Another Gay Movie - Full Cast & Crew - TV Gui

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BREAKING GLASS Set to Release the Inic "ANOTHER GAY MOVIE"- Includg a Director's Cut Celebratg the Movie's 15TH Anniversary! Cult Comedy ANOTHER GAY MOVIE has Re-Release wh Addnal Scen cludg Mk Stole Homage to Queer RomCom TRICK Starrg Michael Carbonaro, Jonah Blechman, Graham Norton, Richard Hatch, Lypska, Ashley Atkson, Ant, Stt Thompson and so



Another Gay Movie (2006) st and crew creds, cludg actors, actrs, directors, wrers and more. * anther gay movie *

A scene om the film "Another Gay Movie. Andy (Michael Carbonaro), Jarod (Jonathan Chase), Ni (Jonah Blechman) and Griff (Mch Morris) are gay teens and recent high-school graduat.

Cric Reviews for Another Gay Movie. Audience Reviews for Another Gay Movie. Its about four gay iends, the summer before llege, on a missn to get laid.


Andy (Michael Carbonaro), Jarod (Jonathan Chase), Ni (Jonah Blechman) and Griff (Mch Morris) are gay teens and recent high-school graduat. The four iends are also virgs, and make a pact to lose their nocence before they leave for llege the fall. * anther gay movie *

Along the way they meet their fair share of weird characters and 's pretty much the same as 1000 other g of age teen edi, except for the gay part...

If you are a homo-fob, dont watch this one. In the dirtit, funnit, most sndalo gay-teen-sex-edy-parody ever, four young gay iends make a pact to lose their virgy by the end of the summer.


In the dirtit, funnit, most sndalo gay-teen-sex-edy-parody ever, four young gay iends make a pact to lose their virgy by the end of the... * anther gay movie *

Perhaps that’s why a film like 2006’s Another Gay Movie feels so taboo, even today. In a time when “gay g-of-age stori” were still synonymo wh “g out stori, ” Stephens envisned a lorful fantasy world where the closet didn’t even exist and his characters uld stead worry about what any other teen worried about: Havg sex.

Fifteen years later, Another Gay Movie is the fn of a cult edy.


Another Gay Movie wrer-director Todd Stephens and st members cludg Michael Carbonaro, Ashlie Atkson, and Lypska rne for the first time 15 years to explore the film's legacy. Will the provotive parody still feel relevant today, or jt offensive? * anther gay movie *

Tastels or not, Another Gay Movie was groundbreakg s pictn of the msy sex liv of gay men, and s ankns has ma a fg (and tnal! In celebratn of the film’s 15th anniversary, a “Director’s Cut” re-release provis an opportuny to reach new dienc, which rais the qutn: Will a provotive product of s time like Another Gay Movie still feel relevant today, or will jt feel offensive?


Another Gay Movie (15 Year Anniversary Director's Cut) : Michael Carbonaro, Jonah Blechman, Jonathan Chase, Mch Morris, Todd Stephens: Movi & TV * anther gay movie *

What follows is the five oral history of Another Gay Movie.

All creds refer to Another Gay Movie unls otherwise A. Club also had the honor of rng director Todd Stephens wh his Another Gay Movie st for the first time over 15 years. At the tail end of the , filmmaker Todd Stephens found succs wh the gay g-of-age feature Edge Of Seventeen, which he wrote for director David Moreton.


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” Then they’d say, “Well, ’s got this gay element, but ’s not gay enough. ” I was really tryg to fd a wir dience, but, back those days, the feelg was that most gay stori were only seen by gay dienc.

I thought, “What do you mean ’s not gay enough? Fuck you; I’m gog to give them the gayt movie ever ma!

” Another Gay Movie really was born out of feelg hurt and a rejectn, to some extent. Todd Stephens on the set of Another Gay MoviePhoto: Chris Stephens/Breakg Glass PicturMch Morris, “Griff”: For some historil ntext, this was the peak [Gee W.


* anther gay movie *

There’s Will And Grace, which allowed everybody to lgh wh gay people stead of at them. From there, there’s this wellsprg of all the gay movi jt croppg up.


Another Gay Movie (No sólo otra película gay) una película dirigida por Todd Stephens n Jonathan Chase, Jonah Blechman. Sopsis : La historia se centra en cuatro jóven que lo úni que tiene en ún que son gays, pero por todo lo más son muy diferent. Andy, tá obsnado n el sexo y pasa el día * anther gay movie *

Todd Stephens: I was my unrwear foldg lndry wh my now hband, Tim [Kaltenecker]—we’ve been together for a ln years—and somehow the ia jt popped to my head: “What about a gay Amerin Pie?

So I knew the genre, and I thought that was a great way , to spoof all the gay films that I loved. At the time, so many gay films took themselv so serly, and so much of the nflict was the very fact of beg gay—cludg Edge Of Seventeen. So I wanted to make a movie where beg gay wasn’t the nflict, ’s jt the teenagers tryg to get laid like any other teenager wants to do.

I thought there was somethg revolutnary about havg a stupid movie for gay people. Jonathan Chase, “Jarod”: It was the Amerin Pie for the gay muny. For once, gay kids wouldn’t have to translate that stuff to their lived Stephens: I was fely pullg spiratn om the c humor that was big edy at the time, and that’s a different si of me.


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I’m a Gemi, so I have that more ser, heartfelt si—that’s where Edge Of Seventeen and [the upg] Swan Song me om—but that’s the part of me that got hurt bee of the Gypsy ’83 rejectn, so that’s why I wrote Another Gay Movie. Sure, ’s makg fun of our day-to-day gay liv, but also celebratg a very sex-posive way. Mch Morris: From the begng, I always felt a great sense of fiance Another Gay Movie.


The outrago gay edy, Another Gay Movie, is gettg a15th Anniversary Director's Cut wh never-before-seen footage on April 27th. * anther gay movie *

We were dog somethg that we weren’t sure we uld get away Another Gay Movie wrten, Stephens and his llaborators ma plans to stage live readgs of the script at queer film ftivals, both as dry ns for the joke-heavy dialogue, and to build buzz among dienc and potential fanciers. At that pot, they were jt askg me to do the live readg at the Philalphia Gay And Lbian Film Ftival 2004. Todd was tryg to get the muny there— felt like was the whole gay world.

” I probably would have done anyway right out the gate movie, but there was an easg to that ma a big proven self an dience favore, Another Gay Movie was ready to make the move om stage to screen. The creative team worked hard to stretch their funds and build the gay fantasy world of their dreams, all a historic neighborhood south of Stephens: So I had partnered up wh TLA, which still exists; they were this big distributor of gay films, and they were actually puttg the movi to theaters. They had done Latter Days and Boy Culture, the other die gay films I really liked.

He pletely unrstood and supported Another Gay Movie one-hundred percent, and he really helped fd a big chunk of the money to make the movie Blechman: It was a most budget, paratively, but pennt queer cema has not had that kd of budget sce. It’s like this subverted nostalgia world where ’s like, “What if the gay teen really uld jt worry about gettg laid like everyone else? ]Jarod (Jonathan Chase) and Griff (Mch Morris) get playful by the poolPhoto: Chris Stephens/Breakg Glass PicturMeanwhile, Another Gay Movie still need to round out s st.


Fd out how to watch Another Gay Movie. Stream Another Gay Movie, watch trailers, see the st, and more at TV Gui" data-hid="scriptn * anther gay movie *

While a few big nam passed on the opportuny, others were eager to play, imbug the film wh more gay ’s Parents (Stt Thompson and Lypska)Photo: Chris Stephens / Breakg Glass PicturTodd Stephens: Stt Thompson and Lypska were part of some of the st readgs, so we were lucky to have them for the film too, as Andy’s parents. But I thk he was workg on velopg an Amerin show at the time, which is hilar to thk he would make Another Gay Movie his troductn to Amerin dienc.

So I was sad when didn’t work out wh him, bee we wanted to get a “gay elr” to play that. Jonathan Chase: We started wh the fortabily bar pretty high bee we rehearsed at some blackbox space, or some rental space, and they were shootg a gay porn next door. Usually sets that move that quickly are strsful bee there’s no time to waste—you’ve got to get everythg spot on—but was such a fun (Jonah Blechman) shar some big news wh his mother (Stephanie McVay)Photo: Chris Stephens/Breakg Glass PicturIn what beme one of Another Gay Movie’s most memorable scen, Stephens uldn’t rist spoofg the most predictable of queer cema trop, the g out scene.

He took spiratn om his own work, Edge Of Seventeen, stagg Ni’s emotnal nfsn to his mother the exact same way as the drama’s emotnal climax—but wh a hilar Stephens: The whole pot of Another Gay Movie was that I didn’t want beg gay to be part of the nflict—I didn’t want any of the characters to have shame about that. So to [spoof] that scene— uld only work if was as heartfelt and vulnerable as ’s (Michael Carbonaro) morng gets terpted by his parents (Lypska, Stt Thompson)Photo: Chris Stephens/Breakg Glass PicturLike many of the teen edi of s time, Another Gay Movie was not aaid to show some sk.


Fd out where to watch, buy, and rent Another Gay Movie onle on Moviefone * anther gay movie *

And everyone kd of signed their Stephens: I really wanted to see our liv—gay liv—reprented. Like, straight people got to have real kiss movi, so why do have to be a fake kiss a gay movie? [Lghs]Andy (Michael Carbonaro) daydreams about his teacherPhoto: Chris Stephens / Breakg Glass PicturBy sprg of 2006, Stephens was ready to unleash Another Gay Movie onto the world.

Suffice to say, not every dience was ready to see “the gayt movie ever ma.

Michael Carbonaro: Cut to two days later at the Miami Gay And Lbian Film Ftival, the film plays like a roller aster ri.

Andy (Michael Carbonaro), Jarod (Jonathan Chase), Ni (Jonah Blechman) and Griff (Mch Morris) are gay teens and recent high-school graduat. The f…" class="ember-view * anther gay movie *

The dience was all gay, so was ma for them, and they ate up. It was that tone that Another Gay Movie took, that hadn’t really been seen before—they need , we need that.

” But the other one jt hated and thought played to all the offensive old stereotyp about how gays only want sex and thgs like that. Wh the future of their reers qutn, not everyone was able to show their support for Another Gay Movie. Michael Carbonaro: I was never out to prs durg any of Another Gay Movie.

At the time, we were all jt beg y, like, “Some of are [gay], some of aren’t, but we won’t say who! ” I gus there was—and I’m sure there still is today—the ncern that, if you were gay, you uldn’t play Blechman: In my own reer, I started off film kissg Leonardo DiCapr, and after playg a queer character that film the early ’90s, I end up losg my agents and managers bee of other rol that were g that were queer.

Learn more about the full st of Another Gay Movie wh news, photos, vios and more at TV Gui" data-hid="scriptn * anther gay movie *

Jonathan’s a straight actor, I was a gay actor tryg to fd my way through a very homophobic bs, a lot of rpects.

A lot of young actors and actrs—gay, straight and everythg between—were tryg to fd their reers through playg rol films that meant a lot to them.


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