Gay Rights - Movement, Marriage & Flag | HISTORY

lgbt activism

Gay rights movement, civil rights movement that advot equal rights for LGBTQ persons—that is, for lbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenr persons, and queer persons—and lls for an end to discrimatn agast LGBTQ persons employment, cred, hog, public acmodatns, and other areas of life.



People around the world face vlence and equaly—and sometim torture, even executn—bee of who they love, how they look, or who they are. Sexual orientatn and genr inty are tegral aspects of our selv and should never lead to discrimatn or abe. Human Rights Watch works for lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr peopl' rights, and wh activists reprentg a multiplicy of inti and issu. We document and expose ab based on sexual orientatn and genr inty worldwi, cludg torture, killg and executns, arrts unr unjt laws, unequal treatment, censorship, medil ab, discrimatn health and jobs and hog, domtic vlence, ab agast children, and nial of fay rights and regnn. We advote for laws and polici that will protect everyone’s digny. We work for a world where all people n enjoy their rights fully. * lgbt activism *

However, throughout 150 years of homosexual social movements (roughly om the 1870s to today), lears and anizers stggled to addrs the very different ncerns and inty issu of gay men, women intifyg as lbians, and others intifyg as genr variant or nonbary. Biblil terpretatn ma illegal for a woman to wear pants or a man to adopt female drs, and sensatnalized public trials warned agast “viants” but also ma such martyrs and hero popular: Joan of Arc is one example, and the chillg origs of the word “faggot” clu a stick of wood ed public burngs of gay men.

This creasg awarens of an existg and vulnerable populatn, upled wh Senator Joseph McCarthy’s vtigatn of homosexuals holdg ernment jobs durg the early 1950s outraged wrers and feral employe whose own liv were shown to be send-class unr the law, cludg Frank Kameny, Barbara Gtgs, Allen Gsberg, and Harry Hay.

Fstrated wh the male learship of most gay liberatn groups, lbians fluenced by the femist movement of the 1970s formed their own llectiv, rerd labels, mic ftivals, newspapers, bookstor, and publishg ho, and lled for lbian rights mastream femist groups like the Natnal Organizatn for Women. The creasg expansn of a global LGBT rights movement suffered a setback durg the 1980s, as the gay male muny was cimated by the Aids epimic, mands for passn and medil fundg led to renewed alns between men and women as well as angry street theatre by groups like Aids Coaln to Unleash Power (ACT UP) and Queer Natn.


The gay rights movement the Uned Stat began the 1920s and saw huge progrs the 2000s, wh laws prohibg homosexual activy stck down and a Supreme Court lg legalizg same-sex marriage. * lgbt activism *

Wh greater media attentn to gay and lbian civil rights the 1990s, trans and tersex voic began to ga space through works such as Kate Boernste’s “Genr Outlaw” (1994) and “My Genr Workbook” (1998), Ann Fsto-Sterlg’s “Myths of Genr” (1992) and Llie Feberg’s “Transgenr Warrrs” (1998), enhancg shifts women’s and genr studi to bee more clive of transgenr and nonbary inti. ”[16] The lor-d quick gui to var legal stat, protectns, and prohibns of LGBT rights clud maps showg the crimalizatn of homosexualy, marriage equaly, legal genr change, legal adoptn, protectn om discrimatn based on sexual orientatn or genr inty, prohibn of hog discrimatn, bans on ary service and blood donatns, “age of nsent for homosexual sex” equaly. While analyz of the effects of lonialism on LGBT rights typilly foced on the crimalizatn of same-sex nduct and the imposn of bary nstctns of sexual orientatn, genr inty and exprsn (SOGIE) as forms of social ntrol, [23] [24] lonial property laws have impacted LBQ+ women’s liv as much as, if not more than, lonial anti-homosexualy laws.

Maps and databas verg LGBT rights and laws around the world typilly illtrate which untri crimalize homosexualy, allow for same-sex marriage, have nondiscrimatn polici that explicly name sexual orientatn, genr inty, and genr exprsn (SOGIE) as protected tegori, and, recent years, creasgly clu rmatn on which untri allow for legal genr regnn. Among s key fdgs, nearly one-fifth of LBQ+ women reported wantg children but were not able to have them; LBQ+ women were more likely (90 percent) to never vis LGBT centers for health re pared to gay, bisexual and queer men (77 percent); and nearly one-third of LBQ+ women intified their health as “poor” pared to one-fifth of heterosexual women. The study also found that twice as many LBQ+ women (46 percent) have been diagnosed wh prsn as straight women (23 percent), and a staggerg 44 percent of LBQ+ or qutng girls reported havg nsired suici the last year, pared to 18 percent of straight girls, 13 percent of straight boys, and 32 percent of gay, bisexual, queer, and qutng boys.


Day and day out, lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr activists fight for their right to live, love, work, be heard and rpected. They risk their safety to ph for a world where all people, regardls of their sexual orientatn, genr inty, and sex characteristics, are treated wh equaly. On some onts, there have been joyo victori, but there is still much to fight for. * lgbt activism *

Though not specifilly foced on LBQ+ women, a 2021 study to LGBT experienc the nstctn dtry the UK has provid some of the most illtrative fdgs on how LBQ+ people and cisgenr gay men have experienced homophobia differently and how homophobia has directly impacted the enomic secury of LBQ+ women unique ways:. A 2017 World Enomic Fom article, “What you need to know about LGBT rights 11 maps, ” featured visualizatns of the crimalizatn of homosexualy, marriage equaly, legal genr change, legal adoptn, protectn om discrimatn based on sexual orientatn or genr inty, prohibn of hog discrimatn, bans on ary service and blood donatns, “age of nsent for homosexual sex, ” and bans on nversn practic.

The Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn (ILGA)’s 2020 State-Sponsored Homophobia report found 67 untri wh provisns crimalizg nsensual same-sex nduct, two addnal untri wh facto crimalizatn, and the ath penalty legally prcribed as punishment Bnei, Iran, Mrania, twelve stat Nigeria, Sdi Arabia, and Yemen.


Decrimalisatn remas an important step for lbians and bisexual women, not only those untri where they are or may be ptured by the crimal law but also bee the matenance of any form of anti-LGBT laws fosters and perpetuat generalised homophobia, impactg the entire LGBT muny. In addn to posng LBQ+ women women’s property rights and LBQ+ rights, this subsectn unrsr the need to explore the impact of lonialism on property laws, which has affected LBQ+ women’s liv as much as, if not more than, lonial-era anti-homosexualy laws that equent LGBT rights disurs.

”[283] She ascribed this gap rearch to a variety of issu, cludg whe femist and queer scholars’ lack of tert, Black femist scholars’ creasg tenncy to prrize issu of race, and the fear of not beg published or beg pigeonholed as “gay, queer, funny, or a bulldagger. [411] Other LBQ+ activists supportg the humanarian effort Ukrae and on the Ukrae-Poland borr echoed Olena’s pot: LBQ+ fai are facg the impossible cisn of stayg unr occupatn[412] to avoid losg their children to refugee relotn schem that may not regnize their fay as legimate, knowg that the occupatn self uld lead to homophobic vlence agast their fay.


Gay Rights - Movement, Marriage & Flag | HISTORY .