Partnerg wh Parents Who Intify as Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Transgenr | ECLKC

children with lgbt parents

typ-of-fai~Amerin Amy of Pediatrics (AAP) discs adoptn to gay and lbian dividual or fay hoeholds.



* children with lgbt parents *

Increasg numbers of children have been adopted by gay or lbian dividuals or upl recent years. A growg body of scientific lerature reveals that children who grow up wh one or two gay and/or lbian parents will velop emotnally, gnively, socially, and sexually as well as children whose parents are heterosexual. We believe that children who are born to, or adopted by, one member of a gay or lbian uple serve the secury of two legally regnized parents.


Over the past few s the number of children growg up LGBTQ-parent fai has creased dramatilly wh the ntext of shiftg socpolil and legal climat around the world, more favourable attus toward diverse fay forms, and expand accs to assisted reproductn technology and adoptn (Goldberg & Conron, 2018). Among diverse LGBTQ-parent fay forms, lbian and gay stepfay arrangements formed post heterosexual relatnship (PHR) dissolutn likely reprent the most mon formatn (Tasker & Lavenr-Stott, 2020). Contrary to prevailg expectatns, early studi wh mothers who me out as lbians showed that they were jt as likely to have good mental health and posive relatnships wh their children as were heterosexual mothers, and that their children were no more likely to show emotnal and behavral difficulti, poor performance at school, or atypil genr role behavr than were children wh heterosexual parents (Patterson, 2017; Tasker, 2010) wh rearch on lbian stepfay arrangements, what we currently know about parentg and the adjtment of children whose parents are a sexual and/or a genr mory is still maly limed to lbian-parent fai through donor sematn (Bos & Gartrell, 2020). Planned lbian-parent fai were also created by adoptn (Farr et al., 2020), by sexual terurse wh a man who would not be a father to the child and by elective -parentg, whereby the mo... * children with lgbt parents *

Therefore, we support statutory and legal means to enable children to be adopted by the send parent or parent fai head by gay and lbian upl.


Jot statement om advocy groups lls study a "flawed, misleadg, and scientifilly unsound paper that seeks to disparage lbian and gay parents;" thor fends his study * children with lgbt parents *

Addnal Informatn:Gay and Lbian ParentsDifferent Typ of Fai: A Portra GalleryPromotg the Well-Beg of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lbian (AAP Policy Statement). Rearch on lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer, and other sexual and genr mory (LGBTQ+) parents and their children has found that both parents and children are generally well adjted and that they do not differ well-beg or multiple velopmental out om parents and children the general populatn. In recent years, nsirable ntroversy has surround lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer, and other sexual and genr mory (LGBTQ+) parent fai the Uned Stat.

The psychologil adjtment of children whose parents belong to a sexual mory has been a staed foc of rearch sce the early vtigatns of fai head by lbian mothers, the 1970s, to settle disput about child ctody arrangements followg divorce. Sce that time, a large body of rearch has been nducted, pecially the Uned Stat and Europe, showg that ncerns related to the poor out of lbian mothers and their adopted or donor-nceived children lacked empiril , more remas to be known about adolcents and young adults wh lbian mothers, as well as about other fay arrangements head by sexual mory parents, cludg adoptive gay fathers, gay fathers through surrogacy, gay sgle fathers, lbian sgle mothers, bisexual parents, elective lbian and gay parents, trans, non-bary and genr queer parents.Although they all share the feature of challengg the hegemonic, heteronormative fay mols, each fay arrangement prents peculiari related to the tersectn of, for example, parents’ genr, children’s method of nceptn, partners dynamics and parenthood current Rearch Topic foc on different important areas related to the experienc and psychologil out of LGBTQ parents and their children, throughout their fay life cycle: fay buildg by LGBTQ people, the transn to parenthood for LGBTQ parents and functng of LGBTQ parents and th... * children with lgbt parents *

Consirable diversy characteriz LGBTQ+ parent fai, however, and studi of LGBTQ+ parent fai have foced more on sexual mory (gay, lbian, or bisexual) than on genr mory parents.

Fai head by LGBTQ+ parents are sometim viewed as a homogeneo group, but the realy is that they are que diverse. Studi of sexual mory parents, most of which foc on lbian mothers and gay fathers, have shown them to be generally healthy and well adjted. 3, 17 Many studi have found that lbian and gay parents are distguishable om heterosexual parents terms of overall mental health and adjtment.

Rearch wh transgenr and genr mory parents and their children is currently ls extensive than studi of lbian and gay parents and their children, but several studi wh the fai have been reported.

Rearch on lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer, and other sexual and genr mory (LGBTQ+) parents and their children has found that both parents and children are generally well adjted and that they do not differ well-beg or multiple velopmental out om parents and children the general populatn. * children with lgbt parents *

28 In a study of more than 700 gay fathers by Perr and lleagu, parents and their children were often found to face stigma and discrimatn om relig stutns as well as om their fai, iends, and neighbors. One study, nducted the Netherlands, found that adolcent offsprg of lbian mothers who reported more experienc of homophobic stigmatizatn also had more behavr problems. 30 In a study nducted Italy of school-age children wh gay fathers, stigmatizatn was also associated wh greater behavr problems.

Many rearchers have studied the experienc of children of lbian and/or gay parents wh regard to homophobic teasg or bullyg om peers, and all have reported that children scribed this as a negative experience.


Where We Stand: Gay and Lbian Parents .