How I Learned to Love Beg a Gay Man His 40s

gay and 40

When you’re a gay man, agg is plited.



My stat the gay guy world had changed, and that was jt how was gog to be. Where was the show that I uld intify wh, the one about gay men their 40s still tryg to figure out life and s twists and turns, ups and downs, surpris and disappotments? I uldn't fd anythg alg wh issu to which I uld then I thought about all of my 40-somethg gay iends and how they all led very different liv om me and each other's as well.

So, along wh my wrg partner John Sobrack (a fellow gay filmmaker, married and his 40s), I created The New 30 -- a digal seri about a group of diverse gay iends navigatg their 40s and disverg that life isn't nearly what they imaged would be at that age.


It explor some of the real issu of beg gay and your 40s, such as erectile dysfunctn, tergeneratnal and terracial datg, baby adoptn, open marriag, adaptg to technology, physil challeng of agg, alg wh the past, planng for the future, and havg to start over, to name a few -- all handled serly and dramatilly but wh a touch of humor. I've learned 's OK to be gay and your 40s and not have your life all figured out. Part 1 – Work iends Leavg asi the fact that Covid19 has given all an unhealthy surpl of spare time, I have been thkg about puttg pen to paper on the issue of gay ageg (gaygg-aha!


Gay and 40 – Reflectns on life when you’re a gay man your 40s .