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A mon characteristic of an Emo boy. The fashn of an emo has some siari to a gay but many emo boys are fact bisexual or gay. Peopl opns of Emo boys kissg sayg they do this jt bee of publicy is ridiculo as many gay teenagers turn to the emo stereotype bee of the emo muny beg ee of prejudic. As a gay teenager you have a lot of soul searchg and a troubled time and may bee prsed this is also how they are most sued to an emo culture." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * emo gay boy *

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It seems like every gay guy out there is a bottom, and when you thk you've met someone who's fely a He too is a bottom.

The fashn of an emo has some siari to a gay but many emo boys are fact bisexual or gay.


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Peopl opns of Emo boys kissg sayg they do this jt bee of publicy is ridiculo as many gay teenagers turn to the emo stereotype bee of the emo muny beg ee of prejudic. As a gay teenager you have a lot of soul searchg and a troubled time and may bee prsed this is also how they are most sued to an emo culture. Emo1: oh I see, he is an emo gay, why do that make him happy though.

Emo2: might be becuase he has found the emo gay mug. A homophobic term ed to emphasize the fact that emo kids, while beg trendy and annoyg, are awome bee they don't nform to genr rol, rultg homophob g their narrow-md logic to e to the ncln that emo kids are gay. Hello there n-on the emo gay mug.


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