Uganda's LGBTQ muny is ' shock' over new measure, gay activist says

lgbt community in jordan

Jordan removed legal punishments for same-genr relatnships nearly two s before the UK crimalised nsensual gay male terurse. But day-to-day life for LGBTQ people the untry isn't easy. Nora B reports.



* lgbt community in jordan *

Speakg on homophobia the sport a lengthy statement 2021, Henrson said: “My view on this is very much the same as on any other form of discrimatn the game, whether relat to race, relig tolerance, disabily or any other. Homosexualy is illegal and punishable by ath the Gulf Henrson on a fan's Liverpool srf. However, homosexualy is illegal and punishable by ath the Gulf state where he will now play football.

"Read more:Beg gay is 'damage the md', Qatar World Cup ambassador saysGary Leker says he knows two gay Premier League stars. Henrson has been vol his support of the LGBT muny he now looks set to play a untry that crimalis homosexualy and is punishable by ath. "However, Souns has sent a btal msage to Henrson that people will "never fet" that a vol supporter of LGBT groups football chose to play a untry which ems homosexualy illegal.

Whilst livg there, I had to bat away any homosexual thoughts or feelgs as I ma keenly aware that was agast the law to be like that.


The crease the number of visible gay and trans people is sometim treated as a cursy or a e for ncern by crics, but ’s not a surprise. It’s normal. * lgbt community in jordan *

I remember there beg many ocsns where I would fiercely pray that I would be 100% straight (lerally tryg to pray the gay away). God knows what mt be like for gay Sdis, bee there sure as sh is not a lot of them who are able to openly discs . Y, there is homophobia ‘Wtern’ society – but the majory (*fgers crossed* vast majory) see that form of behavur as unacceptable.

Jordan is one of only three untri the MENA regn, alongsi Bahra and Iraq, where same-sex activy is not illegal. The fact that homosexualy is not illegal do not make Jordan a gay-iendly untry. * lgbt community in jordan *

Henrson is set to pocket a huge £700, 000-a-week over the Middle East, wh many cricisg him for his cisn to 33-year-old has prevly mpaigned for LGBT rights - but will now play an area of the world where homosexualy is forbidn and Henrson has supported the LGBT muny durg his spell at LiverpoolPAAnd Souns said: "I thk wh him [Henrson], as an ally of the LGBTQ+ muny and a supporter of Rabow Lac – and then he ends up gog to Sdi, I thk whout a doubt that will damage his legacy. Nasser*, a 23-year-old who moved to Jordan about a year ago and intifi as a homosexual, has experienced beg asked to leave an tablishment for displayg affectn publicly.

In 2015, rmal LGBT activists and the Jordan-based LGBT-clive magaze anized a small event central Amman for the Internatnal Day Agast Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), where members of several European embassi and the US embassy unofficially attend the event as a show of support, sparkg nmnatn of the US ambassador by Jordanian thori. Acrdg to the Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn (ILGA), n rult floggg or even the ath penalty.

Good luck, therefore, to anyone lud enough to thk a few liberally-md footballers may hop over and be permted to start up their own gay liberatn mpaign. English football’s own moral legimacy on LGBTQI+ issu has already been erod by Newstle and Manchter Cy beg turbocharged by funds lked to stat that crimalise homosexualy, which prent moral quandari on a regular example, on Thursday morng, Newstle, majory-owned by the Sdi PIF, announced would sponsor the Northern Pri later this month.


Uganda's LGBTQ muny is ' shock' over new measure, gay activist says .