Rep. Tulsi Gabbard the early 2000s touted workg for her father’s anti-gay anizatn, which mobilized to pass a measure agast same-sex marriage Hawaii and promoted ntroversial nversn therapy.
In the 2020 electn, every ndidate’s rerd on LGBTQ rights will be cril — and that clus both statements their past and how they’re prentg themselv the media right two years, we’ve lived unr a print who has btally asslted LGBTQ rights at every opportuny, after havg sced a placent media to thkg that he’d evolved too and that he was actually “more acceptg on gay issu, ” as The New York Tim famoly put . Mike Gabbard, a Hawaii legislator who helped drive the fight agast marriage equaly the state, head up the Alliance for Tradnal Marriage and Stop Promotg Homosexualy, which promoted harmful nversn younger Gabbard, elected to the Hawaii legislature herself 2002 at the age of 21, railed agast “homosexual extremists” 2004, g out agast same-sex civil unns her state. That same year she opposed anti-bullyg legislatn meant to protect gay stunts, argug that would teach young people that homosexualy is “normal and natural.
Tulsi Gabbard has recently signaled that her transformatn on LGBTQ rights don't go very Segar / RtersHowever, a 2016 terview wh the publitn Ozy, Gabbard suggted that her personal beliefs on homosexualy actually haven’t changed:It was, she says, the days the Middle East that tght her the dangers of a theocratic ernment “imposg s will” on the people. )It’s not exactly fortg as a gay man to know that a polician cid you should be afford civil rights as a matter of policy while she still personally thks you’re immoral. Bucher plaly said durg his unsuccsful n for Nebraska attorney general, “I do not believe homosexualy should be nsired the same way race or ethnicy is nsired wh regard to anti-discrimatn laws which currently apply to race or ethnicy.
Gabbard takg heat over past anti-gay ments.