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class="label">3</div></a></div><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><a role="button" href="javascript:void(0)" class="post-ufi-button style-button no-in has-label wh-borr"><div class="label">Share</div></a></div></div></div></div><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class class><div class="available-ntent"><div dir="to" class="body markup"><p>Okay, I didn't immediately take ENQUIRER articl edor Steve Herz serly when he said I was head to Miami Beach bee Gee Clooney is shacked up wh his male hairdrser.</p><p>Herz explaed that the tip had been phoned by a pretty reliable source. A realist, however, Herz doubted the rmatn but his boss wanted checked out.</p><p>So off I drove om the magaze's headquarters Lantana, Fl., down I-95 to always-happeng South Beach and the very posh Delano hotel, where Clooney was ridg.</p><p>He was town shootg scen for the 1998 film "Out of Sight," -starrg Jennifer Lopez. Gay mors always surround Clooney. I thought they were pretty ridiculo. The guy obvly liked women. He always had a babe on his arm those days before he got married..</p><p>The Delano is one of those ultra-chic hnts of the very rich and famo. Its private ocean beachont is jt steps away om the hotel. Whimsil art- stylg is everywhere -- giant chs piec on a patch of grass, a pool signed at one end wh a set of steps that gave the illn you were walkg on water and room wall mounts that held a real apple. Don't ask me why?</p><p>The tipster said Clooney was stayg one of the pricey poolsi duplex bungalows. There were a dozen of the luxur digs, attached and lg one si of the pool. One was available and booked my name. I was not worthy of the place.</p><p> When I checked was eveng and was que a sight seeg the special quarters, long whe curtas danglg down and billowg the wd over the fas of the two-story stctur.</p><p>This, of urse, was not an assignment where you announced you were om the Natnal ENQUIRER. Jt nose around. See if this thg about Clooney is really te.</p><p>Bellhops are always a wealth of rmatn. The fellow who showed me to my duplex seemed an amiable sort. I said I'd heard a lot of celebri stay the hotel. Were there any here now?</p><p>U2 was stayg there. They had a ncert performance South Beach g up.</p><p>Anybody else?</p><p>Batman, the bellhop said. I thought he was talkg about Clooney but he meant Michael Keaton. Intertg. Two Batmans rince.</p><p>Who else?</p><p>You know that guy om E.R.?</p><p>Gee Clooney, I said.</p><p>Yeah.</p><p>Is he here wh some girliend?</p><p>No, the bellhop said. He's stayg wh some guy. A look of disgt me over his face.</p><p>Where's his room?</p><p>The bellhop poted to the locked downstairs door leadg to the attached bungalow next door.</p><p>Clooney was my next-door neighbor. I lled Herz. Could this tip be te?</p><p>There were no lights on Clooney's bungalow, so I wanred over to the square-shaped poolsi bar, sat down and ma iendly wh a male gut who was enjoyg a few.</p><p>Three stunng young ladi sat across om and soon we were all chattg. The gals were mols. One of them had an assignment and was ridg one of the poolsi bungalows. The other two were her good iends, mols she hadn't seen a while. So she ved them over to stay wh her for the length of her shoot and have some fun.</p><p>It was gettg late. The mols left and I spent another hour at the bar tryg to thk if there was any way I uld further this story along. I figured I uld always listen at the nnectg door to see if heard any signifint sounds. I was hopg I didn't have to do that.</p><p>On the walk back to my bungalow I bumped to one of the mols, stg on a poolsi lounge. I sat down on another one. She was very iendly and I took a chance, thkg that she, or one of the other gals, might have bumped to the actor.</p><p>I told her who I was and that I was tryg to figure out if Gee Clooney was sleepg wh some guy. And this is what she said, "You mean Waldo? He's si fuckg my girliend."</p><p>Te. The mol ved me si her bungalow and promised she wouldn’t say I was a tabloid reporter. One of her girliends was stg on the downstairs uch. The other was g down the spiral stairse om the bedroom area wh this good-lookg du followg her.</p><p>We all sat around havg drks. I got to know Waldo a b, although he didn't reveal too much about any relatnship wh Gee Clooney. I still hadn't nfirmed whether he was a hairdrser.</p><p>The mols soon put on mic that drowned out any further nversatn and they started dancg around the livg room. I loved the kds of assignments.</p><p>Waldo and the girls eventually head off to some after-hours club. One of the young ladi borrowed my p to wear. I went to bed.</p><p>Early the next morng, I told Herz about Waldo and the girls and that Waldo was stayg wh Clooney, but this Waldo guy sure isn't gay, I said. He's fuckg mols.</p><p>Herz said he'd have our rearch people look for any publitns that might have mentned a Waldo nnectn wh Clooney.</p><p>He lled back and we had a story. Waldo Sanchez was ed a hairdrser. He had an L.A. salon. And y he did Clooney's hair on a lot of  his movi. One article mentned Waldo was a longtime iend of Clooney.</p><p>The actor obvly dragged his buddy along to cut his hair for the movi, make him some money, hang out wh him, and meet many honeys. We should all have a iend like that.</p><p>When I walked out of my bungalow that morng, Waldo was stg wh Clooney on the small, ont pat outsi their door. "Hey Don," Waldo said, greetg me. I asked if the girl still had my hat. He said she did.</p><p>Then he troduced me to Clooney. I shook his hand and asked if he was makg a movie. He said was a bank robbery thg. I didn't bother him anymore. I went and got my hat back, went si the bungalow and started to wre.</p><p>"Gee Clooney sleeps wh his male hairdrser," the piece began, "but 's not what you thk."</p></div></div><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class="post-footer"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flexGrow--mx4xz ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-16--TpblU ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-y-16--ohCEm ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-top-tail-themed--e17yZ ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-bottom-tail-themed--eVwFY post-ufi"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><div class="like-button-ntaer post-ufi-button style-button"><a role="button" class="post-ufi-button style-button no-label wh-borr"><svg role="img" style="height: 20px; width: 20px;" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="#000000" stroke-width="2" stroke="#000" xmlns=" class="in"><g><tle>

george clonney gay

The Osr-nomated actor has spoken out about the speculatn surroundg his sexualy an terview wh U.S. based natnal gay and lbian news magaze, The Advote.



Actor Gee Clooney Googled himself ont of Esquire and addrsed the var mors that popped up. On his alleged fd wh Fab: &quot;There is a moment when you are actually the argument and you&#39;re thkg, &#39;If I do get beaten down by Fab, that will be far worse than the pa. I wouldn&#39;t shake that.&#39;&quot; On beg lled &quot;gay, gay, gay:&quot; &quot;No, I&#39;m gay, gay. The third gay – that was phg .&quot; [People] * george clonney gay *

' That would be unfair and unkd to my good iends the gay muny, " Clooney explas. "I'm not gog to let anyone make seem like beg gay is a bad thg. " PHOTOS: Out and proud stars Clooney, who is currently datg Stacy Keibler, adds: "Who do hurt if someone thks I'm gay?


* george clonney gay *

I'll be long ad and there will still be people who say I was gay.

Gee Clooney Explas How Gay He Is, Exactly. '" On beg lled "gay, gay, gay:" "No, I'm gay, gay.


Gay man posg as journalist strips for Clooney at film ftival prs nference. * george clonney gay *

The third gay – that was phg . I suppose I n see why you'd get "gay" om that?

For the rerd, we've said before that Clooney is probably straight (our evince: what gay guy would put up wh Renee Zellweger? Asked if he’d ever play a gay role, Clooney says he already did — as Batman.


The Osr wner recently opened up to Esquire U.K. about his sexualy the ver story for the magaze’s January 2014 issue.“[A headle read] ‘Gee Clooney’s Gay-Gay-Gay.’ And I said, ‘I’m ... * george clonney gay *

I ma him gay. Well, the on of him beg gay, of urse.

They thk that Gee is actually gay, and that all of his recent girliends were jt his beards. But – the bld em stat that he’s bisexual, not gay. Is Gee Clooney gay?

I'm not gog to say they weren't extremely wild but was like most gay parti at the time jt wh... A iend sang on his show a few tim when she was a kid (tho she never pursued show biz) and said even then she knew he was gay but he treated her like a dghter; very affectnate, lled to check on her, Christmas and birthday Anonymoreply 2June 18, 2015 8:23 PM.


My elr gay uncle says the mors were started by those who hated Merv for beg a huge donatg Anonymoreply 21June 19, 2015 3:43 AM. I read that nnectn that closeted men wh power are much more likely to sexually molt than openly gays; I thk the closeted wh power are generally at a high risk to sexually molt, is an outlet for Anonymoreply 22June 19, 2015 3:43 AM.


Ter had had plenty of gay male sex (that I know for sure) and that the harassment was more extortn. Ryan Gaycrt probably was kept by Anonymoreply 26June 19, 2015 4:24 AM. Tony is married, still hot, has several kids (that Merv adored) and his (gay) mom attend his dad's funeral wh he and his Anonymoreply 31June 19, 2015 4:40 AM.

One of the most tratg thgs about Merv Griff is that some of the biggt idts the gay media like Darw Porter seized upon his closeted life and have produced such unbelievable "facts" about him that 's very hard to tell now what actually happened and what was vented.

Well, not sure about Gee but do believe he's gay as for Merv a iend told me that he was known as the Kg of ep throatg cks and drag them was obssed wh suckg ck dry to the bone! One such tidb was that Gee is gay, and somethg to the effect of, he wants to live a life of luxury and if he has to play the Hollywood game and stay closeted, ’s worth to him.


Annoyg homosexual Gee Clooney was born (to a powerful showbiz fay) wh a silver spoon her mouth, she has never had a need to open her large bunghole to anyone but the hottt and largt sizemeats!

'I don't give a s*** if people thk I'm gay': Gee Clooney addrs sexualy mours for first time He has dated a slew of beti, cludg Italian TV prenter Elisabetta Canalis, Brish mol Lisa Snown and currently former WWE wrtler Stacey Keibler.


But over the years the 50-year-old Hollywood heartthrob has ntuoly been the target of gay now the Osr-nomated actor has spoken out about the speculatn an terview wh U. Based natnal gay and lbian news magaze, The Advote. Based natnal gay and lbian news magaze, The Advote that he don't re if people thk he is gay The Dcendants star says that he don't re if people thk he is gay and would never ny or fe when to his sexualy, bee would be 'unfair and unkd' to his close iends who are homosexual.

" That would be unfair and unkd to my good iends the gay muny, ' he told the publitn.


Quote by Gee Clooney: “At some pot our lifetime, gay marriage won...”.