Forty years ago, on Nov. 27, 1978, California's first openly gay elected official was assassated. Harvey Milk champned gay rights and challenged the LGBTQ muny to be out and proud.
* milk lgbt *
That’s why San Francis cy supervisor Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office California and who was assassated ls than eleven months to his first term, remas a qutsential Amerin hero who fought and died not jt for his own rights but for the rights of others. ” It’s through the foc on visibily and polil actn that Milk tablished himself a lear the muny, later a martyr for the gay rights e, and ultimately an important historil figure who was posthumoly honored wh the Printial Medal of Freedom 2009. In the first, he tells him over the phone that he wants to kill himself bee his parents are planng to send him to be cured of his homosexualy; he laments his abily to n away om home bee he is wheelchair-bound.
) In the send, on the night that Milk’s efforts to block the Ana Bryant-backed Briggs Iniative (which would have fired any homosexual teachers California, as well as any teacher who exprsed support for their homosexual -workers), the same kid lls aga to exprs his gratu and and to tell Milk that he succsfully fled to Los Angel.
The SOMOSGAY Center Paraguay, which ho Montania's origal mural, serv as a public health rource and cultural center for LGBT Paraguayans, acts as a center for grassroots LGBT groups whout tradnal quarters, and works to promote a "supportive, pluralistic, mocratic, equable and clive Paraguayan society which lbian, gay, bisexual and trans live happily wh full equaly their hom, schools and workplac. Durg his sgle year office, Milk formed a rilient, anized rponse to the Briggs Iniative, known as Prop 6 and spearhead by California state reprentative John Briggs, who aimed to legalize the termatn of gay teachers and teachers who supported gay rights.
Five months before his assassatn 1978, Harvey Milk lled on the print of the Uned Stat to fend the rights of gay and lbian Amerins. * milk lgbt *
— A Southern California school district will receive social studi books om the state to replace the texts nceled by three far-right school board members over a mentn of a gay rights activist, Gov.
The district board has yet to approve replacement textbooks after rejectg the curriculum bee optnal supplementary materials for a fourth-gra history textbook clud a half-page b of Harvey Milk, a San Francis supervisor and gay-rights activist who was assassated 1978. Though Milk was assassated 11 months after he was elected to office, his legacy of fightg for gay rights has spired a new generatn of civic activists across the Uned Stat, fightg for sexual equaly and the expansn of civil liberti for gays and lbians.
Gov. Gav Newsom is takg on nservative Temecula Valley Unified school officials over textbooks that discs sla gay activist Harvey Milk. * milk lgbt *
Acrdg to Milk, “There is a major difference – and remas a val difference – between a iend and a gay person, a iend office and a gay person office…It’s not enough anymore jt to have iends reprent .
After losg his first three mpaigns, Milk was elected Supervisor of the cy of San Francis 1977, and as the first openly gay man elected to public office the Uned Stat, Harvey Milk had already reached a tone the fight for gay rights. Milk sought not only to change the stereotyp that existed about gays, but to also promote a legal amework that supports gays, cludg the passage of a gay rights bill, and speakg out agast a barrage of legislatn which would rtrict gays’ civil and polil liberti. Once Milk was swept up the unter-culture of the 1960s and the gay rights liberatn movement 1972, he was surprised that spe the large gay populatn San Francis, immense equali still existed.
Perhaps the bt example of this me durg a speech Milk ma at the June 1978 Gay Freedom Day Para, where he clared, “On the Statue of Liberty says: ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled mass yearng to be ee…’ In the Declaratn of Inpennce, is wrten: ‘All men are created equal and they are endowed wh certa alienable rights…’ And our Natnal Anthem, says: ‘Oh, say do that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave over the land of the ee. To highlight his unrlyg drive for equal opportuny, Milk would often reference two gay teenagers who ntacted him om Richmond, Mnota and Altoona, Pennsylvania: “The only thg they have to look forward to is hope.
Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to hold public office California, was assassated 1978. His advocy helped brg LGBTQ Amerins out of the closet and to the streets. * milk lgbt *
Even though Jimmy Carter had bee print 1976 on a platform that supported human rights, and many stat had place laws that protected gays and lbians om discrimatn, a nservative opposn began to rerce anti-gay stereotyp. Th, the gay rights movement lnched a grassroots effort to elect Milk to San Francis’s Board of Supervisors; while his first attempts were unsuccsful, Milk gradually began growg a base of support. Bee the iative vered the whole state of California, Milk unrstood that the only way to nvce Californians that gays should not be fired simply bee of their sexual orientatn was for closeted gays to e out.
” Milk would e his soap-box and bullhorn, rallyg the gay muny wh the slogan “My name is Harvey Milk and I’m here to rec you” to march thoands through the cy of San Francis, but he never let his supporters get out of ntrol. Milk quickly disvered that his fight for equaly was supported by not only gays, but also straight workg-class, elrly and mory voters, who reprented a signifint chunk of the votg populatn San Francis. Acrdg to the gay muny magaze Advote, “[Milk] mold the gay muny to a uned votg bloc, and his populist agenda—which attracted straight fai, workg-class voters, and senr cizens—gave him a powerful base.
It was this kd of operatn that led to Milk’s and the gay muny’s succs; acrdg to gay activist Cleve Jon, a close iend of Milk’s, “In each muny, he found a handful of people who were willg to ve to their livg rooms and church to talk. The two most visible figur behd the legislative manvers were John Briggs, a state Senator California, who sought to remove openly lbian and gay teachers wh Proposn 6 (the phrase “public homosexual” repeats throughout the proposn); and Ana Bryant, whose “Save Our Children” anizatn succsfully helped overturn equal rights ordanc Miami, Florida; Eugene, Oregon; Wicha, Kansas; and St.
Harvey Milk, Amerin polician and gay-rights activist. His electn to the San Francis Board of Supervisors 1977 ma him one of the first openly gay elected officials U.S. history. In 1978 Milk and San Francis mayor Gee Mosne were shot and killed by Dan Whe, a nservative former cy supervisor. * milk lgbt *
And fally, I want to tell the John Briggs and the Ana Bryants that they talk about the myths of gays, but today I’m talkg about the facts of heterosexual vlence and what the hell are you gog to do about that? If you do not speak out, if you rema silence, if you do not lift up your voice agast Briggs, then I ll upon lbians and gay men om all over the natn, your natn, to gather Washgton one year om now on that natnal day of eedom, the fourth of July…the fourth of July, 1979…to gather Washgton on that very same spot where over a ago Dr. I ll upon all mori and pecially the lns of lbians and gay men to wake up om their dreams…to gather Washgton and tell Jimmy Carter and their natn: “Wake up…wake up, Ameri…no more racism, no more sexism, no more ageism, no more hatred…no more!
Gav Newsom and sla gay rights lear Harvey the ne-hour Temecula Valley Unified meetg, which ran past midnight, some parents spoke support of the nservative majory on the school board and s buckg of state standards for clive and diverse pated Newsom — who plans to send textbooks that reference Milk to Temecula stunts fiance of the board — as a “tyrant” who “forc his le” upon a district he knows nothg about. ”The bate arose after the board rejected proposed stctnal material that mentned Milk, a member of the San Francis Board of Supervisors and the first out gay man elected to public office California, who was assassated 1978. ” Conservative school board Print Joseph Komrosky, who lled Milk a “pedophile” and has been publicly fdg wh Newsom over the issue, asked sheriff puti on Tuday to remove a teacher om the meetg after she lled nservative board member Danny Gonzalez a “homophobe.
” Whout evince, Gonzalez said that proposed stctn would promote pedophilia and said he opposed teachg about the gay liberatn movement that began the 1960s bee ’s “not appropriate to discs sexualy. “I fully realize that a person who stands for what I stand for, an activist, a gay activist, be the target or potential target for a person who is secure, terrified, aaid, or very disturbg, ” Milk said the tape. Milk was mted to attag public office, and spent years buildg his crentials, foundg the Castro Street Fair and the San Francis Gay Democratic Club, and nng several tim for office throughout the ’70s before his 1977 of Milk’s biggt acplishments happened before he ever took office, back when he was lled the “Mayor of Castro Street.
On the eve of Pri Month 2022, Print Bin issued A Proclamatn on Lbian Gay Bisexual Transgenr Queer and Intersex Pri Month 2022. The * milk lgbt *
Coors was tryg to stop the hirg of unn drivers to transport their beer, and Milk agreed to try and throw the weight of San Francis’s LGBTQ muny behd the strike, exchange for Baird phg the Teamsters to support the hirg of gay tck drivers.
Milk began his mpaign wh an appeal his regular lumn the Bay Area Reporter, wh the headle “Teamsters Seek Gay Help, ” and ma an argument for solidary across inty l: “If we the gay muny want others to help our fight to end discrimatn, then we mt help others their fights. ”Milk helped nvce gay bar owners to stop sellg Coors solidary wh the Teamsters strike, brgg media along to photograph bar owners dumpg out the beer ran for office four tim San Francis, cludg twice for the Board of Supervisors and also the California State Assembly, and was fally elected 1977 to the Board after his send n. ” Ste noted that electoral reprentatn has been a key path to power for the LGBTQ his brief time office, Milk was a stnch advote for gay rights at a moment when the polil climate was eply hostile towards LGBTQ people.
“This is perhaps a perd when lbians and gay men were at their most divid, as lbian femists are g to their own and llg gay men out on sexism, and even the term ‘lbian’ me to much greater populary the ’70s as distct om women llg themselv ‘gay women, ’” Ste said. Ste scribed Milk’s relatnship wh fellow San Francis LGBT in and close iend Sally Gearhart, a lbian activist, as proof of Milk’s effectivens at workg across differenc and buildg and Gearhart’s close relatnship was part of a movement to build nnectns between gay men and lbians that had grown by the late 1970s. California Governor Gav Newsom on Wednday announced that the state would be fg the Temecula Valley Unified School District an ongog battle over a social studi curriculum that volv gay rights activist Harvey Milk.