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<I>Insomniac</I>.</h2><div id="p-article-below-hear" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><sectn class="jsx-3528870638 byle"><div class="stack jsx-816329128 byle-stack"><div class="stack jsx-1752463718 article-thors"><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">By <span class="jsx-3953721931 article-thor">Ken P.</span></div></div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Updated: <!-- -->May 20, 2012 2:30 am</div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Posted: <!-- -->Oct 28, 2003 5:54 am</div></div><div class="jsx-4050243981 divir"></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-hear-image" class="jsx-3606872557 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 page-ntent"><div class="jsx-3517015813 si-by-si"><div class="jsx-3517015813 article-ntent page-0"><sectn class="article jsx-2571790323 article-sectn jsx-28683165"><sectn class="article-page">To fans of Comedy Central's <em>Insomniac</em>, host <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Dave Attell</a> is more than jt a stand-up ic – he's the patron sat of bar-hoppg late night social mentators everywhere. <div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-0 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="mediumAd" data-pos="0" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div> <br/> Two uncensored DVD llectns of <em>Insomniac</em> have been released by Comedy Central (the send of which ntas d mentari and mucho bon featur), as well as Attell's first edy CD, <em>Skanks for the Memori</em>. The lot n be purchased om <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" rel="noopener noreferrer">Comedy Central's webse</a>. <br/> <br/> He's currently on tour across the U.S. wh <em>The Daily Show</em>'s Lewis Black (I ught their Raleigh show this past weekend – if the show is g to a town near you, drop what you're dog and see ). You n view the <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" rel="noopener noreferrer">tour schle here</a>. <br/> <br/> For more on Dave, you n always check his <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" rel="noopener noreferrer">official webse</a>. <br/> <br/> It wasn't the middle of the night or over a shot, but we did get the chance to chat wh Dave… <br/> <br/> <br/> <div data-cy="accent-divir" class="jsx-2008757641 divir"></div> <br/> <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN FILMFORCE: Where did the ial ia for <em>Insomniac</em> e om?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>DAVE ATTELL: </strong>I gus 's kd of an ugly versn of <em>Wild on E!</em>, you know? <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I would ll an entertag versn of <em>Wild on E!</em>…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Why, thank you. It's kd of basic. It's hard when people ask me qutns about – 's unscripted, 's loose, jt keeps gog all night… 's kd of simple. I wish there was more to . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: How do you choose which ci you'll shoot ? As a ic, you obvly play more ci than you shoot …</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah… I'm ultimately a stand-up ic, but whenever someone se me on the road, they thk I'm shootg that show, but I'm not. I've been dog this for years… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Which I'm surprised people don't know, bee you have been around…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah. We pick most of the ci by accs to late night jobs and other thgs that are gog on the town that week… seasons, time of year… that kd of thg. But 's really gettg accs to late night jobs that's important. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: How often do you enunter a cy where you n't get accs, and you have to scrap that cy?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, we don't go there unls we n get accs. We have rearch people, months out, workg on . But that's how we pick the towns. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Is there any cy you've wanted to do, but jt never clicked?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, D.C. Bee of secury… terrorism, and all that kd of stuff. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: When did the show start, 2000?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, we started about a year before the 9/11 thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Was jt a matter of choosg the wrong time to try and do Washgton?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, and I gus 's om all the other hidn mera shows, people are wary of any show like that – even though we're totally not like that, they're wary of . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I've notice que a b of blurrg durg episos – what's the failure rate when to gettg waivers signed?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I don't know… Most of the people want to be on the show. We don't have that problem. I mean, maybe 1 out of 50 or 1 out of 75 don't want to be on, and we don't want them on. It's not that kd of show. Eher you're 100% to , or else there's plenty of other plac to go and see and do. But we're done now – that's the end of the fourth season. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do surprise you that 's ma four seasons?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, do. I never thought would go this long. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Bee the ncept would have wore out, or you would have?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, well nobody really r if I wear out. I was jt very surprised that went past the pilot. I didn't thk they'd pick up. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do you fd yourself actg any different now than when you filmed the first shows? Eher how you teract wh people or how you rerd the show?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, we kd of have our stuff down. We know what we want to do. It's the people who are different. They know about the show now, so stead of gog to a bar and gog to talk to the two or three people that are there, there's three or four hundred people there and they've all brought down their own DVDs and CDs, and they're yellg at me if I don't listen to them talk about how they n't get on <em>Amerin Idol</em>… Fat guys are drkg and handg me shots, even after I already have one my hand, so 's bee like a rnival. And that's not what the show is about. Walkg down the street wh jt me and the meraman and the crew, and then beme people followg om bar to bar to bar, and that's jt not right. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Compared to the earlier shows, also seems like you've bee a b more wary of the people you enunter on the street...</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, you don't really see the whole thg. It's an eded show, so you don't see the 50 people outsi of mera range, that are circlg the mera. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Was that part of the impet to go do the shows overseas this past year?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, was that, and was also to mix up a b. It was the time of year when we thought Europe would be a whole lot warmer than the U.S. – but wasn't. And that's another thg wh the show – 's kd of funny, me walkg around snow pants, but 's eezg out there, and we're out there all night for a uple of nights. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Has there ever been a night when borred on beg a plete disaster?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, 's never a plete disaster. There's a lot of disappotment on the show, where you thk 's gog to be one thg and you get down there and 's not, but 's never a plete disaster. The producers on the show are really good – Nick McKney and some other people. Whatever we get, they try and mold to somethg funny. My job is to make sure 's not rny, and sometim I thk we borr on that and I'm a ltle disappoted. But I'm happy wh most of the shows… I thk they're pretty good. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What do you fe as "rny" ? </strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Bee 's not scripted, I know om jt dog stand-up and wrg on shows when needs to be funnier, but 's a very shallow well when to edy. You get what you get. No matter what Comedy Central says, they like funny. They're the one's that are most sred when there's not a lgh every send. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It almost seems like the pace of the show has quickened over the years as well…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I don't thk so. It's kd of stylized look that you see a lot on <em>Girls Gone Wild</em> and all the other shows – a lot of fast motn to keep movg, bee the ia of the show is that there's a lot of thgs gog on every town all night long that people don't know about. And don't mean they're the most excg, erotic thgs, 's jt that there are thgs open and there are people out, and 's my job to try and make a humoro tone. I would have loved to get accs wh the ary, but never me through. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Sometim you would watch the show and say, "That's borrg on a dangero suatn." Were there ever any close lls?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, there's been some. You know, people are drkg – and we have no secury. There's been phg and shovg. I'm more aaid for the crew than I am for me. I mean, everybody wants to talk and drk wh me. People might scream at me and bterly tell me about the show, how much sucks and everythg, but that's nothg I haven't gotten clubs. But the crew… After I leave, they're the on that have to get releas om people, so they're the on who are talkg to a bunch of bikers or a group of jocks – some dnken at guys. So I feel more aaid for them than I do for myself. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Has anythg been close to happeng, or happened?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, I gus I uld tell you the story of when I killed a boy. Is that what you're lookg for? <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Absolutely.</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I know! No, nothg happened. We're good. We're smart. I mean, we've seen fights on the street. We've seen pepper sprays, r accints… all that kd of stuff. All those kds of thgs that you read about the next day of a dnken night on the town, we've seen, but I've never seen a murr. I always thought that would be a good thg about the show. It'd be ol if we actually stopped crime – if we fought crime while we were walkg around. That we'd fd wallets om dnken people leavg their wallets, and we'd give them to the ps… Thgs like that… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: "Dave Attell: Cizen on Patrol"…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, is kd of a cizen on patrol. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Steppg wh the mera and tryg to break up fights…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So you're dog good work…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It's a good ed. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Were there any ci that you got to that were a plete disappotment?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No. We pretty much know what we're gog to get when we go there. I have them go to the smaller towns. I know om edy that the way to really separate om the <em>Wild on E!</em> show was to go to the least glamoro towns. And we n only go to certa towns bee of the thgs I jt said, like the accs and the time of year, and we only get 10 shows to shoot. But I thk the smaller, the better. They're exced to see , they turn out, they give more accs. Later on, the accs really me through – wh, like, a al me, we got to ri on a tra. That was unheard of thgs that we never would have got the first season. So I gus if I do another 30 seasons, I eventually n walk to a hospal. See, that's the kd of thg – like, you n't go to a hospal. But that's somethg that's gog on all night. You n't hang out wh the Army, but they'll promote the Army durg the show. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So you've been wantg to do an <em>Insomniac</em>/<em>ER</em> crossover?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, all that kd of stuff. That's the stuff that's the most tertg part of the show, the late night job. To me, at least. I mean, I'm bars every night. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Is observg medil personnel somethg that every cy has turned you down on?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>The thgs I always have them look for, no matter what town we go to, are prisons, hospals, and any kd of police or utili thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: You went shootg wh law enforcement New Orleans, didn't you?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, but that was, like, a lucky grab. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Was that not planned?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, we got he accs to do that, but everybody wasn't that ol. And that was before 9/11, so I'm sure those guys aren't out shootg nutria right now. They're probably some mouflage thg out at the airport wag to really take out a terrorist. Everybody's by now… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: At least, one would hope…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Y. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I've noticed that there are certa areas of the untry that you vis ls equently – like the upper northwt and the ep south…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, I n say the ep south we've done Ltle Rock, Arkansas… Nashville, Tennsee's pretty ep. I wanted to go to Birmgham, Alabama but we ran out of shows. The are towns that I play, edy-wise. Mobile, Alabama, we were lookg to. The are all ntt ci. A lot of people that lled for the ntt – was, like, "hang out wh me for a night" – but they were unrage, so… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: That shouldn't stop ya… "Learn the Rop wh Dave Attell"…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right… You're pretty brave, through me… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I am…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I would like to see you eyeball-down a lawsu… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I certaly would… Through you…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah. And the north… I'm glad you brought that up – like Montana and the Dakotas – bee I've played Fargo and all those plac. Productn-wise, they tell me that you have to pick a town where there's enough productn value to support the productn… I don't know what I'm talk' about. There's got to be enough whatever is – the equipment that they need to rent and buy and all that kd of stuff, bee they shoot really low-end, so they have to rent battery belts and all that kd of stuff. So not every town has that, and you don't want to drive four hours if you n out of lights, to get a new one. We looked to all those thgs, and time-of-year-wise, the Dakotas and Montana the wter is jt btal and there's nothg gog on. Even the lols are like, "There's nothg gog on. You'd better try the sprg." And by that pot, bee we only have 10 shows to shoot, we're not shootg by that pot. So really is a timg thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So when are you gog to do some mg town Alaska?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>We did the Anchorage Summer Solstice thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Are there any towns bis D.C. that you regret not gettg to yet?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I thk 's a show where any town is doable. I ed to get a lot terviews, like, "What are you gog to do when you n out of towns?" And I said, "That's the last of my problems." You'll never n out of towns. Every time I go somewhere and jt do stand-up, people are like, "Are you shootg the show here?" And when I tell them that we're not shootg right now, they get all upset. So people want their towns. It jt a matter of accs, and we try to tie some shows to an event, which ually giv an extra spark. Like Myrtle Beach, we were there for Bike Week. That was really good. In Anchorage, Alaska we were there for Summer Solstice, so was light out the whole time, and that was tertg. Jt tryg to mix up. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I'm always shocked when watchg the show – eher you drk far ls liquor than implied, or you jt hold really well…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, I do a lot of drkg. I wouldn't say I'm a super-dnk, I jt get somethg to eat and I drk a lot of ffee, too, but 's not "fun" drkg. It's a lot of "work" drkg, where you get really dnk and then you have to go talk to a guy who works a sewage treatment plant, so you have to act like you're a reporter. Yeah, there's a lot of drkg gog on. It beme a big drkg show the more went on. Kids, pecially the llege kids, really got to , and every time we'd go to a bar they'd jt hand me all the crazy shots, so we would drk them. A lot of that was also a big F-U to those <em>Wild on E!</em> shows where they drk the martis and stuff like that, so we're drkg the stupid sex shots, I gus. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So 's a "beer & pretzels" show…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Mm-hmm. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Is there a pot each night that you reach and say "no more"?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, gets to a pot where we n't h every bar the town, and people get upset if we n't. But we try to h as many bars as we n, and we try to h a "Last Call" bar. We got to keep shootg while 's dark out, and the wter 's dark later but nobody's out on the streets bee 's so ld, and the summer gets light out around 5 o'clock the morng so we have to stop shootg. It's really a time factor show. We h as many bars as we n every town, and we try to h as many different typ of bars – drkg bar, old man bar, gay bar, party bar, pick-up meat market bar… If there's somethg weird about a bar, we'll go to . But we n't jt h everybody's favore bar. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: And the show isn't actually shot one night, right?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It's actually shot over 2-3 nights, and that has to do wh the accs and the logistics of . In towns like Hoton and London and others where tak, like, an hour-and-a-half to get to plac -between, we'd only have about 10 mut of footage if we shot one night. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Has there ever been a town where you did all one night?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, when we first started we only did one night. One-and-a-half to two nights was the most. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So that was before the show went "Hollywood"…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do you miss the rough-and-tumble, down-and-dirty way you would do the show the early seasons?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, 's a show that got harr to do as we went along, bee of tryg to walk down the street wh 30 guys chasg you, dnk, who all want to talk on mera and have no ia what you're dog, and all thk you're some other show – but still want to be on mera and thk I'm an a**hole if I don't talk to them while I'm tryg to really jt talk to one person. It mak a lot harr. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: How much is fueled by them jt beg dnk?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I thk 's fueled by the fact that people know what the show's about. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: On some level, bis beg a pa the a**, that has to be gratifyg…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well yeah, 's a victim of s own succs. The one thg you would never see on this show is "It's the 5th Anniversary of the <em>Insomniac</em> show." I don't thk 's a thg that's supposed to go on any longer than has. I don't want to be… It's already kd of tame… the fact that we n't get accs to certa thgs… but I don't want to be lame, where people are like, "I n't believe this show's still on the air." And I'm the warng sign of that. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do you thk the show has reached that pot?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah… Well, this is the last season. We're not shootg any more seasons. We'll shoot some special event stuff, maybe some more stuff overseas, but won't be like a whole season of <em>Insomniac</em>s. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So not like ed to be…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It'll look the same way, but 'll jt be now and aga. It won't be a whole new season of . Don't worry – Comedy Central will ren 6-7 tim a day. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What exactly do the future hold at this pot? I know you're always tourg…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, that's what I'm here to promote now. I'm on tour wh Lewis Black, and we're dog a 50-cy theater tour. It's a big al to me… I don't know if 's a big al to anybody else, but I'm not ed to workg theaters, and 50 ci is the real al for me. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What is the difference the dynamic between workg a theater vers a club?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It's a different space and 's thoands of people – like 2-3,000 seaters. Lewis and I have been dog this for a long time – 's not like we jt started dog edy bee we were on televisn, and 's a nice pat on the back, to thk that we n draw that kd of crowd. Mch Hedberg is gonna be on the tour, too. He's another guy who's way overdue. He's done a ln <em>Letterman</em>s and other stuff, and he's a great ic. But I won't be shootg the show there… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I'm sure that will be the lament of all the dnks houndg you after the show…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Don't worry, there'll be a ln guys like that there. "I n't believe that, even after you told me on the rad and the paper, that you're still not shootg the show here." You've got to give dnks cred for one thg – they don't take "no" for an answer. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Compared to TV, is your preference still to do stand-up?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I'm a stand-up ic. Anythg else I do bis that is a pl, but stand-up edy is what I do, 's what I've been dog and 's what I'm gog to keep dog. I don't take the TV stuff for granted – 's great that the <em>Insomniac</em> show h a chord, if you will, wh whatever. I'll ntue to do stand-up and have a good time there. I really have no long-range plans… I'm not a movie guy, I'm not a TV s guy, but whatever seems to f and is funny is good for me. I have no grand scheme. I'm pretty happy where I am, terms of regnn and all that kd of stuff. I don't wake up everyday gog, "Why am I not on <em>Accs Hollywood</em>?" I never wanted to be famo… even the stuff I'm gettg now mak me feel a ltle unfortable and awkward. Like I said, I'm pleasantly surprised thew whole way through about how the <em>Insomniac</em> thg is workg, and if this tour kicks off nice than that'd be great too. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: If there's one <em>Insomniac</em> episo that you uld pot to and say, "That's what they show is about…" which would you pick?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>There's a uple of ci that I thk really showed the show for what uld be. One of them was Key Wt, Florida, where we were at a big event where the event was way bigger than beg town. People were wanrg around their stum, lots of nudy, lots of <em>Girls Gone Wild</em> stuff, but there were olr people… lots of stuff gog on, and we almost didn't have enough time to shoot everythg happeng. Usually wh , we n out of thgs to shoot before the time's up and then 's jt me wanrg around, but there there was jt so much opportuny. It was a fun time, everybody was good spirs, and was gog all night – so that was perfect. The other thg would be like Charlton, Wt Virgia, where we got to actually do really ol jobs – the al mg and gog to monster tck shows. That kd of stuff is always fun. And that's what's about. But the show, job-wise, that I thk really ptur what we were about would be the crime scene clean-up guy Oakland, California, where we hung out wh this guy that cleans up after the forensic roner gets out of the way, he cleans up the blood and guts. He's been on other documentari, but was ol that he let hang out wh him. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It's almost like <em>Insomniac</em> has bee a better advertisement for the towns than any tourist board uld hope for…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, you would thk that when the rearch people approach a town they would open their arms to , but they don't. I mean, some towns are better than others. Sometim there's somethg else gog on the town – which we n totally unrstand they n't give accs to. I was amazed we got accs to an airport Hawaii and Myrtle Beach. That jt blew me away, that they would let wh a mera. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Especially post-9/11…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah that's the whole thg. It's one thg to do a travel show where you're gog to exotic lol and beach and stuff, but if you're jt gog and travelg around wh a crew and you're up late at night on a bridge and you need a perm for that and the ps are checkg you out bee they thk you're some kd of terrorist cell… and people change their md at the last mute – we wanted to go on a boat Portland, a tugboat, bee 's a big port. And the guys said no, and we had to al wh that. We had to scramble, and the rearch people are really good at that. We didn't get to go on a tugboat but we got to go to a steel l. It's that kd of thg… You never really know what is, and 's unscripted to boot. I gus you really uldn't script any of this stuff bee 's really happeng when happens. But thanks to people like you and a lot of the other thgs that I did – bee, at the begng, wasn't promoted at all by Comedy Central. I n say that wh a clear nscience bee I thk they thought of as a nice cheap show, bee 's done on the cheap, but once ught on they got wh . But nobody would have known about if wasn't for me dog stand-up and beg on the rad every day, and the lol papers – alternative papers – and Inter people who wanted to ask me about . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I always treated like was a secret to be passed around…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Thank you… that's a wonrful pliment. Thank you. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I've seen lol members of our sheriff's partment stg down to watch the New Orleans episo…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, that was the ol followg that we had the begng – mostly third shift people. I would do stand-up and I uld see who was watchg the show bee some guy would e down and say, "I work a rpet factory, third shift, and I have my wife tape so I n e home and watch ." Then between the first and send season, started to tch on wh the llege crowd, and then they… I wouldn't say "hijacked" the show, bee 's everybody's show, but they kd of got that this is a ol drkg show. So they got on the drkg aspect of . Then beme a show of llege guys, tckers, and then – of urse – gay fetish people. It's weird when you look at my dience. It's really weird, but they all get along good. I have to say that I have one of the bt crowds edy, my stand-up shows. Anybody who I'm workg wh, whoever's my opener when I'm on tour, says, "Man, your crowd drks really hard, but they are really ntrolled. They lgh and they don't take too serly, and 's fun." <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It's like you're the Pythonque Charl Kuralt…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right! I gus you n say that. I don't look like a host, the show's not really like a travel show, so 's a ltle off-kilter. Maybe that's what got people off. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: But you n see the tth what's beg prented…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It's not like some slick producer om <em>Good Morng Ameri</em> dog a spotlight on Miami…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right. And we try to keep away om those kd of towns till way later the n of . Pl the ltle towns are really where 's at. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: And 's always tertg to fd out that, "Hey, there are some really offbeat thgs to do Town A…"</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, the thg is, beg a ic on the road all those years, I kd of knew the towns and what they were like. And that was the thg about beg a road ic, which was ol, that you are a different town every week/every night, and after the how you have to kill the time until you have to do rad or leave, and you jt kd of sleep or drk or try to hook up. So wasn't anythg that I wasn't dog already, but was ol that did translate to the TV. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What's the feedback that you've gotten om other ics about the show?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>They love . I've got a lot of great ic iends, people that I rpect, and they were the first people that I asked "Is this rny? Is this wrong? Is this whatever?" A lot of them… There's a big thg to be mean to people – punk them, crank ll them and stuff – but I was never to that. I wanted to be more iendly and the party aspect. And wh my looks, 's not like I n get away wh… It's not like I'm Jamie Kennedy or anythg. I look like I'm mean – and I am a ltle mean – but I knew this suatn, pecially wh alhol volved, that I had to take the nice road and let people to see that they're not gog to be ma a fool of. And we have had people on there who've been ebriated, but pared to the people that end up on the edg room floor – the total dnks wh the ey rollg their own vom, that the other people would have jt gone up there, drsed like a bunny, and then piss on them… I jt feel like we've done a great job, 90% of the time, of keepg people om lookg like an idt. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: The <em>Girls Gone Wild</em> aspect of …</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>That's jt stuff that is happeng. I don't have a guy gog up to girls and sayg, "Okay, the mera's gonna end up here, then flash your ts, or grd this girl." Everybody knows – 's like an stct now. Half the people there thk we are <em>Girls Gone Wild</em>, bee they thk that's what you're supposed to do a bar when a mera up to you. I never tell them to do any of that stuff. I never even thought that any of that would even happen on this show. It jt kd of happened. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Have you kept the same meraman the whole time?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah. Brian is the meraman – that's his real name – and he's done many shows. He actually worked for <em>The Awful Tth</em> for awhile, and he was a meraman on <em>Bowlg for Columbe</em>, so he's like an award-wng meraman. He's really good. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: He's also bee a participant on the show. </strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, and Comedy Central really wasn't for that, but I had no one else to talk to.. to play off of… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So when are you gog to do the marathon, seven-day cross-untry <em>Insomniac</em>?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>We did a thg where we drank across Long Island – that's where we went to my hoe, and all that kd of stuff. I would like to do more of those kd of thgs, but we would do them as specials. Like drkg the Lewis and Clark trail. It's jt hard to translate that to Comedy Central, for them to get on . But if you do see the show aga, will be specials, mostly event-oriented – like the Kentucky Derby or the Indy 500 – but that all has to do wh accs. I mean, I uld say that we'll be on the shuttle, but 's gettg accs to that… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Or the Great Wall of Cha…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right! Anythg like that. Overseas is ually a lot easier, accs-wise, but then 's the logistics and money of . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So you'll have to do around the world 80 days…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah… that's like the Michael Pal thg… That was a better show than me. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: You n ve him along…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>He don't look like he wants to have one drk more than he has to. He's earned . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So are we ever gog to get a ncert vio out of you?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I don't know about that. I'm probably gog to take my one ltle mera along wh me on this tour and see what we n get wh that, and maybe we'll shoot a uple of the thgs. Maybe we'll get a DVD gog. I've got to talk to Lewis about that <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It seems like a shame not to document …</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I'm fely dog . I'm fely takg a mera wh me, but I don't know if will be like the <em>Kgs of Comedy</em>, where you'll see a movie out of . I don't thk that <em>Blue Collar Tour</em> did that well. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Any plans for a follow-up CD?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Not right now, bee I don't thk I have the material for , and I only get like a nickel on the CDs – so there's not that much impet to do . I'll be sellg this one at the shows.</sectn></sectn><div class="stack jsx-2881464549"><div id="p-article-before-verdict" class="jsx-1985944744 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-1 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="sendaryMedrec" data-pos="1" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 right-rail"></div></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-all-article-ntent" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div id="p-article-below-object-summary" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div id="p-article-below-object-review" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-nnatix" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 three-lumn"><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-ntent"><sectn id="ments-sectn" class="jsx-1897904587 ments-sectn"><div data-spotim-module="nversatn" data-post-id="4fb8574a9e4e0c18d59d09da" data-post-url="></div><div style="marg-right:1em"><div data-spotim-module="pc"></div></div></sectn></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-right-rail"><div class="jsx-1247231955 ign-remends"><h3 class="tle3 jsx-739685789 ign-remends-headle"><svg class="ign-in jsx-2881019173 in-logo" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 76 24" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>IGN

dave attell gay

Explore Dave Attell's bgraphy, wiki, worth & salary 2023. Learn about his age, height, weight, datg, wife, girliend, kids and more. Is he gay?


    * dave attell gay *

    Gay Speculatn.

    After not sharg any tails about his relatnship for far too long, certa people speculated Dave to be gay who did not wish to share wh the media. A poll nducted by Vipfag saw 75% of the fans votg Dave to be gay. Sparklers are the gay s of the fireworks fay.


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class="jsx-3959280869 loadg-bar-ntaer"><div class="jsx-3959280869 loadg-bar"></div></div><hear class="jsx-897490467 hear"><div class="jsx-1852792583 sibar-page-hear"></div><div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble- pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="fourBy" data-pos="" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div><div id="p-top-ribbon" class="jsx-1373134118 piano-template-placeholr"></div></hear><ma id="ma-ntent" class="jsx-1402789575"><div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 fixed-on-mobile bobble bobble-0 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="articleSticky" data-pos="0" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div><div class="jsx-310563508 page-hear page-ntent"><h1 class="display-tle jsx-1062180250" data-cy="article-headle">An Interview wh Dave Attell</h1><h2 class="tle3 jsx-2866659985" data-cy="article-sub-headle">We chat wh the host of Comedy Central's <I>Insomniac</I>.</h2><div id="p-article-below-hear" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><sectn class="jsx-3528870638 byle"><div class="stack jsx-816329128 byle-stack"><div class="stack jsx-1752463718 article-thors"><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">By <span class="jsx-3953721931 article-thor">Ken P.</span></div></div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Updated: <!-- -->May 20, 2012 2:30 am</div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Posted: <!-- -->Oct 28, 2003 5:54 am</div></div><div class="jsx-4050243981 divir"></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-hear-image" class="jsx-3606872557 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 page-ntent"><div class="jsx-3517015813 si-by-si"><div class="jsx-3517015813 article-ntent page-0"><sectn class="article jsx-2571790323 article-sectn jsx-28683165"><sectn class="article-page">To fans of Comedy Central's <em>Insomniac</em>, host <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Dave Attell</a> is more than jt a stand-up ic – he's the patron sat of bar-hoppg late night social mentators everywhere. <div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-0 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="mediumAd" data-pos="0" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div> <br/> Two uncensored DVD llectns of <em>Insomniac</em> have been released by Comedy Central (the send of which ntas d mentari and mucho bon featur), as well as Attell's first edy CD, <em>Skanks for the Memori</em>. The lot n be purchased om <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" rel="noopener noreferrer">Comedy Central's webse</a>. <br/> <br/> He's currently on tour across the U.S. wh <em>The Daily Show</em>'s Lewis Black (I ught their Raleigh show this past weekend – if the show is g to a town near you, drop what you're dog and see ). You n view the <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" rel="noopener noreferrer">tour schle here</a>. <br/> <br/> For more on Dave, you n always check his <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" rel="noopener noreferrer">official webse</a>. <br/> <br/> It wasn't the middle of the night or over a shot, but we did get the chance to chat wh Dave… <br/> <br/> <br/> <div data-cy="accent-divir" class="jsx-2008757641 divir"></div> <br/> <br/> <br/> <strong>IGN FILMFORCE: Where did the ial ia for <em>Insomniac</em> e om?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>DAVE ATTELL: </strong>I gus 's kd of an ugly versn of <em>Wild on E!</em>, you know? <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I would ll an entertag versn of <em>Wild on E!</em>…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Why, thank you. It's kd of basic. It's hard when people ask me qutns about – 's unscripted, 's loose, jt keeps gog all night… 's kd of simple. I wish there was more to . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: How do you choose which ci you'll shoot ? As a ic, you obvly play more ci than you shoot …</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah… I'm ultimately a stand-up ic, but whenever someone se me on the road, they thk I'm shootg that show, but I'm not. I've been dog this for years… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Which I'm surprised people don't know, bee you have been around…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah. We pick most of the ci by accs to late night jobs and other thgs that are gog on the town that week… seasons, time of year… that kd of thg. But 's really gettg accs to late night jobs that's important. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: How often do you enunter a cy where you n't get accs, and you have to scrap that cy?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, we don't go there unls we n get accs. We have rearch people, months out, workg on . But that's how we pick the towns. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Is there any cy you've wanted to do, but jt never clicked?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, D.C. Bee of secury… terrorism, and all that kd of stuff. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: When did the show start, 2000?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, we started about a year before the 9/11 thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Was jt a matter of choosg the wrong time to try and do Washgton?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, and I gus 's om all the other hidn mera shows, people are wary of any show like that – even though we're totally not like that, they're wary of . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I've notice que a b of blurrg durg episos – what's the failure rate when to gettg waivers signed?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I don't know… Most of the people want to be on the show. We don't have that problem. I mean, maybe 1 out of 50 or 1 out of 75 don't want to be on, and we don't want them on. It's not that kd of show. Eher you're 100% to , or else there's plenty of other plac to go and see and do. But we're done now – that's the end of the fourth season. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do surprise you that 's ma four seasons?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, do. I never thought would go this long. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Bee the ncept would have wore out, or you would have?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, well nobody really r if I wear out. I was jt very surprised that went past the pilot. I didn't thk they'd pick up. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do you fd yourself actg any different now than when you filmed the first shows? Eher how you teract wh people or how you rerd the show?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, we kd of have our stuff down. We know what we want to do. It's the people who are different. They know about the show now, so stead of gog to a bar and gog to talk to the two or three people that are there, there's three or four hundred people there and they've all brought down their own DVDs and CDs, and they're yellg at me if I don't listen to them talk about how they n't get on <em>Amerin Idol</em>… Fat guys are drkg and handg me shots, even after I already have one my hand, so 's bee like a rnival. And that's not what the show is about. Walkg down the street wh jt me and the meraman and the crew, and then beme people followg om bar to bar to bar, and that's jt not right. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Compared to the earlier shows, also seems like you've bee a b more wary of the people you enunter on the street...</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, you don't really see the whole thg. It's an eded show, so you don't see the 50 people outsi of mera range, that are circlg the mera. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Was that part of the impet to go do the shows overseas this past year?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, was that, and was also to mix up a b. It was the time of year when we thought Europe would be a whole lot warmer than the U.S. – but wasn't. And that's another thg wh the show – 's kd of funny, me walkg around snow pants, but 's eezg out there, and we're out there all night for a uple of nights. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Has there ever been a night when borred on beg a plete disaster?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, 's never a plete disaster. There's a lot of disappotment on the show, where you thk 's gog to be one thg and you get down there and 's not, but 's never a plete disaster. The producers on the show are really good – Nick McKney and some other people. Whatever we get, they try and mold to somethg funny. My job is to make sure 's not rny, and sometim I thk we borr on that and I'm a ltle disappoted. But I'm happy wh most of the shows… I thk they're pretty good. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What do you fe as "rny" ? </strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Bee 's not scripted, I know om jt dog stand-up and wrg on shows when needs to be funnier, but 's a very shallow well when to edy. You get what you get. No matter what Comedy Central says, they like funny. They're the one's that are most sred when there's not a lgh every send. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It almost seems like the pace of the show has quickened over the years as well…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I don't thk so. It's kd of stylized look that you see a lot on <em>Girls Gone Wild</em> and all the other shows – a lot of fast motn to keep movg, bee the ia of the show is that there's a lot of thgs gog on every town all night long that people don't know about. And don't mean they're the most excg, erotic thgs, 's jt that there are thgs open and there are people out, and 's my job to try and make a humoro tone. I would have loved to get accs wh the ary, but never me through. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Sometim you would watch the show and say, "That's borrg on a dangero suatn." Were there ever any close lls?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, there's been some. You know, people are drkg – and we have no secury. There's been phg and shovg. I'm more aaid for the crew than I am for me. I mean, everybody wants to talk and drk wh me. People might scream at me and bterly tell me about the show, how much sucks and everythg, but that's nothg I haven't gotten clubs. But the crew… After I leave, they're the on that have to get releas om people, so they're the on who are talkg to a bunch of bikers or a group of jocks – some dnken at guys. So I feel more aaid for them than I do for myself. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Has anythg been close to happeng, or happened?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, I gus I uld tell you the story of when I killed a boy. Is that what you're lookg for? <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Absolutely.</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I know! No, nothg happened. We're good. We're smart. I mean, we've seen fights on the street. We've seen pepper sprays, r accints… all that kd of stuff. All those kds of thgs that you read about the next day of a dnken night on the town, we've seen, but I've never seen a murr. I always thought that would be a good thg about the show. It'd be ol if we actually stopped crime – if we fought crime while we were walkg around. That we'd fd wallets om dnken people leavg their wallets, and we'd give them to the ps… Thgs like that… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: "Dave Attell: Cizen on Patrol"…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, is kd of a cizen on patrol. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Steppg wh the mera and tryg to break up fights…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So you're dog good work…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It's a good ed. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Were there any ci that you got to that were a plete disappotment?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No. We pretty much know what we're gog to get when we go there. I have them go to the smaller towns. I know om edy that the way to really separate om the <em>Wild on E!</em> show was to go to the least glamoro towns. And we n only go to certa towns bee of the thgs I jt said, like the accs and the time of year, and we only get 10 shows to shoot. But I thk the smaller, the better. They're exced to see , they turn out, they give more accs. Later on, the accs really me through – wh, like, a al me, we got to ri on a tra. That was unheard of thgs that we never would have got the first season. So I gus if I do another 30 seasons, I eventually n walk to a hospal. See, that's the kd of thg – like, you n't go to a hospal. But that's somethg that's gog on all night. You n't hang out wh the Army, but they'll promote the Army durg the show. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So you've been wantg to do an <em>Insomniac</em>/<em>ER</em> crossover?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, all that kd of stuff. That's the stuff that's the most tertg part of the show, the late night job. To me, at least. I mean, I'm bars every night. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Is observg medil personnel somethg that every cy has turned you down on?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>The thgs I always have them look for, no matter what town we go to, are prisons, hospals, and any kd of police or utili thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: You went shootg wh law enforcement New Orleans, didn't you?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, but that was, like, a lucky grab. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Was that not planned?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, we got he accs to do that, but everybody wasn't that ol. And that was before 9/11, so I'm sure those guys aren't out shootg nutria right now. They're probably some mouflage thg out at the airport wag to really take out a terrorist. Everybody's by now… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: At least, one would hope…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Y. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I've noticed that there are certa areas of the untry that you vis ls equently – like the upper northwt and the ep south…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, I n say the ep south we've done Ltle Rock, Arkansas… Nashville, Tennsee's pretty ep. I wanted to go to Birmgham, Alabama but we ran out of shows. The are towns that I play, edy-wise. Mobile, Alabama, we were lookg to. The are all ntt ci. A lot of people that lled for the ntt – was, like, "hang out wh me for a night" – but they were unrage, so… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: That shouldn't stop ya… "Learn the Rop wh Dave Attell"…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right… You're pretty brave, through me… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I am…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I would like to see you eyeball-down a lawsu… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I certaly would… Through you…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah. And the north… I'm glad you brought that up – like Montana and the Dakotas – bee I've played Fargo and all those plac. Productn-wise, they tell me that you have to pick a town where there's enough productn value to support the productn… I don't know what I'm talk' about. There's got to be enough whatever is – the equipment that they need to rent and buy and all that kd of stuff, bee they shoot really low-end, so they have to rent battery belts and all that kd of stuff. So not every town has that, and you don't want to drive four hours if you n out of lights, to get a new one. We looked to all those thgs, and time-of-year-wise, the Dakotas and Montana the wter is jt btal and there's nothg gog on. Even the lols are like, "There's nothg gog on. You'd better try the sprg." And by that pot, bee we only have 10 shows to shoot, we're not shootg by that pot. So really is a timg thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So when are you gog to do some mg town Alaska?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>We did the Anchorage Summer Solstice thg. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Are there any towns bis D.C. that you regret not gettg to yet?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I thk 's a show where any town is doable. I ed to get a lot terviews, like, "What are you gog to do when you n out of towns?" And I said, "That's the last of my problems." You'll never n out of towns. Every time I go somewhere and jt do stand-up, people are like, "Are you shootg the show here?" And when I tell them that we're not shootg right now, they get all upset. So people want their towns. It jt a matter of accs, and we try to tie some shows to an event, which ually giv an extra spark. Like Myrtle Beach, we were there for Bike Week. That was really good. In Anchorage, Alaska we were there for Summer Solstice, so was light out the whole time, and that was tertg. Jt tryg to mix up. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I'm always shocked when watchg the show – eher you drk far ls liquor than implied, or you jt hold really well…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, I do a lot of drkg. I wouldn't say I'm a super-dnk, I jt get somethg to eat and I drk a lot of ffee, too, but 's not "fun" drkg. It's a lot of "work" drkg, where you get really dnk and then you have to go talk to a guy who works a sewage treatment plant, so you have to act like you're a reporter. Yeah, there's a lot of drkg gog on. It beme a big drkg show the more went on. Kids, pecially the llege kids, really got to , and every time we'd go to a bar they'd jt hand me all the crazy shots, so we would drk them. A lot of that was also a big F-U to those <em>Wild on E!</em> shows where they drk the martis and stuff like that, so we're drkg the stupid sex shots, I gus. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So 's a "beer & pretzels" show…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Mm-hmm. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Is there a pot each night that you reach and say "no more"?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, gets to a pot where we n't h every bar the town, and people get upset if we n't. But we try to h as many bars as we n, and we try to h a "Last Call" bar. We got to keep shootg while 's dark out, and the wter 's dark later but nobody's out on the streets bee 's so ld, and the summer gets light out around 5 o'clock the morng so we have to stop shootg. It's really a time factor show. We h as many bars as we n every town, and we try to h as many different typ of bars – drkg bar, old man bar, gay bar, party bar, pick-up meat market bar… If there's somethg weird about a bar, we'll go to . But we n't jt h everybody's favore bar. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: And the show isn't actually shot one night, right?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It's actually shot over 2-3 nights, and that has to do wh the accs and the logistics of . In towns like Hoton and London and others where tak, like, an hour-and-a-half to get to plac -between, we'd only have about 10 mut of footage if we shot one night. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Has there ever been a town where you did all one night?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, when we first started we only did one night. One-and-a-half to two nights was the most. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So that was before the show went "Hollywood"…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do you miss the rough-and-tumble, down-and-dirty way you would do the show the early seasons?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>No, 's a show that got harr to do as we went along, bee of tryg to walk down the street wh 30 guys chasg you, dnk, who all want to talk on mera and have no ia what you're dog, and all thk you're some other show – but still want to be on mera and thk I'm an a**hole if I don't talk to them while I'm tryg to really jt talk to one person. It mak a lot harr. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: How much is fueled by them jt beg dnk?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I thk 's fueled by the fact that people know what the show's about. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: On some level, bis beg a pa the a**, that has to be gratifyg…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well yeah, 's a victim of s own succs. The one thg you would never see on this show is "It's the 5th Anniversary of the <em>Insomniac</em> show." I don't thk 's a thg that's supposed to go on any longer than has. I don't want to be… It's already kd of tame… the fact that we n't get accs to certa thgs… but I don't want to be lame, where people are like, "I n't believe this show's still on the air." And I'm the warng sign of that. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Do you thk the show has reached that pot?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah… Well, this is the last season. We're not shootg any more seasons. We'll shoot some special event stuff, maybe some more stuff overseas, but won't be like a whole season of <em>Insomniac</em>s. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So not like ed to be…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It'll look the same way, but 'll jt be now and aga. It won't be a whole new season of . Don't worry – Comedy Central will ren 6-7 tim a day. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What exactly do the future hold at this pot? I know you're always tourg…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, that's what I'm here to promote now. I'm on tour wh Lewis Black, and we're dog a 50-cy theater tour. It's a big al to me… I don't know if 's a big al to anybody else, but I'm not ed to workg theaters, and 50 ci is the real al for me. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What is the difference the dynamic between workg a theater vers a club?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>It's a different space and 's thoands of people – like 2-3,000 seaters. Lewis and I have been dog this for a long time – 's not like we jt started dog edy bee we were on televisn, and 's a nice pat on the back, to thk that we n draw that kd of crowd. Mch Hedberg is gonna be on the tour, too. He's another guy who's way overdue. He's done a ln <em>Letterman</em>s and other stuff, and he's a great ic. But I won't be shootg the show there… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I'm sure that will be the lament of all the dnks houndg you after the show…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Don't worry, there'll be a ln guys like that there. "I n't believe that, even after you told me on the rad and the paper, that you're still not shootg the show here." You've got to give dnks cred for one thg – they don't take "no" for an answer. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Compared to TV, is your preference still to do stand-up?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I'm a stand-up ic. Anythg else I do bis that is a pl, but stand-up edy is what I do, 's what I've been dog and 's what I'm gog to keep dog. I don't take the TV stuff for granted – 's great that the <em>Insomniac</em> show h a chord, if you will, wh whatever. I'll ntue to do stand-up and have a good time there. I really have no long-range plans… I'm not a movie guy, I'm not a TV s guy, but whatever seems to f and is funny is good for me. I have no grand scheme. I'm pretty happy where I am, terms of regnn and all that kd of stuff. I don't wake up everyday gog, "Why am I not on <em>Accs Hollywood</em>?" I never wanted to be famo… even the stuff I'm gettg now mak me feel a ltle unfortable and awkward. Like I said, I'm pleasantly surprised thew whole way through about how the <em>Insomniac</em> thg is workg, and if this tour kicks off nice than that'd be great too. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: If there's one <em>Insomniac</em> episo that you uld pot to and say, "That's what they show is about…" which would you pick?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>There's a uple of ci that I thk really showed the show for what uld be. One of them was Key Wt, Florida, where we were at a big event where the event was way bigger than beg town. People were wanrg around their stum, lots of nudy, lots of <em>Girls Gone Wild</em> stuff, but there were olr people… lots of stuff gog on, and we almost didn't have enough time to shoot everythg happeng. Usually wh , we n out of thgs to shoot before the time's up and then 's jt me wanrg around, but there there was jt so much opportuny. It was a fun time, everybody was good spirs, and was gog all night – so that was perfect. The other thg would be like Charlton, Wt Virgia, where we got to actually do really ol jobs – the al mg and gog to monster tck shows. That kd of stuff is always fun. And that's what's about. But the show, job-wise, that I thk really ptur what we were about would be the crime scene clean-up guy Oakland, California, where we hung out wh this guy that cleans up after the forensic roner gets out of the way, he cleans up the blood and guts. He's been on other documentari, but was ol that he let hang out wh him. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It's almost like <em>Insomniac</em> has bee a better advertisement for the towns than any tourist board uld hope for…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, you would thk that when the rearch people approach a town they would open their arms to , but they don't. I mean, some towns are better than others. Sometim there's somethg else gog on the town – which we n totally unrstand they n't give accs to. I was amazed we got accs to an airport Hawaii and Myrtle Beach. That jt blew me away, that they would let wh a mera. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Especially post-9/11…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah that's the whole thg. It's one thg to do a travel show where you're gog to exotic lol and beach and stuff, but if you're jt gog and travelg around wh a crew and you're up late at night on a bridge and you need a perm for that and the ps are checkg you out bee they thk you're some kd of terrorist cell… and people change their md at the last mute – we wanted to go on a boat Portland, a tugboat, bee 's a big port. And the guys said no, and we had to al wh that. We had to scramble, and the rearch people are really good at that. We didn't get to go on a tugboat but we got to go to a steel l. It's that kd of thg… You never really know what is, and 's unscripted to boot. I gus you really uldn't script any of this stuff bee 's really happeng when happens. But thanks to people like you and a lot of the other thgs that I did – bee, at the begng, wasn't promoted at all by Comedy Central. I n say that wh a clear nscience bee I thk they thought of as a nice cheap show, bee 's done on the cheap, but once ught on they got wh . But nobody would have known about if wasn't for me dog stand-up and beg on the rad every day, and the lol papers – alternative papers – and Inter people who wanted to ask me about . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I always treated like was a secret to be passed around…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Thank you… that's a wonrful pliment. Thank you. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: I've seen lol members of our sheriff's partment stg down to watch the New Orleans episo…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, that was the ol followg that we had the begng – mostly third shift people. I would do stand-up and I uld see who was watchg the show bee some guy would e down and say, "I work a rpet factory, third shift, and I have my wife tape so I n e home and watch ." Then between the first and send season, started to tch on wh the llege crowd, and then they… I wouldn't say "hijacked" the show, bee 's everybody's show, but they kd of got that this is a ol drkg show. So they got on the drkg aspect of . Then beme a show of llege guys, tckers, and then – of urse – gay fetish people. It's weird when you look at my dience. It's really weird, but they all get along good. I have to say that I have one of the bt crowds edy, my stand-up shows. Anybody who I'm workg wh, whoever's my opener when I'm on tour, says, "Man, your crowd drks really hard, but they are really ntrolled. They lgh and they don't take too serly, and 's fun." <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It's like you're the Pythonque Charl Kuralt…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right! I gus you n say that. I don't look like a host, the show's not really like a travel show, so 's a ltle off-kilter. Maybe that's what got people off. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: But you n see the tth what's beg prented…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It's not like some slick producer om <em>Good Morng Ameri</em> dog a spotlight on Miami…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right. And we try to keep away om those kd of towns till way later the n of . Pl the ltle towns are really where 's at. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: And 's always tertg to fd out that, "Hey, there are some really offbeat thgs to do Town A…"</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Well, the thg is, beg a ic on the road all those years, I kd of knew the towns and what they were like. And that was the thg about beg a road ic, which was ol, that you are a different town every week/every night, and after the how you have to kill the time until you have to do rad or leave, and you jt kd of sleep or drk or try to hook up. So wasn't anythg that I wasn't dog already, but was ol that did translate to the TV. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: What's the feedback that you've gotten om other ics about the show?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>They love . I've got a lot of great ic iends, people that I rpect, and they were the first people that I asked "Is this rny? Is this wrong? Is this whatever?" A lot of them… There's a big thg to be mean to people – punk them, crank ll them and stuff – but I was never to that. I wanted to be more iendly and the party aspect. And wh my looks, 's not like I n get away wh… It's not like I'm Jamie Kennedy or anythg. I look like I'm mean – and I am a ltle mean – but I knew this suatn, pecially wh alhol volved, that I had to take the nice road and let people to see that they're not gog to be ma a fool of. And we have had people on there who've been ebriated, but pared to the people that end up on the edg room floor – the total dnks wh the ey rollg their own vom, that the other people would have jt gone up there, drsed like a bunny, and then piss on them… I jt feel like we've done a great job, 90% of the time, of keepg people om lookg like an idt. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: The <em>Girls Gone Wild</em> aspect of …</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>That's jt stuff that is happeng. I don't have a guy gog up to girls and sayg, "Okay, the mera's gonna end up here, then flash your ts, or grd this girl." Everybody knows – 's like an stct now. Half the people there thk we are <em>Girls Gone Wild</em>, bee they thk that's what you're supposed to do a bar when a mera up to you. I never tell them to do any of that stuff. I never even thought that any of that would even happen on this show. It jt kd of happened. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Have you kept the same meraman the whole time?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah. Brian is the meraman – that's his real name – and he's done many shows. He actually worked for <em>The Awful Tth</em> for awhile, and he was a meraman on <em>Bowlg for Columbe</em>, so he's like an award-wng meraman. He's really good. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: He's also bee a participant on the show. </strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah, and Comedy Central really wasn't for that, but I had no one else to talk to.. to play off of… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So when are you gog to do the marathon, seven-day cross-untry <em>Insomniac</em>?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>We did a thg where we drank across Long Island – that's where we went to my hoe, and all that kd of stuff. I would like to do more of those kd of thgs, but we would do them as specials. Like drkg the Lewis and Clark trail. It's jt hard to translate that to Comedy Central, for them to get on . But if you do see the show aga, will be specials, mostly event-oriented – like the Kentucky Derby or the Indy 500 – but that all has to do wh accs. I mean, I uld say that we'll be on the shuttle, but 's gettg accs to that… <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Or the Great Wall of Cha…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Right! Anythg like that. Overseas is ually a lot easier, accs-wise, but then 's the logistics and money of . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So you'll have to do around the world 80 days…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Yeah… that's like the Michael Pal thg… That was a better show than me. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: You n ve him along…</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>He don't look like he wants to have one drk more than he has to. He's earned . <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: So are we ever gog to get a ncert vio out of you?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I don't know about that. I'm probably gog to take my one ltle mera along wh me on this tour and see what we n get wh that, and maybe we'll shoot a uple of the thgs. Maybe we'll get a DVD gog. I've got to talk to Lewis about that <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: It seems like a shame not to document …</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>I'm fely dog . I'm fely takg a mera wh me, but I don't know if will be like the <em>Kgs of Comedy</em>, where you'll see a movie out of . I don't thk that <em>Blue Collar Tour</em> did that well. <br/> <br/> <strong>IGNFF: Any plans for a follow-up CD?</strong> <br/> <br/> <strong>ATTELL: </strong>Not right now, bee I don't thk I have the material for , and I only get like a nickel on the CDs – so there's not that much impet to do . I'll be sellg this one at the shows.</sectn></sectn><div class="stack jsx-2881464549"><div id="p-article-before-verdict" class="jsx-1985944744 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-1 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="sendaryMedrec" data-pos="1" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 right-rail"></div></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-all-article-ntent" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div id="p-article-below-object-summary" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div id="p-article-below-object-review" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-nnatix" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 three-lumn"><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-ntent"><sectn id="ments-sectn" class="jsx-1897904587 ments-sectn"><div data-spotim-module="nversatn" data-post-id="4fb8574a9e4e0c18d59d09da" data-post-url="></div><div style="marg-right:1em"><div data-spotim-module="pc"></div></div></sectn></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-right-rail"><div class="jsx-1247231955 ign-remends"><h3 class="tle3 jsx-739685789 ign-remends-headle"><svg class="ign-in jsx-2881019173 in-logo" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 76 24" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>IGN.
