From attacks on drag shows and a nightclub to viral moments of queer joy, this year was tly a mixed bag of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer news.
The most clicked on queer stori of 2021 clu a transgenr Miss USA nttant, gay emperors, a nonbary Olympian, lbian bars and more. * msnbc lgbt *
” (April 19)Click for full storyCherry Grove: How a beach town beme a gay ‘safe haven’Maggie McCorkle and Audrey Hartmann Cherry Grove, Calif., Grove Archiv CollectnAn exhib at the New-York Historil Society featur rarely seen photos of the LGBTQ muny enjoyg the eedom offered by Fire Island’s Cherry Grove, one of Ameri’s first gay beach towns. Colbert / Roadsi AttractnsThe movie, starrg Mark Wahlberg, tells the plited story of a father who wanted to memorialize his gay son while also spreadg a msage of acceptance.
25) Click for full storyJam Bond walks to a gay bar. 28, 2021 Mumby / Indigo/Getty ImagActor Daniel Craig, bt known for playg Jam Bond, says he ed to equent gay bars.
* msnbc lgbt *
3)Click for full storyKavangh c landmark gay rights s abortn argument Brett Kavangh on Capol Hill on Sept. This is the state of the issu you re about, as told by anizatns promotg social change and other policy you want to unrstand the state of the unn for lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) Amerins, you should beg wh the new fac Congrs.
Fellow newbie Reprenative Glenn Grothman has said lovg gay and lbian upl shouldn’t have accs to fay and medil leave to re for their loved on.
Related: Supreme Court to le on same-sex marriageToday, more than 200 ln Amerins live a state wh marriage equaly for mted and lovg gay and lbian upl. Adam Talbot is a spokperson for the Human Rights Campaign, the natn's largt lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) civil rights anizatn.