Gay mayors? Who r?

mayors against lgbt discrimination

As BTL ntu the Mayors Agast LGBT Discrimatn seri, we hear om Southfield Mayor Kenson Siver who pledged his oath as the first openly-gay mayor the cy of Southfield on Nov. 16, 2015. Dpe nng a mpaign distracted and dispted by people wrg "fag," "rapist," "sodome," and "racist" on his mpaign signs, Siver said at the time, " is a ttament to the people of this cy that they saw through the hatred, bigotry, homophobia and dirty tricks and elected their first gay mayor."



The succs of gay policians plet a rapid change social attus | Uned Stat * mayors against lgbt discrimination *

The succs of gay policians plet a rapid change social attus Apr 4th 2019 | SOUTH BEND, INDIANAIT MADE FOR an awkward first-date nversatn. Leaflets also appeared outsi black church warng that Ms Lightfoot would oversee a gay bal cy hall. More appeared terted her posng as an outsir, promis to tackle rptn and her pledge to cut police mayor of Ameri’s third-largt cy she n help to shift perceptns of gay policians some more.

She prais Ms Lightfoot’s discipled mpaign and expects the succs will further move “the natnal imagatn”, epeng acceptance of gay policians and givg the cy somethg to cheer.

Colorado has a gay ernor, Jared Polis, and Oregon has a lbian one, Kate Brown.

This week’s special Pri Issue stallment for the BTL seri, Michigan Mayors Agast LGBT Discrimatn, featur Ferndale’s own openly gay mayor, Dave Coulter. Coulter has been mayor of Ferndale sce 2011. * mayors against lgbt discrimination *

Ms Parker timat there are roughly 700 openly gay public officials natnally, cludg two senators and eight members of Congrs (all of them Democrats). Amerins have had 45 years to get ed to gay people public office. Kathy Kozachenko, a stunt Ann Arbor, Michigan, was the first succsful gay ndidate anywhere, wng a cy uncil seat April 1974.

But opn has shifted quickly more recently, along wh popular acceptance of gay marriage.

It amounts to a quiet, wele and probably irreversible turn social Pew Rearch Centre found nearly half (46%) of Amerins were still put off by a ndidate known to be gay 2007, but that fell to jt 26% by 2016 and is probably lower now.


Gay mayors? Who r?.