'You n't be out': Gay Egyptians ntue to fear persecutn

egyptian lgbt

The Egyptian ernment is refg to regnize the existence of lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people, floutg s rponsibily to protect the rights of everyone.



LGBT Rights Egypt: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * egyptian lgbt *

Media ptn, Watch: Ahmed Shihab-Eld meets a member of the LGBT muny who has been targetedIn Egypt, homosexualy is highly stigmatised, and there have long been allegatns that police are huntg LGBT people onle. Now BBC News has seen evince of how the thori are g datg and social apps to do victims' nam have been changed Havg grown up Egypt, I am aware of the pervasive homophobia that permeat every part of s society. There is no explic law agast homosexualy Egypt, but our vtigatn has found that the crime of "bchery" - a sex work law - is beg ed to crimalise the LGBT muny.

In one transcript, police scribe intifyg a foreigner, who we are llg Matt, on the popular gay datg app Grdr. One such victim, whom we found through the transcripts, was a gay man we are llg Lah.

Lah says the police also tried to get him to rm on other gay people he knew ptn, Lah (right) - the inti of all our ntributors need to be disguisedHow we disguised ntributors' intiFor the BBC documentary Queer Egypt Unr Attack we ed novative face-trackg 3-D maskg to ensure inti remaed protected - the aim was to give the film a more attractive athetic than the ual blobbg technique of disguise allows. '" The Egyptian ernment has spoken publicly about s e of onle surveillance to target what scribed as "homosexual gathergs" 2020, Ahmed Taher, former assistant to the Mister of Interr for Inter Crim and Human Traffickg, told the newspaper Ahl Masr: "We reced police the virtual world to unver the mass of group sex parti, homosexual gathergs. They are forced at knife pot to give their full nam and adm they are gay.


Egyptian police and Natnal Secury Agency officers arbrarily arrt lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people and ta them human ndns, systematilly subject them to ill-treatment cludg torture, and often ce fellow mat to abe them. * egyptian lgbt *

In one of the vios, an 18-year-old gay man we are llg Saeed is forced to, falsely, say he is a sex worker. It shocked me to learn, the urse of vtigatn that one gang lear, Yahia, is gay and actively postg onle about his own sex perhaps giv him a crimal edge - he knows jt how vulnerable his targets are.

And arguably his own posn, as a gay man wh ltle opportuny, fuels his crimaly. ” The report’s ma fdgs clu arbrary arrts of people thought to be LGBTQ; entrapment of gay and bisexual men through social workg and datg apps; and torture and prolonged tament of sexual and genr mori state ctody.


* egyptian lgbt *

Their acunts allege systemic abe throughout the judicial system Egypt, one of approximately 70 untri around the globe that crimaliz homosexualy — whether explicly or jt but three of those prosecuted went by psdonyms the report, for fear of retaliatn by Egyptian thori.

Egypt is one of seven untri that forced anal exams to “prove” a person’s homosexualy, acrdg to Human Rights Ahmed, a 27-year-old transgenr man arrted 2019 and released last month, was placed a women’s prison where he was given an ID rd that said “female” and nied his genr-affirmg treatment, acrdg to the report. A change powerWhile LGBTQ people have long been subjected to homophobia and transphobia Egypt, Youn said the suatn worsened after s current print, Abl-Fattah el-Sissi, took power 2014.

”A major turng pot me September 2017 followg a ncert Cairo by Lebane band Mashrou’ Leila, whose lead sger is openly gay.


Egyptian officials systemilly abe and torture gays, rights group says .