Is Macklemore Gay? Rapper Says ‘Alright ... We’re Gay!’ [VIDEO]

mackelmore gay

Contrary to speculatn, Macklemore isn't gay. Many fans had assumed the rapper was after he released the song 'Same Love', which talks about legalisg same-sex marriage. The vio for the song was featured YouTube's Pri Week. I an terview wh Chelsea Handler on Chelsea Lately, Macklemore acknowledged the mours about his sexualy, but nfirmed that he was engaged to long-term girliend Tricia Davis." name="scriptn



* mackelmore gay *

Many onle ers wonred whether Macklemore, the man behd hs such as “Thrift Shop, ” was gay after the Macklemore & Ryan Lewis song “Same Love” about marriage equaly was released. ” Handler that pot, the Seattle rapper, 30, explaed that if Google Search ers type “is” or “Macklemore” to the search text box, one of the first thgs that up reads, “Is Macklemore gay. “We met on Myspace, ” Lewis told the talk-show Handler jokgly wonred whether anyone still ed Myspace, Macklemore threw his hands up the air and said, “All right, fe, we’re gay!


"Same Love" rapper Macklemore said he is not gay, spe what Inter mors might lead people to believe. * mackelmore gay *

” And she quipped, “That do sound pretty gay, ” which led the “Thrift Shop” star to bow his head once aga and say, “Y. As far as wag to wed until everyone n, the Seattle rapper has been an outspoken advote of gay rights, wh his Mary Lambert llaboratn “Same Love” peakg at No. A seven-mute plea for tolerance (namely polics and hip hop), the track has oted Gaga’s "Born This Way" as pop mic's premiere Gay Battle Cry, rightly nmng "right wg nservativ [who] thk 's a cisn, and you n be cured wh some treatment and relign.


Macklemore & Ryan Lewis "Same Love": When I was the third gra I thought that I was gay 'Cse I uld draw, my uncle was, and I kept... * mackelmore gay *

It’s time for the LGBT muny to stop fearg the word “choice, ” and to reclaim the digny of sexual aversn to that word our muny stems om belief that if we n’t prove that our gayns is blogilly termed, then we won’t have grounds to mand equaly.


Macklemore took to the Grammy stage January wh Madonna to perform their pro-gay equaly anthem Same Love featurg sger Mary Lambert. Macklemore and Lewis wrote the song durg the mpaign… * mackelmore gay *

Perhaps the L and G factns of our muny would do well to follow the polil lead of the Bs and Ts on this of the reasons I thk our activism is so sistent on sexual rigidy is bee, our ph to make gay rights the new black rights, we’ve nflated the two issu. Argug that gayns is as geilly fixed as race might have bolstered our rhetoric a few years ago, but is necsary to argue that way now? I unrstand that the geic argument for homosexualy is a direct rponse to the tired “You weren’t born that way” rhetoric of relig people.

Wh that md, should we ntue to believe that people will only accept our gayns if they are ma to believe we didn’t choose ?


Top-sellg rap artist Macklemore’s h song “Same Love” hip-hop to promote marriage equaly. But, as a straight, whe, middle-class man, do Macklemore have the right to make money off the gay rights movement or even ll himself a hip-hop artist? The were some of the qutns addrsed profsor Chadwick Robert’s Out to Lunch... * mackelmore gay *

And sofar as enurag many straight and gay people alike to be open to nontradnal forms of love, I hope he keeps sgg for many years to, whenever the song shuffl across my iPod, I n’t help wonrg whether Macklemore would have thought I served a song even if I told him that I uld, fact, change this if I tried, if I wanted to. Seattle Rapper Macklemore Talks Growg Up Catholic Wh Gay Uncl Earlier this year, Macklemore released the touchg pro-gay marriage track "Same Love. " When Fe talked wh him at Lollapalooza 2012, the Seattle rapper—who is straight, BTW—revealed that the homophobic tennci of his mil and relig backgrounds ma him want to tackle the subject.


WATCH: Macklemore On The Very Personal Inspiratn Behd His Gay Marriage Anthem * mackelmore gay *

I grew up the Catholic Church, I grew up wh two gay uncl and a gay godfather, and I grew up the hip hop muny.

So the Catholic Church and hip hop muny are known as beg very homophobic muni a lot of ways, " Macklemore says. "I touched on g om that perspective, and also g om the perspective of havg gay people my fay and seeg exampl of mted, betiful relatnships that have gone on for the last 20, 30 years. "Dpe his progrsive attu, Macklemore adms he and his producer Ryan Lewis ed to ll thgs "gay" until recently.

Uncle Ed's Bucket List Gay Pri for the Gay Bri Soundcloud Rappers Universy Plastic Surgery Talks Wh Dr.

An award-wng rapper and mpaigner for gay rights, Macklemore has domated hip-hop recent years alongsi Ryan Lewis, wh songs cludg 'Thrift Shop'." name="scriptn * mackelmore gay *

In 2014, the duo won four Grammys, cludg the prize for Bt New Artist, and released their sophomore effort This Unly Ms I've Ma two years later.

Macklemore, sger and songwrer, his song “Same Love” foc on the issu of discrimatn based on sexualy, gay rights, and marriage equaly. Macklemore’s purpose is to create awarens for pro-gay marriage and relig discrimatn orr to get people to realize that * mackelmore gay *

terview, gay, equaly, same love, lgbt, llaboratn, macklemore, ryan lewis, chelsea handler, chelsea lately, london, newssk. Macklemore then explaed that he first met Lewis on social workg se Myspace and after a b of jtg om host Chelsea Handler, he threw his hands up and joked: "Fe, we’re gay!

Macklemore took to the Grammy stage January wh Madonna to perform their pro-gay equaly anthem Same Love featurg sger Mary Lambert. Their tentns are well meang: the song’s msage is tend to read that gay and straight love is one the same, but the realy is much more nuanced. In a song that discs gay rights a largely black-domated genre, we n’t certaly n’t discs one whout the other.

Same Love almost certaly wouldn’t have gotten so much attentn had they not been, for the fact that the are men who live outsi of the world of the mori that might have been expected to produce a pro-gay rap.

How a straight whe rapper om Seattle wrote hip-hop’s first gay anthem. * mackelmore gay *

In fact, there’s an entire sub-genre of hip-hop posed of queer artists known as “Homo Hop, ” which Haggerty pletely ignor wh his lyric, “If I were gay, I would thk hip-hop hat me. ”It’s possible that both he and DeGener were eher unaware of the genre at the time or that they perhaps meant mastream hip hop, ’s not as if other rap artists haven’t spoken publicly favor for gay rights.


Sexualy: Is Macklemore Gay? - Macklemore: 11 Facts About The 'Thrift Shop'... - Capal XTRA .