="tile-picture"></div></div><div class="O7IOg" data-ttid="tile-text-wrapper"><hear><h3 class="r5Yoc"><span>Do you need help wh your hair?</span></h3><time class="iCsJz iJXFo" dateTime="2023-08-04T13:13:48.369Z" data-ttid="date-time">Fri 4 Aug 2:13pm</time><p class="_-6cOu">Celebry hair stylist, Beverly Cobella, is here to help!</p></hear></div></article></a><a class="cp_grid__em" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/lorrae/articl/zenas-raspberry-tiramisu"><article class="_9ngZG y6L7V" data-ttid="tile"><div class="_0qIxo" data-ttid="tile-image-wrapper"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="tile-picture"></div></div><div class="O7IOg" data-ttid="tile-text-wrapper"><hear><h3 class="r5Yoc"><span>Zena's Raspberry Tiramisu</span></h3><time class="iCsJz iJXFo" dateTime="2023-07-18T08:39:23.351Z" data-ttid="date-time">Tue 18 Jul 9:39am</time><p class="_-6cOu">Try Zena's h and uy take on the Italian classic! </p></hear></div></article></a></div></asi></ma><div data-ttid="ad-hear-footer"></div></div><div class="rmSd4 _6AExG" data-ttid="bero"><div class="t6G8p" data-ttid="bero-background"><div class="cp_placeholr" data-ttid="bero-background-img"></div><div class="pFzZl" data-ttid="bero-background-vigte"></div></div><div class="m-L3T" data-ttid="bero-ntent"><a class="" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/lorrae"><img data-ttid="bero-logo" src=" class="_6DZGv" alt="Logo of Lorrae" loadg="lazy"/></a><div class="IO3Su CYXst"><i class="cp_in cp_in__logo-v-mono-neg cp_in--ctom-size _2ly3N cp_in--xsmall cp_in--cherry--small" aria-hidn="false"><svg xmlns=" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 200" aria-label="v" role="img"><tle>v .