Gay-Bashg Jordan—by the Government | Human Rights Watch

lgbt in jordan

LGBT Rights Jordan: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more.



* lgbt in jordan *

Gay Marriage⚭✖ UnregnizedCensorship✖ Imprisonment as punishmentChangg Genr✖ Legal, but requir surgeryNon-bary genr regnnUnknownDiscrimatn✖ No protectnsEmployment Discrimatn✖ No protectnsHog Discrimatn✖ No protectnsMilary✖ Don't Ask, Don't TellConversn Therapy✖ Not banned. HistoryHomosexual activy Jordan?


Jordan removed legal punishments for same-genr relatnships nearly two s before the UK crimalised nsensual gay male terurse. But day-to-day life for LGBTQ people the untry isn't easy. Nora B reports. * lgbt in jordan *

Homosexual activy Jordan is Homosexual activy has been legal Jordan sce 1951, however, the Penal Co clus vague provisns around "moraly" and "cent acts" that uld be ed to target LGBTQ+ people. In 2014, for example, Jordan thori arrted 10 gay men and women who were holdg a receptn at a party hall.

Public opn data shows that homosexualy is wily seen as marriage Jordan? EqualSet age of nsent and homosexly is legal.


Jordan is one of only three untri the MENA regn, alongsi Bahra and Iraq, where same-sex activy is not illegal. The fact that homosexualy is not illegal do not make Jordan a gay-iendly untry. * lgbt in jordan *

Still, homosexualy has been crimalized Jordan for nsentg people over the age of 16 sce 1951. Rears stem om all across the MENA regn and Where do you thk Amman fs  among other gay statns the Middle East? We wouldn’t promote as a gay statn, but rather as an amazg statn general.

Amman's smopolan atmosphere make a great statn for gay travelers to the Middle East. Fd a lively bar and rtrant scene, a welg populatn and many tourist thgs to do Amman this gay gui to Jordan's pal cy. * lgbt in jordan *

K: A gay-iendly bar lled RGB (which quickly got a reputatn as a gay bar) closed after the owner received a msage threateng that if didn’t shut down, “all s ctomers will be put solary cells. Nasser*, a 23-year-old who moved to Jordan about a year ago and intifi as a homosexual, has experienced beg asked to leave an tablishment for displayg affectn publicly.

In 2015, rmal LGBT activists and the Jordan-based LGBT-clive magaze anized a small event central Amman for the Internatnal Day Agast Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), where members of several European embassi and the US embassy unofficially attend the event as a show of support, sparkg nmnatn of the US ambassador by Jordanian thori.

State actors Jordan have unrmed lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people’s right to privacy wh digal targetg, namely entrapment on social media and datg applitns, onle harassment and “outg, ” onle extortn, monorg social media, and reliance on illegimately obtaed digal evince prosecutns.

Equalx is a llaborative knowledge base for the LGBTQ+ (lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr) movement, visualizg LGBTQ+ rights through maps, timel, and data. * lgbt in jordan *

However, homosexualy is still not accepted socially.

High-level Jordanian officials have ed a recent quiry to the legaly of a Jordanian onle magaze to issue statements agast lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) people. By dog so, they are explog the quiry to target the already-margalized LGBT muny Jordan. * lgbt in jordan *

The fact that homosexualy is not illegal do not make Jordan a gay-iendly untry.


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