'Mad Men': Is Bob Benson Gay? Probably Not - TheWrap

mad men bob benson gay

No matter whether you&#39;re tstg the nspiracy theorists, the reppers, or Matthew Weer this season, <em>Mad Men</em>&#39;s big gay subplot probably won&#39;t get rolved that simply the last two episos. So what do you believe? And what do this mean about next season? Let&#39;s jt say this gets more meta than ever.



After digtg the game-changg season fale, take a moment to reflect on the gay and lbian characters of the 'Mad Men' universe. WARNING: SPOILERS! * mad men bob benson gay *

Bob says that Manolo is gay and that Dot lov Manolo bee he tak re of her. " He is sure Bob is also gay. Bob Benson might be gay — or jt a shrewd manipulator of 1960s homophobia.


* mad men bob benson gay *

We received our signal that Bob may be gay or bisexual when he appeared to proposn Pete (Vcent Karthier) a closed-door meetg about the nurse Bob referred to Pete to re for his mother. When Bob mentned the nurse's likely homosexualy, Pete lled him a "generate. Shouldn't he have known om the "generate" ment that Pete wasn't gay?


Mad Men's latt man of mystery hasn't ma his move on Joan, is not a fan of brothels, might be a psychopath, and — spoiler alert — ma a move on Pete Campbell on this week's episo. All of which might be a slow build to the g-out party of the show's send major gay character, some of which might speak to bigger issu about beg gay the '60s, a ltle b of which might be a preview of the Stonewall Rts to e, and none of which may mean much of anythg ncrete. ... * mad men bob benson gay *

But I don't thk Bob really thks Pete is gay.

In Pete's homophobia, he of urse terprets homosexualy as unmanly. But he is eply his own head about what signal he gave off to make Bob thk he might be gay. No gayns here.

He's psyched out a potential rival, and if Pete later acc him of proposng him, then Joan, for one, will attt that Bob sure don't seem gay to her, based on their prev history. Last week’s episo, “Favors, ” seemed to dite that Bob was gay, as he appeared to make an advance at Pete Campbell (Vcent Kartheiser) by gently touchg his boss’s leg wh his own and seemgly makg a claratn of his love.


When I asked Mad Men creator Matthew Weer at the Amy of Televisn Arts and Scienc panel I morated last weekend whether Bob Benson was gay, he murred, sayg what passed between Bob and Pete didn’t necsarily dite that. Salvator "Sal" Romano Sal, the Italian-Amerin, Ann Margaret-lovg art director of Sterlg Cooper, was the origal gay character of Mad Men. Hearts broke for the sweet, sad man trapped 1960s homophobia, and when he fally got the urage to sleep wh a bellboy, he was ught the act by his boss, Don Draper.


He's the first out and proud gay character of the seri. Kurt then assured everyone that he was homosexual and nothg happened between him and I don't thk that means what you thk means. " Manolo's homosexualy was aga mentned episo 12 when Benson reassured Pete, "Manolo don't like women.

There's a new gay character on Mad Men! Some viewers, like Jaime Woo at Huffgton Post, were upset by the notn that Bob uldn't jt be a gay character whout also beg a villa like many have suggted. It might be too one-dimensnal to assume that he n't be both fatuated wh Pete and out to get somethg om ntued his explanatn wh: "I don't know if Bob is necsarily gay, but I thk he is fatuated wh Pete and wants to be Pete and I don't thk Pete is horrified or shocked, but he's now a suatn bs where someone has really filtrated his life...

No matter whether you're tstg the nspiracy theorists, the reppers, or Matthew Weer this season, Mad Men's big gay subplot probably won't get rolved that simply the last two episos.


So Bob Benson Is Defely Gay, Right? An Invtigatn - The Atlantic</tle><meta name="scriptn" ntent="No matter whether you&#39;re tstg the nspiracy theorists, the reppers, or Matthew Weer this season, <em>Mad Men</em>&#39;s big gay subplot probably won&#39;t get rolved that simply the last two episos. So what do you believe? And what do this mean about next season? Let&#39;s jt say this gets more meta than ever."/><meta property="kx:tle" ntent="So Bob Benson Is Defely Gay, Right? An Invtigatn - The Atlantic"/><meta property="kx:scriptn" ntent="No matter whether you&#39;re tstg the nspiracy theorists, the reppers, or Matthew Weer this season, <em>Mad Men</em>&#39;s big gay subplot probably won&#39;t get rolved that simply the last two episos. So what do you believe? And what do this mean about next season? 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