'We're not hidg': Gay and lbian Rsians say a cultural shift is unrway

lgbt russian

STORY: “In Rsia we have a classifier of diseas. And this classifier transgenrism is a disease."This is Nef Cellari - one of the many LGBTQI advot speakg Rsia gets closer to passg a genr surgery proposed law would stop genr-affirmg medil re for transgenr people - cludg hormone treatment and surgery.Cellari' rights group is already seeg soarg requts for support ssns.“There is a rearch of natnal rearch stute of public health Mosw. And acrdg to this rearch 72% of transpeople experience prsn or attempted suici. Seventy-two percent of Rsian transpeople. This stat is huge. I n predict this law will lead to creasg the numbers.”In Mosw, Dr. Andrei Istranov has been seeg a surge patients anticipatn of the ;s a plastic surgeon who treats transgenr says the ban uld force people to seek re elsewhere - leadg to a black market for substute hormon...Ultimately - further endangerg patient health.“Dgs will be bought bee the dgs are ed to treat other ndns," he says. "And patients will self-medite, prcribe and take the dgs for themselv, bee this will not go away. “Advot say the ban has been over a the bill, if passed, would also bar people om changg their genr on their IDs -prohib trans people om adoptg children -and annul marriag - if a partner chang their ;s the latt a seri of mov by Rsian Print Vladimir Put agast the LGBTQI muny. Last December he signed a law that effectively banned any exprsn of their liftyle.Earlier legislatn has been ed for years to stop gay pri march and ta activists."I received a lot of letters wh msag like 'I don’t know why to live. I don’t know what to do. I have no money to leave the untry' ... Trans people Rsia are sred. And they are sperate.”



Young mothers Yana and Yaroslava don’t want to leave Rsia wh their 6-year-old son. But they fear a harsh new anti-gay law passed by Rsian lawmakers will leave them ltle choice. * lgbt russian *

In December 2022, Rsia expand s existg “gay propaganda” law to exert ntrol over public discsns and narrativ surroundg non-heterosexual relatnships and inti.

“This legislatn is the latt a strg of asslts on the rights of lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr people, this time unr the bric of state-ced transphobia. “First Rsia tried to erase lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr inti om public view, and now they are targetg transgenr people themselv, ” Reid said.


“Rsia should reverse s outrageo policy and ensure rights to inty, fay life, and medil re for lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr people – startg wh reversg the anti-trans law.

"Last December, Rsian Print Vladimir Put signed a law expandg rtrictns on the promotn of "LGBT propaganda", effectively banng gay, lbian and genr-diverse people om any public exprsn of their liftyle. Earlier legislatn has been ed for years to stop gay pri march and ta mt pass three readgs the State Duma lower hoe of parliament before beg sent to the upper hoe and then to Print Vladimir Put for signg.

But they fear a harsh new anti-gay law passed by Rsian lawmakers will leave them ltle choice. As the Kreml prepared to falize the expansn of the 2013 discrimatory anti-gay law, members of the LGBTQ muny Rsia told CNN they feared the uncerta future ahead.


The measur clu g private acunts on social media, havg accs to a work of tsted people, sendg their son to a private krgarten where the fact a kid has two moms is ls likely to spark a homophobic reactn, and g a private hospal where they n ls risk of a doctor llg child protectn thori to make quiri about their fay set-up, they said.

“As an thor of books that raise [the LGBTQ] topic, of urse, I am very ncerned about this, ” gay wrer Ksenia told CNN.


Sce the first law on “gay propaganda” passed 2013, Rsia has seen repeated crackdowns on the gay muny, most notably 2017 and aga 2019 the southern regn of Chechnya, where activists reported dozens of men and women were taed and some tortured and killed for their sexual orientatn, and no proper vtigatn followed. “This is not only an anti-gay law, this is also explicly an anti-trans law, ” said Vanya Solovey, an advocy and program officer for Eastern Europe and Central Asia at the trans rights group Transgenr Europe, referencg the part of the package that forbids the promotn of rmatn that uld e people to want to change their genr assigned at birth.

It banned, quote, "propaganda of homosexualy and pedophilia among mors. And particularly where that base of support is close to relig views, there is a lot of crossover there that works for polil opportunists who are g official forms of homophobia to fe their polil That is Dan Healey, profsor of Rsian history at the Universy of Oxford. Print Vladimir Put has repeatedly portrayed the acceptance of gay and transgenr people Wtern untri as evince of moral y.

The abbreviatn LGBT+ stands for Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr, Queer and other people, whose sexual orientatn, genr inty or genr exprsn do not f to the so-lled “nventnal” tegori. This clus a society which gay, lbian, bisexual, transgenr, and all other people n participate whout fear of discrimatn. In 2013, the Kreml adopted the first legislatn rtrictg LGBTQ+ rights, known as the “gay propaganda” law that banned any public endorsement of “nontradnal sexual relatns” among mors.


'We're not hidg': Gay and lbian Rsians say a cultural shift is unrway .