'Beefke Hero': Joe Phillips Brgs Gay Superhero Out Of The Closet (PHOTOS) | HuffPost Weird News

gay superman cartoon

From Wonr Woman to Northstar, here are some of the most groundbreakg LGBTQ characters and gay superhero Marvel and DC Comics non.



* gay superman cartoon *

The se you are about to enter ntas ntent that is homoerotic and graphic nature. If you are unr the age of 18, offend by gay ntent, or superhero peril, TURN AWAY NOW!

We’ve put together this list to troduce some of the most fluential gay superhero, rangg om groundbreakg figur like Marvel’s Northstar to characters like Harley Qun who only me out the past few 12 most inic gay superhero1) Wonr WomanDiana of Themyscira has a long and storied history as a queer in.

(CC-BY-SA)2) MidnighterPossibly the bt-known gay superhero ic book circl, Midnighter was created as a parody of Batman, startg off the adult-rated Wildstorm ic Stormwatch. As one of the origal X-Men, he was portrayed as straight for s beg outed as gay 2015. Thanks to the X-Men ics’ love of time travel hijks, there are actually two versns of this character at the moment: A teenage Iceman who realized he was gay after Jean Grey read his md, and an adult versn who stayed the closet and dated women for years, but me out after beg nonted by his younger self.


Created 1998, Apollo and Midnighter were among the first married gay upl superhero ics — and they were totally parodi of Batman and Superman. Now, thanks to DC Comics ntuy, the four characters fally met face to face. * gay superman cartoon *

The recent Iceman solo seri foced on his life after this revelatn, earng a mixed rponse bee while ’s great to see a gay character gettg their own ic, his emotnal arc is a rather old-fashned g-out story. She first appeared as Batman’s love tert the 1950s, shortly after the publitn of Sctn of the Innocent, a book that acced Batman of homosexual propaganda.

In recent years she was rewrten to be gay herself, a ntroversial cisn that led to some problems of s her ic’s creators wanted her to marry her girliend, DC nixed the cisn by sayg hero “shouldn’t have happy personal liv, ” a dub statement that sounds pretty ridiculo the ntext of, say, Superman. After years of hts, he me out as gay 1992. LGBTQ and gay superhero list:Wonr Woman (DC Comics).

Superman has been nfirmed to be bisexual/gay, acrdg to DC Comics. Producers of the popular rtoon seri, DC Comics, Inc, have * gay superman cartoon *

I’ve llected some of my favore piec after the jump… and by favore, I mean most homoerotic. And sce, at the time, he’d temporarily taken over as Superman while his father was off-world, generated headl about Superman beg gay. 'You do you':People share their emotnal stori to help others on Natnal Comg Out DayNatnal Comg Out Day:Publicly gay pro baseball player creat support group for othersJon Kent's same-sex relatnship is also not the only parture om the origal Superman’s life, The New York Tim noted.

PHOTOS: 'Up, Up And I'm Gay': Comic Artist Joe Phillips Brgs Superhero Out Of The Closet * gay superman cartoon *

Fredric Wertham wrote "Sctn Of The Innocent, " a book that alleged, among other thgs, that Wonr Woman was a lbian and that Batman and Rob were gay lovers.

A former DC Comics artist has claimed that the pany is preparg to kill off Clark Kent and troduce his son as a new gay Superman. * gay superman cartoon *

Although Wertham's allegatns have been long been ridiculed by the ics muny, some dtry sirs like Joe Phillips see a gay subtext throughout the superhero genre. He says he's fascated by the unrlyg "gayns" of the superhero, and he's takg out of the closet and to a seri of patgs he lls "Beefke Hero, " currently on display at a San Diego art gallery.

Strange, Superman and Capta Ameri barg their oiled, rippled physiqu eher tight jockey shorts or sktight spanx and wearg e hher looks more mon gay magaz like Blue Boy than, say, the pag of "Superboy.

"Although the typil rear of a superhero ic is tagged as a heterosexual young adult male, Phillips says the characters have also had a big fluence on the gay muny.


DC Comics to make Superman gay unexpected shake-up.